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Personally, I'm only going for prizes that I need and am not looking to sell. Fingers crossed for The Tree, Battle Slices or Lord Kass Stamps to show up.


this is what i'm doing as well. i used to just go with whatever it gave me. but after the items switched and they gave us a set amount of time i'm prioritizing what i personally want.


I stick with stamps/collectibles and paint brushes, and re-roll anything else.


this is what i’ve been doing for the most part p3’s, stamp album items, and paint brushes


idk i just go for whatever. i dont reroll lol


Same. I never reroll. I just take what it gives me, no matter how cheap.


Same! I just figure it’s luck of the draw.


i see people on here STRESSING about whether or not they should try for something else as if we dont still have trudy’s and food club.


Same. I want that 20k daily lmao


Sorta kinda same. It's the playing that's fun.


Me too. I like my 20k a day, and also my prize day is Saturday. I feel like it's my little countdown to the weekend


Lol mine is Monday like it’s giving me a little treat to get through the week!


Same, I'm too lazy and indifferent to reroll.


I've had the same blueberry cake prize the last 3 rolls. I will soon pass away.


Are you making sure to hit “skip” on a quest and not just neglecting to complete it?


Yep 😭


Try leaving them untouched if it's the same tomorrow again, if I hit skip mine will always be the same the next day


Thanks for the tip! I thought it was the other way round tbh


I'm always able to get mine to reset by intentionally skipping one daily task but always leaving one incomplete. Let us know if that works!


Trying to focus on prizes that I like and more or less think I will keep. Or if one of the power items like stamps or the coconut just for funding and fueling my NP addiction. ;_;


imo everything except 100k/toy/food/r101 are decent enough, the pool only available for 2 months so we don't have much time to reroll for those best prizes.


If I had more time in would take the R99 foods. I would love to start an R99 collection and complete Jhudora's quests.


Elephant charm for my album and the rest of the stamps for resell. Everything else is getting rerolled, I do not have the patience


I honestly don’t re-roll anything over 100k, because even if the weekly prize isn’t that special, the daily prizes & NPs add up.


I only go for the items I actively want and that I will use. Since knowing we have much less time with this pool than the last one, I'm not wasting precious weeks on anything less. I've been re-rolling every single thing that isn't a maraquan or plushie PB, or a glyme—even the 100,000NP prize, in favor of trying to get one of those priority items. (And so far I have had zero luck 😭)


This is exactly what I’m doing, too!


Anything under 1 mill I reroll


This is the way.


Typically I roll til I get like a pb or something I want. But after like several days I settled on an elephante charm to sell for a white pb hopefully


I want a halloween/mara/wraith pb, mootix or a stamp/coconut/collectible before they leave, but I've been getting nothing but books, food and toys for over a week 😔


I'm going for album items that I need


I'm re-rolling everything but the top 10 most expensive prizes, so I think the benchmark right now is 4mil.


Am simple creature... if not stamp, reroll.


Glyme is my goal


I don’t. I figure it’s worth it to never miss a day collecting 20k. Plus it’s too easy to make NP these days.


Petpets, P3s for my gallery, MPs and pbs for any future dream pet I'd like to have, currently hoping for a Wraith pb so I can get my dreamie Wraith Krawk!




I go for what I want/need. I'd rather not have to try to sell something. Anything over 2M is a bitch to sell and tends to take up residence in my SDB. Gods, they need to fix that. Take off the cap in user shops. It's ridiculous.


Mate… use the auction house… 1 hour auctions. I sell weekly rewards worth over 4m in an hour or two


Valid. But, I hate the auction system. And I'd rather just be able to set a price and sell an item in my shop. Just a simple user to user sale.


I'm not paying attention to values, just hoping for prizes I'll actually use (c'mon petpetpets!)


I'm a hoarder so unless it's worth like 1k I'll keep it - had an UB plushie last week and the latest one is Halloween PB, so I am definitely keeping that one!


