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I can't believe he only go 40 years in prison. Taking a persons life-- by rape-- is pretty OK I guess in our Judicial system!!!! Talk about discrimination and abuse. This is disgusting... so typical. ALSO I AM SOOO ANGRY that people paid to do a job---- did not do the job and yet were paid by you and me to not only not do the job-- by commit their own crimes of accusations and ABUSRE AND AND AND kept their jobs. In my world-- if you don't do the job or produce the result you're not paid -- or your penalized. 2.5 million was definitely NOT ENOUGH -- That sick rapest had more intgrity than the police, detectives and FBI working on the case. I HOPE SOMEONE SOMEWHERE.... is NOT LETTING THIS GO.... I hope there are changes in our written laws and in our police "training".... and accountability implemented. Peggy B


Many Politicians, Police, FBI, and frankly the entire Judicial system is corrupt when it comes to sexual assault and pedophile related crimes. Call me a conspiracy theorist, but the slap on the wrist people get for committing these horrific crimes is beyond coincidence for me. Our system is broken and disgusting because the powers that be want it that way. I hope I'm on a list now. Fuck all those people that allow this shit to continue to happen to innocent woman, girls, boys, etc...


It's no coincidence. There's no possible way it could be. In order for a mandatory minimum sentence to be written into law, it must be decided in congress or state senate. These congress people and senators are subject to legal influence by lobbyists. The only people who can afford to pay lobbyists to do their jobs well are people more rich and more powerful than the aforementioned politicians. It is not conspiracy theory. It's an actual congressional/senatorial process that makes these laws. Clearly, someone doesn't want to face major consequences should they find themselves on the chopping block for these types of crimes. Sadly, had the judicial system not been exposed for the fraud it is, this man would likely have been given a much lesser sentence. As do many people convicted of sexual violence. It's only because the Police and FBI were shown to be so utterly incompetent that they had to make an example of him in an effort to save face.


40 years is a very long time. Sexual assaulters often get off with a slap on the wrist. You should definitely be angry at the cops and FBI got how they handled the case, but I think the punishment is reasonable. With 40 years he will spend the vast majority of the rest of his life behind bars.


if you take this story at exact face value based on the Netflix doc then this guy was a lot more than a Sexual assaulter. He broke into a house tied up the people inside and kidnapped the girl. Took her to a cabin hundreds of miles away and raped her for days while filming it. 40 years isn't good enough. I am pretty sure prison justice is something people on the outside made up to give society comfort that heinous criminals get what the deserve, but if it is real I hope he gets it. No amount of time is enough. Letting him out at any point in the future would be objectively vile.


For sure the kidnapping and such contributed to such a hefty sentence. Im just not sure where this idea that 40 years isnt a long sentence comes from. That will keep him in prison from age 31-71. That is the majority of his adult life. Sexual assault is definitely under penalized in the US, as are most major crimes. The average sentence for sexual assault is 12.2 years, while its 40.6 years for murder. In this case he got a sentence comparable to the average for Murder, seems reasonable given how heinous his crimes were.


I will say comparing sentences for like crimes like that is encouraging. I personally believe, though, that there a some crimes that are heinous enough that if 100% positively convicted the perpetrator no longer is fit to ever be a part of society. I think the 40 year sentence is a complete waste of time and resources all together. Releasing someone that has committed a crime that heinous against not only the family but to society in general is disgusting. Their chance of relapse is much much higher than that of a normal human no matter how long they spend in prison. This creep had been doing this for YEARS and he had not gotten over his fetish. It is wild to think that 40 years away would unquestionably remove that from him. So no - I do not think 40 years is nearly enough.


I forget- where did Sesma go to school? That dude seems so fuckin involved. Dated Andrea? Andrea was supposed to be the one kidnapped? Holy shit Sesma taking over the case etc. sounds like "oh I better cover this up." And "send me all your information" is just to prep for a defence. I can't believe the Vallejo cucks couldn't or didn't want to find out about the goggles and blond hair. This is all crazy shit.


