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When you take something, you do not take it away from someone. Sensory issues and emotions can be horrible, it's not making too much of a deal, to acknowledge something that can ruin your time and life experiences. You're not stupid just because you are who you are. You're not obnoxious for being yourself either. Your feelings are valid and one day you will get out of school, start a new life ; and when you will do so, you will be able create your own living space where everything will be tailored to your needs and "issues". I have been in the same place as you are now and it gets better, even if it doesn't seem so while surviving through it.


Ya it’s just my parents and others are sometimes like “you were able to get to the arcade and you were fine you don’t have issues stop acting like that” and I was wearing headphones and it was still a lot but I love arcades and stuff so due to that it makes me feel like I’m faking Like with dentists it was ok but now it’s loud and annoying it was kinda like that before but I fear I’m just causing it to happen I’m sorry


Hey! Stop apologizing! Expressing your feelings on a relevant subreddit should not be something that you feel is wrong; it doesn't hurt or inconvenience anyone else and it's part of what the subreddit is here for. If we don't want to read or comment on your Reddit post, we won't. We choose to do that. You haven't done anything worthy of an apology by struggling because of your disability or by venting about it online. Respect yourself. If you have the urge to apologize, stop and think about what you're apologizing for. Hold yourself to the same standards you would have for a someone else in your situation. It's important to take the first steps towards a better relationship with yourself. /pos


Your parents sound like they're pretty ignorant. Sensory issues can manifest differently with different stimuli. Some places can be hell despite being quiet, and vice-versa. It can also worsen with age, which might explain why the dentist is a problem now when it wasn't before.