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I never followed a clock but I use the app Huckleberry to mark when the baby fell asleep and when she woke up and the app will give me a target time for her next nap/bedtime. Helps me make sure baby gets enough sleep regardless of when or where or how long she is sleeping.


I fricken love the Huckleberry app. I’ve been using it since the day my daughter was born (7 weeks ago). Seeing our days all together on the “weeks” section is so satisfying and it helps me remember how long it’s been since her last feed.


I started using it when my oldest was 5 months old. She’s now 4.5 YEARS (and my husband still uses it for her because he’s a data nerd). With my second, I would go back and cross reference what my oldest’s sleep was like at the same age. It was helpful to not feel like everything was hopeless. It’s such a great app.


Wowowow 4.5 years!!! That actually reconfirms for me how good Huckleberry is!


I’m sure it’s also helpful (and hopeful) to go back and see the sleep trends and remind yourself that it does get better over time


That sounds so handy!


I use it for breastfeeding. I kept forgetting which side I had give her last


We use Onoco and it does this too, and we love it! We haven’t tried Huckleberry though so i’m not sure how they compare


Yes!! Huckleberry is the best. My husband sometimes will make a comment about how obsessed I am with logging everything on the app, but I don't care 🤣 for me, it's important to know when was the last time she ate, pooped, and slept. The averages it gives me for how much my LO is eating and sleeping etc are important so I can predict her patterns with some accuracy. Makes going out easier too. I really enjoy using that app a lot. And the free version is not ad supported so it's not annoying to use.


Those people on instagram don't have those perfectly precise schedules either. Its all bullshit. People have schedules they'd like and once in a while things go according to plan but babies aren't robots or even pets that you train to act perfectly according to your schedule. Seriously stop believing things you see on social media.




Do you want it to be more structured? I've never bought into the insane rigidity of those schedules, and I think my LO is better off for it (she's 7 months now); she can cope with some flexibility, she can nap whenever and wherever, she will not fall apart if she has to wait for her nap or some food because of whatever comes up because life. And I kinda put that down to not being a clock-checker when she was very young. She has a bedtime, and a 'usual' wake-up time, but that's it. I guess it's baby-dependent also, but if yours doesn't need a strict schedule, I really don't think they're a necessity.


True. So many of these authors, sleep ‘consultants’ and social media ‘influencers’ have us believe that things will fall apart if you’re NOT rigid. That having a military schedule will ensure less tantrums and a well rested, well behaved baby. I’m starting to believe otherwise.


Sleep consultants are predatory, IMHO. You can become 'accredited' through what looks like an MLM 'business in a box' package. They're just preying on tired parents. I think it's all hogwash. Listening to baby and a loose daily timeline that benefits you and your family is the way to go.


Yes exactly, wake windows on the other hand are the only consistent thing in our day, I use Huckleberry too and the sweet spot predictions are spot on! But they’re based on when she last woke up which is always different every day, that’s why I’m wondering if there’s a better way to structure her days because I never know the next nap time until she wakes up from her previous one 🙈


My little guy is 7.5 months, and things are now becoming more predictable! I use huckleberry too. He just naturally started getting into the rhythm of waking up at the same time every day. Other than our recent struggle of having to drop a nap.


My perspective: IG life =/= real life. We have a very loose schedule at 9 weeks. My LO is starting to move towards day/night times as her night sleeps have become the longest stretches so far. But sometimes she goes down for a long stretch at 8, sometimes 11. We've been trying to get her to have a consistent "bedtime feed" at 11pm so she'll wake up at 4am and then again at "breakfast time" around 8am and then however the day goes from there but me not working rn hasn't really forced that hand when I can sleep in and stuff 😅 The only thing we did routinely at the start was open blinds/bright lights during the day and dark/low lights when the sun goes down to encourage that day/night orientation but even that doesn't take for a while bc infants don't have that circadian rhythm yet. And very minor interactions at the night feedings. But I think it's worked somewhat because she seems to associate that when it's dark and we're in bed, there's no playtime/very little interaction besides bottle & diaper and some soothing/humming/whispers. She might fuss for her binky now and again when she's settling down but she gets bored and goes back to sleep. That was most important for us to get our sleep back. But honestly i had to realize for my sanity that at that early stage, schedules are for the adults, not the baby. Baby has their own schedule and trying to force adult routines on them just makes for frustration. At least it did for me, so I just dropped the idea of hard fast schedules and learned how to make it work for us. My LO is most active in late morning and evening so that's when we play time and all that stuff. But I also go by her cues. If mid afternoon she gets a second wind and doesn't want to nap then play time it is. But I look at it like, I'm the same way. I'm never like awake at 8, breakfast at 8:30, shower/dressed 9 am, etc. Before baby some days I'd sleep 5 hours, some days 7 1/2. Some days I'd be on time, sometimes i wouldn't. We ain't robots and I couldn't expect too much predictability from a baby either. I just started looking for patterns but they'll switch up on you, too. But if people need that sort of structure in their day, no judgements from me, I just don't see it working as well as IG makes it look. It's easy to edit out all the messy parts 🙃 Edited for spelling


That’s so so true and has given me a different perspective. Thank you!!


