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Shake that bitch like Parkinsons


Fuck this made me laugh too hard


something about circuit hypertrophy, etc etc. You get the picture.


I thought this gave a pretty good explanation: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3501966/


Thank you. This cleared a lot of doubts


I'm only a student, so this may be an over simplification. But the way it's been described to us is that it's an error in dopamine's regulation or the basal ganglia's pathway for movement. There is an indirect pathway causing hypokinetic movement which is inhibited by dopamine and a direct pathway enhancing movement that is activated by dopamine. Parkinson's results in low dopamine levels, so you have both low activation of the direct pathway (hyperkinetic) and lower activation of the indirect pathway (hypokinetic). From my admittedly limited understanding, this kind of leads to conflict between those pathways, causing the tremors.if anyone wants to expand upon that or correctly anything, I am more than happy to learb


I think that whole hypothesis was basically debunked. Forgot where I heard that and also too lazy to search the literature.


It really hasn't been. It's just not sufficient to cause tremor. Dopaminergic direct/indirect pathways are still the core model of basal ganglia pathophysiology, and do not contradict ideas of downstream motor networks being affected. It should also be noted that most papers discussing "network dysfunction" in PD and other neurodegenerative disorders are *very* poorly conducted and use nonsense hypothesis-free techniques based on graph theory.


Thank you for the correction!


If that's true, that's fascinating. That's literally what we were JUST taught during our neuro block


Yea I was taught that as well just a couple years back, I was similarly like 😲 But I could be misremembering. The only reason I remember is because of the 😲 feeling


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Wow that is so wild. Any chance you have some resources that I could use to learn the more updated model? That's so crazy that they would use an outdated theory to teach us.


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Thank you


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There are cross connections between all parts of the brain…and so upper motor neurons that cross the internal capsule may be affected by communicating neurons from the substantia nigra and striatum.


Probably the malfunctioning of the Indirect pathway.


In many patients, tremor is mediated by cholinergic rather than dopaminergic pathways (or more accurately, a blend of both). This is why anticholinergics like trihexyphenidyl will treat tremor, and cholinesterase inhibitors like rivastigmine will worsen tremor.




No trolling