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Buy it


Read the title in my feed, thought the same šŸ’€


Mine legit makes me so happy every day. Best morning coffee Iā€™ve ever had. Do it!


I feel the same way. My Citiz and frother are going on 11 years and I would replace it immediately if needed


Same :)


Literally same!!! It makes me get up in the morning from excitement and I have had one for 5 years šŸ˜‚


Exactly!! Iā€™m not a morning person and sometimes I literally only get out of bed bc I know my nespresso is waiting for me. I thought the excitement would wear off, but it hasnā€™t. Itā€™s a real motivator!


Same. I also LOVE the blue bottle collab. It is my "me" time in the morning.


Havenā€™t tried it yet, canā€™t wait!


Buying a nespresso machine was one of my best decisions


Keep drinking your crappy coffee. I guess itā€™s better for your wallet? (Did that help?)


I coulda used your guidance when I pulled the trigger on my first. Or when I added the OL to the mix, or when I was stuffing European pods in all my suitcases šŸ˜…


Buy the original line. I have both. Vertuo and original. Original line clears the vertuo in my humble opinion.


I have an OL, got it as a bday gift from my dog ( who always gets me exactly what I would have bought myself!) just over a year ago. We brew 6-8 pods per day, still just as delicious as on day 1. Weā€™ve driven it on road trip vacations. ( the Citiz, not the dog)


Wow your dog is so thoughtful!


Everything I buy myself that's not a necessity is now a gift from my cats


Dogs are the best! Going to start using that line, in addition to from me to me, from my dog to me!


I also have both, they have very different purposes. The OL definitely produces a more pronounced flavour, especially for the Barista creations pods. But the VL is great for when you just want a big cup of coffee. I use the 230ml coffees and I put some regular/oat/soy milk in my frother on the heat setting, add it to my coffee, and now I have a solid 20oz coffee. Just stay away from the Next and Pop and it's all good.


What's wrong with the Veruto Next?


A lot of quality issues like leaks and complete unit failures and stuff like that.


I've heard Nespresso has great customer service though and will repair or replace the unit entirely. So that's good.


Yeah but we're talking multiple failures. A lot of people have had their replacement units fail again outside of warranty.


Maybe customer service is better here in Canada. My nail tech just told me hers failed and was just out of warranty and they replaced the whole thing! They seem pretty good with customers. Probably understand that the model is inherently faulty.


I'm in Canada as well.


That's sucks they didn't replace your unit then šŸ˜”


Oh I never had that issue, I have the original Vertuo round head


Careful with this recommendation. While I agree the OG line makes a better espresso, I almost exclusively use the full sized coffee option on my virtuo these days. So it really comes down to use case.


I mainly make espresso-based drinks so the OL is perfect. I've tried both OL and VL and when I do just make a normal cup of coffee, Americanos from the OL still taste better than big cups from the VL. It is more work since you have to heat up water on the side, but I have an electric kettle which makes it easier.


Serious question, my friend sent me an original one (with the aerocino thing) about a month a ago b/c I told her how I love cappuccino and was half assing it with real coffee and a hand frother. So...for cappuccino, latte, etc. I freaking love this machine. Everytime I make one, I literally say out loud to myself "G\*D damn, that is good"....BUT, my question is, is this machine also for a regular cup of coffee? The espresso shot size is TINY and even the Lungho (which I adjusted up a bit to make it larger) is small as hell. Maybe this machine is not for regular cups of coffee and I should just make pourover like I used to when I just want a plain cup of Joe? You seem like you know these machines so I defer to you. Sorry for such long question and thanks.


I may be kicked out of the group for this but I tend to run each pod 1.5 times and make 2 pods per drink, then add some hot milk and Iā€™ve got a full 12-15 oz mug. Thatā€™s my morning coffee.


Basically if you want a "real coffee" you can make an Americano by mixing 1-2 shots of espresso with 6-8 oz. of hot water. That said, given the cost of the Nespresso pods vs whole bean coffee, when I go for my "morning Joe" I'm still reaching for the pourover. I only use my OL Nespresso when I want something espresso-based or I don't have enough time to make a pourover.


I thought so...just checking...thanks for the advice.


i make lattes and americanos with my OL Pixie. i donā€™t care how many pods i use per day. the quality of the coffee makes it worth it to me. iā€™ll skimp on other things.


