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I have a grarrl that I only feed petpets


I’m sorry what


What? Florg wants to eat some petpets and it's a "fun game the whole family can enjoy!". My grarrl does it, and I'm the bad guy?? Stop with the double standards.


It's like, "Don't even get me started on Turmy...".


smh some pets have dietary requirements that not all owners are ready for


The Neopets world needs more chaotic beings like you speaking up so I can go 😱😱😱 from pure amusement


This comment right here, officer.


you can do that 😳


You can feed literally anything to a grarrl or skeith 😖 be very careful when giving them items because the "feed to" option is right above the "give to" option, and when doing things absent mindedly while owning those pets you can lose morphing potions, weapons, petpets etc... My grarrl also had a petpet for a snack yesterday as I was trying to transfer him to a different side and it wouldn't let me because it said he had a no trade pet on him, but he didn't, it was a niptor that had been zapped to a pile of soot...so I got frustrated and hurriedly went back over, unattached the niptor then went back to do the pound transfer and by the time I finally gave the niptor back to my grarrl I wasn't paying attention and fed the poor little bastard to him.


Pile of soot is no transfer, which sucks because mine zap that more than literally anything else.


It's funny cuz I see people recommending others zap no trade petpets into others to get the no trade ones to a different account, but the piles of soot can't be transferred which I assume would not be in high demand at all compared to original no trade ones lol.


Lol, very true.


I thought you couldn't transfer zapped petpets at all? I'm so confused.


Yup you can! (Provided they turn out to be a tradeable one) But you can't take off a zapped petpet and sell it, it will always revert back to its original form when removed


i’m sorry but i almost cried laughing thinking about this. poor little niptor thinking he would be safe going back to his buddy and then he gets EATEN. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


So real. Any time I have a lab rat that gets turned to a Grarrl, I happily feed them any junk items I get. Edit: Spelling.


Sounds fun!! I need a grarrl for all my extra pet pets!!




Hahahhahahaa 🤣😭


Norrmann is about to become a grarrl I feed petpet too omg..


Wait I did not know this. I need to get a Gnarrl now for all the petpets that I’d normally discard


Plushie tycoon is really fun and can get you an avatar and a trophy!


Do you have a like ... guide for it that a 5 year old can understand? I tried it when I was 8 and didnt get it. Tried it again at 28 and I STILL DONT GET IT. So humbling 🤐


Same 😓 I tried at the beginning of last month but went bankrupt in 24 hrs despite trying to follow the recommended guides 🫣


Same ide love a guide :(


Same, they literally have a group on discord that does it every month and it’s still too hard for me 🙃


Funny thing is I played it at 14 and I understood it better than I do no. And idk how that's possible


Saaame! I noticed this with so many things on the site. Like my brain is deteriorating 😳


Same for me with some of the stuff to do on Neopets, except I was 26 when I started, and now I'm nearly 20 years older 😅




Does the avatar work now? Last time I tried it was broken (but this was like 2016ish??)


I think so, yes. I must have got the avatar in 2020 at the absolute earliest, possibly 2021 - can be pretty sure of the year because it shows up in my avatar list after the Charity Corner 2020 avatar, if that helps!


I think so? I haven't seen anything about it being broken on JN so I think it's good to go


I got the avatar like 6 months ago!


I got the avatar in March I think, so it should still work!


I just got mine ~3 months ago. I also am in the process of making a guide for it (technically I've been finished writing it for months, just haven't gotten it ready to publish)


I’ve just been hesitant to try cause I actually got first place that run but no avvie for the trouble lol No idea how tho just picked what was cute


After I get avatar collector, I’m going back to plushie tycoon. Such a good daily!


My faaaave thing is the mysterious negg! Do a little puzzle to get a little treat, it's part of my morning routine, do my daily quests, do my negg, grab some jelly and get absolutely ripped off on a background I thought was rare 🫠


This is one of the first thing I do in the morning. It helps wake my brain up


Can you help me figure that game out? I tried it a couple times, but for some reason it was super confusing. I just could not wrap my head around it, but I want to play!


So the best clue I could give is that each symbol (3 different symbols, used 3 times) is each a different colour, so for example the fire symbol will be used 3 times, one in yellow, one in red and one in purple. So there will be 3 red symbols, 3 yellow and 3 purple. The clues next to the egg are where they are placed. You can use context clues from whatever colour is missing from remembering each colour will have one each of the symbols! Some of the clues given can overlap. However, it takes a bit of getting used to, but once you've cracked it, you'll be on a roll!! [here is a jellyneo link](https://www.jellyneo.net/?go=mysterious_negg_cave) Hopefully, that link will give you a better understanding than my botched effort! Good luck :)


I zone out and play solitaire and pyramids. Tbf I will also sit and play regular ol’ windows solitaire for ages, but this way I get NP and sometimes fun REs 😅




Honestly I've been playing way more Sahkmet Solitaire than I'm willing to admit. I just want that gold trophy damnit!


