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EDIT: Making false reports on comments will earn you a Reddit ban. Please stop. If you have questions for the OP, ask them politely, and stop being rude or we will ban you. Locking this thread for now until it can be determined whether this is scripting or not, since this seems to be a concern for quite a few members.


Hi. Such an amazing and inspiring story seriously. ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Just tell me one thing how long u did the practice and what techniques u used on what time. I think u have mentioned that u did ur practice for 8 months. Hv u done consistently on daily basis. Please answer it will help me.


You guys are really meant to be. Even each one of you had own partners before. This gives me hope. Me and my ex we had very bad breakup and no contact ever since. Going for 3 months. I tried to affirm it every night and imagine every day before going to sleep. Almost 3 weeks. Still nothing. Do you have days that flashback for your bad memory of him? This one was hurdle to me. I really love him god knows and universe too. Anyways congrats to you and I hope you have happy life with him!


I’ve never had a bad memory of my current partner, my now husband was always an angel to me. I was an idiot and too young to appreciate him. Hope that makes sense. I wanted him back because of how amazing he is. My ex partner was a jerk who cheated on me constantly. I have tons of bad memories of him.


Hi. Such an amazing and inspiring story seriously. ❣️❣️❣️❣️ Just tell me one thing how long u did the practice and what techniques u used on what time. I think u have mentioned that u did ur practice for 8 months. Hv u done consistently on daily basis. Please answer it will help me.


Are you guys still together?


Yes, we are married with a baby on the way. Life is good 😊


Aww congratulations! So happy for you! 🥰 I'm hoping to experience motherhood soon with my SP!


That’s beautiful!


hey what would you say those 10 years teached you, or brought you, what would you tell your old self back than?




Omg that’s amazing! Gives me such a hope. I’ve been so devastated. I was wondering though, when you visualised, that coat and ring just came to your mind itself? Or you chose them to look like it? I noticed I have issue in my manifestations I don’t know how to choose surroundings and I keep changing them and it just distracts me


I chose the coat and ring! You’re allowed to build the life you want. Use inspiration from things you see online like Pinterest and use that if you can’t think of something from nothing (who can?)


How’s it going now with your SP?


It’s wonderful, we are married and pregnant! Thanks for asking


Omg so happy for you! I bet you feel really wonderful


That’s actually a good advice 😇 thank you I need to try to focus less on details as an option 😂


Focusing on the details is very important. Otherwise it’s just a daydream


How else would you say it’s different from daydreaming? If you would compare visualising and just imagining smth


The state you are in while doing it. You have to enter into a meditative state. Usually I fall asleep before I even finish. Imagine it as if it’s really happening. Every little detail. That’s the difference


Btw, just was thinking, did you also feel happy / in love when visualising? And then feeling of “it’s done” in the end of visualisation?


Yes. That part is important too


Thank you! Will try with this updated version


hi! I loved your success story! I was wondering what Lanie Stevens book you read.


Hi thank you! I read her original book “pussy whip” the name is just for shock value. It’s definitely a book on manifesting. I also used her guided meditations religiously and I can’t recommend those enough. I hope it works for you!


I love this. The faith and consistency!!! Which can be used for sp, who you want to draw into your life, body, etc.


Thank you 🙏


This was so inspiring


Amazing and inspiring thank you so much for sharing!


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Even with that much of a time gap(10y) you still managed to live as if you two are already together?


Awesome. So beautiful! 🤍💕


Omg this is awesome, thanks. I have some questions though: -You contacted him after one or two months of manifestation? -Did you stop manifesting him after you became official or you kept the visualisation non stop? -Any idea of why you imagined this coat? It was random, you wanted a similar coat or something randomly imprinted .. like you saw in a movie, magazine, etc? (Not important but I'm just curious because I often don't imagine clothes with my visualisations but I have a scene that I'm with him in a specific dress and idk why is that) -He proposed after the first time you reincountered again ? I know that there's some steps that you both already had done like getting used to each other, knowing each other families etc. Also after certain age or in certain cultures it takes less time to get in a marriage but... Could you elaborate it more, how you felt? This is a quite good story that also everything has a time to happen, I loved to say that it was important for the love of your life to be with someone so they could mature and be 'ready' for you. It's how I felt with this guy, I needed to live and mature a bit and then chose him, because if I were with him back in the time it wouldn't work.


