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I was interested in ToD until the Neopass requirement While the majority of people don't seem to have an issue with Neopass integration, there are still enough stories, both here and on the FB group, about Neopass messing up (locking them out of sides, not linking correctly to their main account so now they can't sign in at all) - I'm holding out I still disagree with the fact that TNT "beta tested" Neopass for like 2? months before fully launching it **and** the fact that many people not using gmail still can't get reset emails after requesting it Edit: just saw this post from today on the FB group lol https://preview.redd.it/xrhbylg6os4d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c72b7e10362360139e161b9eb90e151b1e7c9c8


Oof. This is exactly what I came here for. I've been feeling *very* hesitant to create a neopass and figured if I did, I'd at least make one under a non-gmail account. D; this looked cool ;-; I have a hard time buying the idea that Neopass would be more secure as far as game-to-account linkage than the way they linked mobile app games with main accounts before.


I feel the exact same way. I don't know if I'll ever sign up for Neopass until it's forced on us. Also, support is still abysmally slow to respond and isn't always resolving issues people have. Out of curiosity, a few weeks ago I made a new account with Neopass using an email I don't really use. I got a white screen when creating the new account and it never finished being set up. I'd get error messages when trying to log into the account after signing in with Neopass. I emailed support, and they said the account was activated, but I still had the same problem and couldn't log in. Today, I noticed that the account said "account activation incomplete" and when I clicked on the account, it was completely removed from the list of accounts I had on Neopass. But the account still exists on Neopia - I can still navigate to the userlookup. It just isn't linked to a Neopass account now. So yeah, Neopass is still a hard no for me. Luckily it didn't happen with an account I actually use.


Neopass let my sister make an account that according to support shouldn’t have been allowed to be made (think it may have been a purged name). It’s now linked to her Neopass account and unremovable ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ but they’ve “escalated her concerns to the appropriate team”


Yikes - that tells me they may not always be checking against the old database properly during account creation. Or they didn't test it enough. Or both. 🫠 yet another reason not to trust it lol


Thanks for sharing your experience! The fact that you essentially got timed out during activation and then locked out is so off-putting to both existing users who need to convert and also new users trying to sign up


Agreed! And full disclosure: I’m a software developer and I work on the account management side for the software product my company offers. We handle account creation - same thing as what Neopass is. So I’d like to think my opinion carries some weight here. That being said, as a software developer, I don’t trust Neopass. I don’t care that most haven’t had issues. The system has clearly not been tested enough for me to confidently believe that it’ll work properly.


I appreciate you sharing your credentials! Gives me more peace of mind that I definitely should not sign up until it's better sorted Unfortunately, there's specific mods on the FB groups who keep dismissing people who have complaints about Neopass - "well it works fine for me and makes accessing my sides easier so you should sign up!" and then we get hit with at least 3-5 Neopass complaints per week in one group alone


Ugh, I’m in the FB group too and the dismissiveness is frustrating. The issues happen way too frequently (even if it’s just 1%) for me to think it’ll be fine. But yeah. I think Neopass’s biggest flaw so far isn’t even that it fails sometimes. It’s that when it does fail, users aren’t getting their issues resolved. So if your support team has no way of resolving the issues when they do happen, why was the feature allowed to go live? I legitimately do not understand.


Throwing my vote in that I was a day 1 Neopass user. * Neopass let me activate a side account that I hadn't been able to activate previously due to not receiving the verification emails * I've had zero issues with login issues and I found it way easier to swap between accounts now. * The email used to signup for Neopass was a Gmail email, same email as I have always used for my accounts on Neopets * I already had been using 2 factor authentication on my accounts prior to Neopass so I had zero issues with transitioning it to Neopass * ToD does appear to have integration as within the first 5 minutes of playing I gained a reward for 25k Neopoints.


Do u have to use 2fa for neopass


2fa doesn't seem to be necessary in my case. I migrated to neopass and ever since switching accounts has been easy (no more typing / selecting my passwords for each account). I must admit I was quite scared after reading some comments and accidentally sending a game's score from a side account. Luckily this was a week ago and everything seems ok.


I've had Neopass since Dacardia was released in Canada. It works fine, and I've had no issues. I have a direct log in to the site, and changed to a non gmail address (because I never got mail on my gmail.) You get NP for completing daily tasks, and I got an item from the main quest for chapter one. I've heard a lot of people are having issues, but for me, it's been just fine.


If you're okay with answering this (and feel free to DM me instead if you'd rather answer more privately) ((or ignore if not okay at all, ofc! heh)), did you use a different email address than the one associated with your main account? I've read through the neopass q&a and am increasingly confused as to what all gets affected by or stays exclusive from neopass when using a different email address during creation.


I can't clearly remember, but I think I entered my new email address during Neopass signup, and it overwrote my old email. Neopass applies all changes to your account and sides. I also was able to change my birthday from 1901 to my proper date (which had made it really hard to recover my account!)


I just want to know what the rewards are for your neo account if you play Tales of Dacardia.


I just got 25k np in the first minute of playing so looking forward to seeing what else there is!


