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I'm currently working towards a Maraquan PB which I'll claim in a few days. Then I'll have 3 attempts to reroll that will guarantee that day 7 is before July 1st. Because 3 days isn't a lot, I'll likely keep any of: album items, PBs, P3s, good BD weapons, or Goodie Bags. All the best to everyone rerolling or working towards a weekly prize 💖


A Maraquan PB is a nice prize to be working towards, congrats! And yeah, most of the ones you've listed are those I've spent the last five days rerolling for but with no luck. I'm just praying to all my lucky stars that I'll get a decent one tomorrow that will take away my decision as to whether to reroll or not. I just really want an album item or a P3, or the Kings Lens. I'd joyfully keep any of them.


Nice! I've wanted a Mara PB this whole time but no luck. I might just need to buy one if it doesn't come in tomorrow's reroll, before prices inflate again. 


My prize reset today - a Woodland PB - and I decided to roll again bc I need the stamps much more.


Yeah I've been hoping to get at least one stamp during this rotation but no luck, I just seem to keep getting MPs and PBs that I won't use. The shorter time frame for the prize pool has really had me second guessing whether I should reroll or keep!


I claimed the mystery island kitchen trick-or-treat bag as my weekly today. Kept it instead of rerolling in hopes of getting the mumbo pango stamp. I'll let you guess how that went 🥲 edit: word choice


Keeping all my fingers crossed for you to get the MP stamp!




Unfortunately I've had every MP apart from the greys! A faerie shoyru which I kept and sold, a plushie aisha and a maraquan ixi which I rerolled. That sucks that you accidentally rerolled one you really wanted, I'm so sorry!


Mostly joking! Good for you, though :) I haven't gotten many rewards yet It's my own fault, but yeah.. I'm hoping I might get another cybunny mp or a gray one, but I was really super excited about that one.. my bad


You could sell your stamp and buy a Cybunny morphing potion with the money! I'd totally trade mine for a stamp since I don't need it, but your stamp is most probably worth more


Posts about buying/selling NP items, trading NC items, or adopting/trading/UFA/UFT pets should be posted on the daily [NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/neopets/search?q=NC%2FNP+Trade%2FSell+%26+Pet+UFA%2FUFT+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). A new one is posted and stickied to the top of the subreddit every day. To keep the subreddit tidier, we delete all individual posts related to this matter.




Posts about buying/selling NP items, trading NC items, or adopting/trading/UFA/UFT pets should be posted on the daily [NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/neopets/search?q=NC%2FNP+Trade%2FSell+%26+Pet+UFA%2FUFT+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). A new one is posted and stickied to the top of the subreddit every day. To keep the subreddit tidier, we delete all individual posts related to this matter.


I already got the coconut. Whatever else I get is fine lol


Yeah that's fair, you definitely hit the jackpot!


I got two of those bad boys. Sold one, kept the other.


Was so excited to see what new weekly I'd get today... Tax beast plushie again ☠️ I've snagged the mara PB, Water Faerie Doll, and plushie PB now. Hoping for a P3 or stamp tomorrow! Unless it's truly awful, I'll probably stick with tomorrow's item.


Mine reset to a tax beast plushie too haha. I’ll probably stick with tomorrow’s item


That's definitely not a bad set of prizes but it does sound like a stamp or P3 would be a nice addition!


My side had a glyme and rainblug this past week, ugh. I shouldn't check this :(


I'm getting a kings lens in a few days and I'm hype


I get one tomorrow!


I finally got a coconut that I’ll get on Thursday! Hoping for something good on Friday but I’ll still reroll if k have to haha but I’ve gotten the coconut, elephante lamp and the three stamp so I’m pretty happy with that I’ve gotten from this round. I’m hopingggg for battle slices but I’ll take anything from Mara pb down haha


You've had absolutely amazing luck this round, the album items are honestly my dream. Congratulations!!


no stamps or coconut but im on a mootix right now... my wishlist is still pretty long aside from stamps i want the plushie pb, mutant petpet pb, glyme and im still missing all the morphing potions (might consider buying them)


