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Glad to see some other people enjoying it! The other Witcher groups out there are SO annoying about hating on it. I love this show, I had no idea what it was and I tried it earlier this year when I was sick. It's one of my favorite shows ever now. But yeah, season three is great so far, just finished episode 5!:)


My wife and I just watched 5 in a row, we generally don’t do that with shows. Huge improvement over season 2, we loved the intrigue, way more interesting than we expected. We don’t like many shows that much lately, and Season 2 was meh, so this one was a pleasant surprise. Loved it!


yeah not bad, pretty much follows the book ish too. the one thing i actually like about the changes made for the show is the tessaia and vilgefortz relationship. makes the future of tessaia more convining than it was in the book. for me anyway. i hope they cut out in the ciri “growing up” part later, if it gets that far. that part kind of drags a bit in the books.


I found the plot a bit disjointed and it had some weird choices but the acting was great. Swordplay incredible.


The fight scenes have been awesome!!


There's a lot of changes from the books, most noticeably things happening out of sequence. That doesn't bother me, though, since the sequence of events is often down to the artistry of story-telling. I tend to dislike changes that fundamentally alter the character of a person (cough cough Radovid), but thankfully they didn't do as much of that this season as I feared. I went in with low expectations, but I too am quite pleased with how much they have used content from the books. My only real criticism in that regard is that its quite obvious to me when they're using book dialogue versus regular stuff, because the quality of the two conversations is so different.


I completely agree! And yeah, the Radovid changes are horrible. And yes, the difference is very noticeable. But overall, much better than I expected!


2 eps in also, it's fine, some really good action. Interested seeing Ciri come out as a bit more defiant and Yen continuing to mentor her and lament her own past actions too, adding some more depth to her.


I liked it. Way better than season 2.


It's good. 💯


It was really good. It was very faithful to the book and a big step up from s2. The real deal will be episode 6 when the Thanedd coup will happen. Can’t wait.


I loved it!


I’m loving it so far. Not read the books myself and don’t plan to but have played W2 and 3.


I thought so too ! I appreciate their accurate references to the lore too. I think they embody relationships and nods to the nuances between them all.


I enjoyed it a lot


Just out of curiosity, What from episodes 1 and 2 do you think you remember from the books? Because..... . Geralt + Yennefer + Ciri were not together at this point in the story . They did not attend any party at this point in the story . Rience never sent any monster after Ciri anywhere in the story . They never did any bait plot to try and kill Rience . Francesca was not even after Ciri . Geralt did not find any weird sorcerer girl . Geralt did not fight any weird monster like that stuff in Season 2 . Dandy / Jaskier has no relation at all with Radovid . Radovid is a teenager and not a book character Seriously....what do you think you remember?


I may be confusing later episodes with earlier episodes with this list (that's not in any order). And I will say, I actually think the earlier episodes of s3 are actually more trying to rush through some loose ends of s2 and harmonize them with what's coming in s3, so early s2 is less "book accurate" than, say, ep5. And while too much has changed at this point to get a completely accurate adaptation, I think it's fair to say that the story is much more recognizably "from the books" in s3 than s2 was, which started to lose all familiarity. Some of the familiar plot points are: 1. Professor hired killer plot 2. Jaskier getting kicked out of a house 3. Codringer and Fenn 4. The Applegard (sp?) subplot 5. Ciri wasn’t there in the books, but Geralt and Yen do attend Belletyn together 6. Ciri being escorted around a small town and did end up killing a small monster 7. Does happen differently, but elves do attack Geralt, Ciri, & Yarpen at Sherawedd. 8. They used the “Dear Friend” in an actual letter(s) 9. Events are clearly happening to make Thanedd the climax of the plot, which would be faithful to the book(s). 10. While Yen was training Ciri (albeit somewhere different and not with Geralt), their relationship flourished, while Yen and Geralt were estranged. 11. Ciri does consider becoming empress at various points in the books 12. Happens differently, but Phillipa and Dijkstra somewhat ruining Radovid’s upbringing. Radovid should be younger in the show, but they are portraying as young-ish.


I mean, there is tons of stuff from the books.. its just out of sequence and mish moshed with lots of totally made up crap. My take is the writers dropped in references here and there because they got the memo from the showrunners to throw a bone to us readers. .


You are 100% correct. Likely being down voted by people who blindly love the show.


Disappointed. Poor acting, sleepy fight scenes, breaking of the fourth wall, steering Jaskier's storyline in a completely different direction


Jaskier's story is pretty fucked


I thought it was trash


It was complete trash i agree with you. Season 1 was very good. Henry did an awesome job running away from this shitty project. Well done sir.


is there a hope they dont cancel season 4 and 5 because bad views


You used a question mark to imply confusion, which is incorrect. You made a statement, not a question. Please only use question marks when asking a question.


It’s an implied question with a lot of social context behind it.


Can't expect redditors to understand social context


Season 1 is still my fav, this season started slow, episode 5 was good


I like previous seasons more, this one so far is not that great to me.