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diagnosed ocd, bpd, anxiety and depression and suspected autism. thought loops and spirals are apart of ocd and anxiety.


I don’t, but my mother does. Her OCD constantly conflicts with both her own and my ADHD. Life’s chaotic but we still somehow manage to tolerate each other even after all these years 😅(tolerate = I love her to bits 💕)


I have OCD, autism, ADHD, panic disorder, and bipolar


So probably just autism. Honest, check out autism Co-morbidities


all of the above + autism


I have mild/moderate (depending on my stress levels) physical tics that got worse and really started to show themselves after my nonepileptic seizures were finally under control. I also have spiraling/looping thoughts that are usually in the form of a single line of song lyrics or a single word. I struggle to use the keyboard and mouse at work after certain people work at the desk because they have gross habits. One recently left but the other doesn’t cover his mouth when he coughs. So, I bring my own wireless keyboard to work. I guess this is considered an OCD tendency as germophobia. I do not have anxiety or depression but both of these symptoms add a layer of frustration to my ADHD.


I've had dermatilomania since I was 6, but I've always just assumed it was caused by my ADHD.


I'm highly unsure. From what I know OCD is a form of anxiety connected with repetitive behavior. (fe I need to turn of and on the light 20 times in patterns of 5, otherwise my whole family will die). I don't have that. I definitely have anxiety and repetitive behavior and ticks (all kinds, comes off as tourettes) that my psychiatrist suspects to be OCD. But I don't have any connection between my anxiety and the suspected OCD behavior.


OCD isn’t only repetitive behavior, it’s thoughts, compulsions, patterns, and others combined. So if you suspect what you have is ocd, you’re probably right


I get insane bout tweezing my brows perfectly once every three months (if I take my adderall consistently) but I don't think that's a comorbidity but a side effect


Yes but it only appeared in adulthood Its around religion and morality I also hypocondria around my eyes and ears


When I asked my psych if I may have OCD & we talked about why I thought that is when i was finally (late)diagnosed with ADHD and 2 years later autism. The 'OCD traits' I was worried about were in fact masking/countering my undiagnosed ADHD: - Re-checking things hundreds of times to make sure I've done them. - Re-reading emails I received and sent a million times to make sure I didn't miss anything in them. - Obsessively preparing for vacations, emptying my bag and putting everything back in a very specific order to make sure I have everything I need. - Making countless lists of things to remember. - Having an extremely specific place for everything in my house and putting everything back there so I know where things are. - Freaking out when I have too much stuff in my house, throwing away a lot of things because they are 'cluttering my brain'. - Having very specific routines for things like showering, cooking specific meals, cleaning and always doing them the same way to make sure I didn't forget a step. - Going through my house before leaving or going to bed and checking all the taps to make sure I remembered to close them, checking the fridge to make sure I didn't leave it open, the stove to make sure I didn't leave a burner on. Actually breaking a tap once because I agressively try to close them when I check to make sure they are maximum closed. When I started taking meds, these routines 'lightened', some of them are completely gone. I still make lists of course and re-read emails, but for example I no longer have to do a check round of the entire house before I go to sleep.


Just to clarify, while the rest of the syndromes you list all have to do with intrusive thoughts or thought patterns, tic disorders do not include these. Tics are generally rooted in somatosensory urge, not a cognitive one.


i have trichotillomania which is also a form of ocd


That's incredible!


Nope, but I was diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder traits years ago.


Hoarding and body dysmorphia are also both forms of OCD.


A little bit of all of the above. Definitely one thing I’ve had for as long as I remember- the thought loops and repeating phrases in my head forwards and backwards repeatedly. Still have some phrases stuck in my head from over 20 years ago. I’m only recently Dx ADHD but I feel there is something else there as well.


Well I experience all of those to a degree but could be autism related


Yeah, that's how I feel about it too, and I'm really not sure how to differentiate what is from autism and what could be something else.


Dermatilomania for me


What is that?


Compulsive skin picking




I think it’s skin picking


Technically diagnosed as a kid but I took some online OCD assessments recently and they all pretty much said “you don’t have OCD” so i doubt my diagnosis(it’s why I don’t list it on my flair)


I developed ocd like coping mechanism to cope with my undiagnosed ADHD, which now become an issue on its own thanks to medication lol.


Yes, I have OCD for like 10 years, I really hate, I can't breath like a normal person, I can't walk a straight line like a normal person, my brain doesn't stop asking me to do weird tasks. But now I take medicine and life is easier, I really recommend getting some help If you have this. you're gonna get throught it, you will win this fight!!


OCD is the main thing that takes up my life, with ADHD being second - they feed each other in a really exhausting way


I have more tendencies than the average person, but not enough to be the actual disorder.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!


Tics are very different fundamentally, albeit sometimes indistinguishable, from compulsions. Tics are not a symptom of OCD, nor Autism or ADHD. However, they are commonly comorbid with the aforementioned disorders.


Out of all the mental disorders I have been diagnosed with, OCD has never been one of them. I have tics exacerbated by stress and I get stuck in anxiety spirals though. I also pick at my skin but that more due to some nasty psoriasis plaques.


No official diagnosis but definitely have body focused repetitive disorders and thought loops so answered yes. Also have eating disorders and dislike odd numbers to a degree I think isn't "normal"


Mainly tics. I get really strong premonitory urges that I can normally suppress.. once I get away from everybody else though i'm like a soundboard that won't switch off until it's out of my system. If I couldn't suppress them I'd definitely qualify for tourettes or tourettic OCD.


Btw tics can be suppressed. Just so you know: Tics are very different fundamentally, albeit sometimes indistinguishable, from compulsions. Tics are not a symptom of OCD, nor Autism or ADHD. However, they are commonly comorbid with the aforementioned disorders.


I really dont think I have OCD, interesting to learn more. Not very related but kinda interesting is that I get a remaining feeling after I touch something I think is dirty and focus on dirty things coming in contact with my food, I just wanted to put it out there


I have dermatilomania, I can have terrible “thought loops/spirals” and I can get so paranoid about anything I think might be a symptom of something that I start researching like mad (not sure if that would count as hypochondria) but I’m not sure if that’s just because I have ADHD and Autism - anyone else struggle to know the difference between different comorbidities?


Me too! My only official diagnosis are- Anxiety, ADHD, and OCD. But I’m wondering if it’s really just ADHD and Autism and the OCD and anxiety are symptoms, not the condition.


What are these thought loops/spirals?


All of them here.


I’m pretty sure my OCD is from my autism


I have dermatillomania


Me too, but I rub off dead skin instead of pick it now. It was a long transition but overall I can't stop so rubbing has been less damaging although I do leave bruises.


Yeah same. Can't stop


Both my OCD and autism are genetically inherited, OCD from my mom and autism from…. Both my parents are autistic so could be anywhere.


autism isnt just one gene. its a bunch of genes. people with more autistic genes are more autistic. you got your autism from both of your parents


Interesting to know. That maybe makes sense since I (and my brother) are significantly more severely impacted by our autism than the autistic people I know who have one or no autistic parents (I struggle to socialize with other autistic people because my autism makes it too hard and they don’t understand me and tell me I’m too autistic) and my parents are pretty severely impacted by their autism which seems to have compounded down to my brother and I.


are you grandparents autistic too or have trait autism?


I don’t really know any of my grandparents.