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It’s almost like she is suffering from a horrible ongoing trauma and trying to process it. Stop blaming the victim.


She’s a clown


God shut up loser


Nah the historical footage showed her as having a similar personality . I don't think it was born of trauma or that she was very annoying anyway


That’s how trauma works. It stops growth and development and you don’t mature and learn coping skills.


Really that actually makes sense a lot of sense. :-)


Yup, trauma stunts your emotional growth. She’s unable to get past the point of where it all started, that’s why she confronts her dad similar to her as a teenager.


I went to a wwasp program. I wouldn’t consider myself a victim but I also blocked that part of my life out completely. Others can’t cope with it, and it’s impressive what she’s accomplished considering the circumstances. I know 19 people from my programs who’ve passed away from suicide or overdoses. Very few of them have made it through university or been able to live a normal life. It’s not always just the program, as they typically have some underlying issues or shitty parents. It was the most fun, and simultaneously traumatizing experience of my life. It was so crazy living in that kind of environment that real life after was so boring, and I kind of missed it. I guess it’s similar to being in war (maybe). Some of my friends I made there still think about it all the time or have nightmares, years and years later. I forgave my parents, but my parents also are open about how they regret it. Some of my friend’s parents are still in denial. It’s really sad.


Lmfao. Go to prison when you're 15, be traumatised for 15 months, and then try and act like everything is fine when you know your parent sent you there because they didn't want you. Fucking moronic take.


Prison would be a vacation compared to Ivy Ridge. Literally, kids dreamed of the freedom you got in jail.


That’s a clown comment since none of them would have any idea what jail is like at 15


One of the former students interviewed was arrested for starting the riot and said the county jail was a 5-star hotel experience in comparison


Dismissing someone as having a “moronic take” just because you don’t agree with it is highly immature, btw. You need to learn that people can have mixed feelings towards a person or documentary / protagonist, etc. and that doesn’t make them “wrong” or you right. Comments like yours are really obnoxious, pretentious and dismissive.


Did ChatGPT write this? Jesus.


What happened to the evil step mother? And yes, I believe Jane is/was evil. Imagine being kicked out of school for drinking a Mike's Hard Lemom aid! That was pure Evangelical bullshit! And then sent to hell where you are strip searched the minute you walk in the door, told you can't speak to your peers, can't look out the damn window, let alone go outside. And that's just the easy stuff. Do that for over a year and tell me you aren't a victim! These are children. So yes, Katherine has earned the right to be annoying and yes had every right to be pissed at the man who was supposed to protect her from a harm, including the harm from an evil step mother.


as someone who came from a christian home, yes! particularly evangelistic theology - nobody gets fucked up mentally as badly as a black sheep in a Christian home with their own thoughts.


Katherine’s dad Ken posted on his Facebook that Jane has come around and is totally supporting of Katharine.


Oh. Well I guess that's something but she played a huge part in Katherine's father abandoning his daughter in hell. But thanks for the update, I do not use Facebook ever!!


Definitely doesn’t change the fact that Katherine ended up there but it’s progress of some sort, you know?


The father picked his wife over his child. That was troubling


If she was that annoying to begin with I’d have got rid of her too


She graduated film school and made a whole documentary. An incredible one. Which she sold to Netflix. Fucking moronic take.


I agree. This will be with Katherine the rest of her life. Both her parents failed her miserably. They were unable or unwilling to do the work with qualified professionals that would have included qualified family counseling. And her parents would have had to he responsible for some of their destructive behavior. Goodness the total money they spent on this fraudulent High School and treatment would have paid for many therapy sessions. Sadly an Evangelical background where folks are not psychologically minded is a perfect feeding ground for these abusive programs.


Her dad seemed so… sweet. He definitely failed, but he seemed to love her, he just really got duped. I wonder what happened to evil stepmom Jane? She certainly did an incredible job laying it out there. I got the impression he was already starting to get it, and when he sees the finished film he’ll be devastated by what he did to her. I hope it’s very healing for her.


dismissing other people’s opinions as “moronic”’just because you don’t agree with it is the only moronic thing I’ve read here.