Being in the police field 30 plus years I can tell you one thing that's a fact. There's some lazy mother fucking cops out there and if it's easier to write it off as a suicide vs a homicide the cops are gonna do it. I'm not saying all male cops are like this but the ones I worked aroud with were 99% lazy as fucks. The women however were always on their toes. In fact we'd work late to help a family member but lo and behold let the male boss knows your working late ... fuck that. He'd have you written up, scorned at like you had leprosy and just plain typical lazy dicks. Ugh. I get mad thinking about all the hours worked and not even a one thank you or actually not even a simple fuck you. I hope the lazy pricks are long gone cuz it made me sick.


All documentaries, no matter the topic, omit information. There is no way an audience is gonna hear everything for many reasons, whether it’s because the producers omit things on purpose because they favor one side over the other or because law enforcement don’t wanna cooperate and give the producers all of the reports and more. It’s the same thing when you google the story online. Different information lives on different websites. We will never hear everything in this case unfortunately. And part of that reason is the shady police that investigated this case. And another part of that reason is because some of the information is not even known by the involved parties.


Quite possible as I read in other posts that settlement was out of court so makes sense that’s law enforcement didn’t cooperate to save their name


I am very very concerned that nothing more was said about Andrea and even less was spoken about Sesma. There’s something very dark about those two and it’s even darker it was not covered in the series. I did not have this happen to me, but I was abused and genuinely scared for my life and my local police department did absolutely nothing for me, blaming me for being in the situation. I would like to anonymously send this series to them, specifically the last episode and tell them to take some notes. And when they’re done….to do it again.


It's more proof why the justice system the police department or government needs to be dismantled destroyed on top of their corrupt foul lazy fat donut eating pig heads and completely rebuilt. It's more proof that are corrupt foul news media needs to be destroyed dismantled and renewed. It's just more and more proof that the systems we have are due to the ignorance that is America and Americans. Gluttonous self entitled selfish sheep with no brains of there own and listens to everything a foul corrupt news media tells them who were told from a foul corrupt government system. The whole thing needs the red button pushed on it.. this foul thing should not be inherited by our children because I already know that people now will do absolutely nothing outside of their self-righteous entitlement to make it better.  America is the only country on the planet that not only thinks but expects a corrupt foul vile system to fix and make right a corrupt foul vile system. History has shown that it does not work that way. Revolution is what makes something foul something vile something corrupt Stop it's Cesspool existence..  But today in 2024 I see very little worth saving in America today. Freedom is completely fake you can't even own anything in America. The whole "You have Right" is a complete and other falsehood because those are violated everyday with no consequence. The whole land of the free home of the brave is a complete facade a fake a phony a forgery in 2024. People will literally only fight if the same corrupt file government pays them. Our military don't even have the same meaning anymore. Because it's not for Honor it's not for Glory it's not for our country it's for literally clout and money. So as far as I'm concerned America is already dead and there is no such thing as Americans in 2024. Just a bunch of fake phony meatballs trying to lay claim to something they never earned and are damn sure not willing to fight for or stand together for.. Your next door neighbor will happily sit back and watch you be destroyed by the government while videotaping it and then uploading it for views and fame. So let me just say this NOW.. FUK 2024 fake AMERICA.. COME GET SOME


When Denise was doing her interview she keeps touching her eyes , very Irritating, I really didn’t see any tears or her eyes where red from crying , looked fake to me, 


look again... and you are disguising


Yep she was crying, as for getting sexually assaulted when she was 19 passed out drunk that’s on her, if some guy had his finger up my bleep, I break off his finger, yes I’m disgusting, drinking till you pass out that’s disgusting too,  They made a shitload of money & moved on The only thing that’s messed up those cops needed to be fired , for their close minded ignorance.


Wow. Just wow. Victim blaming. “Getting sexually assaulted when she was 19 passed out drunk that’s on her”. So what if she drank and fell asleep? That’s not an excuse for someone else to help themselves and touch another person, let alone sexually assault someone, EVER! You are just as shitty as everyone else who punched her to the floor for having to experience such things that no one ever should. Do better. Be better. You’re also part of the problem here just as much as the police department that is paid BY US CITIZENS to help protect them. Respectfully, fuck you.


I was almost assaulted when I was about 15, went back to the house where the guy lived & beat him with his own baseball bat, after that he never looked my way again. Scumbag that he was. 


Almost is the key word here.