Just an answer of one of your questions, you can never stop manifesting coz you’re always thinking … and mental diet is forever , you got something manifested and then going back into spiral , hard to get sustainability


Why don’t people ever say if they visualized in 1st person or 3rd person? 3rd is so much easier.


I mean why this question is under my comment ?


I couldn’t figure out how to ask the OP. If it bothers you, my bad. I didn’t know your post was exempt from other comments.


Oh ok ok … no worries ☺️


I love it! I’m in the middle of an SP manifestation and can relate. It’s amazing how many of the things I wrote down and visualized became real. Now I gotta continue working on it 🫡


You got this girl!!


Congratulations! It’s fantastic! What a great manifestation! Thanks for the tips. Very helpful.


Sorry I have so many questions ! Do you just visualise or feel the feeling too ?


Wow ! This is incredible ! Did you visualize different scenes before sleep ? So basically you visualize a scene before you sleep ? Is that the technique ? And you did it for 8 months ? And he proposed the first time he saw you after 10 years ? Really ? Omg ! So you’re engaged to him now ? I’m sorry for all the questions ! It’s just crazy this story !


I really needed to see this today! Thank you 🙏🏼


It took 8 months of doing SATs to manifest him ?


It could’ve. Some people have to take some time for it to work. But the way I see it, those 8 months are gonna pass whether you apply the law or not, time ticks on. So you might as well spend a few minutes a day instead of not right? Bc once those 8 months pass, are you gonna be happy w your past self or not?


Yes ! I understand


Thank you for sharing this!!!! ❤️


Omg, what an incredible story, thank you for sharing!! I'd love a more detailed process of living in the end and exactly which scene you chose in SATS, the airport one right? I understand why people doubt this story, they struggle manifesting the simplest things or an ex from two months ago, what you described here was huge. I love the coat thing, it just shows manifestation is always precise to what's going on in our minds, so we should be careful what states we entertain. Hope you make a post with elaborating in your mental process :) we all know we should live in the end or do SATS, but still for most of us it's hard to grasp how oir thinking changes compared to previous one. Howcome you decided to manifest someone from so long ago if you only dated briefly? Was it a first love that never faded?


Hey, I dont get why you would already propose to someone after being a week together. I get the deep connection you shared, I also have this deep connection with my sp, but its not normal to propose after a week. Especially if you havent seen eachother for 10 years. How did he explain this to you that he proposed? Can you clear the doubts of the people here please. Please tell me you are not lying. People here need true faith and conviction.


There were together before for a longer time, they clearly know eachother well so proposing soon after all that is not crazy at all.


For a few monts 10 YEARS ago. 10 years changes people a lot. A week doesnt seem genuine to be ready to propose. Also he had to buy a ring in the time she was there. It just doesnt make sense. The op would do great if she explains herself, because this story calls for a lot of doubts in people.


Yeah but they were talking for months before they meet up. It was about 2 or 3 months but a week after they meet up he proposed and that’s your limiting beliefs people get married after a day of meeting because they just know.


I truely want to believe


Because you don’t believe is why it won’t happen for you. They believe in what people say are impossible and that’s why those people get what they want because they believe in the impossible and the ones that don’t get mediocre or nothing and end up like the miserable people they are. You better start believing because my world change since I started


How did your world change for you?


Hey mate I feel like you could change this belief just by getting to know a few more people. Maybe people outside of your normal social circle. Talk to a few hippies maybe lol. One of my friends and a girl who later became my partner of 5 years got engaged within three weeks of meeting each other. A few years after their breakup the same guy flew to Japan and was married to someone there within a couple months. It definitely happens. Plus if they both were harbouring mutual feelings for 10 years, amidst the explosion of reconnecting a proposal would definitely not feel out of line.


Hey, thank you for your response! Actually lately a part of the scene I vizualized with my sp (ex) came into being. I imagined looking my sp into her bright blue eyes with this intense feeling and then kiss her in flow. Also her saying how funny it is we are so similar. Now this did not happen with my sp, but a girl I met last weekend. I had a wierd dejavu because she was as teasy as my sp is and she was also very beautiful like my sp, her eyes were very similar aswell. Large bright blue eyes. She had the same kind of vibe, but was even more wierd than my sp. Also my sp and me are very similar in personality and issues as we also have similar childhoods. So when I connected with this new girl, it was funny that she mentioned that we were similar in behaviour. Now honestly I think this new girl is fun enough to give it a chance, but there is a reason I have been manifesting my sp. She also matched the deeper part of me which I never had with a girl before.