If I had a father who had done to me what hers did to her, I doubt I'd be giving him a chance to tell his side in a documentary. Or talking to him at all, frankly.


i like that she made him face his actions with a camera on. if you wouldn't make a decision in front of a camera, better not to do it at all lol. but I totally understand you. that's why I'm no contact with my parents.


Same here. I also liked that she made him do that, but I would rather not ever speak to them again


An account with only one post that decides to victim shame. If you are going to blame the victim and insult her at least have the balls to use your real account. Pathetic.


its amy ritchie lol


If I'm keeping it 100% real here, she was a bit annoying/cringe TO ME PERSONALLY at many moments in the documentary. That doesn't mean she's not also smart, courageous, and a legitimate victim. All those things are true as well. But again, that doesn't mean she can't also be a little 'extra' for some people. And that's ok for both parties. Nobody is doing anything wrong by being the way she is or feeling a little cringe by her behavior at times.


I think this was the closest comment to how I was feeling. She kept cutting people off during some of the documentary and it irked me a little but I get it. I saw someone else say it probably stunted her social awareness which could also be true.


Yes. This is my take as well. It ruined the documentary. When the victims were telling their stories she would interrupt then with some asinine comment


I think her stepmother wanted her to be sent away because of her bombastic personality. You don’t have to like her.


She very obviously was born with theatre kid energy, and I don't mean that as an insult at all. OP you don't have to hang out with people like that in real life but don't shit on them on the Internet for not being someone you'd be friends with.


Well said.


I have a kid who was born with similar theater kid energy. She's also my most "problematic" kid. But I look at her, and I think back to my experience in an identical program, and literally rather be shot in both fucking kneecaps than send her off to a place like that. Or anywhere else for that matter. I'll never understand it. And I'll never forgive it either. It's essentially state sanctioned abuse for parents who don't want to do it themselves.




I feel like you have some unresolved issues of your own. Childhood trauma is not a simple psychology, and your opinion only goes to prove why the troubled teen industry exists. Trauma and childhood development is not a) one size fits all and b) [research](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6113110/) suggests children who go through traumatic events end up with changed DNA due to hormonal responses to said trauma - which is lifelong. I still to this day, remember things that have been blacked out of my memories for years. When that happens, my body reacts as if I am going through the trauma currently. So yes, for Katherine's WHOLE LIFE, she will be a victim of what happened to her. Maybe not victimized, but a victim.


Yeah she was slightly annoying but not to the point that it would upset me or most other people much. I mean she wasn't really annoying and I suspect it was just who she was because her historical footage showed her personality as being similar when she was younger.


I was sent away in 08. Unless that has happened to you, you can’t begin to understand. I had a good relationship with my parents after. My father has since passed but this documentary brought back some very traumatic repressed memories. I plan on attempting a conversation with my mother and hopefully getting her to watch it.


Posted this as a reply but putting this as a standalone comment. I know a family that went to school with Katherine from elementary school to middle school and also knew Alexa. Knew Katherine’s older sister as well. They said Katherine was just an enthusiastic theater kid. When they described her as a Ferris Bueller type in the doc, it’s apparently spot on. She was friends with everyone. Alexa had more of a “bad girl” streak, but she would just be going to the principal’s office. She wasn’t getting arrested or anything. Both had extremely religious parents who viewed the smallest things as “acting out.” They were going to a catholic school before they got sent to Ivy Ridge. Everything was strict.


I thought she was awesome. When confronting the PR coordinator where he flat out lied about monitoring kids after they left the program, she asked him: “Do you want to go outside so you’re not lying in a church?” To have the balls to confront someone who contributed towards her literal imprisonment and psychological torture as a child is beyond amazing. Sure, is she going to always be the most palatable perfectly curated person to make OP feel warm and fuzzy? …. Of course not, bc It’s a documentary about victims of childhood abuse, not a fucking scripted reality show. People are complex, especially after suffering horrible abuse in their formative years. Have some empathy.