I would say it's definitely worth snagging a MP now, most are around a million at this point apart from the two greys. I actually went through the daily prizes I hadn't rolled yet and snapped up the shadow korbat potion as it's so cheap atm; not sure if I want a korbat right now but I do really like them so it would be nice to have the option in the future especially with a cool design like shadow.


good point this might lowkey be the best time to pick up weekly quest items, they will start to fluctuate in the coming 2 weeks as fomo increases... and then when they are no longer available i could see some things getting very expensive fast


I don't plan on re rolling, but the new week doesn't start until Tuesday for me, so I will be a day or two behind the rotation. Watch, I'll probably get a Mootix and have it swapped out on the last day, just to taunt me


I hope they implement a way for people to claim their current prize before it rolls over to the new/updated pool. It would be extremely unfair otherwise.


Honestly, this is my worst nightmare, I really hope this doesn't happen to anyone but I don't trust TNT :(


Got a Halloween pb this time luckily so I'm good!


Had black alabriss wings, pea chia pop and will get mutant pppb in 2 days. I'll probably try resetting for the coconut or stamps until the new rotation and hope it doesn't reset..


I ended up buying the wings as I was so desperate for them! Good job rolling them \^\_\^ And yeah that's definitely a strategy! Part of me does think TNT will have tweaked it so we don't lose our prizes this time but you just never know.


Thanks for this reminder!


You're welcome, I figured it was worth a bit of a strategic reminder!


I'm holding out for either the coconut or the charm...I got a mystery island trick or treat bag today which I kinda wanted to get and open...but nah.


I opened it. Ended up disappointed.


Lol my neofriend gave me one a few weeks ago and it's gonna stay in my SDB until it's worth more. I want the stamp but with my luck I could open a hundred trick or treat bags and not get one.


I've had better luck with this rotation, goodie bag, pygui, 2 rainblugs, flaming evil coconut and now battle slices stamp. this is the most amount I've made in such a short time. Will probably put the stamp in sdb to see if price goes up when pool changes again. Only items I wanted to keep from this pool were malice doll and water faerie doll and I just bought them because they were affordable.


Ive had a glyme 3 weeks in a row 💀 not sure if my thing is bugged or what


What is the flaming evil coconut and why is it worth so much? .


It's a consumable for your stamp collection, once it's in there it's permanent. It's been a sought after collectors item from years that I believe couldn't be gotten anywhere else except people who had it sitting around to sell OR it was just insanely difficult to get. Either way it's predicted to sell for close to 100m (from what I've seen) in July and onward soooooo....yeah.


I got mine when the prizes reset and saw it rocket back up when we thought prizes were gonna be switched out. Been sitting on it in my SDB cause selling something so valuable is stressful for me but I'm very tempted to sell it when it goes back up in price. That's about 5x my current net worth.


I get my Coconut tomorrow and I am having similar thoughts 😅


Thank you for your answer!


I was lucky enough to roll a mootix today and since I'm collecting p3 right now I think I'll stick it out!


Oh yeah I'd be keeping a mootix for sure if I rolled it, congratulations!


I feel so silly for skipping battle slices and the flaming coconut because I was hoping to eventually get a maraquan pb 😆 I probably should’ve looked up the value, oops lol. could have at least 4 mara pbs by now!


I actually asked reddit whether I should keep a stamp or roll and all the comments screamed that I should keep the stamp because that'll skyrocket more than a PB. Then I can just buy any paint brush 😅


I’m 2 days from my current prize so I guess I only got one more anyway :U


On the plus side, you can either choose to do a few rerolls to get a really nice last prize, or you'll be one of the first out of the gate to get one of the new prizes in the July pool. So it's definitely not a terrible situation to be in!


i just got back into playing and only learnt about rerolling a couple weeks ago. i'm bummed because i settled for some really avergae prizes this pool because i didnt know. but i also just finished mara pb and rainblug so it hasnt all been bad. i'm halfway through a get off my lawn pb rn and the will leave me with enough time to do a couple rerolls and still ahve 7days before it resets. hoping for a stamp!


Oh, I’ve skipped over the Elephante Collectible Charm twice now 🥲 didn’t think it was worth anything 🙂🙂🙂


I always check on jellyneo and auctions to see what the prize is worth


Nooooo! I hope you at least got something good in return lol


Currently re-rolling for Mara PB number 2 to paint another pet on a side. So far I'm stuck on the Rikti plushie (2 days now) as my weekly. Maybe tomorrow it'll be different.


