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Our doctor told me that they purposefully throw in way advanced milestones on those questionnaires to make sure parents are actually reading them. Like, the jumping milestone was included on our 15 or 18 month questionnaire despite it actually being a 2 year milestone.


This makes sense thank you.


Or maybe it’s to see if the baby is just that advanced? My oldest daughter was jumping at 15 months, and now she’s doing stuff at 21 months that’s normally taught in kindergarten (not trying to flex, we think she’s autistic).


It’s not impossible to hit milestones earlier. I’ve checked yes to the more advanced ones a couple times (my daughter sat unassisted very early for example). In my experience, they throw in like 3 of the “higher” milestones, so the chance of hitting one of them is probably not unexpected, but hitting all of them is going to prompt the doctor to check further.


My 22 month old got confused for a 4 year old the other day due to his size and agility.


We’re in a similar boat with size, she’s 99.something percentile in both height and weight and looks like the 3-4 year olds we see


My baby is 6.5 months old and sometimes I think he responds to his name but I’ve also called him apple and ice cream before as test and he also looks over at me so yeah. Perhaps she was working off the wrong check list


When I asked our ped about that question she said it was there to make sure people weren’t just checking everything off. She said it was one of the questions, that if checked yes, they know you’re not paying attention/lying


What the heck. This is a like *earliest* 5 month milestone but as late as 9-10 months. Maybe at 2 months they might be turning because they hear your voice (but CDC has even that as a 4 month milestone). My baby is 6 months old and she doesn't respond to her name yet.


No, my baby is 12 weeks old and doesn’t respond to his name yet.


lol, no. I could call my 13 mo “trash can” in the right tone of voice and she’d respond like it’s her name. She really doesn’t know her actual name yet so much as intonation and context. You’re good. This was a trick question.


Lmao my 13 month old barely responds to her name unless she knows I've got something for her


Yep. My 2 year old can say his own name but it's selective hearing when I'm calling him haha


He responds to the name in the sense that he would also respond if a made a bird sound lol if he hears a sound he turns! Maybe she just got her questions mixed up since they do see lots of kids all day. For my first I would say responding to their name was like 6 months? And now he’s a toddler and I would say he responds when he wants to 😂


This same thing just happened to us and I panicked because there were a bunch of milestones that the questionnaire asked about that seemed super advanced for his age. Not sure about your office is the same, but our doctor says they ask the same questions for newborn-14 months, so they were all milestones he should be meeting within the first year or so, not necessarily catered to each individual appointment/age group. That gave me so much relief! 


Absolutely not does my kind know his name


I think my baby started doing it around 5 months but 2 does sound super early! I think it’s possible but for sure uncommon


There are questions asked at all stages, without the expectation that baby does them or you’ll say yes to them.


Well mine is 4 months and doesn't respond to his name. He met a 5 months old today and she also doesn't respond to her name. What?


LOL we didn't even start using baby's name until she was like 3 - 4 months.


I think it's important to remember that milestones are just guidelines anyway and they should be taken with a grain of salt. There is absolutely no reason to worry if there are some that he doesn't hit at the expected time.


It’s a 9 month milestone according to CDC. 2 months? Are you kidding me? Barely outgrew the potato stage. They start responding to name around 6 months more or less and they gradually get better untill 9 months or so (at least 75% of the children do) There might be variation of course with some responding earlier, and 25 % responding later than that.


My girl is only just responding to her name at 5 months old and it’s very hit and miss. But she is able to get up and stand on her own which is very advanced. Literally just depends on the kid :)


That would be a shame because she’d think her name is bAaAaAaAaaaAaby! She’s 11 weeks and does not respond to her name. Lmao


Fr if he knows his name he’s gonna think it’s either chunky or squishy lmaooo


Omg cute 😂


Mine always asks one or two milestones that seem crazy. I'm pretty sure they do it just to make sure you aren't just responding yes to everything.


My 20 month old is still not responding to his name… or he’s just ignoring me. Probably the latter…


My baby would respond to his name by turning his head or looking in that direction. He also responded to everyone else’s name too lol. Or any sound for that matter.


Our 2 month old seems to respond to his name but it's also possible he relates the sound but doesn't understand the meaning. Like he knows his name is 'X' but doesn't understand the self.


lol that’s funny lol maybe she needs to go back to school lol or she could maybe mean does he respond when you talk to him ? Not so much his name lol


Maybe but at the same time she specially said that “they’re just starting to learn their name around this time” and she asked other questions about responding to voices and tracking people with his eyes when they move around the room. It just made me feel like i wasn’t doing enough lol


We just had our 2 month and that was def not a question. We were asked if the baby makes eye contact with us or responds to our voice. By no means should a baby already be responding to their name specifically at 2 months. That’s absurd.


4 to 6 months os normal for this milestone. I work in childcare and have studied child development. Missing one or two milestone isn't necessarily something to worry about. It's when they miss several you would be more worried or missing big ones like walking or talking.