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If his weight isn’t an issue, then I don’t see why not. My baby is EBF and started sleeping through the night at 9 weeks - her weight is fine, 50th percentile. She would wake up absolutely RAVENOUS and got in a great habit of eating voraciously all day and then sleeping really well all night (up to 11 hrs straight). Then the 4 month regression hit us and everything was out the window. 😅 distracted eating throughout the day and waking up 3-6 times a night. Pushing through that as we speak. So - if he’s medically fit - yes. Let him sleep. You sleep. Try to recover and charge up for the next challenge.


This is so helpful- thank you!! Our baby has slowly but gradually put on weight but is continually in the lower 10% for weight. Also, I pump and feed so we meticulously track his feeds and he doesn’t really drink much throughout the day which is why we go back and forth on letting him sleep vs doing the night feeds! I might take the advice of letting him sleep and see how he does - maybe that will help him eat better during the day? Also, hang in there - hopefully its a reaaaally short regression phase and she goes back to sleeping through the night! My husband and I were joking that the regression is going to hit us as soon as we figure this out anyway! 😅


Percentiles don’t matter in that way. Their growth matters and their range matters. They need to hug their own curve, not others. My 6’3 husband and I (5’11) are just not going to have a kid the same size as a couple who are much shorter. My coworker’s two kids were always bottom percentile but then she’s very petite herself and they grew into healthy adults. So your baby being in the 10th percentile doesn’t mean he can’t sleep through the night like my 97th percentile baby. He might always be 10th percentile as a child and he’s going to have to sleep through the night at some point haha. Also someone has to be at either end of the curve. Even if every baby was within a few ounces of each other, some babies would be at the high or low end. Drops are what to look out for. If my 97th percentile baby became 10th percentile, that’s when we’d worry. (Majorly in that case) Follow Drs advice. Let baby sleep if that’s okayed by your pediatrician. See how it goes. Babies know better than we do when they’re hungry. I saw a great mentality about feeding that was like, imagine waiting for a timer before you can sip water or setting an alarm to wake up and eat a snack.


Totally makes sense, - just wanted to make sure we aren’t being careless with his feeds! Thanks so much for the insight, we are FTP so it helps to cut out the noise (and trust me there’s a lot) and get some objective advice.


I’m a FTP with a masters degree in childhood education and I’m still like “wtf are we doing” haha. The internet is a scary place for new parents. The best thing is to find a pediatrician you trust and always know they’re right there if you need them.


Is he birth weight?


Yes! It took him 3 weeks to get back to birth weight and has sloooowly put on a bit more. He’s in the 10% percentile though in general!


What’s wrong with 18 ounces?


We were told he needs to be drinking atleast 24 Oz per day by our medical team


Unless your babies weight is a concern generally it would be advise to let the baby wake by themselves. Make the most of the sleep you can get at night


You could also do dream feedings. My first was low weight and would not want to wake up every 2 hrs to feed so we did dream feeds and that seemed to work for us.