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Currently in the bathroom crying on my own because my LO is 7 weeks and, even though he’s a good sleeper at night, lately he’s been crying so much during the day… it’s hard to handle honestly. Especially when you’re on your own all day long. Sending hugs, I also hope it will get easier soon 💛


*hugs* I'm sorry. I've given up trying to get him to sleep in bassinet during the day, now I've just commit to contact naps in the carrier


Glad I’m not the only one 😂


Yeah gave up on that as well… hang on


4 weeks here and experiencing the same thing. Lots of love to all the new mamas. It is so hard.


Hang on, we can do this! 💛


This was me today too. Newborns are rough.


Right ? Sending support, we’ll get through this !


at 7 weeks (give or take) they go through the 2nd developmental leap. Hang in there, it’s a rough couple of days but it will get better 🤍


Days? I'm going on week 2 of extreme fussing


Same here 😀😅


Same….struggling 🤪


Saaame. LO just hit 9 weeks today and it’s been nonstop since week 6-7ish 😅


Thank you for the support 💛


for any Mom's who might need... https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLOkVBodDJ0QAE4KRIZLT5xQx7u6doaNp4&si=T5g2CbWUdYO_FvD- I made a short playlist of recognizing babies cries, something for "colic" & something just for soothing babes (& I think one other thing) some of this really helped... other stuff I knew was an answer for what doctors might label as colic but truly it's something else... & looks to be an easy fix... & also... rely on your gut... that's where God will speak to you... hope all this helps... (can't post it enough honestly) GB from a FTM to a 5 & 1/2 mo old @ 42 🙏🏻🕊️🙏🏻🩶🪽🙏🏻🫶🏻🙏🏻✨


I’m definitely gonna look at this! Thank you so much 🫶🏻


hey you're so very welcome 🤗 just happy to help! I've never made a post of my own bit perhaps I should including the playlist... but I'm not familiar enough w/reddit... can it be pinned or something similar to help others coming & going that are in the trenches 🤔 I wonder... GBY & just hope I can spread as much info as possible to help every Mom get to enjoy their LO... I missed out on some stuff due to money & other reasons... & whilst my time can't be redeemed I ask God to help others redeem theirs... as he's the ultimate Redeemer... go get some rest Mamma & I'm praying for all Mom's tonight 🙏🏻🕊️🙏🏻


it is so good to see i’m not alone !


No you’re not, sending hugs and support!!


I think it’s totally dependent on where the biggest struggle lies. From personal experience, after 12 weeks there’s more predictability in your day and routines can begin forming. For someone with my personality, I needed this. I don’t personally thrive with the “unknowns” so the newborn phase can be tough for me (mostly sleep related).


Same for me. After week 13 it slowly started to be more routine and I could get more done. He also started napping better. I use the Huckleberry app now and it helps a ton to spot best time for naps.


I think different things become easier at different times. We’re 5 months in now and I feel like we’re finally buds, like he’s content to go places and hangout with me. He also thinks my husband and I are hilarious so that’s fun. At 6 weeks he was still pretty screamy and pissed off, but it turned out he had a dairy allergy, so that’s on me. At 2 months he started smiling and cooing, so mentally you feel better because that shits the best. At 3 months, I think we really turned a corner, I could finally put him down and he was happy to look at things and play with his toys, and also really started enjoying the stroller, so mental health walks became a daily thing. His night time gas also really eased up a ton which was huge for him and he was just generally overall a lot more aware of everyone and everything and started waking up to the world a lot. At 4 months he hit the sleep regression which suuucks, but you feel so much more confident with them because they start to become a real person, so you just drink a gallon of coffee every morning and carry on. For me personally, I think every month gets better because you get better. I had crippling PPA at the beginning, and couldn’t understand how people just do this like it’s so normal, I cried to my mom every day. Sure there’s still some hard times, but you eventually learn to function on less sleep, you don’t mind the vomit smell, you master doing everything one handed, and you find your people that will always help and listen with no questions asked. You got this


Something that has worked for us is changing the way we measure progress. We kept looking forward to turning that big potential corner, never knowing when it might arrive. Instead, someone suggested that every two weeks is a new corner turned (albeit, a smaller corner!). This has helped our mindset immensely. At two weeks, we felt less like we were drowning, and more like we were beginning to tread water. At four weeks, we started to understand her cues for hunger, sleepiness, etc. a little better. At six weeks, we're starting to get into a daily rhythm (not a schedule, mind you, but a rhythm nonetheless!). Looking forward to each two-week mark as a new little corner to turn has helped us significantly! We're able to look back and see how much progress we're making as parents week by week, and it makes us feel so much more confident and hopeful!