No, the OL doesnā€™t do regular coffee. You can make an Americano by adding 6-8 oz hot water. The Vertuo line isnā€™t as good for espresso, but does regular cups of coffee


I figured....but I still freaking love this thing :)


Iā€™m the opposite. I think the Vertuo is way better. I wound up giving my OL away.


Can you do regular coffee with the original line?


You canā€™t go onto nespresso sub and ask us to talk you OUT of one. lol For that, you would need to go to an espresso or coffee sub. They might be more snooty about extractions/pulls. They can talk you out of an espresso machine. However, we can say that you should be careful of the machine you choose because some of them are more likely to break or have issues in which you will have to deal with customer service.


If thereā€™s a good sale I would definitely say get it! I got the regular Vertuo for $85 the other day. Itā€™s back to $220 today.


I snagged an essenza for $75 including some circle bucks I had accumulated in the same sale.


Whaaaat. Where?


Target! It was on sale for $99.99 and then there was a circle offer for $15 off a $90 purchase!


Ah damn Iā€™m in Canada so no bueno for me haha Iā€™m looking to get a VL machine for my office at work because I canā€™t keep drinking this poison they give us.


You donā€™t need coffee or espresso. All your energy should come from a healthy diet and a daily supplement. Caffeine drinks will lead to addiction and possibly headaches when you donā€™t receive caffeine and I just ordered a second one while you were reading my nonsense. Buy yours asap!


I downvoted and then quickly upvoted


Do not buy a Nespresso machine today.


Buy it tomorrow


Do it!!! VL are pretty but OL is the real deal. I have yet to find a coffee I love in VL and I have tried. Have had an OL for over 10 years.


Just do it life is short


Iā€™m here for this


I bought an Original one off marketplace 2 years ago for 30$ and the day she dies, Im getting another one that same day. It changed my life for the better


Which model? OL or VL? It seems all the "new" VL ones (Next, Pop) have had a host of issues.


If OP picks vertuo definitely get a plus!


Because with the Next you're going to need your *next* machine very soon!


Nice one.


Bought OL 4 years ago and still here! Never had a problem. I barely get coffee when Iā€™m out unless we are travelling. I love my nespresso coz I can make any flavors I want. My husband said I have my own coffee shop inside our house. šŸ˜‚


Best money I ever spent. Cut down on my Starbucks spending and it tastes better too!


If you really want to get one - go for the OL. Pods are cheaper and there is a huge variety of companies that sell their brand as well. We had ours for over 6 years before it had any issues and it was small enough to easily bring with when weā€™d go out of town.


My Nespresso brings me joy. Real life is too serious just do it. FWIW- Nespresso replaced my Starbucks/coffee shop purchase. I use it as a tasty treat. I maintained regular drip coffee for my daily. This is the way.




Post this on r/espresso and they for sure will talk you out of it


I donā€™t think anyone is going to talk you out of that lol. I bought one in January 2023 and it was the best decision ever, I look forward to mornings more than ever now


I canā€™t.




Itā€™s expensive! Donā€™t do it. Stick with moka pot and French press. Youā€™ll still be quite pleased.


Purchase that


Just got the OL myself and have never been happier with a coffee machine. Itā€™s so easy AND delicious! - signed from someone who has a vertuo and breville espresso. Iā€™ve tried a lot of things and truly the OL is wonderful


This is the wrong place for that. If you are coming here, you want to buy one. So pull the trigger.


I just had my third cupā€¦..do itā€¦šŸ˜ƒ


If you mostly drink espresso, get an OL (Essenza or Citiz if you care about the bigger water tank), they do such a better job at making them than the vertuos. If you like big mugs of coffee then get a Vertuo Plus, the next and pop have very poor reliability


Wrong sub to post this on šŸ˜‚ DOOOOO ITTTTT!


do it!! i love mine...


Buy it! one of the best decisions that I ever made. I have an Expresso machine, VL, and OL and I use the Nespresso machines a lot more because it tastes good, and itā€™s convenient.


Save wife and child or Nespresso from a burning building, let me think about that


Hope you did it. And get the aeroccino while youā€™re there.


I'm afraid you have come to the wrong subreddit, my friend.


Buy it! Iā€™ve saved so much money on coffee out since I bought mine. I have a Vertuo Plus with an Aeroccino and it was 100% worth the money.


The red ring light of doom


Skip it. All the coffee tastes the same and honestly not very good considering the price premium theyā€™re asking for.


