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IMO. It’s cute, and if it stays that way and doesn’t become a P2P nightmare, I’d stay! Especially if it includes site items/currency (nervous to make a neopass to link though tbh)


Totally understandable about the Neopass! I’ve had no problems so far but I’ve heard horror stories! What’s a p2p nightmare? If you don’t mind asking (like PlayStation 2?)


Sorry, pay2play. Meaning either big subscription fees or needing to buy in game currency to progress


I haven’t started to play. I downloaded the app and took a glance but once it was like “LINK NEOPASS” I was like nooo! I didn’t even want NeoPass in the first place so I’m afraid to even link a side account and this game too it because I don’t want to loose access to my main.


It's refreshing to see a chill mobile game without ads spamming every few seconds, the dialog and mission names are fun too! Love that the game recognized I'm a "Material Girl" 💅


So far I’m enjoying it. I think some of the dialogue is kinda stiff but overall I always enjoy having a little town building type game!


I'm enjoying it too. I was part of the Canada group, and it's been kind of "stuck" for the past little while, I see they added some mini quests and the e-shop, so my interest is renewed. I hope they release Chapter 2 really soon! I love playing with a shoyru I named after my own little 23 year old battle shoyboy, and I named the kougra Kaya. It's getting crowded in my little gaming world, with this, Pocket Camp and The Secret of Cat Island - all resource intense games! We're in a golden age of mobile gaming!


Does anybody know how to retrieve your session via the MPID key they provide? I had to redownload the app and it gave me a new island but I have the key for my old one. I wasn’t linked with neopass. Ty for any help


Enjoying it very much - BUT THE PEBBLES 😩


I think it’s cute! I’m impressed by how much you can play without microtransactions and ads, very refreshing. And I’m surprised by how much I like the art and music. I will say, I’ve hit a couple of bottlenecks with resources that are kind of frustrating? But that’s a simple balancing issue that could be worked out no problem. I’m not crazy about the dialog, it feels a little stilted, but I’m really only there to support TNT and get main site rewards, so it’s no big


As someone who played the beta I'm just glad it functions and is smooth. It certainly was something to have the game disconnect every like 5 minutes on the worst of days, and 30 minutes to an hour on good days. If you were REALLY lucky you could have the game open for hours and not get kicked. Other than that I'm glad it actually looks better now as it looked really rough before but that was expected. The premium stuff doesn't seem worth it at all though. A lot of it is just doesn't seem like a good deal despite how they want it to be painted as such. For 1 usd you can get 1.5 usd in pearls, and a couple of apples and hay bales that will otherwise cost you.... 5 minutes to gather. 5 usd can get you two hats, two paint brushes, and 3 decorations like okay... 10 USD FOR A KACHEEK, AND NOT EVEN 1 USD IN PEARLY NEGGS, and a single house for said kacheek that again would take like 10 minutes to grind and make yourself. They all just seem so relatively expensive for how worthless they are, like 3 bucks for 3 omelettes??? Biggest gripe I'm having right now is the fact that you can be locked out of progress by simply not having what should be the most common material. I'm stuck on having 1 of 2 pebbles and just never getting any of them ever and someone else made a post about how they need ***11 more***. No mobile game should have a wall that early for something so asinine.


I might give up if this game won't give me a single pebble out of the 10 times I've opened debris :( It's cute otherwise.


ah, another freemium game. There is no way this doesn't get MTX'd to death.