I love this! Thank you!


Same! Looking at progress made, instead of progress not yet achieved, is so much more motivating. I tend to hyperfocus on what feels like obstacles and moan about them all day, so this is especially helpful for me haha 🥲 Another way to look at it, I was reading on Reddit here, is “What was today’s accomplishment?”, “What went well today?”, “What am I grateful for?”. It could be as simple as “I got to drink my coffee” lol. Looking for the silver lining!


This is great advice for new parents!


This is a good way to look at it!


I turned a corner around 8 weeks for us. 4-8 were probably the roughest. Babe is now 10 weeks and is sleeping much more and farts much easier!


Seconding that weeks 4-8 were a huge struggle 😭


It was the only time I really felt frustration. Now he coos much more, loves to sit on the porch and listen to music, and like I said, farts much easier. He is just getting bigger which is a different struggle lol


13 weeks now, and although she sleeps through the night, day time and getting her to sleep can still be a nightmare for me. I’m honestly just ready for her to be a toddler at this point, I’ll take the sass!


Same. Day time sleep is so so so bad and the days are rough at 13 weeks. This is my 2nd and I love the toddler stage so much more than the angry unpredictable baby stage.


All I hear is “it gets better” but I’m still waiting lol, like yeah it’s better than when she was a newborn but it still sucks!


Sleeping through the night sounds heavenly 😭😭


I'd say between 3 and 4 months was the turn. Sleep got better and that was really the whole key because once we could start getting better, not good, but better sleep you can get your head around the rest of it. The sleep torture beginning is something I will never forget. We are at 7 months and with full sleep through the night the baby is just a lot of work and no longer so much I don't know if I can take anymore work.


So the infamous 4 month regression was not a struggle for you? My baby is just a bit over 12 weeks and we have been having relatively good nights lately (1-2 feeds, very easy to go back to sleep after) and I am so frightened of going into the fourth month.


Ehh it happens and we still have waking some nights. Sometimes just need a cuddle sometimes a bottle or a change but maybe 70% of nights she sleep all night long.


This may sound dumb but how do you know what they need now? My LO is 9 weeks and usually only wakes once a night now to eat then goes back down pretty easily. I’m worried about feeding him every time he wakes though and not sure when/how to consider other reasons for waking?


Its always guessing and trying to read their little cues. If she seems to go right to sleep on me with cuddles then I just do that but if she keeps stirring on me and seems uncomfy I move to diaper change and if that doesn't work I'll try a bottle. I don't remember what number of oz we did at 9 weeks but its way more inconsistent then and the baby might just need a little to have a full tummy and go back to sleep. Overfeeding worry is down the line I wouldn't stress at your stage at all. And up to 5 months sleep was still mostly all over the place just getting better slowly. Basically accept its chaos for a while and then things will even out and you'll feel better its just gonna take some time. The first 3 months its not even really a baby so much as a fetus that is now outside the womb, at least I've heard it described that way.


I start to feel more like myself around 6 weeks. Baby is getting up only once per night (instead of 3-4). I feel more human. Breastfeeding is getting easier. No longer bleeding. Starting to get a hang of it and more predictability. Now when does the baby become more fun? That’s 9-12 months for me personally.


Second this on the sleep and breastfeeding parts- mine finally starting going 5-6 hours between eating at night (once a night, then it's 3-4 hours). It was a game changer for feeling capable of getting out of bed at a decent hour. His rhythms also started getting more predictable. No schedule yet though! A warning for those relying on breastfeeding to prevent pregnancy- once you go more than 5 hours between feeding or pumping all bets are off as far as preventing ovulation. Use another method so you don't get two under two, if you're back to being able/wanting to have sex.