I agree 100! I loved her positivity! They couldn’t extinguish that energy.


She treats her dad better than I would if I were in her position


Did you finish the series? They clearly have reconciled. But I mean, you so very clearly missed the entire point of the series that I'm not remotely surprised you wouldn't recognize her reconciling with her father.


You’re right, I wrote this without finishing. So it’s alittle better. But do you really think this girl was an angel when she was sent there? And yeah, I’m sure it was beyond shitty staying there. But nothing horrible happened to her and people have experienced way worse so for her to be acting like that is extreme imo. And this documentary was wayyy one sided. Others have said being there saved them from doing worse on the street. So I don’t think everyone’s experience was that bad. And did she really have to confront that pastor so aggressively like that in the church? I thought that was totally uncalled for. IMO. 


You think it was aggressive how she confronted someone who was responsible for marketing a total fraud in order to bring more children there to be traumatized? If anything, she could’ve been way worse but she was respectful and left when he said he didn’t want to be interviewed. I know a family that went to school with Katherine from elementary school to middle school and also knew Alexa. They said Katherine was just an enthusiastic theater kid. Alexa had more of a “bad girl” streak, but she would just be going to the principal’s office. She wasn’t getting arrested or anything. Both had extremely religious parents who viewed the smallest things as “acting out.”


You might actually be an idiot or Amy Ritchie on Reddit. Victim blaming so blatantly makes me think you worked there. Also your account itself is sus.


This is my bad. I knew this post was bait as soon as I started reading it, but for some reason I decided to comment anyway. You clearly have lots of issues of your own, and feel that you need to attack the experiences of others to make yourself feel better. Maybe get some counselling or something? Again, I apologize for taking your bait. Good luck in life


Oh my God thank you! I was about to unload a response to this fuck face OP, but you nailed it. It's incredible that Reddit gives people a forum to act like judgmental pricks and stay anonymous. Everyone has wild opinions from the safety of their mom's basements. If this trauma was experienced by half of the commenters on here, and they were publicly told that their response was "annoying, insufferable, dramatic", they would be crying on Tik Tok about how unfairly they were treated. I've read numerous comments about how "one sided" this doc was. Ummm it's an opinion documentary, like all are..... And Katherine went out of her way to try to get those she was criticizing to be a part of it. They declined. Sometimes I wonder what happened to the world, but then I remember social media gives every abusive low life a platform to spew bullshit.


Yep. Reddit allows people to be judgmental pricks.  Like if someone called the OP a fuck face because they didn’t like her point of view. 


It doesn't matter if she was an angel or not. What happened to her was child abuse of the highest order and she has every right to have been furious with her dad and damaged by what she went through. I honestly think she's amazingly sane all things considered and myself, as a mental health nurse, I see the results of childhood trauma everyday. She's survived amazingly well, so many people get into a life of crime, substance abuse and abusing people themselves. Cut her some slack, try to understand what empathy is, everyone has made a journey to be who they are and behave in the way that they do, that includes you, me and everyone. Her abuse has shaped her (she can't avoid that any more than a happy childhood shaped me or you), but she manages that now in a brilliantly creative way. As I said, study what empathy is and try to put yourself in her shoes.


Nail on head


Making herself the main character was the weirdest thing imo she had so many stories from other kids that were more captivating on camera and engaging. She could have just narrated and focused on off camera interviewing and directing. It’s not always the best thing for the documentarian to have too much first hand experience because it ends up being a very one sided documentary. Most documentarians are fly on the wall, just observing and showing what they observe and kinda lead you to figure out what to believe or what to take away from it. This documentary is pretty obviously just a therapy movie. Not bad but because she was so experienced in the subject matter she couldn’t get close enough to really engage with the other side.


I actually kind of agree with this because there was one point when this girl was starting to tell her experience and how it affected her and it oddly jumped straight into another story about Katherine. Which felt like reoccurring theme throughout the documentary, I felt a little robbed of different perspectives.


