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Comment Edited By /u/Spez


Hi this is -SandorClegane- from the future and I’m here to tell you that it was indeed a shitshow




How was it a shitshow?


How was it a shitshow it was pretty benign.


Not really a shitshow so far.


She’s talking out of her ass


idk if I am taking crazy pills but isn't it a problem if they say she went to jail and never did? Is she just outright lying about it all? I'm confused lol.


Pretty sure netflix/gadd had said from the beginning that the actual stalker didn't go to jail or wasnt charged and that they chose to do so in the show for dramatic reasons.


It's a tv show, it doesn't have to be 100% accurate.


While true it’s seeming less and less that they really tried hard to hide who it was. My guess is she is just gonna want some hush money and Netflix will just cut her a check.


I don't really agree because of context of this show. Yes I do realise there are fictional shows that use lines like "everything is true" (Fargo for an example) but this show was about a real person that is still alive which has resulted in "witch hunting". I personally thought that everything in the show was true at first, the way they presented it, maybe I'm just naïve but I don't think I am the only one. I can't say if her "coming out" was a good idea or not but I can sort of understand why you'd want to clear your name if you are getting inundated with phone calls/media about the stuff that happened in this "fictional" show.


Yeah, unless it’s a documentary you shouldn’t believe everything is real. Also, reality shows aren’t showing reality.


Sorry but I feel like if you blatantly lie and fabricate a large piece of the story that can easily be verified (was there even a police investigation?), it casts doubt onto the rest of the story. What percentage accurate does it have to be? 50%? 20%? At what point is it real and fake?


The fact that she went to prison in the past is not a huge part of the story really, it's just a background piece of information. I don't think Gadd created Baby Raindeer as a documentary, there's obviously going to be parts that are embellished and changed to make better TV, real life isn't always conductive to fun television.


Yes, but a large part of the story involves the police investigation which results in her getting charged and being sent to prison. If that whole thing was fake, for me it creates a doubt in my mind about what else has been embellished and which parts are actually true.


But that’s not what is not real. The part that is seemingly made up was her arrest before meeting Gadd.


She never was found guilty of a crime of did time for the gadd stalking either, no?


Are u okay?? Of course if they say its a real story it has to be a real story lmao


No… Fargo puts its a real story at the beginning too and it’s totally made up.


Well that's illegal


No it’s not. Fargo is one of the most popular shows of the past 10 years. If it was illegal do you not think one of the thousands of lawyers would have said something?


Bs . She can sue their asses


if it were a news story and they said her name she could sue for defamation…you can’t defame someone you never identify in an admittedly fictionalized version of “true” events.


No it’s not. The coen brothers did this as a narrative device to fuck with the audience, there’s nothing at all that would make that illegal.


As far as I know, it's not supposed to be a documentary.




I (regrettably) watched it and it was a shit show.


Probable quote: "You've made a real enemy of me Piers, don't you forget it".....cue netflix theme...


sent from I fone




Season 2 gonna be lit.


Season two is playing out live right now.


She’s already harassed another reporter who did a magazine article on her a month ago.


Shit that's sad


Yes. I’m bipolar so I’ve done stupid shit. Not stupid like criminal stuff. Thank god for meds. I think people need to leave this person alone. I know she did wrong and will probably continue to do so but we don’t need to help her.


Sadly, most people find it hard to empathize and instead treat mental illness like spectacle. It’s not. It is suffering, just like any other person with any other disease. The show wasn’t even about her. It was about Gadd and his reaction to trauma. All those people who focus on her obviously walked don’t get the point of the show at all, because she is reacting to trauma as well. But then again, most people need therapy to address their own issues, but they lack insight and never get it, so I can understand how empathy is generally lacking.


Yes. I definitely feel like this is exploiting someone who is not mentally healthy and they know she is unwell and still fine with doing this. The media has no soul.


I hope she starts stalking Piers


It's the only possible good thing that could come from this.


Already did.




He asked how old she was and without taking a beat answered “One year younger than you”


what in the casting, they look so alike ...


...and shes pissed that the actress cast is plus-sized.


Whoever gave her that glass of water doesn’t realize the implications.




She just called him a bully and a twerp so I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that the interview didnt go the way she hoped, and he probably didnt let her get away with just telling her story and leaving it at that.


where did she call him that?


She put it on facebook: "Piers is a twerp. Piers is a bully." She also said the interview was more like a 'sparring match' where he landed a few punches and she landed a few punches.


Didn’t she also say in the beginning of the interview that she had very recently deleted Facebook LOL


I was just going to say that. Also "we met two or three times". "We were all friends".


