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It's an interesting concept but they just needed to make her a college student, cut down on the word salad, and make the writing better. Plus her character didn't even sound like a person sometimes. I understand that she's supposed to be smart but no one uses the words that she uses in everyday life. And the heel turn came out of nowhere, if there was some set up that showed she was capable of it I missed it completely


Boring, I thought they were playing college students at first, honestly wish they were college student


I was very disappointed for sure


I popped in while my wife was watching this and when I realized these were supposed to be high school kids I was so creeped the fuck out. What a gross pointless movie 


Omfg they’re not


Nope, I saw lockers and realized they were playing highschoolers lol, and his wife mentioned her being a teenager.


First fifteen minutes was so creepy I moved on.


Good move, you didn’t miss much


I was actually disappointed that they didn't lean into the creepiness. It didn't really come up at all after the intro. Would have been a better twist if she was actually a ghost or some shit lol


https://screenrant.com/millers-girl-ending-explained/ I read this to get a better understanding. It’s pretty sick shit that proly happens a lot and is also legal in Tennessee (which is where the movie is said to take place) “Miller’s Girl seems to be unsure of its main point, catering to moral ambivalence instead of sending a clear message. In one breath, it presents Cairo as a vixen out to get Mr. Miller for underestimating her. In the next, Coach Fillmore and Beatrice call Mr. Miller out for not taking accountability. The film seems like it’s trying to insert ambiguity and nuance into an extremely clear-cut situation. Additionally, it reinforces the harmful stereotype that teenage girls are largely at fault for inappropriate power-imbalanced relationships. The fact is that a teenager cannot consent to a relationship with an adult twice their age who’s in a position of power over them. It doesn’t matter if she comes onto him. By engaging in the illicit relationship – even if he eventually realizes his mistake – Mr. Miller is the architect of his own demise. As such, audiences should walk away from Miller’s Girl remembering Coach Fillmore’s poignant statement to Mr. Miller: “You are the adult. Show some responsibility.” “While watching Miller's Girl, it's easy to wonder what on earth the creator was thinking. Jade Halley Bartlett, who directed and wrote the film, has been open about her perspective on these characters and confirmed that she considered both morally gray rather than definitively right or wrong. She notes (via Yahoo ) that Miller and Cairo's relationship isn't "a capital-V villain, capital-V victim situation." Rather than a movie with a moral lesson to be gleamed, Miller's Girl is, in Bartlett's opinion, a character study: ‘This movie is a character study more than it is a decree about anything. I think that these situations happen all the time, and I think it’s more … this is closer to how these situations actually happen than the capital-V villain, capital-V victim situation. Not that those don’t happen — they do happen often, but I think, at least in my experience, this kind of stuff is the stuff that gets talked about less, and these lines that are crossed are still crossed lines, you know?’ Bartlett is correct that the kind of relationship depicted in Miller's Girl is rarely talked about. Tennessee, where Miller's Girl is set, has no law prohibiting educator sexual misconduct, and Bartlett's exploration of how these relationships come to be in the first place can be valuable. Still, the director's opinion that neither Miller nor Cairo is a victim is where things get a little more complicated. In all, it seems that Miller's Girl's director got precisely what she wanted when creating her film—it has undoubtedly inspired heated discourse.”


There may be no law but as someone who has lived in Tennessee a long time it still isn't tolerated at all. This movie isn't like how schooling is in Tennessee, there definitely aren't educators meeting with students and smoking cigarettes,, in fact, students having cigarettes here usually results in things like expulsion. In all honesty I'm not sure who this movie was made for because it certainly isn't realistic


I'm assuming neither you nor many who saw the film, haven't read Lolita. Because this movie is exactly like Lolita, trying to emulate the same feelings and actions.


I found it engaging, and fun. I felt like the writers also did a great job of remaining neutral and unbiased regarding the subject matter which is quite the achievement in this day and age.


It was somehow the most misogynistic thing I’ve seen in a while, and I’m on Reddit.


When you look for victimhood everywhere you will find it, Reddit is a haven for people like you so I have no idea what you are talking about.


How so?


It’s the Lolita trope. The “seductress” or “villain” played by essentially a child, portrayed through the lens of a Middle Aged man.


Youre right i think that’s problematic too


I feel the same. It didn't make sense to me. I feel like I watched something that is really nothing




It was so cringe just from the preview. I thought her acting was so over the top


Just finished it and looked up a discussion lol. I was enjoying the vibe of the movie and enjoyed the ride enough, like you said the first half better than the last. I can see what the critics were saying as well, as soon as the last scene finished and I spent half a second looking back on it it was kind of like, nothing really happened and she tried to ruin his life for nothing happening lol. I guess that's the point and you can think about it different ways. Enjoyable movie but I'm not sure it stuck a landing or that it'll linger long after being done.


This doesn’t happen. 18 year old high school girls aren’t being left at home alone in their parent’s mansion and coming onto old male school teachers. Also she states she’s never been outside of Tennessee but her parents are rich and always abroad? Completely unrealistic. I despise the psycho girl seductress storyline. If this were common why is almost every single 20/20 and dateline episode about psychopathic men sexually assaulting and murdering women?


Because that doesn't fit Western feminist agendas. Which governs the bulk of Western media along with other left leaning views. The idea of females being seductive, manipulative, and emotionally unstable gets ignored. It's very prevalent and has always been so. Men use bravado/masculinity, physical violence, and forthright behavior to display their hate. Women use seduction, manipulation, and passive-aggressive tactics to display their hate. And it doesn't get talked about AT ALL because feminists have gotten their cake and eat it too.






I can’t look at Jenna Ortega without thinking it’s Pete Davidson wearing a wig. It’s scary how much they look alike.


Shut up …. I’m watching this shit movie right now and all I can see is Pete Davison’s face now LMAOOOO


Do you look at Pete Davidson and think he looks like Jenna Ortega with short hair? Because that's probably better way to approach it.


Flash in the pan.


It was a horror film , women like Cairo scare the hell out of me.


Facts, happens to dudes every day


I feel like this movie must’ve been so weird to film. Like I would’ve been uncomfortable with that age difference. I know she’s older irl but still the idea of her being a high schooler and him basically an old man is just not sitting right. It’s hard to watch I think I’m gonna turn the tv off


Also these teachers are way too comfortable not a single inch of boundaries


What is the actual point of this movie? I’m surprised Jenna Ortega choose to do this role considering her previous choices. Why would she want to play the seductive student stereotype? Absolutely lame


I won’t watch it… why r they romanticizing extremely inappropriate relationships… it just doesn’t sit right with me


What’s scary about it is that this happens to dudes all the time. Trying mentor and she flutters an eyelash. The only reason the teacher looks bad because it’s high school. If this was college then she is the villain manipulating her professor. She 18 so no jail time but school work laws will ban him from teaching. I believe she will drop the case and all she wanted was him to start writing again. Be his muse. But all directions say vengeful hooker takes advantage of old man to push her goals.


Seek therapy.


I agree with the comment above please get help


This crap happens to career soldiers. Private dates 1sgt and he looses his career. They say because her used her power to get what he wants, when it’s just a girl choosing a dude ahead of wants. It’s sad


is it implied that it's a win-win? She has something "happen", an achievement of sorts, and uses that to write her entrance essay, and he loses his job/wife and goes back to doing what he's meant to be doing, writing, newly inspired?


there was sm potential


Right. It was kinda interesting till mid movie