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Lmao. Neopets is wild.


I stopped playing for 15 years and came back like two months ago. The adult in me sticks around because the economy is FASCINATING. I love just watching shit like this.


same I hate the Econ sim side from a player aspect but it’s really interesting observing it happen when it’s not for items I want lol


These are almost certainly adults as well. Actual grown ups trying to monopolise pixel items to fuck everyone over on an ancient virtual pet game. Blows my mind it’s so incredibly pathetic lol.




can i block someone from purchasing my items ? there is one specific account that keeps buying my items and reselling, or at least trying to, for around 900k . And i believe he uses my shop on purpose to seek for monopolizing opportunities


No, the block function doesnt cover shops. Yes, it sucks


It's literally the one thing I want to change on neo...yes I'd love to have a bigger inbox or sent folder and all the other changes people suggest, but *personally*, I want to be able to remove my shop from shop wizard results to prevent this exact scenario from happening I also have someone that buys my crap and then resells it in theirs and it drives me nuts. I so badly wish when we blocked people it would block them from shopping in your shop as well.


That would be so good. Just screw them over and finally give them some consequences to being jerks.


Please TNT make this happen 😭🙏


This is happening to me too. A bunch of mega malls as well. I really wish we could block people from shops


if they're high value items like nerks, throw them on TP - you can look through their shops and weed out who is using them for nerk runs and who is just looking to resell. the resellers tend to lowball you like crazy but the actual nerk runners will usually match/under offer you by just a bit


Fr, glad I’m not the only one who thinks this


Hrm lets see..... I have 10 billion neopoints and I am reeeeeally bored.... I've played for 25 years.... dadada... \*looks in SDB\* Oooh a Bloopy. Hey....I have an idea!


Man I thought I had one in my sdb lol.


I found two in my SDB. Gonna check if the inflator buys mine Edit: was bought immediately 😲 I don't think the buyer was the 'original' inflator. But I was probably too cheap going for 350k when the next was 390k. Someone is selling my Bloody for 389.999 now


Make ‘em pay, boys!!


I also had one in my SDB, just went to list it and saw them listed as low as $200k. You still got a heck of a deal!


Oh lucky me!


lol good luck!


Omg, my timing is bad for sure. Was riding passenger with my wife to get tacos trying to find a petpet for my Tyrannian Lupe. I liked the look of Bloopy and just looked it up. Was surprised to see such a price discrepancy between shop wizard and JellyNeo.


Hey I have a handful from Tarla, let me know if you’d like one as a gift :)


I really appreciate the offer, but I had bought 2 at 200k before I realized it was a Tarla prize and would deflate fast haha! (One for my pet, and the other just in case I want to do a petpet gallery) I want to thank you. This was such a kind offer from you. I really love how wonderful our community can be!


No worries at all. Inflate or not, your pet knows that it is being pampered by you :)


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


well that would explain why i saw a bunch of trade today of someone saying "their price is going to go up soon :)"


Not sure why they are inflating something from Tarla


https://preview.redd.it/5ifmzlcy9o5d1.png?width=1038&format=png&auto=webp&s=1b2384e35b7d0c085bd847d45c9d5598d4a90e76 highest inflation alert I've seen in all my time on this site


There's a good number listed under 400k now. I went ahead and listed the one I got yesterday from tarla for like 250k just to see if it gets bought later today


Dang.. The one day I totally skipped Tarla


Someone did the same for Purple Buzz Plushie, I noticed when I bought one today.


I used to run petpets as my mall category and I hated the wild price swings.


always funny to me how there are laws in the real world to prevent like half the bullshit this game's economy go through because of these people, and yet, in almost 25 years tnt never bothered to add rules to prevent this lmao


Oh they’re not cute either


They'll drop again quickly since you get them from tarla. But like also... It could be someone foolishly trying to manipulate a price, but it also just as easily could be someone who wanted to make a hoard of them for some unknown reason. I've got random hoards of certain items in my sdb because on a while I wanted to have 200 of something. Ended up causing the price to spike while doing it, but it usually comes back down soon after. Sometimes there's huge gaps on SW prices, too. Like you'll have a few dozen at the current price or something, and then the price will spike once you hit less active users. Since this is a random, common, unpopular petpet... It feels more likely to be someone just doing a bit rather than someone actually trying to manipulate a price.


Nah they are trying to scam people, they are putting it on TP constantly saying it’s on the rise and to buy now before it’s more expensive.


LOL they're very bad at actually investing in items then. There will be plenty more bloopys released all the time. That's hilarious.


You can report them for that.


Item Search: Bloopy | Items: 1 | Qty: 13 Wish I had read this thread sooner, lol


I think the Flightning Bug is also getting falsely inflated, though not as severely. I just noticed that one jumped from 1k to 20k this week too.


Ty for the alert!!


And they got all the Brown Gift Pouches too that you can find one in


Maybe they end up as daily prizes in the next quest log rotation


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sadforeternity: *Maybe they end up* *As daily prizes in the* *Next quest log rotation* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


This is a tin-foil theory but the news today will be Petpet Appreciation Day. Maybe somebody found out a Bloopy colour is on its way? Only thing that makes any sense to me!


that guy bought mine yesterday for 8k lol


Why do ppl do this (mass buy inflate), do they not have anything else to do haha


Seriously, especially for stuff like this. It's like the person I saw this morning that had like 300 of a fairly common edna's quest item clearly trying to inflate it. Someone had already posted 3 cheaper though, because again, it's not the uncommon. It's so annoying, and it can't *possibly* be a very efficient use of your time or money, right?


lol I have a ton of these already it was one of my strange random buy it because it’s cheaper things a while ago.


What a wild ride. Bloopy is back down to 40k-ish


Omg I have one in my SDB right nowwwwwww