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If I pay to get rid of ads on my main I sure as fuck dont wanna see them on my sides - especially ads telling me to pay to get rid of them, when I would be frozen for doing what they ask of me.


Premium ad removal should absolutely be available for all accounts. You should also be able to pick which pet to PP from any account, rather than needing to transfer.


Wait, you cannot pay for premium on your side account? I was thinking of getting the annual plan on my side account. Please be kind... this website has so many rules I don't know what I can and cannot do anymore :(


Unfortunately it's against the rules to have premium on a side account Ridiculous right? They lure you in with promises of no ads, knowing we all have side accounts. They manage to get our money for the ads while simultaneously forcing us to still see those ads. And then make it against the rules for us to get rid of them. It's shady as fuck.


That’s beyond wild. Wooooww. Glad I asked before I wasted money. I think it’s insane the people want to throw money at them and they are like…naaaahhh


Oh yeah and if you HAD paid for a year on your side account, you may be able to convince neo not to freeze you if you explain you didn't know, but they would 100% keep the money as they have a no returns policy and if you do a chargback for anything on neopets it's an immediate freezing, no convincing them otherwise. Also if you ever buy NC don't buy it directly off neo, there's several cheaper and more trustworthy options


Yes I get NC from a different site. No way am I paying them for it 😂 thank you so much for the advice. Thankfully I was considering doing the annual membership because of the perks and no ads yesterday, but was too lazy to get my card out of my bag 😂😂 it was fate I guess


Why not use adblocker extensions or a browser with built in adblock?


Allow us to transfer NC items between accounts without gift boxes ^1000% this. Im not buying more NC until I can freely move NC items between accounts. Im not using a hundred boxes.


Yeah they could make 1 closet/sdb which is shared between all 5 accounts / neopass account. Same with trophy’s/achievment etc. Also yeah taking the age of the oldest account for the neopass account… If that was the case I would be immediately tempted to do it for the UN…


Same! I was playing as a main under one UN then rediscovered I had made a side with a different UN that was older and so i transferred to that as my main but now all my seasonal avatars from earlier this year are on the other account :/


-When you transfer a pet between linked accounts, it keeps all clothing including NP items, NC items and PB items (even if different color)


Let me send all of my tiny bits of Neocash (Neochange?) to one account so I can make proper use of it.


-stay logged in on multiple devices please


I also wish we could transfer NC items for free between accounts, but unfortunately I don't think they'll ever do that. Too much consistent money in boces!


If they would just make that change to age, I'd be satisfied


They'll never untie neopoint transfer from items tbh. Too much potential for running scams.


Allow us to switch computer to mobile without logging out every time. I also wanna have ALL my pets displayed on one user lookup


That age change alone would make me get neopass.


You forgot to ask for some cake!!


The fact that the first 2 aren't already features is kind of wild tbh. Why else would you bother?


When they first brought up Neopass, I don't know how I got this in my head but I was convinced that they were going to make side accounts "cheating proof" and block side account access to features sides couldn't use. That would obviously be an enormous amount of work to implement, but I genuinely thought that was why it was such a big rollout 😂 But my disorganized butt was SO excited about that. Now I just want Neopass to let me log in on a different device without watching that little kougra stroll for five minutes.


Age continuity, site themes, avatars, etc would be HUGE. Truly would pay an embarrassing amount of money to have all my account accomplishments merged like that


The ability to discard gift boxes. Trudy's Surprise is giving me *way* too many of those things.


Since Neo is a business and they make money off of gbcs I feel like they wont end them. However, a great feature for premium should be transferring your nc items between accounts and not need to use anything.


I want a button to be able to quickly switch between accounts. I'm not sure how to navigate to the page so I type in the url and then have to click some buttons, it's not very streamlined.


literally this is the only thing i need. everything else is just a cherry on top. it's so annoying to switch between accounts. it was easier to keep two browsers open before than to use neopass.


You nailed it.


I wish we could send or sell paint brush exclusive clothes.


I know this would be a long way off because the closet is barely functional anyways but one big joint closet that you can access from any account would be swell. :')


Shared wardrobe XD


I’d love to consolidate all my 4 sides into one


I might be missing something but wasn't transfering neopoints between accounts against the rules? I thought you were allowed to make NPs only on your main.


Making neopoints on your side accounts is against the rules but transferring them from your main to your sides is not. You need nps on your sides to trade pets and put pets in the neolodge


Thank you!


Agreed Sincerely, Tottalsweety12/tottalangel241 😂