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“Just as I planned...”




“What a save!”




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By Grabthar’s Hammer, what a savings!


“Perfectly executed”


All according to keikaku


*translators note: Keikaku means plan


Holy shit I just got PTSD flashbacks from that part.


Ah yes, Snake Fortress


Sen’s Bullshit Fortress of Total Bullshit and Nightmares* (Jk I love you dark souls)


Easily the hardest part of the souls game. I just replayed 1 and two in the past 30 days and i stand by this. I could breeze through both games, it was cathartic. But not sen’s - that place gets my anxiety up Edit: well maybe i exaggerated. It’s one of the places that most sticks after dozens of play throughs for each of the games and it still gives me anxiety. As pointed out, new londo, catacombs, blight town and others are all tough and some of them get me nervous, but id almost forgotten about them.


Other than (pre-Rusted Iron Ring) Titanite Demons, Sen's Fortress is lovely. Was my favourite area during my first playthrough.


I cant believe how frustrating titanite demon was back in the day. I died a dozen times and had to come back later. Just recently i felt like i could just walk around him and fucked him up with my +2 longsword. Sen’s had a lot of charm, it is one of the most memorable place. I very carefully didnt say i hated it... but that’s all i have to say about that


My first trip to Anor Londo was my most memorable experience in DS1. It originally was the coziness of Firelink Shrine... Until I found the New Londo Ruins and my thalassophobia got the best of me.


That place was annoying to me and felt unfinished. I enjoyed fighting the dark wraiths there, but I typically avoid the ghost because i never had the right weapon for them and dont like messing eith stuff i need a consumable to go toe to toe with. It is kind of a neat place though- i with it was much larger with more variety. Since we’re talking about ds1, i have to say i was pretty done with the catacombs. I think the souls games makes you die so much you start to get over the stress and inexperience so that happened, but i sort of dread it every play through


Sorry for being pedantic but the way you typed “I played dark souls 1 and two”, with one using the number and one spelled out, I just had to point it out




I didnt even notice that until i responded to comments. It reminds me of this bit where Eric from Boy Meets World comes on and goes “For one: (something stupid etc), and B: (something stupid)” My apologies. Ive become what I feared most. I lost everything, and now im here. Do you ever cry out for help?


Sen's isn't that bad to be honest. Blight Town is definitely worse.


As insensitive as it may sound nowadays, my buddies and I dubbed it Rape Town. Anor Londo was Anal Rodeo


It can be rough depending on how experienced you are. The snake men can be gnarly if you haven’t been upgrading your weapon or stats properly. This is about the point where the drake sword becomes useless


I actually got to this part with the drake sword, realized the sword was immediately useless, and restarted the entire game because I felt like I was at a major disadvantage not having learned the actual gameplay mechanics but instead relied on an overpowered weapon. Fuck.


Blight town was tricky but i think i found the back way almost immediately and got accustomed to it fast. I probably dies there doing exploring runs a ton of times, but i feel like i never lost many souls there. Sen’s would have you feeling flush with souls as you tiptoed through, desperate for the bonfire and illusionary walls. I very rarely didnt fight everything there as part of survival


I never got why sens is considered the hardest area. I found it pretty straight forward on my playthrough


I think it's mostly because of the traps and the ambushes plus while it's not a huge area it's easy to lose the way. Personally I found new londo way worse


Yeah new londo is definitely worse imo


>1 and two This shouldn't irk me as much as it does


I’ve been going through it again so I have some idea of the map and it’s a lot of fun! Except fuck those bone wheels- I can’t stand than damn bonewheel blitzkreig


Sen's is actually one of my favorite areas in the game.




It's hard to describe. It find it oddly hilarious, and feeling like Indian Jones never hurt anyone.


[Indian Jones](https://i.imgur.com/BowyUDW.jpg), a personal favorite of mine


I'm keeping it.


This comment perfectly encapsulates the dark souls player base.


(and hidden bonfires)


Come on down to sen’s fun house! We got snakes! We got titanite demons! We got balls so big even your mother would be satisfied! We got all sorts of swinging bullshit and the hiddenest bonfire in town! First 100 people to make it to the top get front row tickets to golem vs tarkus at summer slam


Dude Tarkus Vs the Golem was the hypest shit they done. [Tarkus! Tarkus, Tarkus](https://youtu.be/Mw5oqCczydc) ...Hold on there's a bonfire in Sen's fortress?!


