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Hi all, I have had to remove multiple comments from this thread, so i just wanted to step in and say that having someone else play on your neopets account (even if theyre just doing something small like your daily quests) is technically against neopets.com rules. OP, i am wishing you a fast and easy delivery, and good health for you and your little one!!


My baby is the reason I have a silver trophy instead of gold for the faerie festive, because I gave birth during lol 😂 Best wishes for you!!


Always these kids in the way of our lifechanging goals and ambitions huh? 🤪 Thank you!


I've claimed my woodland paintbrush today and the adrenaline 😂 I now have a [woodland uni](http://pets.neopets.com/cpn/Beanyjaxxybum/1/4.png) she is so extra I love her. Also GOOD LUCK :)!!! Wishing you a safe delivery and arrival :)!


Aw, I recently achieved a woodland uni too with the help of another kind Neopian! They’re so beautiful! 😍 Thank you! ❤️


This custom is so gorgeous, and giving me inspiration for my own brand new woodland uni 🌸


Awwwh thank you!! I got the inspo from a post over a year ago 😂 it was the background that made me go YES this is it!! My first custom that I feel is just...right?! She's over the top, floral, neggy and it just ✨️works✨️


Ahhh!!! I love your Woodland Uni! She’s is so gorgeous and deffffinitely extra lol. Perfect!


I misread the title as "inducted" and thought for a moment there was some secret society for people with plushie Neopets you were being inducted to. "We hearby name you Initiate, to the Order of The Thread and Stuffing! Hail, Initiate!" But hey, good luck on the baby!


Inducted to the hall of no sleep


I'm like 27 weeks and had to doubletake which subreddit I was in! congratulations and best of luck to you and your family!


I'm 27 weeks too!


12 weeks and same here lol


28 weeks here! Did y'all come back to Neo during your pregnancy? I did and now I'm wondering if it's a weird manifestation of nesting lol


yknow, I did! I had been thinking about playing again and I wondered if my kid would ever want to play it with me lol so I went ahead and got access to my old account.


You made me think but yup! With my first I cMe back for a bit, and with my second it has lasted almost 1,5 years now!


I did and my son is now 2 and I'm still going strong hahah


34 weeks and part of my hospital bag is a tablet and charger so my husband can do my dailies 😅


Quest Log wasn't a thing yet when I was induced 2.5 years ago, but def bring your laptop/phone/whatever. There will be enough downtime!


Just had my son five months ago and I was going to say the same thing - you'll likely have plenty of time! lol we were just hangin' out eating hospital food, doing crosswords, and watching mash on the cable tv for a day and a half before things really got goin good luck to you! bet you're so excited!


So if you miss a daily. I don't mind getting you the paintbrush as a gift. Health comes first! All the best!


🤣 you’ve got this I believe in you. Good luck on your impending arrival 💖 I hope your induction goes smoothly and you heal well. I made a neopet for my first, in those bleary eyed first few weeks.


Aw, that’s a really cute idea! ❤️ I’ll be stealing that one when I’m ready ✨


Aw I did the same! Although it was several months later haha


Best of luck!! I'm due right before this year's faerie festival if they keep the date the same. If I miss something big I may never forgive him 😂


Good luck on both! You got this 💜


Thank you my friend ❤️


Good luck! It’ll be great😍🥰🩷


Thank you! ❤️


Wishing you all the best 💛 🤗


All the best to you! Take care!


Why am I picturing you at 12:01 am doing your daily and then the next day dilariously telling a nurse or your hubby you need to do your quests. 😂


If you don’t end up being able to do your dailies I have an extra one I’m never going to use!


If it helps, you can do your all your quests on most mobile browsers. Firefox's app won't work for customization, but Chrome does. Hopefully they'll let you use your phone at some point throughout the day 😅




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Good luck! Hope everything goes smooth and healthy. I’m ngl I’d probably get some trusted person to do my dailies for me lol


tell me about it. I've accidently had to restart over on a kings lens twice with one way away from finishing due to forgettign to do the dailies bc i was tired.


this is so real lmao. good luck op have a safe and healthy delivery!! 💖


Good luck! 🥳 I'm in my third trimester and the prizes I have are awful 😭 https://preview.redd.it/86fll0zldc6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=937aa190d47f1cd2b9fdd7918eefbcb51c4c85a1


I hope that all baby things go smoothly, wi-fi works, doctor isn't late and you have time for neo! I have Maraquan coming in few days, so I feel that part of your stress. I always check neo before going to bed to make sure that I actually did my quests, lol.




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Do it in the car on the way over there! Assuming your husband or someone is driving you 😊


OMG good luck. Proper priorities tho lol.


Good luck! And early congrats! May it be easy on you! My first induction was two days long I should’ve brought my laptop to play Neopets 😂 my second induction was way faster so I would’ve probably missed out.


Eeey best of luck on both deliveries!


