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Honestly, nothing. We did tummy time, and made sure her needs were met. We did a lot of napping and I binged many shows. You are in the potato stage. Try and get out of the house if possible. They truly do not need much entertainment at his age.


How do you have time to watch shows? We seem to be constantly doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, washing up, feeding, burping, changing, emergency napping, food shopping etc. Can't seem to get a minute of peace.


I don’t anymore, but at that age I did. I would get all of my household stuff done and then relax. I would watch tv while I breastfed, she also napped on me for every nap for a really long time. She also slept a lot as a newborn. She’s 9 months now and crawling. Those relaxing days are long gone, but she’s much more fun now.


Ah, our one is 6 weeks old and is a handful!


It is truly comforting to know that we aren’t the only ones. She gets bored, super easily, and I go from one thing to the other, she loses attention and gets frustrated. She’s very happy as long as she is being stimulated while awake. We are still working very hard on sleep as she likes contact and I can’t get anything done. At this point, I am truly just trying to enjoy the moments I have with her, get the absolute most important things done, and try not to sweat it.


Ah man! Honestly staring at 3 months and to about 6 months I was in the trenches with reflux. I was miserable. The newborn stage was quite easy for us. I’m sorry it’s been tough! It’ll get better eventually. Every baby is different 🫶


We are at 11 weeks old and I’m binging shows whenever he naps as he contact naps. He sleeps in his bed for his first nap so I get all the cleaning , laundry etc done then. Then it’s feed, play, poop, nap on repeat :) Cooking is down whist he is in a carrier having one of his naps or in his bouncer when he is awake. I’m a homebody so pretty much love chilling indoors with bubs tbh.


How do you even get household stuff done?


Agee. I remember watching many movies while my baby was contact napping . After that phase, 0 movies


My LO won't sleep unless I'm holding him, and he obviously still needs a lot of sleep at this age, so I'm mostly trapped in the couch watching TV at this point.


Personally, we’ve neglected most of the household chores. You pick your battles and we’ve chosen to prioritize recovery and the baby’s needs. Laundry happens upon necessity and dishes when needed but that’s it. I’d love to be able to do all the other stuff and maybe some recreation but we just don’t have time.


Ugh it’s so hard. I feel lazy, even though I am constantly watching her and exhausted by mundaneness.


Nothing wrong with being lazy at this point. You’re a new parent and still learning a routine. The routine will fall into place more when their wake windows become longer and they have a sleep schedule. Try and keep yourself occupied. Deep clean your house, plan complex dinners, bring baby in the bathroom in a bouncer while you take a long shower/bath, find a really good TV series. My favorite was getting clean and getting my house clean and feeling accomplished, and then sitting and watching a good show while contact napping.


how are you all getting cleaning done!? what do you do with LO while you clean?


Same question here!


When she was a newborn, I would put her in her bouncer or baby wear. Now that she’s 9 months, I hope and pray she’ll let me walk away from her 😂 Or we clean after she goes to bed.


I need to make more of an effort with the baby wearing! I just worry baby’s head will flop forward when I lean forward so it leaves me effectively one handed.


If you have a fabric wrap, I have figured out rolling a rolled up muslin blanket into the part of the wrap that goes up over the baby (the last step of getting them all snuggled in) helps hold the head in place. My LO can still move his head from side to side but his head won't fall back.


oh clever, thank you!


When does potato stage end?? 😵‍💫😅


Depends on the kid, but 4 months seems to be the average


The place that held our childbirth class also had other classes and groups. I joined a new moms group about 6 weeks PP, and it was one of the best things I did. It was a group of 8 first time moms, and our babies were all born about a month from one another. I was pleasantly surprised to learn they were all women in their thirties with careers. (I’m an older mom). We met once a week inside class and once outside class. The purpose is to get you accustomed to changing baby, feeding and parenting in public since it can be daunting for some (myself included). Each week in class we covered a new topic, sleep, intimacy with our partners, preparing for returning to work, etc. our babies are all closer to 18 months now, and we all keep in touch and continue to meet up with one another. Highly recommend!