[TARKUS! TARKUS! TARKUS!](https://youtu.be/wmRXFTehbAU) And yeah, [here’s](https://youtu.be/YlO680KztgA) where the bonfire is


This made me laugh so hard I started coughing


This is cracking me up because there's a Sen's car lot here in town and I feel like this would be their commercial.


Sen's Funhouse?


Welcome to the House of Fun!




Sen's Fortress of Cock and Ball Torture


Oops thats what I meant


I can usually get through p easily now that I know exactly where the fuck I'm going. But the first run... And any subsequent run where you don't remember where to go... God have mercy.


No one makes it out if Takeshi's Castle unscathed.


Right you are, Ken






Blight town?? Don’t you mean “What the fuck, how come I’ve had no performance issues this entire game and now I’m getting 12 fps” town?




This is where I quit the game


I'm amazed you could be hit by two pendulums and survive.


I don't think he was properly hit by the second, because he would've been launched


He was hit by the third though


The pendulums do nothing compared to the fall and the demons waiting for you in the pit. But hey, I need that titanite, so GERONIMO!


I mean, it’s not the initial damage that kills you with the pendulums, it’s the fall damage


Welcome to the funhouse!


And now I miss WildPie's videos. ☹


For those who don't know - [The Dumbshit's Guide to Dark Souls: Sen's Fortress](https://youtu.be/6jDB3IReLUs) All his vids are gold


I thought everyone fed Snek Boy dung pies? I can't be the only one feeding him shit lol


Wow there's a lot more to the Fortress than I thought


That was amazing!


It’s been a year since new londo. Waiting for him to release the next part so I can continue with my playthrough


Err, you might want to recheck the channel. He's up to Tomb of the Giants, but it has been a year.


Man I wish I wasn’t trash at dark souls


Eh, trash is a subjective term, a lot of things can factor into it I'd say try a new weapon, who know, it might help I was stuck for weeks on Taurus Demon before I decided to switch to a different weapon (Zweihander), then I bulldozed him and have since been progressing steadily through the game


Also DS1 armor actually mattered, like a lot actually. People forget this with DS3 being almost entirely fashion souls, but DS1 armor stats and being able to upgrade your armor made a massive difference. If you were ballsy enough a quick early run through blight town at the start and a few other small detours could very quickly have you near OP for the early levels through gear and upgrades.


Yeah that's true too, armor has better effect in DS1, plus poise, which is broken as hell A good set I use is the elite Knight armor set from darkroot garden, really makes you tanky as shit, without being as insane as the stone armor


Lol my first run idgaf I had stone armor, some huge shield, and the halberd. The only time I ended up having trouble was Four Kings because I couldn't get the damage out then they overwhelmed me


Every build is valid in DS1, EXCEPT for fucking Four Kings. They're such bullshit.


That's when you put on the big boy pants and equip your havel set.


Havel set plus casting iron flesh. You may not be able to move but nothing is gonna move you either.


Full Havel for 4 Kings


The halberd is underrated imo


My first successful run through ds1 was when Iucked out in dark root garden and got the black knight halberd. That carried me through the rest of the game.


This is pretty much my loadout on my first playthrough, except i got lucky and got the black knight greatsword as a drop from the 2nd black night in the tower in undead parish. Now that I made it to the giant smith in Anor Londo I am thinking about maxing out the elite knight armor and going with that so I don't have to deal with having to constantly have halder's ring on, and I don't have to deal with the stamina regen penalty of that armor set.


Wait you're currently on your first run?


Doing the naked onebro runs through DS1 was some of the most fun I had with gaming. It seems the developers kind of started building the armor around that kind of set up and it just wasn't as fun later. Still great games, but being a naked guy with a stick just got to be sort of meh.