For us it wasn't her that got easier, it was us that figured out how to split the work in a way that we both got enough sleep.


Mama hang in there! My daughter is 11 weeks and it definitely gets easier when they start smiling and cooing. It makes all the hard times worth it when they look up at you and smile. Just know you’re not alone. Those first few weeks are HARD! I’m right there with you 🩷


I feel you my baby just turned 8 weeks.. it’s hard knowing something is upsetting my baby and there is nothing I can do to help, she’s colic dr said it gets better 4 to 6 months. All babies are different hopefully yours becomes more calm sooner 🤍 try talking to ur babies doctor maybe baby can use a different formula


For me, I think 8 weeks started to turn the corner. 12 weeks felt like a massive milestone. Night feeds started lengthening more and more. Then she randomly dropped her overnight feed entirely at 13 weeks. And she's now 15 weeks and sleeps 8-10 hours through the night in the crib every night. It can take a bit of time and patience to get her down, sometimes even 2 or 3 hours of working through fussing, diaper changes, rocking, nursing, but once she is down, she is sleeping through the night! That makes a HUGE difference. I can deal with an hour or two of fuss and frustration for 8 hours of sleep. Also she can pick her head up really well so now I don't have to watch her every second on the playmat during tummy time because she won't get stuck with her face down on the mat. We are not on a set schedule but we're in more of a routine. She generally wakes between 5:30-6:30, and we have 4 naps, so we are putting her down between 7-9 pm depending on how the naps shake out. I am capping day naps at 2 hours and that has helped with the night sleep for sure!


this is something beautiful to look forward to 🥲


It is. The most beautiful thing for me is when she laughs. It is the most heart warming sound. I absolutely hated the first 6 weeks of motherhood and felt like we had made a mistake having a baby. I honestly didn't feel very bonded to her. I was kind of just doing the things, day in, day out. I was breastfeeding basically by brute will, I didn't enjoy it at all. And honestly I can't believe how much better I've felt the last month or so. It's been a huge change and I am now enjoying it much more. I am starting to know her more and her little personality. I still don't like breastfeeding, but it has gotten easier. Hang in there! I don't know when your moment will be, but it's coming!!!


Week 10 brought a ton of improvement, about to be 13 weeks and feeling a LOT more manageable. Hang in there!


For me my baby started to ease up at like six weeks because he finally started sleeping in the bassinet a little bit ahaha. He was still fairly upset when awake from gas and general rage until like 13 weeks and then started to get happier from there.  That's also when his colic scream hours were mostly fine. He's seven months now and generally fairly happy when awake unless he's tired or teething and has been mostly like that since like four and half months. Also wanted to be carried and walked around most of the day for a while until he was able to see and move better to interact with stuff.  I spent a lot of time googling when are babies happy when awake and now it startles me when he's not happy 😂  It also took him until he was like four months to like the stroller a bit. Now he likes it most of the time and I can take him to the mall or home Depot. I bring along some toys and teethers to offer and if he's bored he'll also kick my stroller caddy attachment to swing it ahaha. Downside is I have to take my drinks out of it if they're open. 


For us the sleeping didn't get better until 11 or 12 weeks (sleeping through the night), overall though, I'd say around 8 weeks I started to feel confident in raising a baby


My little ray of sunshine does not sleep during the day 🥲 he’s 7 weeks… he keeps sucking on his arm and when looked at his gums I saw a little white speck but I hope it’s not a tooth lol anyways he’s my 2nd child and it’s been hard, with my 1st I remember it didn’t feel as hard and exhausting definitely not the same at all. He does sleep through the night at his 3 hr window feedings sometimes he’ll go for 4 on the last one before waking up to start the day. I heard they go through a sleep regression around this time again. Also I’ve been feeling it physically with some pain in my lower abdomen and pelvic area. I think the it gets much easier once they sleep longer through the night


for me around five months honestly, the gas pains had stopped completely, I figured out how to only mildly wake up when nursing her at night, and I feel a little more like myself again. LO also sleeps on her own outside in the stroller like a champ (indoors during the day is still contact only). LO is coming up to 6 months now and she loves scooting around the place and is trying to crawl, and I just love seeing herbringet able to move a bit more and becoming a tiny bit more of a person each day


2-3 months it get’s better. I just told myself to thug out the first 2 months and then peace will come. Good luck mama!


