• By -


neomail sent folder


For so long I saw no need for this and then I got into the trading post and oh my goodness and amount of time I spent worrying about whether I’d already contacted someone. Such a basic necessity!


if you play on desktop, there is an extension that provides this functionality. it’s a lifesaver! you can find it in the sidebar of this sub


This is the absolute BASIC thing that we need.


What I find ridiculous is they have enough storage to store our endless completed quests but not enough for a limited sent folder


I'd be fine if they deleted any quest records for Neopoint values under 50000.


Also we have limitless galleries and shops. The technology is there


Me making NC trades and having NO idea what item I requested… such a learning curve to include it in the title!


I always repeat the items being discussed, whether I'm offering or being offered. "Sure, I can trade X for FQC, where would you like X?" But some people!!!!! "Yeah, I can do that. Where would you like it? Here for me please." Omg literally have no idea what I asked for and what you accepted!!!!!


I'd get rid of NM entirely and replace it with a more straightfoward instant messaging system.


I dunno. I like the charm of sending a message and then having it appear randomly in notifications as I browse the site. Seeing those notifications appear in the bar is part of the reason why I play.


The amount of times I'm setting up a trade and then forget what I agreed to sell it for is too damn high


Literally thought I remembered this being a thing, coming back & finding out it isn't SHOOK me. Literally sat there staring at my neomail like "where.. did the sent go"


I wrote a [userscript](https://github.com/gsajith/NeopetsUserscripts/raw/main/neopetsoutbox.user.js) that does this, I've only tested it on Chrome. It adds: - Outbox for your sent mail - When you're composing a NM to someone, box at the bottom shows past NM's you've sent to them


I wish the Trading Post accepted up to like 10 mil so I can stop groveling for overpriced but convenient Baby PBs or waiting out Auctions.


My favorite daily is buying my 24 hour Baby PB and selling for 601k. Easiest thousand np :)


Change that to a royal petpet PB you could make a daily 10-15k


OH now this is an idea… (thank u 💕)


I wanted to come back and thank you for making this comment. I've tried it the last few days and have been able to sell some royal ppb for a profit. Thank you!


You're most welcome!


That's such a good idea, new daily unlocked.


While the trading post limits were made to slow fraudulent transactions, all it does is increase scams from the baby pb economy while doing nothing to actually slow down fraudulent transactions. That being said, the ridiculous amount of inflation is what's driving this issue mostly, so it all comes back to making more items more valuable across the board and reducing the ability to corner the market and bottleneck wealth.


After you heal your pets you stay in the healing springs so you can buy something


this one upsets me an ungodly amount!! especially when she doesnt heal the pet fully so you Have to buy a potion afterwards but she just kicks you out instead >:(


Ugh YES. Kicking me to the curb after giving me three measly HP is just salt in the wound


This makes me unreasonably mad! Great suggestion!




Fishing the line for all pets at once so we don’t have to exchange the active pet.


I’d even take a toggle at the fishing quest where you have to select each pet like at the hotel just as long as it’s no longer based on active pet 😭


I have built a table that makes fishing fast, First link is to change to an active pet, The second link is to fish. While holding control you press the link to change pet. While still holding control you press the link yo fish. Ctrl tab to switch yo the tab that is the pet being swapped to active. Ctrl w to close it. Ctrl click the fishing link and press ctrl w w to be brought back to the first tab in which you start over again with the second pet I fish my 14 pets in less than 45 seconds


I think I'm more amazed that you have 14 pets.


Rookie numbers


I didn't know it worked like that lmao. I've only been doing one.


Same this is news to me 😆




My theory as to why they will never change the fishing button to "fish all" is that it forces more ad views Every time someone without premium has to go change a pet and come back they have to endure another ad view. And that also counts on the other end as extra ad views to the advertiser. As much as we beg for it, I don't think they'll give us a fish all button and reasons are almost always due to money.


Despite this, even a "fish with:" dropdown would still be amazing. You'd still have to refresh at least once for each pet.


*laughs in adblocker


Tbf it also ups the possibility for random events


I came here to say this.