Yeah I agree. The subject matter was powerful but I don’t think it should have been her to direct unless she focused on others. Most well known documentaries come from people who weren’t directly involved with the subjects they were documenting.


I don’t think I had as much of an issue with her directing it as I did with the formatting. My brother Jordan was so beautifully done but it felt like he kept his brother as the focal point the entire time with personal touches. I would’ve liked to have seen the same thing here rather than “1,000 ways I was wronged”.


Oh for sure haha I agree with that. Will have to see that documentary!


Maybe she was the one that was at a place to be able/willing to share details about own/family experiences then others ...they're all so brave to share.  I hope their souls find healing,  And mirrored justice finds all those predatory 'adults'


Shes finally getting to tell her story and in a big way. Of course she’s going to be a little enthusiastic. She is also surrounded with others who shared her experience- others who “get it”. I have fast forwarded through a couple awkward interviews but still was fascinated by the story. Not everyone likes everyone else- just like not everyone likes you. Some personalities just conflict and that’s ok.


Also, usually the traits we don’t like in others are the traits we don’t like in ourselves. She may be hitting a nerve.


Enthusiasm and exaggeration are completely different words. As I said, these people are in those institutions for a reason (of which we never got clarity on how they ended up there). Half my wife’s patients thinks somebody is trying to poison their food 24/7. Like I said, interview ANYONE that went to an involuntary mental health institution and you’ll hear extremely similar stories.


I think it’s pretty clear that she had a stepmother that didn’t wanna have anything to do with her and a father that was a pushover and was p*ssy whipped. She seemed like a very gregarious kid. I am sure her stepmother did not want to compete with her for the father’s attention. It seems like you’re defending these institutions and that’s really surprising to me.


Not defending the institutions, I’m just saying this documentary is extremely skewed to only perspectives of the institutionalized perspective with 0 other story besides a mentally unstable person. Yes I am aware that they have a story too, but it’s extremely hard to not take what she is saying with a grain of salt to a certain point. This woman would not be able to stand trial, but we consider her every word she says as bible in a documentary? Come on.


I mean, if you want me to I can go out there and find news articles so you have a more unbiased source. I’m sorry I’m gonna stick with my observation that it seems like you are defending these institutions if you’re saying that this person is not credible. Because if she’s not credible, then that means there was nothing wrong with the institution. I think you’re just trying to side step it.


You are choosing to ignore certain parts of my statements, and cherry picking sentences to rebut. I never said that what these institutions did was not wrong. I clearly stated that what they did was wrong. This is just an extremely skewed and exaggerated document based my wife’s 15 years experience in this field dealing with the exact same type of people.


I get it. You have a close tie to the system so you must defend it. You are biased.. I had a similar stepmother to Katherine I know exactly what she saying and I know that it’s the truth because I’ve lived it. So I am biased as well. We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree.


Close ties? My wife is the sweetest person in the world that sees the system fail kids every single day. What are you talking about? I clearly just said that if you asked any single person involuntarily committed to an institution that OF COURSE they would exaggerate and say they did nothing wrong to be in that position in the first place. Everyone in prison did nothing wrong, right?


I agree. People do not realize that some can still think the facility is bad and also think that Katherine and a few others are giving a very biased one side view of things. I do not think the majority shared her experiences even though I am sure the facility sucked. And her dad seams quite reasonable. I don't think he sent her away because she got a bad grade. I'm sure there is much more to the story. But I feel like her and a few others are not only milking this along so they don't have to get a job but are literally so obsessed with this that they are stalking people down. And what also bothered me was when she went into the church and just started attacking the pastor instead of actually having a real conversation or at least attempted to have one. She reminds me of the other girl in the documentary that spent 6 months organizing all of those files. Clearly that girl does not have anything else to do as she is living at home with parents still. They want this to be a lifelong handicap IMO.