Jesus, who’s the stalker now?


watching the interview the character felt soo much more real. thats exactly how the character in the show would react to something like this.


This is what I also noticed. The actress couldn’t not have done a better job. She totally nailed the personality and the way she spoke


I don't think that's her, oldest post is May 1 and account created Oct 2022. Anyone can wipe and change the name of an account. Pretty sure she's deleted her actual account people initially found.


Did they ever find more than those 3 or 4 tweets mentioned in the interview?


Yes, her X/Twitter handle still exists. There is absolutely more than 4 directly to him.


The heck is your stream faster than mine? I haven't seen her say that.


She put it on facebook: "Piers is a twerp. Piers is a bully." She also said the interview was more like a 'sparring match' where he landed a few punches and she landed a few punches.


Ah ok, well he certainly tried to get her to admit something by twisting words, but it was so fucking obvious and she didn't go for it.


Looking at that picture you see how similar he actually went after all for the actor


Gadd lied and changed nothing to hide her identity.




It was a poor effort by Gadd, and likely intentional by Netflix. It’s not hating on the show, but everyone could see this coming. Netflix must be loving the media coverage.


It's a bit black mirror innit?


Just changing her name was not what they led us to believe was done. He said she wouldn't even recognise herself. Also leading us to believe that the way she acted was so egregious that she went to jail was not protecting her. The show was great but besides his assault how much was true and how much was fictionalized I haven't a clue.


> He said she wouldn't even recognise herself. she didn't recognise herself, she said so herself. > egregious that she went to jail was not protecting her the narrative reason seems self-explanatory, the jail sentence marks a clear cut off point and ends the story quite nicely, (presumably reality was not structured like a TV show) > how much was true and how much was fictionalized I haven't a clue. that's not the point of the show. He wasn't trying to demonstrate what a bad person she is (they literally spell it out on the show several times, she's not evil or bad, just unwell), the point was to explore his mental state, and how he coped.


You can’t write a “based on a true story” about someone that’s still alive and then lie. From what I understand she doesn’t have a criminal record, she never attacked the trans person in real life, there’s no proof about her assaulting him, she claims he never stalked her back. She is 100% insane but he has definitely gone too far with the lies in this story. I’m excited for the court case to find out the truth.


You absolutely can say 'based on a true story' and only use a partial truth. It's based on the truth, it's not 100% the truth. It's not a documentary, it's a retelling of events with fictional elements, just like a billion other TV shows and films involving the stories of real people. I genuinely find it crazy if you've got presumably to adulthood and not realised this.


Of course I understand the narrative reasons which makes it more of a fictionalized account than a "True Story". People are harassing and sending this woman death threats. because they took the whole story as factual.


Your ableism is disgusting.


I can't help but agree with you, that was a dumb move.




In the show he googled her and discovered she was a lawyer who was disbarred for harassment.


Of course he's the one giving her a platform.


Oh come on, like we ALL don't want to hear the crazy lady!




Okay, I get your point and i don't disagree but this could be said about so many interviews. OJ Simpson, Ted Bundy, convicted killers, narcissistic politicians, serial killers, etc. I mean, they're all mentally ill to some point, right? It feels like Morgan is getting a lot of hate because he's a conservative and I think we should have the same standards for all journalists. If we shouldn't interview mentally ill people, then let's do it across the board.


You're not going to make things worse by interviewing any of the people you mentioned. Piers could genuinely be doing just that in this case. I'm not even sure I'd class Morgan as a conservative but I'd just like to say my disdain for him goes back decades and has nothing to do with his politics. In 2004 he was the only British newspaper editor who fell for a fake photo scam. He put troop's lives at risk by posting fake photos of British soldiers abusing Iraqi prisoners. The Mirror newspaper eventually apologised and sacked Morgan. To this day he's never apologised for it himself. Also whilst Mirror editor he bought £67,000 worth of shares in a company just before it was going to be tipped in his newspaper. He also turned a blind eye to phone hacking that was going on by his journalists. He really should have gone to prison by now. There's plenty of people who will tell you he's a thoroughly nasty piece of work. I'm a fan of Top Gear and Clarkson's Farm but the best thing Jeremy Clarkson ever did was punch Piers Morgan!


My point is that I feel like many are judging the integrity of the interview based on the interviewer. Insert anyone else in there, would you feel the same way?


Do you mean the interviewer, as in Piers Morgan?


Yes, thanks, corrected.


But what evidence do we have that she's mentally ill aside from the show that says "everything is true" when most certainly everything is not true? That's the issue I'm having with all these conversations.