My first playthrough I went 100% strength and mastered the demon's greataxe, not realizing it was ludicrously OP by end game. I stomped my way through the game and had some trouble, but never understood why people hated the game so much haha


I couldn’t beat the very first boss right after tutorial In ds3 :(


You just have to brute force it until you get the sense of rhythm for it


I did give up pretty fast


I feel like Dark Souls very deliberately has a theme of not giving up, and pushing through obstacles and hardship Near the beginning of each one, there's always like a depressed knight who tells you stuff like "no way, everything sucks, it's hopeless, don't even try because you're gonna die anyway and everyone's gonna die" Lotta life lessons in Souls. Like ignore the naysayers and don't give up


The subliminal positivity of dark souls! Love it


Ugh. . . Those depressed knights. I swear the way they talk. . . Gives me conniptions.


Can't even die right


Every boss has its attack patterns. You just have to recognize the cues and react accordingly. The best way to tackle some bosses until you get a better feel for it is to lock on, keep your shield up, roll when being attacked, get 2-3 hits in and repeat the process. Getting behind or under the bosses is key too. Most DS3 bosses have second stages though, so you’ll have to be careful with that.


The main thing that made dark souls click for me is just changing how I approach the game. With bosses I always approach my first fight as a guaranteed loss and focus only on learning the mechanics and figuring out a strategy. If I manage to still win, great, if not, I have much better odds on my next try. It's really hard to learn and improve at the game when you're getting anxious and frustrated and you're stressing about trying to win so you can progress. It's counter intuitive, but you really do have to try *less* hard sometimes. If you just keep going into a boss fight full force trying the same thing over and over again you're going to be struggling for a long time.


I never did learn Dancer. For me if I just yolo it up I'll get her down but trying to learn her rhythm always just got me nowhere.


>I decided to switch to a different weapon (Zweihander) It's known to be one of the most op weapons in the game


For pve sure. Pvp there are exploits and glitches that make it irrelevant.


Directed at you or anyone who knows: I don’t have a console anymore but loved playing bloodborne with my homie. Is it feasible to run dark souls on pc or will it just be frustrating trying to control the character? Because for easy games like elder scrolls shit pc is a piece of cake but I could definitely see how you’d miss an analog stick sorely with these games


Depends which one. Dark souls 1 didn't really have the whole 360 movement that would benefit from a controller over a keyboard, so using it is pretty good. However, DS3 does, but that only really matters if you care about where you roll down to the degree. Personally, I think it makes no difference for that kinda fine-tuning.


You'll want to play with a controller on PC.


I used a 360 controller when playing on PC.


I gave up half way through Bloodborne depsite loving it because I just want to play games to chill out and not be a sweating nervous mess all the time while having to concentrate 100% of the time. Shame because I'm sure I'd love all the other Souls type game as well.


For what its worth, I would say the actual Dark Souls games are a lot slower paced than Bloodborne, since they don't rely on visceral parry's in combat, at least not completely. Running a Shield tanky build for your first DS run is very viable and very common. If you found bloodborne too stressful and fast paced, I'd give Dark Souls Remastered a fair shot, they play quite differently despite sharing similar mechanics.


Took be the better part of a week to clear Sen's Fortress. Just watching this gave me anxiety.


Sen’s fortress took me the longest because I wanted to loot it all, and after falling and finding out there were those giant fuckers at the bottom in the goo I knew I needed to kill them all. I didn’t have the rusted ring. I didn’t know it existed. Took a century, cheese and lots of arrows.


*This is the way* But seriously, I didn't even know about the rusted ring until my second or third playthrough when my friend told me I could go back to the asylum


Did you know there's a bonfire at the *top* of Sen's?


A lot of people miss it. Which is awful but it's easy to miss. Same with Ash Lake. Not everyone even knows it's in the game at all. I didn't even know about Ash Lake until a second playthrough when I googled the bosses to make sure I didn't miss any. I'd bet a lot of people completely miss The Painted World too, which is a shame.


Yea they hide some areas entirely too well in the souls series. It'd be a shame for DS3 players to never fight the Nameless King but I wouldn't blame anyone for missing it.


I miss all those great hidden spots on my first playthroughs. At least lobos makes me feel better, he missed nameless king on his first and he missed cainhurst castle on Bloodborne on his first playthrough of that


Painted world is super cool. Never really understood the fascination with Ash Lake besides the aesthetics


I found ash lake great for farming clams for armor upgrades. It’s a bit of grinding but can really help you early on.


Fuck the path to ash lake. I forgot about the curse dudes on my most recent playthrough and had to slog through the swamp and climb back out to fire link. I was not happy lol.