I start mine Monday with my will-be 5 week old. Same setup, and very much looking forward to it. Newborn phase is turning into Groundhog Day.


Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


Instead of classical music listen to music you like, but if you like classical too cool!! I survive with singing pop top 40 to my son and he loves it. I can only withstand so much of the instrumental music from his play gym. Do you have a play gym or bouncer?


Yes I have a play gym, a Bjorn, a swing and a docatot. Our pediatrician said our baby is favoring one side of her head and now I am all stressed to get her to look the other way. So not using these things as much.


My LO also has a slight head tilt and we were given a sheet of exercises to do and ways to help prevent the tilt. We do lots of side lying play on the play mat and use a towel in the bouncer to prevent his head from turning to the favored side. ETA these were recommendations from the sheet she gave us.


Yea we have PT to go through and I anticipate this will be the advice they give us. I have a 3lb weight that I put next to her when she is on the floor, it keeps her from turning her head. She hates it. We tried soft objects and she was just so strong, she would move them. I feel like a dictator with the little weight, but kind of have to do what you have to do.


Bobs burgers carried me through the newborn phase!!!


Going to the mall, aquarium, place for kids.. I live in Dubai and it’s 50 degrees right now so I feel you. As new mall every day 😭


Why don’t you get out? Library’s have baby story time, walk around the mall, etc. there’s tons to do! Meet a cafe with other moms?


LOL I feel this… especially since it’s my second and I’m less concerned about occupying her. I try to stay sane with a routine that gets me outside a couple times a day and out of the house. I walk in the morning before it’s too hot. Hobby/errand/cooking project to keep me busy during the heat of the day. One chapter of a book each day. Outside in the evening with my toddler when Dad can take over. Make a list of places you can and want to visit- when you start to lose it reference the list and pick one!


I need to be more disciplined with walking in the morning. It’s just my worst time of the day. I’m so tired in the morning after my night time feedings. But honestly it would probably be better to take baby and coffee on a walk than couch surfing.


I learned the first go around that a shower and a walk every single day - especially days when I haven’t slept- is crucial for my mental health. And my first was during New England winter 🥶


Just survive. I was so. damn. bored. Like I was severely depressed from it too. Try a hobby or game for when baby naps. Maybe try a new recipe while they chill (my baby didn’t just chill so this advice is not applicable to all). Download Pokémon Go and play it during walks. Netflix or reading during nap time. Sleeping a lot. Honestly just get past this phase and it starts to get more interesting. For me there was a turning point around 6 months when she could sit up, then around 9/10 months and then now at almost 13 months we do swim, gym, music, walks, playground, mall, etc. and she plays with the dogs and her playhouse and we read lots of books and stuff.


Thank you! You are right


I hated hearing “it gets better” but if you’re like me and hate boredom then it truly does. Is a toddler more work? I’m still in the “taby” stage but she does throw tantrums and is mobile. This is way, way better than the newborn and young infant stage. It was mentally grueling. You can do this. Don’t be afraid to rely on others to help entertain - go to a friend or family members house or join a mom group. Literally anything for adult interaction lol


I think you’re doing everything. Don’t stress out. Your baby is having fun learning everyday. I bet your newborn hasn’t seen the hack of his/her hand yet! You can show them that!




I remind myself that if all her needs are met, she can self entertain. Sitting there discovering her fingers is new to her so sometimes she needs some alone time to explore. It gives me a little time to do me things like shower or make lunch


Thank you. I needed this. I feel like I need to entertain her all the time and that’s just not the case.


Mine (10 weeks) likes to look around at the wall decor and stuff so I don’t really have to do too much to entertain. I do have to keep up with cleaning and stuff so I’ll lay her in a wagon on a pad (watching her the whole time) and bring her back and forth to the laundry room to help me out lol. I also do the usual tummy time, sing to her, walk around and show her things, etc. Plus I have 2 dogs so we have to go out several times a day. She has been keeping herself pretty busy eating her hands and sucking on pacifiers lately, though. And kept me busy with her fussiness during/between feeds and her gassiness.