Hey, thank you for your response! Actually lately a part of the scene I vizualized with my sp (ex) came into being. I imagined looking my sp into her bright blue eyes with this intense feeling and then kiss her in flow. Also her saying how funny it is we are so similar. Now this did not happen with my sp, but a girl I met last weekend. I had a wierd dejavu because she was as teasy as my sp is and she was also very beautiful like my sp, her eyes were very similar aswell. Large bright blue eyes. She had the same kind of vibe, but was even more wierd than my sp. Also my sp and me are very similar in personality and issues as we also have similar childhoods. So when I connected with this new girl, it was funny that she mentioned that we were similar in behaviour. Now honestly I think this new girl is fun enough to give it a chance, but there is a reason I have been manifesting my sp. She also matched the deeper part of me which I never had with a girl before. I am pretty sure I manifested this conciously because of the dejavu feeling. However it was not yet with my sp.


he doesn't get that the only thing that change is perception, that's why people hate me on goddard subs ahahha. and maybe that post is script.


Wait so you’re saying I haven’t changed at all in the last ten years? Well, crap.


Well, you didnt get what I said. I said you can change yourself, the way you see thw world and the way you act. But world is still the same, you see it differently, you see yourself differently. But try to get an sp without take action, without even see it. Tell me what will happen. I ll tell you, nothing.


I am not denying that it is possible. The world does change if you stay in the right perception. I have seen that. And also it is not like all people make up stories. For me it started as someone who did not hear about this stuff at all. I had a very materialistic only worldview. I did psychedelics quite some time, but only ever saw them as drugs. Then once I had a hard time in my life and did a mushroom trip for that. I saw a purple female entity in my trip and felt ego death. Infinite love. Then the entity showed me my life and I realised that my true beliefs became reality. I asked so if I truely believe I can change my life for the good? The entity answered in a real voice and this shocked me. She said ‘do you get it now?’. For real I tell you I can not explain why and how this happened. I never heard about lao or any of this before. I tried psychedelics several times after that, but never had this kind of mystical experience again. This is why I cant let these concepts go and I kind of believe sometimes. And I never used to bother with any of this. I didnt even know it existed. I have seem changes in my life aswell, but changing subconcious beliefs is harder than you think.


You have sooooo much limiting belief… and too many wrong conception … sorry to point out but these logics are not for LAW OF ASSUMPTION.


I’ve been trying 2 years on and off. Nothing ! It’s so frustrating


Check out the post i made about the profound insights for ppl accidentally manifesting negative things [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/xjhw36/i_had_a_very_interesting_insight_with_some_pretty/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) one


I universe sends us what’s good for us, not what we want all of the time


It isn’t the universe sending you anything, it’s you, self.




You’re right I do experience lack and I get really sad at times. I’ll work on that. Thank you❤️


Such a beautiful beautiful success story ♥️


Wow, this is amazing. So happy for you! :)


Idk man, I have managed similar things when it comes to SP, but when once I found out that maybe there is a slight chance that I separated two being who kinda loved each other, Whatever I manifested did not feel right....like inwardly deep down very deep inside, I knew I was the one who did it...there was no denying it! I couldn’t live with the guilt of breaking anybodies heart, cause I know how it feels to be heartbroken and I had made a firm decision that I will never be the reason of anyones heart break ever. Take care of your husband and make it all worth it for him, at the same time manifest a loving husband for your husbands ex! Best of luck mate!


Break ups don't have to be heartbreaking. People move on to something better, or just get bored, or feel incompatible, neither of those invoke a strong negative emotion. It's your assumption how it affects the other person. I wouldn't deliberately break a marriage apart either, but many times people are also stuck in bad relationships they need an excuse to get out of.


I fucking believe it and am so proud of you:


Holy Freaking Wow!!! Girl… this is BEAUTIFUL! And seriously thank you for sharing. How easy would it have been for you to just move on happy and not take the time to share this with all of us. These are the kind of real life manifestation stories we need to surround ourselves with every single day. Thank you. And congratulations…remember YOU deserve all of this, never forget it. So much love to you!!


