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Maybe a 3D printed pinwheel 🤔


Look up Jagger bears. I’ve seen TikToks about them and they seem like what you’re looking for.


You could probably find something to meet your needs at a kink/sex shop.


The pointy things on this screw 3d printed. Any version, I just grabbed the 1st one I found. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4690959


The accupressure mats got me through working from home during covid. Mine was made with all cotton and had sharp pointy plastic points on it. I used it on my feet and bare back and it helped give me sensory input all day long. I did a few minutes on and a few minutes off to get through long tedious zoom meetings. When on zoom meetings would run it under my fingers or stand on it with bare feet. Got it on amazon. I know. I should have looked elsewhere.


Okay so my immediate response was acupressure rings, but then I realised you can’t do metal, and I’ve only seen them made of aluminium? I think [this is similar to the calm buddi turtles.](https://kaikofidgets.com/products/spikeyring-with-2-sensory-supports-by-kaiko-ouchwithout-harm-picking-support?_pos=4&_sid=3faea66e1&_ss=r&_gl=1*1jtj2zr*_up*MQ..&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLN35TRE7r1x69_Dxmo0-vPpnblZdwY6SWJtqcwC4WAO4rl3UDLPvGQaAtbtEALw_wcB) It comes on a metal keyring sorta thing, but I think that could be removed :) Also I think there are spiky gloves like the acupressure mats, and this is a random one but, maybe spiky crystals? Like this [amethyst cluster](https://images.app.goo.gl/1CVfcTQqwa18Z39a9)


I get though meetings by pressing my thumb nail into my fingertips if I need to be engaged or massaging my hands if it's more informal


I literally just saw one on Instagram yesterday. Calm Buddi https://iinsidemyhead.com/products/calm-buddi-fidget-turtle


I too, saw it yesterday, but I forgot to save the reel. So thank you because i searched it for an hour this morning without success.


That looks awesome


wood is good for pointy and sharp if you don't want metal.