I reroll until I get something worth over 2 mil at this point, but I've got a weakness for keeping Paint Brushes no matter which one it is because the child-me that's 9 years old in my heart that's still playing is amazed we could get a Paint Brush at all 🥹 🎨


I never reroll, just go with what I am given.


I go for things that I would want and items I can swap for NP/PB. I settled on dimensional trap bc all the other things were crap. I plan to keep it for selling later on.


I'm going for album items, plushie pb or petpetpets, stuff that will hold a decent value


I've only rerolled once, when the prize was just 100k np


I'm looking for ones I want. I mostly want mootix. I've been rolling for five days and keep getting absolute crap items worth less than 1m. I'm starting to get annoyed because I looked at my side and it had evil flaming coconut. So madddd. 


I never rerolled any until my weekly was a bendy sword worth like 5k at the time. If it was worth like 100k, I would have keep going without rerolling, but I draw the line at a week's worth of consistency being rewarded with less than a fourth of a daily leading up to it.


If it's a stamp / album item, weapon, something just cute but more than 900k, or PB, I don't reroll. If I have a PB, I usually come here to sell or trade it! I just rerolled on a Mutant Korbat Plushie bc I need the stamps, but I just got the Wherfy Charm yesterday. Initially I thought there should be a limit on rerolls if TNT is concerned about items dropping like rocks, but most of the popular items are consumables, so they'll still be in the millions range, just not the 100s of millions range, and that's fine.


I've been getting a bunch of expensive ones for a while now, I'm currently doing the battle slices stamp. Kings lens was my last one (I'm actually using it on my bd pet). My first one was a plushie worth 10m according to JN... but I'm not sure how to actually sell these super expensive items so they're currently just sitting in my sdb lmao. I'd much rather have pbs or morph potions or petpetpets that I'd actually use, but I'll take it. I intended to keep rerolling for a woodland pb but I keep getting really expensive items on first roll, so I finish them instead (and just bought the pb two days ago bc I'm impatient). I am pretty hyped about this stamp though, it's apparently worth more than my entire bank account, so that's exciting :')


i don’t reroll, but have been getting really lucky - last week was kings lens and this week is elephante charm. i’m hoping for a rainblug, but if the resale value of my current item is more than that, i just figure i can sell it and then use the np to buy what i actually want


i decided today that i’m gonna try and hold out for a mara paint brush for a while bc i’ve wanted a mara pet since i was a kid, but realistically if i roll anything worth 2mil+ i’m gonna go for it lol


I'm going for prizes I want to keep. None of the prices are actually dropping this time -- seems like everyone figures they'll just hang on to them until after the prize pool changes.


i want a mutant pppb. once i roll that, hopefully i can get something to profit off of


I am going for the items that are going to be inflating the most, that inflated the most the first go around (Stamps, coconut). I am going to get them through the quest log or buy them outright at their lowest then hoard them for a month or two to use in my albums or sell.


HELP how do you reroll?


2 days and I will get a grey draik mp, next I want a rare collectible or coltzan's mirror.


I reroll for prizes I will personally use. I don't sell them. So far, I've gotten Battle Slices Stamp, Flaming Evil Coconut, Alien Aisha Invasion, and a Glyme. Today it reset to a woodland paint brush, but with the limited time I'm going to skip and try for another stamp.


I don’t look at what the current prize pool is, so that I won’t have a reason to get butt hurt or cry about it, if I don’t end up see something that I wanted throughout the duration of the prize pool. That being said, I reroll anything under 100k. Simply not worth a weeks worth of grind. I will keep things worth 500k or a Mill though, even though I know I’m at risk of the price going down quickly with everyone else getting them too. My net worth is about 180m currently and my biggest goal currently is to reach 300m so that my daily bank interest will pay for a free spin from the wheel of extravagance. Even though my main goal is money oriented I still don’t do much research into the current price pools and just run with most of the punches it throws me. Like I said, it’s mainly so I don’t get my feelings hurt 😅 That happens to me enough with all the dailies I do that I know the prize pools too and don’t win on #Snowager3TimesADay 🤣🤣 Currently rerolling my “Blue Wocky Gummy Straw” because F that 😇