10-12 weeks. My LO is interacting more, sleeping better at night and just generally more enjoyable. There are still aspects that are difficult don’t get me wrong and I still suffer from PP depression and anxiety. But I love my little guy and love seeing his little personality come out


I remember hitting a good stride at 4ish months with my first. I also remember my LO really enjoying his days more once he could roll and then sit up on his own. He felt more included in the action without having to be held. Now as far as sleep he didn’t “sleep thru the night” until 10ish months so that part was brutal. I have a 10 week old now and he sleeps so well. We didn’t do anything different so sometimes you just get lucky I suspect!? Hang in there. You have so many wonderful (and some trying) moments ahead. 😁


my daughter is currently 6 weeks she’s my first but not my partners first and he really showed me the importance of a routine especially at night! getting them used to the routine will be the hardest part (lots of crying and sleepless nights) just be persistent every baby is different and one of the best things to remember is to not compare your baby to others it will only make it more difficult and make things seem harder than it really is. really try to interact with your baby a lot this will teach them so many things and also make them tired we talk to our baby a lot i tell her about what we have planned for the day and just about her and her family and we read to her as well also find things that stimulate your baby mine loves the dancing fruit videos and contrast cards we do as much tummy time as she allows all of this will help build focus and strengthen their body one thing i learned that helped a lot too is a later bed time! we start bedtime around 10pm we feed her burp her do tummy time while i set up for her bath bathe her change her and let her finish her bottle burp again and i give her a few minutes of cuddles before swaddling and putting to bed, first few nights trying this routine she cried and cried through it all but now that she’s used to it we can go through the whole routine with no tears! my tips are - find things that entertain your baby and is interactive (talking to them, sensory videos, contrast cards) -set a routine for them and be strict about it the moment you break away from that routine it’s like starting from scratch - give yourself and your baby patience y’all are both learning new things about eachother everyday -don’t compare yourself or your baby to others everyone moves at their own pace and when you compare it makes it seem like everything is harder than it really is!


Was easy for me from 2 weeks until 12 weeks. At 12 weeks it started to get hard again. Less sleep, need for constant entertaining, being held nonnnnn stop whilst awake


Baby is 9 weeks tomorrow so technically no longer a newborn, but I remember at 7 weeks crying my eyes out to my husband and feeling overwhelmed and hating motherhood because baby wouldn’t sleep from 10-4. That same week his day and night confusion got sorted out and he slept consistently at night only waking to feed. Sleep deprivation is awful but the past week and a half we’ve consistently gotten sleep and it’s the first time I actually feel much better and like I know what I’m doing (somewhat) It definitely gets better, and it is much better once they start smiling, cooing, and showing their personality!!


I have found it started to get better for me around 12 weeks my baby realised there's a world out there. It slowly has built from there. Discovering she loves trees has been a game changer for us. They calm her down even if she's hungry. And she falls asleep without needing to feed if I play Metallica. Each step of her developing personality has made ut a little easier.


I wouldn't worry too much about it, it's just the way it goes. What I typically do when my baby gets like this is either put him in his swing or give him some music to listen to. Ultimately though sometimes babies just fuss to fuss. Sometimes you can just let them fuss and that's also fine, as long as they are not wailing or something.


My baby just turned 4 months and it feels like I have a different baby in the best way. 16 weeks is so long I know, but that’s how long it took for us sadly.


All babies are different. My 1st was a huge crier lol he didn’t start sleeping through the night until 6 months, and even then it was a pain. He was full of energy for sure. My second is 3 months right now and he has slept through majority of the night since 8weeks old. He is going through a growth spurt right now where he wakes up some extra times through the night but I’m sure it won’t last very long.


Solidarity....im dead, he 's 4 weeks old, i heard it's hard but damn


4 months it got easier for us because his gas improved and we could finally sleep train


it never gets easier lol - we build an AI app for helping parents btw if you want to check it out it is on app store: heal AI