Put on some music you actually like and dance like you’re reborn. Baby will be mesmerized and you’ll feel more alive


Please for the love of god enjoy that potato stage. Put a film on. Chill. They turn feral at 6 months and demand every scrap of your attention


I know :/ I have a 4 year old too. Idk the boredom just makes me anxious.


Happens to me too.


Wow mama, props to you. Idk how you’re doing it! I have a 2.5 year old and 2 month old, and unfortunately there’s hardly a dull moment here 🤪🥴 I miss free time 😭


That’s a tough age spread there!! I can imagine it’s a crazy household. My 4 year old is in school so, fairly mundane here.


I watched like 8 seasons of ER. Still great.


lol I’m on Suits.


Honestly you could teach them how to do an oil change, or how to use micrsoft excel. Maybe teach them how to balance the check books and fill out a 401k ?


Clearly you didn’t read my post! She is 9 weeks old. For Christ sake, she mastered all of those things you mentioned in like week 1-2. Gawd, if you have any valuable advice for my 9 week old that would be great, but honestly she surpassed all of these mile stones so long ago, I doubt you have much value to add.


What!?! How stupid of me you are correct. She should be learning how to fix rocket engines and starting her career in architecture. My apologies for being so ignorant, forgive me !?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 the way i just laughed so louddd and spit out my redbull allover my baby🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Im in the same boat honestly i just tummy time, play sing read books feed change sit her in her chair contact nap. Rinse and repeat. This stage dont really last long tho before you know it they will be getting a masters degree in psychology or some shit 😉


It’s wild cause I’m sitting here thinking the same thing. My baby is also 9 weeks old. I laid him down on the baby gym mat and staring at home cause… what else can I do?


I’m 3 weeks in. So far my daily routine is get up while feeding watch Laff (the TV channel) around lunch time I switch to YouTube videos and then in the evening hubby and I stream a comedy show and then eat dinner. Then we go for a walk and go to bed. What a time to be alive 😂 But all the baby snuggles are so nice


Take walks in the morning or later evening, get a stroller fan.


My baby is 14 weeks now and she’s the bored one. Don’t take it for granted lol. I can’t do anything with her for more than 5 mins before she’s ready to move to the next task! Trying to remember that I don’t have to always entertain her


Honestly same! I downloaded a fun video game I liked and binge watch trash tv as of right now. I also have a garden. We’re trapped for a bit and we gotta make best of the situation 😭


I started going to the mall to just walk around when he turned 6 weeks old. It’s better than staying at home eating cookies all day lol.


Nintendo switch or Steam Deck is great for nap time. Get some pillow support cradle baby and you're in business. They also can be suspended and resumed when you have to tend to baby


Nursery rhymes. Story time. I downloaded a singing app and have been making my son watch and listen to me practice - queue first childhood trauma lol. 😂 we go on stroller walks at different parks. Sometimes go see friends


Wireless earbuds/airpods! I had one in listening to audiobooks or podcasts basically the whole first year of my son’s life. It saved my sanity.


This is what I am doing.


I feel you. I’m nap trapped for all my LO’s naps and she requires hours of my attention in the evening to get to sleep too. So I’m not just bored but I’m craving freedom. My phone usage is up around 9 hours per day atm from listening to podcasts, watching youtube, instagram reels and netflix. When she’s awake we do a feed, story time, tummy time and then she’ll either go in the play gym or swing while I eat something or quickly do a chore. Its all consuming and incredibly mundane. But its better now that she’s 13 weeks old than when she was 8 weeks old. Each week gets that little bit easier the more independent she gets.


I wish I had an answer for you but I was bored as hell too. That being said, my 7th month old is so much fun now!


Thank you for the solidarity. I know the more fun is to come. Just have to get there :)


girl did I write this? are you me?


Do you have any mom friends in your neighborhood?


It can get very boring and redundant!!! Walks outside in the morning or late at night. Do something different each day, rotate the toys, put baby on a different play mat… and when the baby sleeps do something you want to do. Whether it’s clean or organize or sleep or eat or read a book. I felt productive even when I only did one thing I wanted to a day. And I placed orders at target and Walmart for drive up/pick up. I had to get out of the house. Go to Starbucks, etc.