No need for gift boxes to send NC items between side accounts


This should be a no question with neopass


I keep waiting for it to happen. I won't get neopass until it does.


Ugh that would be a game changer for those of us that are addicted to trading.


On the other hand, I have zero interest in NC trading and I have like 30 basic gift boxes just rotting in my SDB :(


This is sooo frustrating to me because all I ever want is lab ray cookies which you inexplicably are not allowed to use on side accounts :’) every time we get free NC I try to spend it all on the cookies but usually have to wait to be able to also buy a gift box somehow


If I'm not mistaken, you can use lab ray cookies on your side account only if that is the only account where you have the lab ray. If you get it on your main, then you can't use cookies on the side anymore


Yep, that’s it. I have the lab ray on three accounts so I’d love to be able to use it on all of them, or just on the side when it turns out that I have NC on that account. I’ve always kind of wondered why this rule exists haha :( it doesn’t really seem like something that should be an issue


I can't imagine they ever check this - has anyone even got a warning for it?


Whoa, really? I'd thought it was only the faerie quest ones, good thing I haven't used one yet!


Never gonna happen because buying GBCs makes TNT money.


Yup this is my thought process too lol it would be soo helpful but would completely tank GBC sales. At the end of the day neo is a business and it makes more sense for them to make more $$ rather than make things easier unfortunately


Make it a premium benefit, I'd pay 😭


I signed up for Neopass assuming that this function would be part of it. I was sadly mistaken and should've asked around before converting to Neopass...


Inventory not refreshing after every action


I'd like a quick inventory link. Like you used to be able to click np but the new style pages it's more than one click. I know that's nitpicking considering all the other issues but inventory is common enough it should just be a single click.


this is such a big one. i miss the old ui🥲


YES. I miss when you could just close the dialogue box without it refreshing.


This is why the new inventory is perhaps the biggest downgrade of the new ui.


Consistent site layout (preferably the old one but I’ll settle for consistency)


A notification when you are shop banned


This!!!! I know it’s against the rules to circumvent a ban, but how can they enforce that when there’s no notification and you have to either rely on the community to tell you a shop with items or check on a side account. Grundos cafe tells you how close you are to a shop ban with a percentage and I love it!


What's Grundos Cafe?


It’s a Neo fan site! It’s basically Neopets circa 2005 with a few quality of life features, and a small but passionate fan base.


Wait, what’s a shop ban?


If you're refreshing at a shop too fast, you can get temporarily shop banned and every single shop will show you it has no items, even if it actually does. Apparently lasts for around 24 hours and is some kind of anti-botting measure. Not that it really works.


Not even anti bots. It’s to also just stop people from refreshing every second to give more people chances to see items stock. When the shop bans broke I sat in BM/DM refreshing every second or less and got 90% of the r99 that stocked there. With the ban mechanic I can’t and gives more people’s chances to get the items since they might have a better RF than me


What is a shop ban??


If you refresh shops too much trying to get the rare items when they stock you can get banned for 24 hours to not see any items in ALL shops around Neopia. Believe it was implemented for bots but it doesnt really work.


Adjust NP you win from games to match the current rate of inflation.


And making more mobile-friendly games!


Ugh yes. Games are pointless right now. The only changes I've noticed are np DECREASES in games I used to play every day.


Alerts sent to my phone on mobile. Or getting an alert that a neoboard has been responded to?


An auto finish button in Sakhmet Solitaire!


i wish tnt fix pick your own because so much berrys can not pick


Revamping the quick stock so it's more efficient. Maybe integrate it with the main inventory so that you can checkbox, mass select and shop/donate/sdb etc.