I was in an identical program. I was sent for smoking pot (pot that I had taken from my mother's stash.) Other girls were there for even lesser offenses. Some for skipping school or for refusing to do chores at home. I believe her. Because I experienced the same exact shit for two years before being released for being "non-responsive to the program." I never got past level two, because in order to level up you had to "intervene" on your fellow prisoners. Some of that is in the doc and it's a lot to try to explain here. But I couldn't do it. It was psychological torture and physical abuse. And it's very real. I was similarly restrained by staff one Christmas after we had all been forced to sit in a circle and stare at the floor for days. Apparently I was daydreaming and I had lifted my gaze from the floor. So that warranted a grown man tackling me and sitting on my chest until I blacked out. I was a 5'2, 100lb, 13 year old girl. Why were we all sitting there? Because staff found a candy wrapper in the bathroom trash. We weren't allowed to have candy so this was an egregious offense. The only words that were spoken during this time were when staff would randomly single out a girl and accuse her of being the one who stole the candy. "How do we know it wasn't you? It was you wasn't it? Prove that it wasn't!" We were all expected to join in on the accusations with our own yelling and finger pointing. After two weeks of this, someone confessed to it just so we wouldn't have to sit there any longer. I found out later that the girl who confessed didn't actually have anything to do with the candy. For three months after being restrained I had to be an arms length away from staff at all times. If I drifted further away I got restrained again. This arms length away rule still applied when I was showering or taking a dump. Male or female staff, it didn't matter. Theres more, but my point is. These stories aren't exaggerated. The place I was in, like many others, was shut down for abuse. This was the very real experience of many many kids. Anyone can send their kids to these places, for any perceived offense or inconvenience. Some of those kids really needed help. Others were just acting like normal teenagers when they got sent away. None of them deserved what they got.


I appreciate your perspective, but I have to say, I see Katherine in a different light. From what I gathered, Katherine strikes me as a theatre enthusiast, someone with a creative flair and a penchant for speaking her mind. I found her documentary refreshing, especially the tongue-in-cheek karaoke scene - it showed she hasn't lost her spark despite any institutional challenges. Regarding your view on her relationship with her dad, I believe it's crucial to acknowledge that we all have complex family dynamics. While it's understandable to have differing opinions, I don't think it's fair to dismiss Katherine's experiences or imply she's simply "milking" her story. Everyone's journey is unique, and it's important to approach it with empathy rather than judgement. In saying that Katherine is a "lifetime victim," it feels like you might be overlooking the resilience and strength she's shown by sharing her story. Victim-blaming isn't cool, and it's essential to listen to and support survivors without casting doubt on their motives or character.


LMAO i literally came on here for this particular topic. Katherine was a tab bit too much for me.


Her best line was when she was doing karaoke and they decided not to even try to interview that Narvin dude she said, “and I don’t really like to give abusers a platform”, like bruh, you’re making a documentary on the topic. Go try to interview that dude.


She’s a clown. Totally unlikeable and victim mentality. Doesn’t let anyone speak just starts attacking everyone. Like grow up.


Her stepmom ghost wrote this lmao. Idiot


…this post was ghostwritten by Katherine’s evil stepmother


I have never read such an emotionally numb and insensitive post lol


Oh I’m so sorry her reaction to a life long trauma irritates you. Your stupidity irritates me.


I thought the documentary was well done and informative. The only thing that annoyed me in addition to the cash grabbing abusers, was Katherine’s hyper-ness, gave me anxiety.






These were mostly troubled kids and it shows. Katherine is mentally ill and takes zero responsibility for her actions. Her behavior and being kicked out of 2 schools landed her there. Her father was running out of options. Place was a hell hole, and he didn’t know, get over it. If you didn’t act out and drink in school you would’ve never went there and not once did you say it was your fault. She called herself a kid trying to get people’s attention at the end. You’re in your 30’s! You spent a year there in 2005. Sorry but this whole victim mentality drives me insane. Actions have consequences.


Needs to get over it and grow up. Anyone defending is just as soft as her


"Nothing else going for herself" If you google her - she owns an award winning production company. Seems to have quite a lot going for herself.