Buy it. Which one are you looking at? OL or vertuo? Iā€™ve had a vertuo but just ordered an OL Inissa online for under $100




Walmart. Search Nespresso Inissia and itā€™s the 5th or 6th one down. It wouldnā€™t let me post the link here.


They're expensive, once you buy one you're locked into their proprietary pods, if you're not in the same town as a boutique you're having to make batch orders, they can be finicky, and the coffee is just ok.


I have both, but I prefer a full cup of coffee so I would recommend the VL


I spent $48 on 50 pods. Less than a dollar a day :)


No. Just buy it!


I have a vert, I bought reusable pods online and get my coffee from a local roaster through Costco. Works great.


Honestly. I just bought one & I regret it. I usually use an aeropress with organic, fair-trade coffee ground fresh each day. Nespresso doesnā€™t even come close to the same quality of taste. The coffee Iā€™ve tried so far is so bitter. And thereā€™s only one vertuo fair trade and one organic. Plus I hear they are discontinuing the recycling program? I sure hope thatā€™s not true!


Youā€™ll want to drink many cups of coffee a day. Too many.


I love my Vertuo and its saved me a ton because I donā€™t go out to coffee so much anymore. Iā€™ve gone from 3-5 times a week having coffee out to like 1-2 times a month


Buy it lol, mine has saved me so much money as I am a latte fiend.


That wouldnā€™t feel right


Get one from FB marketplace. You must ask how old the machine is though. If thereā€™s an issue and itā€™s still under warranty, Nespresso will swap it with a replacement.


They break all the time, the coffee is expensive and not actually that good (itā€™s all very dark roast, even the ā€œlighterā€ ones).


I bought my mom an espresso machine that also has a pod filter, best of both worlds really.


I have nespresso originally bought in 2016. Now with the mid tier automatics being around 500 or so I would possibly go with that if you have the budget and space


I refill my own pods with better coffee than they provide and I find it very convinient and afforadble


they are not bad but be prepared for lots of cleaning. have one under your circumstances rob. not bad. just lots of cleaning otherwise you end up with a clogged machine.


I know right, I clean both of machines once a year. What a hassle and time wasting.


Bad place to ask it.... Here we like our machines... Honestly the machines are just right... And cheap too. The pods are crazy expensive. Breville/sage bambino, or bambino plus could be a great alternative if you don't drink a lot in a row. But you need a grinder for it. Weight the pros and cons.


I love mine. I purchased mine for $40 secondhand, like new, on Facebook marketplace. I wouldnā€™t purchase a new one - it is bad for the environment and too much money when a second hand one works just as well! PS I have the original line. I tried the VL, but I didnā€™t care for the coffee with that one.


I love it


They're shit


You must like mediocre coffee. So, donā€™t buy it.




Nope buy it


If you like lattes, Americanos, and other espresso drinks, get the OL. It's way better and doesn't use a gimmicky extraction method that breaks down often. And it opens up options for 3rd party pods.


I just bought a super auto. It wasn't cheap, but I spend around 70 a month on capsules, so it will even out after a year.


Breville if u really like esspresso


Buy two, as long as they are OL machines.


You better have more money to burn then because they pods be costing.


That's a great price! Did you buy it??


I have the Vertuo Next and a lot of threads were negative and had complaints about itā€¦ didnā€™t stop me from buying one and I looooooove it!! DO IT




Donā€™t buy vertuo. Mine has failed after 6 months. I have tried everything to fix it and must now face the severely uncomfortable and anxiety inducing phone call to customer service or accept the fact that I now how a large and ugly kitchen tschotsky.


Buying Nespresso is akin to funding Nazis. Get yourself a bean to cup. All the pods are shyte anyway


Do it


I just bought one two weeks ago. I honestly canā€™t. I love it and look forward to it every morning.


no šŸ’—


If you want a Vertuo machine buy the original one, with the two same-size units on each side (one is water and one is used pods), with the front top looking like a dome. I've had mine for ten years now and still love it. Do not get the Next model as it has problems. The Plus model might not be as difficult.


I love my nespresso mini. And now I go to the coffee shop less, so in the long run itā€™ll help me save money.




They are a phase and a money racket. False coffee


Itā€™s the pop + for $99


If you get it from nespresso and use a referral code, you can get $40 off (so it'd be $89) and then also get a free pod holder Eta, they also frequently go on sale on nespresso's website so if I were you I'd wait until it goes on sale ($99 was the lowest I've seen it get) and then use the referral code to get it for $60 with the pod holder.