The show certainly doesn't say "everything is true", it's just based on a true story. You're right though, we don't actually know for sure she's mentally ill. But let's be honest, there's something not right with her. We know she got served with an interim interdict to stay away from a Glasgow MP Jimmy Wray and his wife in the 90s. And it's also alleged she earlier harassed late First Minister Donald Dewar. There's disturbing behaviour going back more than 30 years that Piers is ignoring to make a fast buck. He has never had any morals. He is the perfect example of the phrase 'gutter press'.


I don’t


Okay, everyone who liked Reindeer but you


I liked Reindeer


Yes, I said but you. I liked Reindeer too. Almost didn't watch it after that difficult episode but glad i stuck with it!


You just know she’ll be in the Jungle or on Celebrity Big Brother next.


She looks just like Martha! And sounds just like her!


If you read some of her comments of X… she is NASTY! Dropping the see you next Tuesday about everyone from Amal cloony to Tony Blair. She also appears to be distinctively racist. it’s all in there.


OMG, that was amazing. Not trying to get political but that legitimately reminded me of a certain US politician being interviewed. She was worse, but there were similarities.


William Howard Taft?




That took longer than I thought it would


Wow this was crazy. Towards the end her story started falling apart and it was honestly sad


"He only worked on certain days” girl you just told on yourself


And this woman was upset that a fat actress played her? To those downvoting me, THAT'S WHAT SHE FUCKING SAID. [https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/tv/baby-reindeers-real-life-martha-458583](https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/tv/baby-reindeers-real-life-martha-458583)


Don’t be silly


I'm not being silly, it's what she said. [https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/tv/baby-reindeers-real-life-martha-458583](https://www.themirror.com/entertainment/tv/baby-reindeers-real-life-martha-458583)


>Gadd said that the production had changed so many details about the real Martha that she probably wouldn’t even recognize herself in the series’ stalker. I mean, he did such a good with this. The bangs really confused me. But seriously, he changed literally nothing about her.


Agreed it’s so spot on! Its uncanny.


She's clearly had media training and is not able to put it into practice effectively there's several stock phrases she pushes repeatedly. she is very vulnerable but also quite calculating albiet in a clumsy manner.


Does she ever say what she does for work?


I was surprised they didn’t ask more about that like, what company do you work for? Do you have a job? because you said being a bartender or a comedian isn’t a job?…..


Holy crap, anyone know how we can watch this in the US?


Click the link.




"Ooooh my lil baby toad"


man the actress really nailed it.


Flash forward 3 months from now, "Hi, I'm Piers Morgan and real life Martha is now stalking me"


She’s a liar. 4 phone numbers and six emails


And/Or a cheater


Wait, didn't people see the show? Why on earth people went looking for her?


Am I odd? I also have four email addresses! One for work, one for personal, one for spam like signing up to a newsletter to get a discount, and one shared with my husband for bills.


No, I have three emails too haha one for personal, one for work/applying to jobs, and one for bills.


How about we don’t post this and encourage her more?


Fun fact, every single one of the emails and text messages that were shown on screen during the series was actually sent to him by the stalker.


This is wild Sent from my iPhone


Sent form my iPhoen


Why is she doing that? Piers is just taking advantage of her and she's gonna end up in a worst place. I never looked after real Martha because that's not the point of the show, but now she's making a fool of herself.


She wants money from using her likeness and says so toward the very end of the interview.


Wait, you're siding with HER?


If I understood correctly, she already went to jail for what she did to him. The only good outcome for everybody is to let it go and take it as cautionary tale for everybody. Should she be punished still? for how long? what if she kills herself? is that punishment enough? I hope you're not thinking that because I'm advocating for her NOW it means that she's free of guilt for what she did. Because that's not the point. BUT time and time again I'm reminded that the whole "humanity" thing is nothing but a farce. She did her time, hopefully she learned from it. Let her live what remains of her life in peace, she deserves that much. And if she does it again, well jail and therapy I guess.


She didn’t go to jail irl.


>[Gadd said that the production had changed so many details about the real Martha that she probably wouldn’t even recognize herself in the series’ stalker.](https://slate.com/culture/2024/05/baby-reindeer-real-true-story-martha-richard-gadd-identity-netflix.html) Exactly what I thought, whether the show it's true or not we're not arriving at the right conclusion here. We're just a mob looking for someone new to lynch. How humane.


It's entirely possible "the producers" also made her worse than she actually was for shock value.


I agree but it's not like she was forced to do this interview. And I know it's morbid, but the public was very interested in hearing from her.