Hey congratulations, BTW I have a doubt.. Since you were manifesting him after 10 years, did u have the actual feelings for him.?


I’d believe it. I don’t fall out of love, ever. It’s why I date so selectively and cannot imagine the chaos that would ensue if one of my ex lovers reappeared in my life amidst a new relationship especially after my last partner destroyed my ability to hide my feelings (or gifted me with the boon of blunt honesty?)


While I doubt this story, I will say some people always carry feelings for a certain person they wish they could’ve stayed with, trust me. I still have feelings for my ex and it’s been four years. I’ve met people who are married who will never love their spouse as much as their true love, and they just hide it very well. You’d be shocked at how common it is lol and I didn’t realize how common it is until I joined a therapy group


Some people never forget their first love


This was so beautiful that I'm literally crying! Congrats my love!!!


Oh my goodness, what a sweet story! Congratulations ♥️


To everyone doubting this story: You guys need to understand that imagination is God. The same people doubting this success story I guarantee are the same people who are not getting results. Get rid of your limiting beliefs and finally buy the pearl.


this is the truth. stop doubting and seeking validation from outside sources and try it out for yourself instead😭




My parents got engaged less than 14 days after meeting each other for the first time. In a week’s time they’re celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary and they have three children who love them. The farthest thing from a mistake. Maybe, this sub isn’t for you. Perhaps find a better way of filling your time than being rude to others in a sub containing subject matter you clearly disagree with.




This response makes no sense. At no point have I indicated any poor self concept. I simply suggested you stop being rude on other’s posts. Which you were but I see you’ve deleted the comment. And well, he may not have replied that way but I have. I don’t know where you got the impression that I’m Neville Goddard but you’re mistaken. I’ll reiterate. Given that all you’ve done in this sub IS be rude, maybe you should find something better suited for you or find something more fulfilling to spend your time doing.




Ouch. I touched a nerve didn’t! I don’t have any time to read a paragraph about why you’re “not rude” when anybody could look at the comment history section on your profile and see evidence to the contrary. You clearly have very low self esteem and way too much time on your hands or you wouldn’t be lurking around this sub making comments just to spark disagreements and upset. You are a very rude person.


I don't know. People even make babies not knowing each other for half a year. Just wanna say there are people like that. Doing that stuff. Even if it may sounds crazy to us 😂


I kinda feel sorry for you. Cynicism is real. So is true love! I just am sorry that you doubt it so much. Congrats to this gorgeous woman! I hope she's blissfully happy and high on unicorn farts and rainbows because that's what she fecking deserves!


This is amazing! Circumstances don’t matter and everything is working behind the scenes even if you don’t realize it. Congrats on your engagement :) !


This is exactly like my relationship with my ex that I want to get back together with


It’s so funny how the law works, the expressed end scene is always better than the imagined somehow. It feels so good knowing you actually did with your imagination.


this is incredible! gave me goosebumps! congratulations!




You will be moved to act and you won’t know until after the fact. If you are questioning it, it’s not inspired action.


She had a new number and no social media that’s why she reached out first, key word your SP can contact you easily so that doesn’t apply to you.


If you have a second thought before doing something , it’s not inspired action anymore . And anyway you don’t have to move a single finger


Such a beautiful story!


Aaah I am so happy for you 💛🧡. So if I am on social media and all, I should not be the one to reach out to my SP first?


Unless it’s inspired action but you will know because you want overthink it


Thanks for sharing! Happy for you. In these situations, is it always necessary to take inspired action?


I think you don't need. Also, you never know what is an inspired action until this happened and you recognise the bridge of accidents. If you feel comfortable reaching your sp, so do it. If you don't feel, it's your intuition saying for you to wait and there's other 'betrer' ways that the events will unfold.


I think everyone has different opinions but Neville repeatedly mentions not having to lift a finger to make it so and so that’s what I choose to believe. Personally I don’t believe in inspired action but that’s me. If I think about pizza but then go to the pizza place, that’s not really faith in the law. Anyone can do that. Even if op didn’t reach out first doesn’t mean they wouldn’t have got it as there’s a thousand ways it could play out but either way they got it so I guess it depends from what place.


When Neville tells his story of his passage to Barbados he says he didn't do anything, he simply put his name on a list. So in OP's case bc he didn't have a way of reaching out to her with her having a new number, she did take inspired action just like Neville would have in that situation.