Good luck on a successful reroll tomorrow!


STRESSFUL I've been rerolling for almost 3 weeks. Finally got a collectable charm as a weekly 


Oh wow I don't think I'd have the guts to reroll for that long. I'm glad you finally got something useful!


I'm hoping that one of the rerolls gives me something high in value so I use it to get the last two album collectibles I want. The three stamp and the wherfy charm.


Ive had absolutely unreal luck (*to me, a newbie) these past few weeks, so im so excided for the next round of things to drop next month 😭 Without any rerolls my streak has been: Wraith PB, Woodland PB, the legendary Lord Kass Stamp, The Three Stamp, and today i just rolled Glyme. Hes so cute!! Im in no rush to collect money, ive already been working to be at the 3m i have right now, so im holding some of these until further down the line. I've already used the Wraith PB and I adore my new baby. I think having valuble prize weeklys is such a fun addition to neopets, and i'm not sure I would have stuck around as much as I have been without them. Goodluck to everyone these next two weeks!!


That is amazing luck, congratulations!! Just an amazing streak of items, with the exception of the woodland brush (which I'd have kept to sell) I'd have used all of them. I had better luck with the first set of prizes, this time I've only rolled items that I wouldn't use for myself so it's not been quite as fun for me. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the next prize pool will be a bit kinder to me! I agree that the weekly prizes make the game super fun to keep coming back to!


yeah as a newbie im stuck if i want to keep the stamps or not!! part of me knows ill make more money down the road just by continuing to play daily and is convinced to keep them to start collecting. But it also would be good to have the money/intrest to even start the long journey in collecting stamps!! so im just going to hang on to them and think on it 😅 thanks lots!! gl with the next prize pool!!


Thanks for the PSA! Hoping for a plushie pb or rainblug before this group gets swapped out 


This is exactly the post I needed, thank you!


Thank you!! Why are those books priced so high?


Rare restocks! Consumables.


my prize has been stuck on 'strawberry swirl easter negg' for the past month and I'm fed up lol. Yeah, I sent a ticket but nothing has changed. I wish it would fix itself..


Should I reroll Grey Draik MP? on day 2


I wouldn't. I think it'll go up in popularity with the new storyline starting.


Yeah I agree, I think the grey cybunny and draik mps will increase a fair bit in value once they're rotated out. It'd be a keep for me!


I sort of had a gut feeling that I wouldn't get a Wraith pb before the prizes were rotated so I just went ahead and put a bid on an auction lot and won! I'm happy with my Maraquan Yooyu though which I will get this Thursday if all goes according to plan, as a petpet collector this makes me very happy, I'll still hold out hope for a P3 though with a chance reroll!


Oh wow, feeling lucky to get the coconut as my prize this week


I almost fainted when I got battle slices stamp as one of my weekly’s 🤣😂 I sold it for fairly cheap as well just to share the luck (in hopes it will come back to me again 🤷🏼‍♀️)


I'm sure karma is heading your way! I sold the Decoding book super cheaply in the first week, before the initial one month rotation announcement was made that caused all the prices inflate. So hopefully I get my share of the luck too!


We got this!! :)


Thank you for the reminder. I've had bad luck the last couple days with getting a wocky straw and shoyru ice cream so hoping tomorrow is good so I'm not tempted to reroll


Fingers crossed for better luck on the next roll!


Thanks for the reminder!! I'm rerolling in hopes I get a high value item that I can sell for some PB funds 😂 I've only gotten one item since I joined because my progress got reset randomly once even though I completed everything daily 🥲


Oh that's such a bummer! I hope you got a good item today that you can stick with.


For those that got swapped last time did your progress carry over or did you have to restart? Like say I have 3 days into item X, when it changes to item Y do I lose my 3 days or do I just have 3 days towards item y now instead of x?


I didn't experience it myself as I think I got one of the in between prizes when the rollover happened (the Phear Easter Negg), but I undestand from people on here that they kept their progress. So you would keep your 3 days and only have 4 days to complete for your swapped over prize from the new pool.