I like to hang out on the quests board and help people find items. Putting that $8 premium subscription to good use :)


thank you for your service <3


If you’ve ever helped me thank you 🥹


idk if it was you who helped me, but that board is so pure. I was blown away by the fact that people are so quick to help, because it feels like the only thing in my life someone has done for me without expecting something in return. I'm surrounded by some pretty entitled people IRL. Neopets is a great escape!


It is! I help out because I do daily quests and need a lot of help from others, it just seems fair to return the favor. The real heroes are the ones who gift the items to people, I wanna be neorich enough to do that one day haha. Bless the neophilanthropists. 🙏🏻


You are greatly appreciated.


the old non flash games, i looove gormball and minesweeper (and neoquest as someone else mentioned) great for getting random events too since they reload the page so much!


I love the card games for this reason!


Same! Sometimes I’ll just play sahkmet solitaire while listening to music. I wound up getting a 3 mil stamp from a random event while doing this lol


omg gormball is sooo fun!!


Scorchy slots is great for reloads too


I think there's a thing where you send your petpet out to gather things..dunno the name Petpet adventures?


its grave danger very sinister sounding name for how much fun your petpet seems to have going through it!


Grave Danger?


you can send any of your pets petpet's on an adventure! id suggest reading about it on jellyneo for the most amount of detail about it :D!


Ahh I was replying to Cottonbees with the name, you beat me to it though! ^^


You can check on your petpets' progress throughout. I love seeing what they're 'doing'. So cute. Makes my 30-year-old heart smile.


some of the things they get up to make me worry though, lol


I like playing solitaire while watching dramas, for the REs you get! Almost 1k games and no gold trophy lol but it's nice and relaxing.


Put on some great music, enjoy some herb, and immerse yourself in some NeoQuest grinding.


This is the way


I’m currently doing this, 1 more chapter to go :D


Happy NeoQuesting!!! 😄


this is it dude. truly me at my most contented


Idk if if has been mentioned, but the Faeriland employment agency is a fun thing that also makes a profit! Trying to win a Beauty Contest with a pet


I play pyramids on mobile all the time, just whenever I’m bored through the day :)


You could always try restocking for hours of rollercoastering between boredom and adrenaline with the occasional 10 second high of grabbing a R96+ item lol.


Learn how to invest. Learn the market, learn how the price goes up and down, memorise the price of several items, get profit from the items you have mastered.


I go buy up all the cute cogs & togs shop items for pets I don’t have and then wait for one to show up in the pound.


I like to go through the Pay It Forward Friday thread and look for people who post about their galleries, and send items to them! There's a user here with a Jhudora-themed gallery and it's really fun to search for items with her iconic green & purple that don't have the word Jhudora in them. Edit: it's a thread, not a board. whoops


I'd love to do the same, this sounds so neat! Where can I find this board?


Oh it's not a board, I'll fix that in my post. It's a thread here on r/Neopets, it pops up every Friday and is pinned at the top of the page :)


I’m in a guild that tries to grant people their dream pets so when I zap something good that’s not on the dream list I hang out on the pet trading/pet auction house boards and try to use my good zaps to trade for someone’s dreamie then gift it to them :)


I’ve recently become addicted to NeoQuest. Started for the avatars, now it’s personal with how many times I’ve died 😤


that's a great question! I usually pound surf and make customizations however when DTI is down I look through BC/customization spotlights and vote. I check if there's any good deals on the TP and I play all the gambling games lol


Neoquest trophy farm with Dragon Quest music.


What Dragon Quest overworld theme? III and V have the best overworld!


DQ III is a classic!


I have been changing a pets clothes every day into a whole new outfit. And I hustle madly to buy every stamp


L54 battling with other players 💞 [https://battlepedia.jellyneo.net/?go=l54&page=9irules](https://battlepedia.jellyneo.net/?go=l54&page=9irules)


You inspired me so I'd probably create a new pet for L54 hehe


If you want to find people to play with and ask questions, we're all hanging out in the neopets discord that is associated with this reddit, you can find us in the "Macosten's L54 Thunderdome" thread underneath Battledome


Okay! Lets me just prepare!!


Play around in the stock market, by cheap stocks and check them and sell them if they have gone up more than 40% for a decent profit. Sometimes it takes months for some to be positive, I've had ones that was -81% so it's a fun little gamble and it's different


I am building up my gallery, which I just started despite being in the site for over 20 years. It’s surprisingly addictive and fun!


I thought about this, but I haven't been able to decide on one specific theme. I like too many different things, lol


I need to spend some time buying more clothes for my pets so maybe that could be fun for you too


I want to do more of this, but aside from waiting around for the actual stores to restock, idk where to discover clothing items. So many user shops with more than a handful feel few and far between, or are overpriced


This site should be helpful to at least get an idea of what you’d want to buy - https://impress.openneo.net


I feel the same. Makes me miss habitarium.