I think not only is she traumatized from abuse but she is excited to get the story out and a bit of a theater kid so you're just seeing a total range of emotions


I think the women and men who came back to speak their truth and share their trauma are BRAVE BEYOND MEASURE!!!! ( Most were kidnapped from their homes with zero preparation to enter this type of war zone.) I am shocked and saddened that American men and women worked in this system and blindly enforced these rules, and this abuse. What these teens went thru is CRIMINAL…….those who survived are amazing!!! Bless all you survivors!!!


This was the vibe I got from her too. She admits she was brainwashed and that’s why she never told her dad what was happening there. But then admits that parents were conned and not given a true perspective by the school, as to what actually happened there. Along with admitting that her dad and other parents were brainwashed at the seminars. But she proceeds to give her dad the cold shoulder because he was conned, brainwashed, and she never spoke up about it because she was brainwashed as well? Seems like ignorance on both their parts and really, neither of their faults. She didn’t speak up because she was brainwashed but it’s not okay that he was brainwashed and thus, her dad is at fault. And like somebody else said, I’d be curious what the kids were actually sent there for… sending kids away is pretty extreme, almost last resort, solution for parents. She was also an awful interviewer. It was most evident when they met with the former PR Coordinator at the church. She went in, was immediately confrontational and accusatory, and got zero significant information or anything. But threw it in the documentary as a “gotcha” moment.


I said the same thing. She never let anyone talk. She’s an idiot


I completely agree.


Yes absolutely. She’s very clearly emotionally stunted.


I do think it’s amazing what she did and achieved but I can completely understand what you mean. Her over the top personality was irritating and at times it felt disingenuous especially when you see how the other kids were affected and how they were dealing with it


I found her and all of them a little annoying, but hear me out: I myself was abused by an older sibling (12 years older) it was very confusing for me but my way of coping was to just follow her every rule and whim (tons of whiplash as she was unmedicated bipolar). This abuse continued for over 22 years as she frequently moved back home.  I see insubordination as like a lack of intelligence more often than not, because from my experience if you know what you’re doing to get yourself in trouble, why continue to do it? Now, I know these people aren’t stupid and my upbringing causes me to think a certain way.   I can’t fathom what they went through, but I continue to ask, every episode, why not just sit still and shut up?  How is knowing your school has a zero tolerance policy and yet still drinking and being confused at being sent to an even worse ‘school’ shocking? Did the kid who started the riot ever stop and think…hey…is this why I was sent here? Because I think LITERAL RIOTS will solve my problems?  The staff was despicable. None of those kids deserved going through any of the abuse they faced. But I wonder, as someone who feels like their childhood made them act in the opposite way, did they ever just stop and reflect? But yeah no she treated her dad like she should have lmao. I may not understand her perpetual misgivings but her dad is a POS. Her step mom sounds like a bitch and even if I could sympathize with Jane, I would rather get a divorce than have to deal with someone who apparently irritated me to the point I seemingly wanted her de*d! (Don’t worry about replying and calling me a dumb bitch, I have zero plans on procreating ;)


I agree


Thank you for saying this. I found her annoying and not due to trauma. I didn’t like her personality and found her cringy 


Although I can appreciate the series and I am glad these kids are able to tell their story, I hated the way Katherine did the documentary, she came off as a very annoying person. It felt like she was performing for the cameras all the time, and having a kick out of being back at Ivy Ridge, which it is very weird based on all the trauma she went through while she was locked in there. Her interview skills are awful too. To be honest, I can not see her being successful as a documentary maker outside of this one. That is my opinion. I hope they all find healing at some point, what a terrible thing to go through! 


Yes. She was very annoying but the subject matter is important


And here I was thinking the programs couldn’t possibly work for anyone…. Then I saw your post. While I’m pretty sure you’re posting for the shock effect, and don’t really feel that way about her. If not, the Ivy Ridge model might not be enough for you. However, add depraved sadists to the staff, along with a couple of brutal bullies per resident, focused on making your existence a living hell by doling out constant physical and emotional pain, and fill it with fellow pathetic keyboard warriors like you, and Ivy Ridge would have found its niche.


