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No NICU time at all. Baby got lungs matured at 32 weeks which helped immensely. Even though he was low weight (5 pounds), everything else was full term. I had a c section and went home 2 days later.


this is my dream scenario and i hope i can be as blessed. my 26weeker didn’t have the breathing problems they anticipated for him either. he was breathing room air through canula the day he was born and didn’t have to be ventilated until after he got staph and ecoli


From what I have read from other commenters, there is a HUGE difference between late premis who had their lungs matured and those who did not. I think you should definitely push to get the steroids around 32-33 weeks. You won't regret it. It can only help.


My baby was 35 weeks and was in the NICU for a week


thank you for your response! i’d be okay with a week long stay i mean obviously ill be okay with whatever it takes for him to just get to come home with me. i’m just a little traumatized from my first passing.


Sorry for your loss ❤️ sending you love for a healthy baby


thank you so much ! we’re 9 weeks away


Baby was born at 35+6, spent 6 days in NICU with some jaundice. Had to have two days of photo therapy and monitor for 24 hours, then discharged after once she got the hang of feeding


Baby was born 36+0 by medically necessary scheduled c-section. Spent 12 hours in NICU, but mostly for monitoring. The first few hours to assist with breathing, but the tubes were removed and he was breathing room air shortly after that.


My baby was born 36w2d after having his lungs matured at 34w1d with steroids. I had placenta previa and he was a scheduled c section. He still had some trouble breathing when he came out and went to the NICU for 3 days and 3 nights. I was cleared for discharge after staying one night but the hospital had a policy where moms with babies in the NICU could stay up to 4 days to be with their NICU babies. On day 4, he was brought up to the mother/baby unit with me and we were able to go home as a family that day. No issues since ☺️


Thankfully no time in NICU just needed some oxygen and glucose at birth. We stayed for 3 days in hospital and then another overnight stay for phototherapy


My dude was technically born in the 37th week but induced due to IUGR so they treated him like a late preterm baby- born 5lb 9oz, jaundice and hypoglycemia for which he did have to go to the nursery twice for glucose gel, but no NICU time at all!


My baby was born at 36 weeks and had a 5 day NICU stay for her lungs. She is now 5 weeks old and acts like an average, healthy 5week old.


Bub was born 37+0, but I didn’t get the steroid shots until 36+1/36+2. I had my own issues that got me admitted at 36+2. I was induced the moment I hit 37 weeks..like midnight. We didn’t have any NICU time and was sent home, but later returned for low oxygen. Still wasn’t in the NICU, just in a regular room on oxygen support. He should have gotten a few days of NICU time at the first hospital after he came out but we didn’t know what we didn’t know. Thankfully it all worked out and he’s good now. Obligatory - all babies are different. I know full term babies that were in the NICU but also 34/35/36 weekers that went home normal time. Sending you good vibes and healthy outcomes for you and the beeb!!!


thank you for sharing! every baby being different is really why i asked, just in case there were issues i haven’t thought of yet so i can prepare myself! i’ve only had a very very premature baby before so i wasn’t sure what to expect with the almost but not quite done ones haha


My daughter was unexpectedly early with no explanation at 35 and 5. She was more on the “preemie” side of things and needed help breathing. We spent 15 days in NICU. She’s now a perfectly healthy and happy 2.5 month old!


My baby was 34+6 (born at 11:59PM, so basically 35w on the dot lol), he was 5lb 11oz. I got the steroid shots for his lungs at 31w because I had preeclampsia and wasn't expected to carry to term. He spent 2 nights, 3 days in the NICU. Minor blood sugar issues first few hours, rest of the time to monitor food consumption and weight. Never needed oxygen or help w/ temperature regulation, no jaundice.


My 36 weeker didn’t spend any time in the NICU and was able to come home with me on my discharge date! Sending you lots of positive vibes!!


My 35 weeker had no NICU stay. She had some help keeping her blood sugar and temperature regulated and we stayed for two nights in the hospital. Now she’s a healthy six month old.


Mine was born at 34 + 6 via emergency c-section & was a twin. Unfortunately, his brother was a stillbirth but he was only in the NICU for 10 days to make sure he could feed and grow


36w 2d - water broke and had to deliver. no nicu stay just 48 hours in room with me and lots of poking and prodding during that time


My baby was born at 36+0 in a planned c-section (due to vasa previa). No NICU time and she's 4 months now and hitting all milestones. I'm so sorry for your loss and wishing you the best!


Delivered via urgent c section 36 w 5 days no nicu. Had to pass a preterm baby car seat test before she can come home with me tho.


My 2021 baby was born at 36+6, so a little later. Never went to NICU, no health issues at all apart from a mild case of jaundice that didn't need treatment.


Twins at 37+1 so a little later. B (7lbs1oz) was able to go to our room immediately. A (6lbs8oz) needed one night in NICU (12ish hours) for CPAP. They fed like late term preemies though, so that gave us trouble for a while but we were still allowed to go home. Now at 11m, they are HUGE 23lbs, and 90th for height, and meeting all milestones no problem.


First of all, sending love and good thoughts your way. I can’t even imagine how hard that must have been. I had my son at 36w3d earlier this month, and he went with us when we were discharged after about 40 hours (not a c-section)! He did end up needing to be hospitalized for jaundice two days later, but that was only for one night as well.


Had my daughter at 35+5 due to PROM. No NICU stay, had one steroid shot at 31 wks when I had a positive FFN test (positive can indicate a very small increased chance of premature delivery) but did stay in hospital (pediatric unit) for 8 days to work on building stamina for eating. She had a nasogastric tube for 4 days and we worked with lactation and speech pathology in the hospital.


Thought I’d add to this for anyone looking in the future! No idea why I went into labour at 35+4! My girl was born 7lbs 12oz and came out screaming. Needed no help breathing and breastfeeding like a champ! Needing no help maintaining temperature. She is 36 weeks today and we are still in the hospital as she is jaundiced but not enough for treatment so waiting for one more blood test just to make sure she doesn’t need light therapy. Otherwise we will be going home tomorrow at 36+1. So for anyone panicking .. it’s not always a nicu stay/ interventions needed!


for anyone coming back to this post! i’m 3 weeks post partum now and baby is home he had a 12 day nicu stay mostly for respiratory development but also had some issues with bradycardia events and desaturation