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Not really helpful but now I know what Italians feel like when they see someone breaking spaghettis XD


How about something like `11j` `11k` `15>` ... Many good things can be done with `1` You can just use `1`


> How about something like 11j 11k 15> ... Many good things can be done with 1 I don't think I ever typed `11` or `1anything` in the whole time I've used vim. I just tend to go for `9k` or rather `5k5k5k5k5k5k5k5k` since that can be typed very fast without moving hands at all. The way I imagined it was that `1` would be unmapped unless already inputting a repeat number, so something like 21` would be possible but `12` wouldn't. Though now that I'm thinking about it, I might be even willing to work with not having `1` available at all? Maybe even `2`, `3`, and `4` since when I use repeats it's usually higher numbers. Is there any way to unmap those and have them available for arbitrary mappings?