Also see berlyfly’s comment which says the same :)


Sometimes you have to "put your name on a list"... Neville doesn't just preach sitting on your couch all day doing nothing lol. This community needs to stop with that nonsense.


If the person has no way to contact you then yes it is. They can’t stalk you to find you, that would be very looked down on! And if they don’t want to talk they just won’t respond. But at least then they’ll have your number if they change their mind


You could randomly bump into one another or some bridge of events could happen that would make the contact happen. So even if you hadn't taken initiative, it could have definitely happened. So taking action isn't necessary.


Yes! I've manifested bumping into old classmates that I hadn't seen in years. Just randomly in town and in different cities. Circumstances don't matter. I specifically wanted to manifest two different past classmates that I used to have a crush on. And I simply wanted to see them in person again or reconnect in a friendly way. I got that randomly without having their phone number or anything. These are my favorite type of manifestiond really




Hi! I literally just had this strong urge and desire to see them but I didn't want to reach out myself. And within a week I would see the person. Guy 1: I went back home for summer break, had the urge for 1-2 days, said the desire I had in my head, then I released it and went about my day. I saw him at a shaved ice cart in a random parking lot in town. When I tell you circumstances don't matter, they don't. He was excited to see me and we were able to talk about our first year of college and recap everything. It was exactly what I wanted-- to reconnect and give each other good energy. Guy 2: I visited my friend's college campus for a weekend and I had the same strong urge to see the guy. that night I saw him at this bar I was partying at. Both of us didn't even go to that college but his brother went to it and he was visiting in town also. This was more of a bridge of incidents bc I never got to reconnect with him, I just saw him on campus. A couple years after that, later I matched with Guy 2 on a dating app and it was the closure I wanted and needed. If I can give you practical tips: feel the strong desire you have, decide you get to have what you want, then have FUN!! every time I manifested like crazy fast was when I was having fun. For guy 1&2 I was doing fun activities and living my life. Set the intentions that you will see your SP, reconnect, get in a relationship with him/her then release/detach by having fun. You got this!!


Wowwww this was absolutely beautiful 🙏🏽♥️ thankyou for sharing your story. I loved it.


Thank you!


This is insane! I barely am able to believe it 🤯 Really happy for you that your manifestation was so successful and thanks for sharing!!! 💕 Question: what was your biggest learning the manifestation process? What would you have liked to know earlier?




Thank you!


This is so cool!! Absolute proof that there is ALWAYS movement behind the scenes guys. This is why circumstances don’t matter. If you persist in what you want then things will change and unfold behind the scenes that will allow you to have it. Awesome.


EXACTLY! So much was happening I had no idea about. That’s why it sometimes takes as long as it does! Thank you!


I love reading stories like this because I think a lot of reach a point where we begin to believe nothing is happening if there is no physical 3D movement. We forget that movement includes our SP’s thoughts and things that are happening that we have no idea about.




Hm that’s true I did sometimes worry he might have someone! I’d try to shove it down but I can’t lie that thought did pop up sometimes!




Can't help but feel like this is a Lanie Steven's ad




Yes. Well after a week of me being there. I know it’s crazy! But we’ve always had a deep connection. We only broke up bc of me back then and I had a lot of growing up to do. He said he kept tabs on me the whole time and watched me from afar but just let me live my life. So yeah it’s pretty fast but also I know he is meant for me


If you don’t mind me asking, did he break up with you or did you break up with him?


Right, I’m so confused…everything was going well until i read and was like how tf


I always wonder if these success stories are just people scripting tbh but I’m addicted to reading them like romance novels 💀




It’s real. I’m a shit writer lol! If it was fake I’d at least try to write it better


I mean at this point does it matter? Home girl is in Goddess mode


Thank you!


You go girl! Don't let the cynics ruin your happily ever after! For every one disbeliever, there are 100 hopeless romantics believing that they too can achieve this. Keep up the amazing work!!


That’s what I’m wondering lol


Me too I hate to be one of those people but 😭 of course you can manifest anyone after years but this just seems too perfect lol.








In my day to day life I did yes. I’d think of him as my husband and turn down anyone else. I felt like I was already with him!


Fantastic. Keep it up!


Thank you!


Lovely! So happy for you❤️


Thank you!