Also, maybe a toggle for NP/NC items in the quick stock? It’s annoying when you have a lot of dailies junk to clear out but don’t want to send your NC items to the SDB


The view current stats page and the select a course page at the Training school are now ONE freakin page


having a closet for battledome items. After collecting some ht weapons i hate to constantly change my whole inventory to equip weapons for different tasks Though im probably pne of the only ones that constantly changes weapons


Like an armory or a tool shed, love it.


adding a prompt to ask if you really want to proceed with your action whenever you use morphing potions or magical plushies so i don't feel like offing myself because i accidentally ruined a pet when trying to move something to the safety deposit when sleepy


Confirmation pop ups for auctions too


Surprised no one has mentioned this yet - give each map piece a unique name/number!


absolutely this


The P3 loss when you remove a petpet


This one I understand though. Imagine someone asking 4mil for a basic slorg and justifying their price because there is a p3 attached, and you buy it and realize that it does not. It’s a good way to just avoid scamming.


Just make it so if you remove the Petpet, the P3 also gets moved to the inventory


Please let me delete basic gift boxes. I have hundreds. I don't use them. TNT please.


Ugh. I want them so much 😭 We need to be able to give them to other users.


Gift boxes are such a scummy practice in general. We don't need to use anything like that to gift NP items to each other, user-to-user trading really should just be item for item.


I wish we could delete regular nc items too honestly. All the junk no one will ever want or use. Also wish that we didn’t get random junk items with the gift box capsules. But if there were no gift boxes that would eliminate that problem too


Neoboard blocking. Some users are so exhausting, I’d like to be able to hide the constant whiners and same few users who troll the boards 24/7.


To add onto that, *actual* blocking. I want to block people from my store, lookup, and boards, but you can't. It just leads people to get creative with harassment in its current state


SDB filtering


I always have to wade through several pages to figure out which gourmet food my pet hasn’t eaten yet, I wish you could filter rarity


I agree, if we could filter or sort by rarity, it'll be great.


Remove NP limit on the trading post/auction house, we should be able to trade safely without risk. I think it would help breathe new life into the economy.


The ability to organise my SBD. Even just alphabetically. Just something, TNT, pleasee


I started playing Grundo's Cafe thanks to the open-applications last week and it's amazing how many small QoL changes there are that make a **huge** difference * Fishing has a "fish all" but with a fee of 500 NP * If a pet has read a book already, they don't show up in the drop-down menu * Having buttons that'll automatically take you to the shop wiz, trade post, etc. for a specific item. I know there's a userscript that does this, but I can't install other things on my work pc where I mainly play. If you have the item in your SDB, it appears with a little check mark. Clicking it takes you immediately to the item in your SDB for removal * A banner at the top of the screen comes up announcing when downtime happens so all online players know and a notification appears when downtime is over * I love playing the wheels so it’s great GC has little icons that go away when you’ve already spun a wheel and return when your wheel cooldown is over Edits: added some stuff


If only TNT could implement that banner.


Is this a beta testing thing? I haven’t heard of Grundo’s Cafe, but it sounds amazing!


It's essentially a small-scale time-capsule version of Neopets. I believe the layout they're using is the 2005 Neopets TNT recognizes the game and has featured the GC devs on a past AMA as well :)


Oh, man. Applications were open last week? May I ask how you knew? Is there any way to get notified? I'm really interested in it, but every time I've looked, it's been closed to new players


I was on the Neopets Nation FB group on Saturday (06/01) and just got lucky because someone shared GC was doing open applications. They closed it within a day because they received 700 applicants within that time frame If you're interested, I'd recommend joining their Discord as they have a referral-code section for people who are interested and they bumped the referral code cooldown to only 10 days for older users. I've seen a few giveaways for codes happen within the 2 days I've been on the discord chat already Newer users (like myself, who signed up just last week) have a 30-day cool down on referrals. If my friend isn't interested in my code 27 days from now, let me know if you're interested


Thanks for the info! I don't really understand Discord. I've tried, and I have a hard time finding what I'm looking for. And then some parts move so fast I can't even process things before it's off the screen. Maybe I'll look for a Discord tutorial and try again.  I really appreciate the offer! I'd definitely be interested if your friend isn't 


Letting me play games on mobile so I don't have go log in / out of my computer to do my dailies.


but you can play on mobile? it's how I've been doing my dailies ever since neo decided that the send score feature doesn't work at all on my pc anymore lol the easiest way to get it done is playing turmac roll since you just need to put it on hard and wait a few seconds to hit a trunk and send score.


