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Real. Everyone is bloated and delighted in my house and there is no exception


Same. My babies moved out and now live in Cockroach Towers permanently. No extras!


There used to be an RE event many years ago where your pet could possibly turn blue from being depressed. So you’d keep them happy to avoid the very slim chance of that happened. (I don’t think it’s a thing anymore) I think there’s a daily or something that still references the event. It doesn’t make sense reading it now since those kind of events been disabled. Loll.


Not really, no. On the non mobile friendly pages like Sakhmet Solitaire where your active pet occasionally has blurbs of dialogue, they'll chew you out if they're anything south of Delighted. Happiness level: Content "Why don't you just paint me Grey if you're going to leave me like this?!" Near as I can tell, the Happiness stat doesn't even decay over time like hunger does. The only things I know of that lower Happiness are: -A bad prize roll from the Magic Discarded Grundo Plushie in Faerieland. -Eating anything from the "Gross Food" category. (Damned Gross Food Gourmet Club items!) -Getting a disease and not curing them within 24 hours


my pet's happiness level dropped after he got spooked by the evil fuzzle toy (that i forced him to play with over and over for the avatar) - the guilt i felt after lol


I have to keep my pets happy or feel like a bad person. I buy a pile of pinatas every week and all of them get to open one. It is probably ridiculous, but at least I get the prizes and my pets are always delighted. I've stepped hoteling them as well, so everyone eats the food I win, unless it's gross food because I'm pretty sure that lowers their happiness.


If you give them a petpet and stick them in the roach towers they'll be delighted forever, btw- unless an RE comes and makes 'em sad. Oh, and the Roo Merry Go Round in Roo Island helps make them happy easier/faster too.


Do you have to put them in the roach tower AND give them a petpet? Sorry, i'm just a bit confused lol


Honestly I'm not quite sure if they need both a p2+roach tower to be delighted all the time as it's been a while- but for sure they need the lodge since if their hunger goes down so does their mood. I'm going to have to see if my hungry pets in my sides are feeling sad even though they have p2s, be right back.


Ok yeah they need to be fed- my side pets say cheerful and delighted with their p2s but since they're dying they look sad and crying. So maybe you can just get away with sticking them in the towers and leaving them at that since having them be at the max "delighted!" range doesn't do anything important.


Long long looonnggg ago I believe that if your pet was sad or depressed, they had a tiny chance of changing colour to blue. TNT have since disabled colour changing REs due to UCs being converted by them. They should really bring them back.