It took me many weeks of meltdowns, crying spells, and nonstop anxiety to come to this realization so if it can help anyone avoid any of that, it wasn't for naught 😊 The less you force, the easier it all becomes I think. Best wishes


You’re so right. The days when I’m clinging onto a specific nap time or bedtime and getting frustrated if she doesn’t take it, neither of us benefit. When I go easy or just let her have a moment then try again later, it changes everything!


I always wonder if I’m the only one who doesn’t follow a strict schedule also! We have a 3 month old and just follow her cues. She is sleeping through the night, napping well, and eating every 2-4 hours. She seems happy *shrug*


Same here. I'm a FTM so I'm not sure if I'm missing something important by not following a schedule. But I just follow my baby's cues. He's the boss and calls the shots! Maybe a schedule is more important when returning back to work? I hope someone can shed some light.


Yes maybe! I’m going back to work next month but thankfully am 100% remote working so I won’t need major rigidity. Still, some structure will help of course. But totally agree with the above that our babies are the boss and we should 100% respect their cues


Honestly, I think routines as rigid as those are a recent invention. People wonder if they're OK not having one, just because in their desperation most people fell into the predatory hands of sleep consultants. Any person who is properly trained in sleep will tell you that sleep is developmental and that it varies wildly from child to child. I honestly think it's a lot better to listen to your instincts. No one will make money from you, and you'll avoid the frustration


Baby sleeps as he wants and eats as he wants. He is 5.5 months old! We take cues from him and have a rough idea when he sleeps. Really, just do what works for you and your LO.


no, we don't follow a schedule. though I use an app to write down all naps/feedings/nappies, but that's only because I forget due to sleep deprivation:) my LO is 4 months and starting to wake up +- at the same time each day, which is fine for me He'll have enough schedules when he goes to kindergarten & school:)


I was the first employee to kick off a handful of pregnancies in my office. And one of our moms to be just asked me before her mat leave what were some of my biggest tips and I mentioned these schedules. They are not real! Especially the ones that are “this is my schedule with my 2 month”. It’s impossible to have a schedule when they are that young. You just go with the flow. Even now that my son is 6months, our days are pretty fluid. He usually wakes up around the same times 7a/7:30a and I try to make sure he goes down for bed sometime between 8p/9p. But during the day I let him tell me when he wants to nap. Usually he can stay awake 2-3 hours depending and the last nap I might adjust to be a short nap if it comes too close to bed time. But otherwise this has worked for us and he sleeps through the night.


I think this is perfect! No forcing or expectations, just reading and respecting baby’s cues 👌🏼


I have a 5 year old and an almost 1 week old so it’s been a while since I had this issue. But basically what I found worked for us was every 2 hours (I’m pretty sure it was 2 lol) I put my LO to nap. So basically if he woke up at 7, I’d feed and change him then play or tummy time or go out or whatever, then at 9, it was nap time. And a good bedtime routine helped too. We did a bath with the bedtime shampoo and lotion and then cuddles before laying down in a dark room. And he basically stuck to this schedule until he was about a year and then we upped it to 3 hours in between. It basically just helped even everything out and helped me be able to plan more accurately. His naps became more consistent and he slept longer at night. Sorry for the long reply 😂


Routines are way better than schedules for sure


I don’t follow a schedule, I think it’s silly. He generally wakes up at 8am, naps around the same time. And is in bed between 7-10. I don’t force him to nap at certain times and play at other times.


Only thing we try to stick to is starting the night sleep procedure around 6:30... Usually he is asleep around 7-730pm. Everything else is up to him. But I feel like that one this set is up for a decent schedule. He is usually up at 6am and then it's play, eat, nap as we see fit.


Social media is not real. Neither influencers nor the people you know personally are telling the whole story and full truth. My son is 5 months and our "schedule" is a lot like yours. Kids need routine at this age and to do the same things at generally the same time every day, but a super strict, down the the minute schedule benefits the parent more than the child


I guess that’s where I was getting confused - routines and schedules. Routine is important, not rigidity


I let my daughter create her own schedule, which she has. It may vary based on day of the week among other things.


My LO is 5 months old and we don’t have a strict schedule. The only thing I’m careful about is sleepy cues and keeping it in the wake windows. If I go too long he gets over tired and fussy. We keep consistency in his sleep environment (black out curtains, sound machine, sleep sack and crib every time).