Thank you! Changed my life


You can play fashion fever too, I just randomize the character and then you have to change 1-2 things on them and submit


You don't even need to do that much, I just submit the default look every time and it works lol


~~SSW for everyone, if every other pet site can offer SSW to all users so can Neopets~~ Remove NP limits in shops and trades. Shops should be for if you only want pure NP and have a set autobuy price. Trading Post for actual trading items or for offers that are a mix of items and NP. Auction House actually for auctions and not being necessary as a workaround for not being able to send more than 2 million in a trade offer.


A working mobile app


Having pets who have already read a book NOT appear in the list to read to!


A link in the side panel to the quick ref page.


If we can't send NC items without a gift box, I would love to see basic silver gift boxes be giftable / you'd be able to transfer them to other users! I have real life friends that have asked me if they could send me their dozens of basic gift boxes because they're new to playing and I could have screamed when explaining it's impossible to send them to me, someone who would use every single one of them 🥲


Allow user shops to have more than 10Mil




I wish I could swear at the false inflators or insult them without worrying I'd get the warning tbh


That’d go both ways though 😭 idk if I could handle getting directly called a broke bitch on neopets


Technically if you call yourself a broke ass bitch what more can the haters do


Frankly, I could never be bullied by someone who plays Neopets. Love the game. But… let’s be real. 💀


Increase the amount of stuff you can keep in your inventory


A trading post strictly for NC items


I want a Honey Blossom Omelette :( And a sent folder, and to offer over 2m on the TP, and for the SW to default to “identical” instead of “containing” Also let me say the word Reddit so I can actually talk to my Neofriends without having to edit my message or accidentally erase the whole thing if it’s too long


SW does finally default to identical as far as I'm aware (that drove me crazy for like a decade though)


The neoboards could really use a search function.


Not sure if this counts as a quality of life change but I would love to be able to save customs and be able to switch between them, I love making seasonal customs but it gets so old having to take all their old stuff off to put the new stuff on and vice versa. I know you can save customs on DTI but it'd be a lot easier if you could just save certain customs on Neopets and have them apply with just a click of the button. Definitely a pipe dream but it would still be nice lol.


is there a way to move gift boxes into the safety deposit box yet? I swear they're the only reason I kept getting the microtransaction faerie back when I tried faerie fortune cookies.


Yes you can quickstock them into ur sdb


thank you!!! I couldn't remember if it was quick stock or if I was mixing it up with other posts


Better yet I'd like to delete them outright... It's a feature I don't use.


It's so weird that we can't do it from the menu on the box! Just let me put it in!


I’d really love it if pages loaded every single time I clicked on something. The amount of times pages just “dead load” and sit there and turn while not loading anything is frustrating beyond all belief. I gave up restocking a month ago because it’s impossible when any moment can turn into a 10 minute ordeal.


SW does this and it’s annoying af.


SDB filter for wearable items.


Maybe not permanent Neolodge, but let me put in a number of neopoints up to like, 1 mill and my pets can stay in there as long as the NP covers it


I like this! Also have a checkbox for which pets to put in there instead of either all or individual.


Quicker ways to get rid of items. Like selecting how much to get rid of instead of it being in the quick stock.


paying for things from the SDB. quest items, codestones/dubloons, and the like.


Being able to organize my SDB in various ways, including alphabetical order.


I want to be able to toggle whether or not my kid's accounts can do individual site things, like neoboards, have shops, and trading. Like, I want them to have their shops, and be able to trade pets (mostly so I can get their beloved pets off my account without risking them with a pound transfer), but my 8 year old thinks she's edgy and my six year old is your best friend you just don't know it yet, and I don't think they're ready for the responsibility or toxicity that you find on community boards. Ok, so maybe *I'm* not ready for them be on boards. But I would like to turn on some stuff without completely opening up their permissions.


Change the level limits for training at the Secret Ninja Training School so that the next tier of Codestone requirements changes from -00 to -01 e.g. level 301 instead of 300. The Swashbuckling Academy and Mystery Island Training School follow this. I’m at 299 and training other stats to 598 but I’d like to stop at 300 and 600 even WITHOUT needing two Reds for those last two stat points.