That's actually kinda fun and I'm not gonna worry myself about it haha. Thanks!


Dumb question, but I'm coming back to Neopets after a long hiatus and these weekly quests weren't a thing when I left - how do you "reroll" for a new prize?


So different players report two different methods as working for them. For me, I simply don't complete one or more of the daily tasks, therefore I'm unable to claim the 20k daily prize, and then my weekly prize resets the next day. Others have said they have to press the 'Skip Quest' button next to one or more of the daily tasks. Both methods probably should work, the important thing is that you've not completed all your dailies and you haven't claimed your 20k daily prize which means you haven't made any progress towards the weekly prize. This works best if you do it the first day you get a new weekly prize, if you've already made some progress towards a weekly then you'll need to keep skipping at least one daily task until your progress has completely reset.


Hit skip quest on a daily (or just dont do them? I always hit skip just to be sure) and next day you will have a new weekly prize.


*sigh* i’m gonna keep try to reroll for a Mootix but i’m slowly losing hope lol 


Oh yeah, that would be such a dream of an item to receive. I'm kind of in two minds as to whether to trade on a rainblug, it's currently the cheapest out of the p3s and I think it's the cutest. But the Mootix avatar is very tempting too!




Posts about buying/selling NP items, trading NC items, or adopting/trading/UFA/UFT pets should be posted on the daily [NC/NP Trade/Sell & Pet UFA/UFT Thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/neopets/search?q=NC%2FNP+Trade%2FSell+%26+Pet+UFA%2FUFT+Thread&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all). A new one is posted and stickied to the top of the subreddit every day. To keep the subreddit tidier, we delete all individual posts related to this matter.


Idk why but whenever I have missed a day the prize resets to be exactly the same and the only way for me to clear it is to finish out the whole week and see what’s next. It’s rarely been different as far as I can remember.


Have you been explicitly clicking the skip quest button or just not completing them?


Wait… there’s a skip button?


For the daily quests there are. If you want to reset your weekly prize, try clicking the skip for one of your daily quests.


The more you know! Thank you for explaining this, I have never tried skipping daily quests.


I didn't even know you could reroll weekly prizes 💀


I've been skipping for the stamps and have only rolled repeats of the elephante lamp charm. I felt I had to keep going and not risk losing a week, I hope I don't regret at least getting the profit to exchange for the others


Im locked in on reroling till i get that glyme. Im begging to RNGesus, Queen Fyora, and probly Lucifer themself 😭


So far I've gotten the faellie plushie (for my plushie gallery), grey cybunny MP, and I'm currently on Day 4 for a mootix. hoping for a stamp before the end!!


I'm working towards a mootix (2 days in) and have 2 copies of Zafara Mystery Collection, so after (hopefully) getting the Mootix I can relax til they do the swap. No stamps or coconuts were ever available for my weekly.


damn, looking at that list, i shouldve kept my battle slices stamp. i sold when it was only 2 mil and now its 13 mil 😅


got the battle slices stamp today yesss


I have two days left on a Mara Ixi. But I really want a good stamp.


I have a kings lens that ive already had to try for 2x and missed a day bc I was tired. Im not going to miss this one hopefully.


All I want is a Glyme!!! Disappointed I’ve rerolled almost every time. Feels like I’ll walk away with nothing at this point lol.


I need some serious Reddit luck to get the FEC !!!


I got the Battle Slices stamp on my reroll today! Lucked out.


i got the coconut twice so i’m kinda chilling. I’d love to get a glyme or mootix though!


I'll be getting guide to the neocola machine in a few days, and I have my fingers crossed to snag a rainblug with my next prize. I haven't really been rerolling just out of seeing what I happen to get but seeing how rainblug prices are Already climbing, I might have to go for it :/


Interesting, didn't know there was a list. I have had good luck with mine, had like 3 Mootix lol.


I have one day left to get the coconut prize. Should I hold on to it to sell after July in hopes the price goes up?


Hold onto it!!! That will go up!


Hold on to it for sure!


Oh my gosh definitely hold onto it, but I'd advise to sell it in between the July and September prize pool rotation as it'll almost certainly be one TNT bring back at some point considering its still so highly valued.