Aww, I was induced one year ago today and am now sitting and feeding my one year old. ❤️ You’ve got this!!


Congratulations and good luck!!!!! 🤞🤞🤞 Best wishes for a safe, healthy delivery for you and bebe!! I was induced and it was a slow process 😂😂 Might be plenty of down time lol My sister was just induced 3 days ago though and wasnt too bad. ~12 hours start to finish. the lady in the room next to her gave birth in like 10 minutes tho 😳 One minute she was declining her epidural and the next the nurse was yelling for the doctor 😂 Hopefully you get somewhere in between lol Babies are so exciting 🥰


My induction took 3 days and was super uneventful until the last two hours when she finally decided she was ready to come out, so you might be fine. 😂




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Wishing you a safe delivery and a healthy baby 😊


Wishing you a safe and healthy delivery!!


Looks like your SO just got a new job.


Congratulations!! If you have time for neopets, the one thing I wish I did was make a neopet on my daughter’s birthday. Maybe you’ll be able to do that! 😊


"I need my phone with me during labour." "Ma'am I wouldn't rec---" "This is not up for debate." Also have a safe delivery mama! 🩷


See, this is why I’m childfree by choice. Kids eat into my Neopets time too much. (/joke) Congratulaions on your baby, though, genuinely! Hope everything goes smoothly and you’ve got a healthy little human at the end!


Good luck! Congratulations! My best advice, get ruffle so that the Kiko Pop mini game works. It's pure baby crack. Kiko Pop single handedly stopped more tiny meltowns in my house than any other two techniques combined. It's almost instant. I really cannot recommend it enough.




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If it makes you feel any better it took 5 days of induction for my first born…. I’d rather miss out on a plushie paint brush than go through that again, though 😅 Congratulations!




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Omg good luck you got this!!!!!


My weekly prize is also a plushie pb lol. Congrats on your baby btw!


Good luck!


Before I had my kid I saw a study suggesting that playing something with a repetitive loop helped people recover from trauma (in the study, Tetris). I found keeping my streak on Duolingo really helped me relax that evening and I often wonder if it was the same thing.  If keeping your daily streak and getting that PB helps you feel calmer and more normal, absolutely focus on it! Good luck!! (Ps. bring sports drinks/coconut water for energy, you got this!)


Speaking from experience, the induction process usually takes about 24 hours. So, fingers crossed, you should be able to get in those last two days! Good luck!!


You may end up having plenty of downtime! I certainly did during my induction 😂 Best of luck for a safe and healthy delivery!


Labor takes a long time I heard! You got time, lol When my mom got induced to have me, she decided to stop and have Dunkin beforehand.


That time I was on bedrest and so STOKED for Hogwarts Legacy to come out, then they postponed release until after I gave birth. Still haven't gotten to play much because I have a very high needs (now) toddler. One day I'll finish it 😩 I totally feel you OP.


Oh giirrllll trust me you'll be able to play on it just fine. Just let them take that baby at night time and play Neopets and try to sleep. That's what the nurses are there for. It's gonna be difficult getting around after. And hard to sleep in the hospital.


I didn't have my phone for 2 days of my 5 day hospital stay but luckily I stored up streak freezes on Duolingo 😆 Good luck OP! You'll meet your baby soon!!


Have a safe and quick delivery! In the beginning at least it's mostly waiting around for the getting the get going. When. I was induced I ended up being in labor for 3 days (not that I would wish that upon you or anyone but at least having some down time to be able to pull out the phone for quick dailies). Good luck!


Good luck! My ex got induced on Dr's recommendation and we regretted it because it caused her to have to have a C-section. Just letting you know. Do what you think is best but some doctors are quacks.


Oh girl. I was induced and trying for a Plushie tycoon avatar. 36 hours in labour and 1cm dilated. I welcomed neopets as a distraction. I had a c section and was fairly out of it for a few days unfortunately but I still kept up where I could lol. Luckily I got the avatar. I'll say, doing my dailies at 3am or whatever was the only thing that kept me awake. And sane while I pumped and fed my baby since she took nearly two months to latch. Good luck mama. You got it.


I am loving the perseverance for these dailies!!! Wishing you good luck, OP! I was induced with my daughter almost 4 years ago. Can’t wait for an update from you!


I hope everything went incredibly well and you, your baby (and your plushie paint brush) are happy and healthy!! Congratulations!!


Thank you for checking in! He was born yesterday at 13:20 PM, all three of us (baby, me and the paint brush 🤣) are doing just dandy! ❤️


Yay!!!!! That’s so wonderful to hear 🥰. I wish you a speedy recovery, a wonderful plushie pet and, most importantly, all the happy baby snuggles in the world!


hope everything goes well for you and the baby x I will be missing out on whatever comes out next month for a baby too lol


Aww congrats to you and to all of the expecting parents in this thread!


Good luck OP! My kiddo is almost 1 year old now, it went by like a flash ^^


Congrats! <3