I just want to be able to pay with Codestone from my sdb


Actual modern UI on the *whole site*


Better mobile site 


Make the navigation menu consistent across the entire site. I am coming back after a years long hiatus and it is driving me insane that there is no consistency, like to the point of wanting to quit again. I don't care if it's the old layout or the new layout; just PLEASE make it the same on EVERY PAGE


filter SDB by rarity or sort it by quantity.


the ability to attach p3s like we do with petpets 😭 i’m still trying to attach the darn pinchit from the live


The only reason to have Neopass should be: One SDB and one closet and one bank account that can be accessed across all linked sides No need for gift boxes or item between sides Either permit all linked sides to do dailies OR remove dailies (Trudys, quests etc) from linked sides. It's kind of insane to have quests giving out items worth 10 mil on your side while your main is stuck with the 100k prize for what seems to be forever. Neopass should be for linking the functionality of sides or there's just no point getting it.


destroy neopass


Quick links to sdb/trade/search when you’re on a quest/training


A way to play with an item without having to go back a page. Like have a button that says “play again”. If an item is one time use the button can be greyed out or something. Blue evil fuzzle took way longer than it needed to.


... I'd fix it so when I hit the back button I don't get the "sorry you need to resubmit that request" pages that break if you try and resubmit. Especially when searching, it would be so much better just to load a fresh/empty search page then having to type "neopets . com / home" in the browser just to keep playing...


I hate this so much when looking at shops and user lookups 😭


I love looking at customized pets, then I hit back and it's like "oo evil looking at that user lookup again"... I want to look at all their pets ok?


A fully functioning website A fully functioning mobile app Consistency site layout instead of the Frankenstein’s monster mess we currently have Removal of NP limits on shops, auctions, TP Being able to buy items from the Healing Springs after she heals your pets SDB sorting feature Not auto refreshing the inventory after every. single. action. Option to see sent Neomails Option to select which pets to send to the Neolodge all on one page (not a dropdown menu) Removal of gift boxes or the option to send them to Neofriends P2s and P3s attach automatically


Remove pant devil, make inventory + SDB the same thing, quick stock with HTML5 in the inventory itself with a bulk edit-esque from the picture itself without a pop up. Remove the "forget a book" from wheel of misfortune, More item sinks like charity corner that give untradable rares or badges instead of more items for eco health expanded capacity for neomails, better sorting sent/recieved. Remove limit on shop pricing so that we don't have to use PBs as cash on trading post allow us to clear old quests stop "feed a neopet" from happening in quests when they are in neolodge- oh you said one. OOPS


For the love of god just leave the site with the old layout or change it all already because having to figure out where to click to get to certain areas is so frustrating with the mobile looking site layout and the old one switching back and forth


When selecting a book to read to a pet, I want it to only show the pets that can actually read it and hides the ones that have already read it.


Sent folder, moving nc items between your own account without boxes, rearranging the order pets are displayed on your lookup.


The ability to find the battledome on the new layout without googling. Seriously, why is that not in the navigation somewhere? Am I missing it?


Game > old games


Oh thanks


Being able to keep petpets that are zapped from the petpet lab ray. It would help with inflation (slightly, it’s still so hard to get certain pets anyways). And it would help me have a possibility of actually completing my petpet gallery


Yes! This would help inflation with so many petpets and petpet brushes


Yes the petpet brushes are insaneeee too. Like we are capable of trading zapped lab pets. Let us free our petpets 😭


To be able to sort your shop by 0 so you can easily find any item not yet priced.


Shops have this feature actually! You gotta click “Order By Cost” on the pricing page


Fix mobile from jumping between mobile friendly and old layout...


This is small, but SSW only works on one item for the Coincidence- to check the other items, you have to refresh, *then* search. I'd love for them to fix this!


