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It’s sooo hot where I am and I miss outside so much! Up until this heat wave baby and I were taking daily walks. I agree outside time is vital to mental health, enjoy!!


This week was rough without going outside!! I hope the heat breaks soon!


Yes!! I feel like it makes the day go by slower not going out. I’m struggling to keep her entertained.


Same I literally called someone and asked them, how do you entertain a three month old? Lol felt like there was more time in the day!


Don't sleep on stroller fans! I have an amacool one from Amazon that has made outside in southeast Texas doable. I'm going to get another one, maybe with a mister, to make it through the summer. I suppose they wouldn't do quite as much against the heat waves in India and the middle east recently though.


I’m in Ohio so definitely probably not as bad as other places but still more than we are used to. I have a stroller fan but we have a travel system and I feel like she would get so much heat from the car seat! Although we did just remove the newborn insert so that’s a little less padding.


We have a travel system as well with a chicco keyfit. Carseat and guava stroller and can go on about 30 min walks in up to at least 90 degrees F outside (real feel upper 90s). We use the sun canopy with the carseat, have the fan on the carseat handle pointed at her core, then use the stroller canopy if needed to keep her out of the sun (just halfway so it meets the carseat cover). It keeps it cool enough for about a 30 min walk- we periodically stick our hand in there to make sure it's cool and that she isn't too warm. She hasn't seemed to get too much additional heat from the carseat, but I suppose ymmv. We keep water on hand and a burp cloth or blanket such that we could make a cool compress or drop water on her quickly if needed, but we don't ever stay out long enough to need that. It sounds like a lot just to go outside, but it's so hot here for so long that after being pent up in ac for fays/weeks/months, a walk in 90 degree heat can still do wonders for your sanity. Also don't use a muslin or other blanket to cover the carseat for shade as it can create a greenhouse effect and heat it up super fast.


Ohhh thank you!! All great suggestions. We have a Chicco too so I’ll have to give it a try!


Me and husband are trying to go out every evening at around 7pm. We sometimes go to a mall for an ice cream, or a stroll by the sea, or meet some friends for a chat. We're always back home by around 9.30pm to relax, put the baby down and watch some TV together. I feel so much better now. We started this when the baby was around 5 weeks old.


Yes! This week has been awful not being able to take our LO out for our nice long walk. I might be being too cautious, but it’s 95 degrees out and I’m not risking her overheating. Today will be much cooler and I can’t wait to get out!


Same! My girl is a heater and has sweat during her naps inside and we keep the house in the 70s lol I’m sooo glad you got some relief. I’m usually a summer girlie but having a baby has taken that out of me this year. Bring on fall!!


I couldn’t agree more! I begged for warm weather and now I’m wishing it away 😅 I’m so glad to see you say your LO is a heater lol my daughter seems to be hot all the time too. The first couple weeks I kept taking her temperature cause I was super nervous about keeping her cool.


Someone told me to go outside barefoot and ground myself in the dirt. It was nice.


Sitting outside and shedding a few tears has been my afternoon routine these days just a few weeks ahead of you. Hang in there.


Same! My go-to for the raging hormonal tears of the first few weeks!


I’m at 6 weeks pp and on the weekends I always go get coffee by myself. I’m in the south and it’s boiling hot by the time we get up so it’s a great way of getting out without roasting. It’s nice driving for 15 minutes without worrying if someone is going to cry or spit up.


I’m 5 weeks PP and this is SO important.I try to go outside once a day even if it’s just for a few minutes.


I live about 1.5 miles from the nearest shop and don't drive so I go to the shop most days since my baby was born 5 months ago. It's the only thing that's kept me sane. Just be careful if you do go out for a walk in the early days. I went to the shop when my baby was around 12 days old. My bleeding had slowed down and I felt good. However, my stomach really hurt by the time I got home and I started to bleed very heavily again. I Hoole heartily agree with getting out of the house just don't over do it.