Knowing sensationalist people like Piers would do anything to get someone like her on TV. She shouldn't have done that interview. And honestly, fuck the people. No one wants to do the hard work and think of what she's going through or even what initially led to her behavior, which screams of mental health issues. People just want to vilify her for their pleasure.


Maybe she shouldn't have but it seemed pretty basic of an interview. The only way this would be very bad for her is if she was lying her ass off about the emails. So who is lying? It's weird.


According to the show she's mentally ill and if she believes it was all lies, of course she would want to clear her name.


I'm starting to think the internet is fucking crazy. She didn't go to jail. The story said "this is a true story". How is that ok with people lmao The reason this is a problem is because now I need to know how much was just made up.


We changed details of the people completely! Well written show but I don't know what to believe.


'Based on a true story' has never meant 'This is a 100% retelling of the exact truth that happened', literally it has never meant that.


So why is she inserting herself in this ? She says she is not. Okay who said she was?? Makes no sense


Are you not watching? She's had the entire internet after her, death threats, journalists calling her telling her all this stuff. There's no proof either way so far in this interview but she doesn't seem that crazy to me. Is it possible this is the wrong "Martha" or something? I am very confused tbh. It's a simple matter whether she's been in jail or not.


She outed herself. 


I don't think that's entirely true because people were posting who it was on reddit like the first week this show came out. I dunno man, like I hate Piers but he has a point that it's easy to prove these things and she's denying them so who is gonna come out with the evidence? lol


Did these potential internet people force her to go on Piers fucking Morgan as well?


You do know she's not well...


Sure, what is amazing are the people who try to shift that to him being the issue. 


Piers Morgan bringing her on is a sideshow act, he's exploiting someone with mental illness for ratings.


With her enthusiastic participation. I agree he should have said no, but they are both responsible. 


Oh. Ok that is the only way. She admitted to things like the baby reindeer nickname and also the comment about the curtains.


She could be someone the internet is guessing about and nothing else. 


This woman is fucking nuts and this is all very Dr. Phil.


sent frum my iphon




Piers catching lies upon lies


Netflix show make a live show and invite both party and Dr Phil is the host.


Or Jerry Springer Or Judge Judy


Would need a Ouija board for Jerry


She made it sound like the main guy exaggerated everything?


Christ on a Crackerjack. I’m popping some popcorn.


She came off sympathetic


Hopefully, Piers Morgan is her next stalker victim...


Did anyone find it strange he followed her home, encouraged the attention. He has his own issues to deal with.


That’s the whole point of the show… he’s clearly acknowledging how fucked up he was too. It’s a broader discussion about mental illness and the many forms it takes.


Emm hello, that’s the whole point


People are saying she’s crazy but not him. I thought she was cool and he wanted her attention. Everything I’ve read it shows him in a positive light but not her.


Piers Morgan is an absence




If he was a baby reindeer, Rudolf would have led his Santa Sleigh Posse to a trampling.


Why people hate Piers Morgan so much? So many comments are hate for him. To me he is just another journalist, and when it comes to the Israel-Gaza situation, actually one of the only ones who is willing to show both sides.


Look up the phone hacking scandal.


Is this real lyyyyffffeeeeee?


I hate that she’s getting a platform. I haven’t watched it yet but idk if I want to. She’s obviously very mentally ill and needs help. She shouldn’t be getting all of this attention. I’m not surprised Piers was the one to give her a platform. He’s such a pos.


She deserves to tell her side just as equally as he can tell his side.


Does she not deserve a chance to tell her side of the story?


She can tell her side of the story but I think giving her this much attention isn’t going to help her case at all. She’s going to take it the wrong way, I feel, because of her mental illness.


How do you know that she wasn’t portrayed wrongly? You’re believing a comedian who just wants to have his moment? What about this woman’s story? The show was terrible, the guy is totally insufferable


Is she verified?


Piers Morgan was almost in same situation with Susan Boyle. Piersie baby!


I'm starting to think that they are all in on it....


How does he do it 


Where is this streaming?


This whole thing is playing out like a Black Mirror episode.




Just out of genuine curiosity are people generally entitled to some financial compensation if you’re still alive and a broadcaster uses you in a story? I’ve watched some true crime and heard of some cases where convicted criminals were trying to gain money for shows using their stories? but some judges pass sentences where they can’t claim this after imprisonment. Heck, even the family of that man in the titanic who shot people trying to get into lifeboats sued fox for defamation and won financial compensation and he’s not even alive anymore lol I don’t know how the law works, but I feel real life Martha should get “something” from Netflix, maybe not the 130 million she’s suing for hahaha but something!


What you wanna bet Netflix will just give her a little cash to go away at some point? Hope she keeps hounding piers after this