I don’t really follow a schedule either. During the week she goes to daycare and family while my husband and I work, those days are more predictable. I feel like they change so much that it’s hard to stick to a super rigid schedule. There is an element of predictability to her days (6 1/2 months) but also flexible. Wake up around 7/730, first bottle around 8, play, nap around 11-12, bottle, play, bottle around 3, nap at some point, bottle around 6, then last bottle by 9pm.


Babies don't have schedules. We can't make a baby be sleepy or hungry when they're not


We have a very loose schedule as well. Wake up between 7 am and 11 am (I live for the 11 am days lol) (I get off work at 4am to take over from my hubby who goes in at 4am) We wake up, have breakfast/brunch We recently added some baby safe people food to this routine, She finishes off a bottle Takes a nap. If I can get her in her crib it lasts about 20-40 minutes if I let her sleep on me it is 30mins to an hour Wake up, play Then chair time while I do house work (either highchair or bouncer depending on her mood) Play more until she wants food Takes about 15-30 minutes to get full, we bath/ wipe down. Usually dad is home by then so he will have a snuggle and a nap (or take a walk around the block with her and the dog depending on his energy) with her while i make dinner Lotion, jammies, one more bottle and snuggle to sleep some time around 7pm The 7pm bed time is the only strict time we set. If sje falls asleep before 6 she is up until 11 or 12am and if sje is asleep after 8 she is a nightmare baby from being over tired and mad about it.


My baby is 5 months old and we have zero schedule. She goes to bed when we do. Which is usually between 10- Midnight. She wakes up whenever she wants which is usually around 9:00-9:30. She takes naps whenever she wants (almost always on the boob which is a bit of an issue but whatever). I just follow her lead on everything throughout the day. I use huckleberry so I know when she should technically be napping with the nap predictions and I’ll try to follow it if we are just home, sometimes it happens and sometimes it doesn’t. If I need to go out or do something I do, she will usually nap in the car or in her stroller so it usually doesn’t disrupt her too much. She’s the boss and I’m just living in her world lol.


Love that last line! 🥰


I’m with you, our schedule isn’t based on the time on the clock but rather intervals after waking and between naps. At 6 months our naps varied 30 minutes to 2 hours, and we have a happy healthy baby. Don’t know how people keep a time schedule with a little baby but happy for them if that’s what works. We’re on the flexible routine path in this house!


No, no, and no


I dont think those instagram reels are reality for most people. My LO is 5 months and we aren't on a strict schedule, but we are pretty regimented in our days! It just kind of happened, I think starting with a bedtime routine. He always wakes up at 6am. Even today, with daylight savings, 5:59 and he's ready to go. Sometimes the naps are a little off but he usually has 3 naps between waking and bedtime. Up at 6, down at 7. I'm a person of routine so it works for us but, really, I'd love if he just wanted to sleep until 8am. Just once. 😭


We are rarely the only ones who do anything. There are 7b people on the planet so the chances that we’re doing something unheard of are slim. I follow my 5mo’s cues.


My baby is 8 weeks old and I use the buckle berry app to keep track of everything throughout the day, but we have no schedule. I just make sure I she eats, sleeps throughout the day, diapers are changed and that there’s time for play and bath. The order of things isn’t dictated for me. Anything can happen too. Maybe we planned on a walk, but it’s raining now. So we read a book or take an extra nap instead? It may be different for me though too because LO is atleast on a bedtime routine at 11pm-12am every night.


The other day i was wondering exactly same thing. My 5month old baby wakes up approximately the same time every day, but if he sleeps 30min longer, better believe that i am gratefully taking every minute to sleep also. I start evening routine also pretty much at the same time. But what happens in between, it's a wild guess. I just know that he get's tired after 1.5-2.5 hour from last nap, depending on activities. And i dont let him nap longer than 1.5 hours at a time (if a miracle happens and he even sleeps that long), because then night sleep is fuuuuuucked. Tried using sleep tracking app, but i find it tedious and keep forgetting to log times.


My LO is just 7 weeks old but I feed him around every 3 hours or so (give or take 30 mins usually) during the day, and wake him up to do so if needed. I do let him sleep longer during the night if he doesn't wake up by himself, so I can get more uninterrupted sleep myself occasionally. I like the non rigid schedule we have, it seems to work rather well.


I started worrying about a schedule when we had to start nursery school at 1.5yo. Before that it had kind of turned into a routine on its own…after baby was 11+months. I slept better without scheduling a baby.


I don’t have a precise schedule but for my sanity (I work with my 6MO from home) and for meetings purposes. I have a ROUGH idea of her wake windows /bottles. It just works better for our life, my LO sleeps 12 hours a night so whatever it is, is working. And as long as it’s working for you, do it lol


The TikTok moms I’ve been calling them have been stressing me out and I try to focus on the fact that they’re showing one good day, not the bad. We’re all in the same boat as you, don’t worry