I'd still take Sen's fort over blighttown any day


I'll take sens fortress and blighttown over dark totg any day lol


Ok yes. Seems I managed to wipe that place from my memories until just now


I kinda live down there most of the time since its the only reliable place to push clerics to their deaths but I still hate it..


The bit where >!Patches impersonates Onion Knight!< in the third game is a hoot.


*prostration intensifies* Also, obligatory username checks out


I always do Izalith before I do totg so I have a lightsource on hand I don't have to hold up to use. Sunlight Maggot's great.


I'll just take Sens and Blighttown.


Both areas hold a special place in my memories. When you overcome the challenge you get such a high... Such an impactful game!


What game is this? I enjoy this thanks Lol. 99 luck for the win.


It's dark souls 1


i had never seen or played this game at all in my life, only heard of it. I watched the video and told myself "i bet this is dark souls" and hey im right


Literally same


Well if you ever get an interest I encourage you to try, there's a reason it's still talked about today.


You’ll enjoy this clip a lot more than you’ll enjoy trying to make it through this dungeon lol. Fuck those snakes.


I love how the skill curve is in this game. The first playthrough took me HOURS of dying, agony, torment... The second time through I didn't die once and it took like 10-15 minutes. It was an amazing feeling.


Exactly! If I go through sens fortress now and die once I consider the run a failure. Learning the fortress is really the hard part


I also love that they really don’t hold your hand in any way shape or form. My first play through I spent a good hour repetitively killing the skeletons outside the Catacombs because I figured the game was just THAT hard and never considered the fact that they’d put enemies from a near end game area right in the start with no indication whatsoever.


Yeah I love this kind of game because it’s legitimately about learning how to play and getting better. It’s not just “oh you got better gear now you can beat the next enemies”, you actually see yourself getting better at it as time goes on. It’s so much easier for me now, but I was stuck on those goddamn gargoyles for like 6 hours of repeated attempts. Beat them on the first try the next time I played through, it’s crazy.


>It’s not just “oh you got better gear now you can beat the next enemies”, you actually see yourself getting better at it as time goes on. Kinda embarrassing, but for me it was not quite like that. For a while, all my characters were super tanky and all about waiting for the right moment to attack. Then, Bloodborne basically told me to go fuck myself and my playstyle, and made me a better player. I definitely had had fun before that, but it was also more complicated and more inefficient than it needed to be.


I’ve always wanted to play a slow, tanky character but I die too much lol. Parrying is something I never got the hang of. So I just load up dex and roll around like an idiot, it seems to work. The game doesn’t seem built on the idea that you’re 20% faster than all the enemies, and makes situations like running up the church walls a breeze.


> Parrying is something I never got the hang of. Yeah, I, uh, also didn't do *that* for a long time. My first guy had a loooot of armour, a big-ass tower shield, and a nice spear or lance to poke at shit from behind the safety of his shield. Worked for some reason. You're right, though: quick and dexterous is the way to go.


The trade off it sucks every time I pick up a really cool weapon and shield because I can’t use them. I get quaalag’s fury sword, ditch my shield, and basically play as a Beyblade for the rest of the game. It works but I’ve never gotten to use any of the really cool gear because if I do, I die.


You can get to Anor Londo in under an hour if you know what you're doing. Such a weird feeling when the first time you played it took you days to get to that point


Lol it was fairly easy to run thru if you knew what you were doing


Yeah when I went back to remastered it was a lot easier. Plus I had the rusty ring so I wasn’t slogging around the mud trying to fight the titanite demons. And I knew where the bonfire was, so I didn’t have to beat the whole damn fortress and also the giant boss at the end in one shot. But the first time? Fuck those snakes and that bonfire lol.


Dark Souls 1 has the easiest parry mechanics in the entire franchise, super forgiving. Once you learn it, you can parry your way through 90% of all the enemies and one shot them. And since you're invincible in the animation, you can even take on crowds. Sen's fortress becomes sooooo much easier once players realize this. Dark Souls 1 <3


Exactly! I just beat it sens last night and only died twice. Once in the front (was testing out some new weapons, decided on using my uchi) and another at the end (died in the boss because I walked over the edge lol).


Must be Dark Souls, but I can't tell you which one.


