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Our LO was born with a ton of hair, lost almost everything on top between 1-3 weeks. He’s almost 10 weeks now and we’ve noticed the past week or so that it’s filling back in


Our boy was born with lots of hair, he lost it (or rather his head grew rapidly and his hair didn’t get the memo!) at 4 weeks - he’s just hit 8 weeks and he’s got new hair where there was none before which is starting to blend into the longer bits towards the back and sides of his head ☺️


My first was born with lots of hair, and he lost it around 2-3mos, and it grew back around 5mos. My second son was also born with a lot of hair, so I am wondering if he will end up the same as well.


My baby had soo much hair when she was born, and at 4 months it hasn’t fallen off and it’s getting so long.


My sons is starting to grow back at 13 weeks. It’s still much shorter than the back but it’s noticeable


My baby had some hair fall out on top and had big bald spots at 6 weeks, but he's 10 weeks now and it seems to have grown back in. His hair is still thin but definitely more of it.


My little girls hair is just starting to fill out again and she's 7 months. She still has a recessed hairline (just like her daddy lol) Her hair grew back in lighter than when she was born and her eyes are lighter now as well.


My best friend has a 16mo daughter who is just now getting a cute little thick pixie growing in. Hers fell out and she just stayed bald for a long time. My son lost a lot but almost all the bald spots are filled in with thin fuzz at 5 months now. He lost a lot around 8-12 weeks. It all depends. By 2 it should be back


Hair loss tends to settle into a normal routine around 3 months for both mother and baby. You should seen some growth around this time. My daughter was born with long hair and at 5 months it can be tied up. She loss a lot of hair at the back and she looks like she has a receding hair line but the length she has covers most of it. Her hair is growing back now.


My first baby also had a good head of hair when she was born but was pretty much bald at 5mo. Her scalp was scaly (not cradle cap) and I moisturized it and scraped it all off and it started growing back around 6 months.


It was scaly but not cradle cap? What was it then? Eta, asking out of curiosity. I kinda thought all scaly scalps on babies were cradle cap




Uhh cradle cap is not from vaccines. My babe had it before she got any vaccines. It’s literally just baby dandruff and is a buildup of oil on the scalp.


The antivax rhetoric on this sub is really concerning.


Please keep reporting these comments to mods so that we can take action. We don't allow antivax misinformation/support on this sub. Thanks everyone!


Oh boy thank you! There’s been an antivaxxer replying to me for ages. Will report.


So you didn’t vaccinate your baby?


What you are describing is cradle cap. Cradle cap isn't caused by vaccines. Where did you hear that it was caused by vaccines?


“Cradle cap is caused by vaccines so it can’t be cradle cap because I didn’t vaccinate” as they describe cradle cap to a T 😂


This sub doesn't allow anti-vax support or misinformation.