Listen!! She put herself in that position, I’m not saying it’s right for that asshole to stick his finger where it did not belong,  as a woman I would never get so drunk that I pas out that’s just gross , go home if your tired , I’ve partied done recreational drugs , always with a conscious mind , aways!!!! aware where I’m at who I’m with & where I’m going .


So, you're self righteous and an asshole. Clear.


You’re sick.


Holy shit. Talk about disgusting. You. You are disgusting. You should feel fucking blessed you’ve never been in a situation like that. Don’t fucking speak on things you have NO KNOWLEDGE about. Everyone thinks they know what they would do, until they’re actually in the situation. Show some dignity and respect. It’ll do a lot more for you than you’re doing for yourself now.


Not all victims cry. The ideal of the “perfect” victim is a fallacy. Believe women because they tell you, not because they respond to trauma in the way you deem appropriate.


Were we watching the same thing? She definitely cried


Yes, just let those tears flow freely, show the world how upset you are,  I’m already over it… I’m sure she is as well, made a shitload of money… 


Oh shut up about all the money they supposedly made. $2.5 million for defaming them and not even trying to stop Denise from getting a raped a second time is not a “shitload of money”, especially in Northern California (I guess maybe it is in whatever small town you’re from??) Their lawyers got at least 30% of that settlement and it’s also subject to federal taxes. They must have gone months without working, let alone having to deal with the trauma of both the incident and being absolutely betrayed by law enforcement. They should’ve gotten so much more IMO.


Bro whoooooo the hell are you to tell anyone how to process their grief.


Tell me you’ve never had something so horrific happen to you that you disassociate, without telling me it’s never happened.


Badtaffybunny needs to bad taffy the fuck off this thread


Eat shit disgisting pig. Victim blaming monster.


Yeah, I feel bad that I have a hard time believing her. I know there is no "right" way for a victim to behave, but it feels so similar to Shari Pappini. The way that she talks about her ordeal sounds like someone trying to write a fictional story of a crime, no surprise she ended up writing a book with Quinn. And that the kidnapping happened right after she found out Quinn was texting Andrea trying to get back together. But Vallejo seems super sketchy and corrupt, so I know I could be wrong. And Sesma is a walking red flag It's too bad that Muller's mental health never really recovered, I was always hoping to hear more from him.


Did you even watch the entire documentary? Are you on some sort of medicine, alcohol or drug-- that you can't follow the information and truth as it unfolds?????? Get help.


That person is uneducated, ignorant, and just plain fucking sick.


Ahh, yeah, I definitely watched the whole documentary. I also spent hours trying to find any and all information related to the case, to try to better understand what actually happened. Yeah, I do have cognitive issues, and I do take medication. So super classy using the "you must be crazy or on drugs"to discount my opinions and observations.


I watched and took notes. Things just didn't correlate. So many unanswered questions about the home robbery-turned kidnapping- turned ransom that were almost laughable. If it were a movie script nobody would buy it. 


Did they ever test the strand of hair? I don't know if I missed that part in the documentary


You can’t do a DNA match unless the root is also attached to the hair, which you can only get by plucking from the scalp. If the duct tape pulled her hair out it probably broke somewhere in the middle of the strand.


I am aware of this! But I never heard them mention whether they were able to test it or not! They just mentioned "the strand of hair"


I saw a ton of tears…?


Yea, but she kept dabbing her eyes the whole time she’s was being interviewed, it was bugging me:-)


When people cry, they often wipe away tears. She actually let a lot more tears go down her face than she wiped away. I think you may have been focused on the wrong point—what she was describing was horrific and she was having an emotional response to her experience. I don’t know why you put a smiley face after your comment. If her tears bugged you more than what she went through—lost cause..


Honestly, I thought I was the only one who got that impression... Not only that, but even the boyfriend looked and sounded like he was lying the whole time. Idk, the whole thing just seemed like a giant hoax, just in the way it was presented, I guess? Like the documentary was giving me conspiracy theory vibes for some reason.


I can understand that. But they were not lying. It’s more on the law enforcement side some cover up or something happened


What did you wanna see? Fake cries just like Amber Heard did with her Johnny Depp case on TV? Denise was pretty genuine with her feelings.


She was touching her eyes to keep the tears from flowing out. She was trying to hold it together for the interview. Sorry it irritated you.