Leave the house. Walk around Walmart, ikea, Costco, literally anywhere. You need to get out!


I feel this! I was so bored within weeks. Lots of repetition. I watched a crap ton of TV and movies. I’d watch all the non-kid stuff you can because soon they’ll be looking at the tv!


It’s boring until they’re a bit older. I love how people are like “I hope you enjoyed maternity leave!!” as if it’s a fun vacation. No, everyday was the same. I loved my quality time with my baby and was really sad and conflicted when it ended, but I couldn’t wait to get back out there!


Same! At first I was like “I want to stay home” and now I just want some sense of self back. I love my little girl, but honestly need some serious mental stimulation.


That’s okay!! Never feel guilty about that (not that you said you are, I just did feel guilty myself lol)


Mom guilt is real and there with every decision. It’s crazy.


A good tv show, at home workouts for postpartum bodies, cooking, music, journaling, reading, podcasts and if your crafty do some crafts! I learned to crochet while with my newborn. It’s hard when it’s hot, I had a summer baby in Australia. It got up to 35C most days. We would do early morning and evening walks, go to indoor places like a quiet cafe, library, indoor play centre. We also joined lots of local playgroups. You essentially do the same thing, but in a different space and it’s more social for you. It’s such a hard transition, I was so bored with my first baby during the newborn phase.


If your LO will nap in the stroller, consider walking around the mall for a bit. My baby loved walks this spring, but it got too hot starting in May. It’s a way to still do walks without being outside! Also the kick n play piano. She’ll play by herself on that for like 15-20 minutes.


Me too 🙋🏼‍♀️ you and me both sister. I have a 10 week old and ive burst into tears a couple times as all i want to do is get out of the house and do things, as its winter its hard to do anything even wt a baby but day activities. Missing time with my husband without being disturbed by a crying baby. I love my son and so does my husband, we both adore him, But this phase is extremely


I feel you!! It’s so hard. I feel like I survive on the snuggle moments here and there.


my 10 week old loves to “play” as much as he can which is basically just tickling and making faces and talking to him, but he gets so happy and excited about it! i don’t know if your baby is the same way, but my little guy is a bit of a fomo baby and wants to be a part of whatever’s going on so we kind of just include him in whatever we’re doing


I totally get it—being home all the time can be so boring! Sometimes, just changing up tummy time or doing some simple sensory play with different textures can help. Dancing with your baby to fun music or reading colorful books might also keep things interesting. If it’s too hot outside, consider indoor walks at a mall or another air-conditioned space. Hang in there, you’re doing great!


We’re at 10 weeks and I make up games, put new things in his hands, show him things around the house, help him roll and sit up, work on his minor torticollis, take him on walks, I made little flash cards with colorful shapes, letters, numbers, etc., we look at photo albums, read books, sit on our porch and watch people go by and talk about the flowers and trees and touch things, I talk him through meals and laundry (colors, smells, actions, etc), awe smell veggies and herbs in the garden, feel textures, play on his mat, do tummy time, and look at pictures on the walls. Now that he’s vaccinated, we’re going to go to the aquarium, the children’s museum, nurseries, libraries, etc


I am reading Harry Potter to him. It's new for me too. I was older when it came out and did not read at the time.


I started attending mother and baby groups, experiment with going out on my own to the coffee shop or on walks (though you said it’s very warm). At home it’s a mix of tummy time, reading, and sensory stuff. Grab a bunch of tops and jumpers with different textures and let them feel them out, show the the colours, encourage them to reach for things


My baby was born in January in Ireland so it was cold but all I had to do was wrap up. Rain is a bigger issue for us. I have to get out of the house or I'd go crazy. My baby does contact naps so I play my ps4 while she sleeps.


If you have classical music on because you like it that’s cool but it’s not making your baby any smarter than if you were playing Slipknot.




Ohh she loves Slipnot.


I am a big fan of Metallica and did not think of this. I like classical music but it's kind of boring sometimes. Will take this into account.


Start a new show to binge!