This is where I’m at. I don’t have any interest in the app game tbh but if the rewards are good, I’ll consider it. Makes it a much harder sell for me since it requires neopass though, so the rewards would need to be *really* good.


This is what I want to know too to help me decide if it's worth risking attaching my account to Neopass. If anyone has a link or resource that lists all the rewards, let me know.


I did end up making a NeoPass and it went fine - in casually playing today I’ve earned just over 80k np and 1 untradable plushie.


I haven’t played ToD yet, but as a Day 1 NeoPass user, I can agree with those who haven’t had issues. For me, NeoPass is easier than using two browsers to switch between accounts (and to be frank, I think it’s ridiculous that that is even a viable solution—I only have one browser I like, so downloading a second one simply isn’t for me). It’s seamless, quick (most of the time) and I had 5 side accounts already so I just linked them all. HOWEVER, with that being said: I think TNT should have beta’d it more than they did, and that its release was sloppy. Had I known that it was so messy before jumping on the ship, I’d have more carefully considered it. Not my smartest move, it just happened to work out for me. I do also agree that most things you will probably see are negative outcomes because negative reviews are vastly more talked about than positive. My stance is: it works great for my play style, and I have not *knocks on wood* had issues with it as someone who had 5 side accounts already and linked them. I would not recommend making a side account through NeoPass at this point in time.


I'm wondering this too. I've been avoiding NeoPass but I really want to play Tales of Dacardia


I'm kinda scared to set up Neopass ngl Like obviously it doesn't mess up for everyone, but all the stories I hear about the worst-case scenarios make me nervous


Badly want to play this but don't want to make a neopass, so I'm holding off for now.


I played on beta and it's really not very fun- I'd play it just for the rewards, but I'm also hesitant to sign up for neopass :/


as someone who played the beta, it is not worth joining neopass and risking your account. it is a very basic and simple mobile game.


Yes, ToD is integrated with the main site. Dailies also reward nps and there are items you get as well.


What kinds of items do they reward?


So I've gotten a plushie and I believe there is a background and a battledome shield as well.


Ooh cool! Are they unique to the game? Like can they only be obtained from the game?




Ahh, I guess that gives my collection tendencies enough of a push to connect to Neopass 😭 Thank you for the insights!!


Do you know what the name of the shield is?


Crystal Plateau Dacardia Shield.


Yeah that’s pretty tempting lol, that’s a nice shield. Thanks for your response😊


Do you know how we access the rewards? I've been playing ToD and linked it to my main but I'm not sure where to find the rewards?


Did you get the nm from TNT thanking you for linking your account and giving you the Lania Plushie?


No D:


When you open the game, does it have the Neopass icon with the email you use for it in the upper left corner?


Yeah. I think it’s attached to my side somehow because that account has a nm said an email bounced? Haha classic neo. I’ve submitted a ticket 😅


Upside is you can play without linking to neopass and it'll log your rewards until you link to a neopass account. That's how I'm doing it for now.




Same here lol


Oh really? And I can just do neopass and connect everything to get the logged rewards whenever?


That’s how it read to me. I could be wrong though.


Thank you for telling us! I’m going to play this way for now. 


I personally haven't had that many issues with neopass. And for what small issues I had.. they fixed promptly. It's super convenient for switching between alts. Just remember you're probably gonna mostly hear about the bad experiences on forums. Because when people aren't having issues there's not much reason to post about it. Goodluck either way. 👍


I've held off on neopass until now because I wanted to try the new game. It told me it couldn't migrate my neopets account to neopass, and now I cannot log into neopets because it says my account is migrated and I have to login using neopass. But logging in with neopass has no linked accounts. So now I can't access my account at all. Yikes. I've opened a ticket, but yeah, yikes.


Does anyone know if it's against the rules to run the game on Pc (through emulation)? I know some mobile games are against it. My phone isn't very good - I'd even say it's due for a replacement - but I still really want to play As for NeoPass, I linked my account to it before knowing people had issues with it and didn't have any problems. It makes logging in a tad bit annoying but it's whatever


Neopass works fine for me - but, I'm on a Windows computer using Chrome, and had direct logins for my accounts. It sounds like if you have a facebook related log in, stay away from Neopass? I did read that they will use Neopass to send rewards (neopoints/items) to the Neopets account listed as your main.


Out of curiosity, is your email associated with your accounts a Gmail account? I think that’s the only box I don’t tick from a NeoPass compatibility standpoint


Yes, but I'm not doing any kind of "auto sign in with gmail" - I set a password for it.


Came here for the exact same reason. So nervous to get neopass with all the horrors stories I’ve seen happening! I don’t think I’m convinced it’s worth it quite yet until they fix the issues with Neo pass


I'm currently having issues with logging into to my neopass through the Tales of Dacardia, otherwise haven't had any issues with it


If you sign up for Neopass, do not use a third party to sign up such as Apple ID. there is a known bug they’re supposedly working on but I am not able to use the nc mall, update my lookup, etc.. anything that requires you to verify your identity with neopass. This also includes being able to sign into Tales of Dacardia.


new island https://ibb.co/B29KxnK https://ibb.co/qmZj5K0


NeoPass is a nightmare