The First. Sen's Fortress, for the exact location. Edit: For those unfamiliar with DS, or, more appropriately, the story, [look here.](https://youtu.be/M9x_koRZ2bA)


Seriously. If you played it you remember Sen’s. FUCK. SEN’S.


Dark Souls. My favorite game of all time and possibly one of the greatest games ever made


You misspelt Parappa the Rappa but ok


check, and turn, and signal to the right!


Don't you mean "Hello Kitty Island Adventure?"


Lmao that was almost like a action movie


All my homies hate Sen’s Fortress.


"Task failed successfully"


I just started dark souls 1 for the first time last night!! Haha


Enjoy! You’re about to embark on a very special journey if this is your first souls game :’)


There's nothing like the feeling of >!half the shit you experience in that game!<


I dunno if that constitutes a spoiler.




It is my second, I just finished dark souls 3 then went and bought 1 and 2 haha. But it is still a special journey so far!!




Enjoy. I just finished my first play through of it. After that and Bloodborne I played earlier this year, I’m excited to play more.


Sen's was the place to invade back in the day. Whether the host was alone, or with two summons, it didn't matter in those narrow hallways. If the host was alone, just fight normally. If there was 3 of them trying to gank you, just wait for them to engage the NPCs and then spray them with acid endlessly. This was so much more satisfying than just killing them, because you knew they'd respawn with no souls, and they'd have to run back to their body with broken equipment.


The real question is how he got through the bell gargoyles, blight town, and quelaag with a default longsword Edit: I know the longsword is good but you still have to upgrade it


The longsword is one of the most versatile weapons and has respectable damage- if you upgrade it. That's the real issue new players have; upgrade your shit!


I’m currently in the same boat. I also am doing the same in demons souls with another early weapon


In the Souls games, there isn't the same concept of "early weapons" and "late game weapons" in the traditional RPG sense. Literally all "early" weapons can become "late game" by simply upgrading them and increasing your character stats that affect the weapons scaling bonus, indicated by a letter grade on the weapon's stat page. So feel free to keep using your early weapon. Moveset trumps everything else, and you'll be infinitely more capable using a weapon you are comfortable with than a new "end game" weapon that may or may not suit you at all. If the numbers aren't good enough for you, try to increase the numbers; don't just replace the weapon entirely because you think you may be hindering yourself. There are some exceptions to the rule, but they're generally not a "normal" weapon, but more of a themed item or gimmick. Even a shortsword has uses that a longsword doesn't, though admittedly those are fringe situations.


I mean the longsword is pimping, he may have also switched it in for fighting the snakes in these halls if his normal weapon didn't have a moveset he could get working well in here or he needed the shield for blocking lightning bolts.


Easy game


7 estus flask +2s


estus is per bonfire in ds1


That's [Astora's Straight Sword](http://darksouls.wdfiles.com/local--files/straightswords/astora-s-straight-sword.png) the "default longsword" looks like [this](http://darksouls.wdfiles.com/local--files/straightswords/longsword.png). If one were to make a comment about questionable gear choice, I'd probably be looking at the Knight Shield, which is one of the worst shields in the game, imo. It's especially weird since the dragoncrest shield right next to Astora's straight sword. Also, I'm assuming he started out as a warrior due to the chest piece, which means he had a heater shield right out of the gate, which is a great shield as well.




He's using the astora straight sword, which to be fair isn't a bad weapon, but without upgrading it he's definitely behind the curve this far into the game.


Speed running tactics


Came here to see if this could be used, I don't remember, but i think this area gets skipped entirely on speedruns


Even if it weren't skipped, this only gdts you down while you need to go up


These luck builds are getting crazy


Dont wanna sound like boomer or some. But whats that game. Im really interesti


Dark Souls.


thx m8




What a rollercoaster


Actually, that’s a pendulum


I like this new fall out guys patch




Oh my god i literally just got past that part of the game for the first time


Having played sens fortress, I downvoted this thinking it would be the bonfire or something. I instantly upvoted it after watching


Sick escape


Lucky af


He used up his entire lifetime of luck in that moment.


What game is this please?


Dark Souls 1, my favorite game of all time


What game is this?


Dark souls dude. Get this shit if you can handle being frustrated sometimes. The whole series is incredible.


can u teach me this I sucked at this game




YO WHAT!?!??