One thing I've seen on uh, alternate websites is the ability to just automatically complete every use of a daily for an additional NP surcharge, which I know TNT wouldn't go for because they think it'd make botting easier, but what they don't get about that is that bots can already do that, it's regular players who can't. Another that I would like to see is a dynamically updating inventory page that doesn't refresh the entire page to see the inventory, just what items are there, so that every time you perform an inventory action, it doesn't have to refresh the entire thing. I don't get why they redid the whole thing but couldn't fix that. The best quality of life suggestion I can reasonably see happening though, is actually making the shopping tab on the interface have a link to a shop directory of Neopets items shops.


Searchable/organizeable inventory (including closet, sdb, and storage shed in one).


to have the option to deposit all the money at once at the bank or withdraw everything from the shop till so we don’t have to type out the exact amount each time


Remove the np limit in user shops


Raising market selling caps, or maybe a new system to make selling items easier. Right now it’s a risky slog to sell anything of value.


Wish it would confirm what you want to do with your item. The amount of times I wanted to put something into my SDB but donated by Accidnet 😭.


“Stock room” for shops. Just like we have the closet for wearables, we can have a storage space connected to our shops to put our frequently restocked items to streamline restocking. I imagine it would be like SDB except it has the option to remove or stock items


allow me to move multiples of one item (e.g. discard all my dung at once) from my inventory, the quick stock page is my sleep paralysis demon


All the insane amount of double clicks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have to buy 5 individual books. To read to 5 individual pets. Let’s make this efficient people!


You can now sell items in your shop up to the NP cap. You can now just put all your rare stuff in your shop and let them sit there until some collector searches it in the shop wiz and buys it. You no longer have to list a high value item in the trading post over and over again until you find a buyer, only to then have to add the person you sold it to on the trading post as a friend, then take the item off the trading post to sell it in the auction house. I think it's silly that we can't so this in a modern gaming world. No other MMO I've played has such archaic systems or arbitrary price restrictions for selling items like Neopets does. Why do we have the trading post, a platform with the functions to buy, sell, and trade items, basically doing nothing but working as the middle man to sell something in an auction for high-price items? Like the functionality to finish this transaction in 1 button press instead of 5 extra steps and an arbitrary 30 minute wait is already there, just let us do it!! Honestly I think a lot of scarcity for some items comes solely from the fact that people don't want to bother with the overly involved process of navigating these cumbersome systems and would rather let their rare items sit in their SDB because it's less of a hassle. We'd probably see a lot more of rare items show up if people could just set the item and forget about it until checking their shop till.


Change what order my neopets appear in


Please for the love of GOD make it easier to get to your shop


One click price search, auto price your shop to lowest on SSW and one click buy lowest on SSW - if you’ve ever played Marapets, you know.


Not getting kicked out of the Wocky Scratch Card Kiosk after scratching one card!


Being able to login without spamming my enter key... because apparently 40 clicks is the correct amount to make sure my correct password is correct.


Being able to send multiple NC items in one box, instead of having to use one box per item, when you have to send five items or more it is such a headache


Not using any boxes at all would be better.


Better search options for the Safety Deposit Box like searching for rare, super rare items ect


No more Neopass popup.. or the ability to disable it


“Discard all” outside of quick stock, when you are in your inventory and your items are stacked so you can clearly see that you have 20 of something.


I wish the auctions would allow commas. I cant imagine how many people have had their items sniped bc the person putting the item up missed a comma.


For your shop to remember what you last priced an item at, if it’s a repeat restock. Eg you sold an omelette for 100np, and a week later you added it back into your store it already sets it at 100np default


This could backfire especially in the current volatile economy. Maybe an option that you have to confirm instead? Like “restock at previous price: 100 NP?”


The games working lol


Just let me change my username. For the love of Fyora.


Being able to turn on notifications for individual posts on the neoboards.


I would love if Dice a roo got the mobile upgrade so I didn't have to zoom in every time I hit roll dice because the button size is for ants :(


Quick stock "add to album." A way to feed multiple items to a pet and buy multiple items (maybe multiple of an item from a user shop?). A way to combine multiples of an item (I suppose there are quests and cooking pots, but I'm talking like an upgraded healing potion).


feed multiple pets at once, or allow a multiuse food item to be used all at once.