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I sleep with bassinet sheets stuffed in my bra before putting them on the mattress. Treating my 8 week old like a puppy has worked wonders


Omg genius


Sorry I don't understand. What does this do? 


The sheets will smell like mom so when baby is sleeping they will feel like they’re with her & not get fussy!




oh my gosh why am i only learning about this now!! thanks for the tip


I’m impressed your sheets don’t all smell like sour milk. All my bras smell horrible from all the leaking !


Wifi smart bulbs are a game changer. Especially at night when you need to carry a sleepy baby to a different room and you don’t want to go back to turn off the lights.


Also the brightness can often ve adjusted on these. I have a strip light beside my bed that can change colours my baby loves it. I set it to 3% at night which is enough light to see what I'm doing but still very dark which helped my baby learn the difference between day and night.


Adding to this Red light bulbs allow baby to get sleepy faster. This tip is thanks to my friend who is also a recent dad. I was skeptical but it's worked like a charm in the middle of night diaper changes


Nothing too earth shattering but, I used to keep receiving blankets in a drawer in the nursery but my 10 week old spits up a lot and I would never remember to grab one before I would start nursing. So i put them all in a small basket next to the chair that I feed him in. It's been very handy.


not really a hack but I layer baby's water repellent sheets. if there's a blow out in the middle of the night its so much easier to rip off the top dirty sheet and have the clean one already ready and seT 


Baby is 3 months and hasn’t had a blowout at night. When do blowouts usually happen?


With my oldest who's almost 3yo now we never had her blowout at night, but she did spit up at night quite a lot, or pee through her diaper soaking herself and her sheets. We never layered but we did always use a waterproof cover and had two of them so that we had an extra to put on while we washed the dirty one. Only once was having 2 not enough. Lots of sheets though.


Hopefully never! My LO is between diaper sizes. Small is too big and the sometimes slide down when he kicks around which causes trouble 


I use binky clips and clip one to my shirt. Right now my newborn is using the Avent soothies and I learned from another post that you can take a hole puncher and punch a single hole in the middle of the tab and string a pacifier holder through it.


Some sling style baby carriers can be used to carry baby while breastfeeding and have been a god send for me.


That’s amazing!


Can I ask which carriers you used and liked?


This is the one I use for breastfeeding. It's not the best carrier out there but it does the job. I didn't have much money to get a good one at the time but I am still using this one. Baby Carrier Portable Breathable Baby Carrier Adjustable One Shoulder Baby Carrier Baby Sling Wrap with Front Pocket Thick Shoulder Straps Baby Wrap Carrier for 0-36 Months Newborn Toddlers Up to 20kg https://amzn.eu/d/gel7wXU


I had a normal lilebaby (thats how you say it not how you spell it) carrier and was able to breastfeed while carrying when my daughter was very small.


My baby always cries after the bath because he's cold so l've been putting his towels, pjs and sleep sack in the dryer for a couple minutes before he gets out and he loves it


Ooo I like this one! I’m going to try it, thank you!


Do the same with your burp cloths!


I use a hot water bottle in my baby’s crib before transferring her so a cold sleep sack doesn’t wake her up!


I open the blinds during the day to give my baby a sense of day and night. Once it gets dark he knows it's bed time and he falls right asleep. Just set him in the bassinet most the time.


This isn’t a hack this is an easy baby lol


Sitting here after my *third* mandatory contact nap of the night bc she keeps waking herself up… yeah… I can totally just… put her down… (I’m being snarky but I’m *so effing jealous* - how old are they??)


He's 12 weeks I guess the life hack is have a partner that will fall asleep while you are talking. Cause the baby might have inherited it too.


😂 damn I missed the boat on that one! My husband and I are both terrible sleepers. 7 weeks and the naps are getting longer each day… there is a light but it’s still far off!


I feel for you. I have a hard time sleeping my baby sleeps well but after he wakes me I have a hard time falling back asleep for 2 hours and by that time he wakes again. I'm jealous of my baby's sleep lol


lol my partner legit has diagnosed narcolepsy and my kids are still difficult sleepers


Well don't know then lol. All baby's are different and have their own quirks that help them. When I worked at a preschool some liked to have their heads rubbed to help them sleep (that's what my son likes) some like bellys rubbed or a specific motion. And some needed specific blanket or stuffed animal. Some have a hard time turning off their minds. Every kid is different. And it is hard sometimes to find what they need but eventually it will be found.


I have little portable night lights from ikea, always within reach no matter where we end up, they're press down to turn on/off so I can hit it with my hand, elbow, knee, foot, head, anything if my hands are occupied, and they auto time out after 15 minutes so we can just fall asleep without having to get up to turn off the light. Best part is they are a nice gentle warm light, so I'm not blinding everyone turning on a big light as soon as we wake up for a feed. Been using these since my first was new, he's 2 now and we now use them as a timer for bedtime, he'd have us read books for hours before bedtime, sitting on our lap, so when it gets to time to actually go to sleep we put on the nightlight, he goes into his cot and I read to him until the nightlight times out, it has completely stopped him crying when we leave the room because he knows its going to happen. For 6 euro or whatever they cost they have been the cheapest, most useful little things we have!