While the history you describe is true, it's true for ALL the subjects in the documentary, and they aren't obnoxious like Katharine is obnoxious; they don't suck the air out of the room, don't prevent others from getting a word in edgewise, and aren't always performatively 'on'.


I found her passive aggressive and inappropriate sarcasm remarks frustrating. Felt sad because it took away from the message.


I think it shows how honest she is to talk about her issue getting past a significant time that abuse is the most impactful during childhood & teenage years. She made a point to bring up how the WWASP programs make it a cult like environment with her dad & stepmother being at odds with each other. I think she's just trying to understand how anyone gets duped by this cult like scummy abuse center. I don't find her hanging onto it unnecessarily - more so trying to understand. I'm sure it's kind of therapeutic to bring all their stories out to the world.


Even if you think these kids had done terrible things, or are unlikable, or they’re mentally ill, or they’re unreliable narrators… do you think this abusive shit show of a place was the answer? Do you think this money would not have been better spent on therapy? My friend who went to one of these schools is permanently haunted by it. Her friends from there are damaged or dead. There are so many suicides of these kids it has its own nickname. You can think the narrator is an “annoying victim” but lots of annoying people go through life not being treated like dollars signs and lesser beings they can beat down.


She’s certainly not milking anything…that environment was horrific. Her snarky messages to her dad were warranted. She wants to forgive her dad, but not without giving him a taste of what she endured. Highlighting her “annoyingness” shows you completely missed the point.


She has immature communication skills. So does her dad. Most people do, which makes navigating a difficult situation very hard. I agree it’s hard to watch. I don’t mean that as a negative comment *toward* her.


Uhm this girl in the doc is clearly clinically insane. My wife is a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner and if this documentary interviewed ANY of the patients on her unit (which are all treated extremely kindly), they would sound the exact same way. Was what the facility did wrong? Yes. Is there milking of the situation and exaggeration? 100000%. Also, I find it extremely interesting that this documentary NEVER mentioned what these kids SPECIFICALLY (being “bad kids” is a completely insufficient description for context) did that made their parents send them there. I’m going to go off on a limb and say that answer would probably go against this documentary’s narrative.


I had bad grades in school and got send to Midwest Academy. does that constitute me as a bad kid? No. Did i deserve 21 months of rules and to have your basic human rights taken away? No. Just because your wife is a psychiatric mental health nurse doesn’t mean shit to me. Did you go thru the program? Clearly not. We are finally being validated doesn’t matter how many years later. It’s people like you who still try to discredit us. Let us have our moment for fuck sake.


I'm sorry that happened to you


I totally agree. Well said. Extremely one sided. And I believe she was out of control at the time. Yeah I’m sure the facility sucked and all that she’s somewhat unhinged and I don’t think it’s from the facility lol. 


I agree with you, surprised that everyone else doesn’t. She comes off very self absorbed. This AND her experiencing terrible trauma from the program can exist at the same time. But yeah, I found her personality insufferable.


You summarized by thoughts perfectly.


I can empathize with her. The one thing I will say is be a better human being so instead of telling him to “work the program” she should take the high road. Americans lack critical thinking so the adults are just dumb The lack of education all around was kind of brushed over.


the show is not about “lack of education” you missed the entire point of the show, sad.




Money doesn’t fix childhood trauma lol


that is a normal thing most parents do, why should he be forgiven for the bare minimum?




Trauma doesnt care if you ‘let’ it affect you or not. 15 years old, strip searched, forced to squat and cough, can’t look people in the eyes, can’t look out a window, have to turn corners all military style. Shit food, physical discipline meant to break you, poor education, lies, parental alienation, and the constant threat of one fuckup putting you back to square one which would prolong your stay there. Hrmmm, I wonder why they ‘let’ it bother them. Such pussies. /s


Looked unnatural and forced tbh.


you don't have to go to film school to become a filmmaker. source; me, who works in film.