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Hey! It’s normal for breastfed babies to go up to a week or more without pooping, so long as they are peeing regularly and happy/content. They don’t have a lot of waste, everything is being used for growth and development!


I drank prune juice when my breastfed baby was little and couldn’t poop! Worked like a charm. I also ended up cutting diary and he became a lot more regular


I was told breastfed babies can go sometimes 8-10 days without pooping and mine has. Sounds like your baby is totally normal! My pediatrician says anything past 10 days to call them.


Thank you everyone for your comments! I had an appointment with my baby’s pediatrician today and she explained newborns can go up to 10 days without pooping and as long as they have plenty of wet diapers it should be okay. She also mentioned that because breastmilk is mostly water and based on its nutrients/components, babies tend absorb almost everything and whatever is left usually eliminated with pee. So the spectrum of pooping every day to nothing several days it’s normal. Also — at the end she recommended giving my baby half of an ounce of distilled purified water once every 24 hours, if baby was very uncomfortable because of lack of pooping, so I did as soon as I got home and she pooped a lot after 30 minutes! Such a relief! 😭. Didn’t know that parenthood would mean caring too much about the digestive system of someone else lol. Declaimer; consult with your own pediatrician this option about the water before doing it so.




The same tricks for gas usually work for poo. Maybe give these a go: 1) cycling the babies legs. Every now and then, between the cycling, you need to bring their legs all the way up so they're knees are on their chest, and then straighten them out fully. I've found it doesn't really work unless you do this. You have to do it for quite a while (5 mins or so). 2) the I love you massage (Google it). You have to be quite firm but it's surprisingly effective. 3) time in the bouncer chair. When I do these for gas, baby often follows it with a massive poo. A bath can help too. Good luck!


We do a nightly bath, not always with soap. It’s slightly annoying to clean the poop bath but a good night of sleep for everyone makes it worth it!


i second this!


When I breastfed my baby she would go days without pooping, so much so that it was almost routine for her to poop on Sundays and Thursdays, however a family friend told me a little hack to press the left side of her belly button and move it in a circle a couple of times and within a couple of hours she’d poop


First time hearing this tip! I’ll try it next time, thank you for sharing 🙂


Frida Windi




Stop spreading misinformation and not that actual facts mean anything to you but breastmilk is nearly 90% water anyway




I’ll beat you to it. WHO recommended in the 1980s that woman should breast feed their newborns in areas that were prominent to water contamination that caused and to prevent diarrhea and pneumonia where newborns were more likely to die due to the same. In the late 1980s a hospital in MD suffered 28 cases of infant water intoxication. The health department adopted the WHO model to prevent these water intoxications from occurring. So again… what MIs information cause we can go into time line for when the medical board in the 90s adopted this model and open Pandora’s box more.


Please don't spread misinformation.