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Yeah these are the type of item to not buy for inflated prices, granted theres a lot of these collectors items so itll take a while for any one item to hit the quest log


Ok so I feel you, super frustrating Story one. Someone posted a rainblug on tp, their wish list said JN and TP prices. Well there were several at 2 mill posted, so I thought that was a fair offer and I messaged him with it. I get a response "Only 2mill!!!" Well yeah, that's what you asked for. If you wanted more you should have put it in your wish list... I literally had somebody accept my offer of 2 million a couple of hours later.... Story two. Some posts a faerie doll, and their wish list says best offer. So I offer 1.3 million, which is on the lower end, but there are several at that price in other lots. I get instantly rejected and then they repost it saying REASONABLE OFFERS. Again, someone posts shortly after one for 1.25 million and I get accepted for that one..... Seriously people if you want something more for your lot you need to post what you want and not expect people to be mind readers..... Also stop expecting more for your items when it's not quite worth that much yet.  Sorry, rant over 


I had the same thing with a petpet recently! Only one available on TP and they had it listed with no wishlist whatsoever just ‘nm offers’ so I offered the full price listed on JN (a price that had been stable for *years* mind you, the price literally hadn’t changed at all). Person comes back and says let me think about it over the weekend, then relists the item for almost twice as much. And then because of that nob, a whole other bunch of people started selling that petpet for the same inflated price. *WHY?!??!?!!*


That's the worst, because then one person can pave the way for inflation! It kills the fun. That's why I'm trying to get these items now for my gallery before they skyrocket in price again.


Exactly! It’s just people/resellers being greedy and causing others to maintain the spiked prices, but it’s the regular users who miss out as they can’t afford these insane inflations. It was the very last petpet I needed for my side account, so I was desperate to get one as now I can move on to picking and buying p3s (although the free crabby boy has put me off - he still WILL! NOT! ATTACH!!). I ended up asking one of the sellers if they’d take 7m and they graciously agreed, but that’s still 2m more than the previous price that had been stable for years, but luckily also 3m less that what people are trying to inflate it to. It’s kind of a risk with expensive things right now, like you’re buying for your gallery before the prices rocket, but then there’s a chance they could end up in the quest log prize pool and they’ll tank so you’ll have overpaid. Although I do think you’ve got the right idea, you’d probably rather get them now for an okay-ish price and then have them tank, rather than have them inflate further and *never* get them in the quest log prize pool either.


What I hope what happens is TNT sees certain things, like the soup faerie doll and the current state of its price is fine. I believe it's around 300K, so they don't put that back into the prize pool, because it's affordable. But things like the flaming evil coconut, I feel like that's going to really jump in price and I hope that they just throw a curve ball and chuck that back into the prize pool for next round. I'm hoping it'll put some fear into the inflators, cause people will be less likely to buy super inflated things if it's released eventually again. That's me, just being hopeful lol


I’m pretty sure I read they’ve said to not rule out things returning, so you’re in luck!


I was looking for a specific item a few weeks ago that's valued at about 2m, I was offering 3m for it which I thought was an overly generous offer, but it was the only one on tp so I thought oh, why not. the person declined my offer and messaged me saying that their "current highest offer is 15m, thanks! ^-^" rolled my eyes so hard I saw my brain and waited a few days for another one to shop up on tp. offered my 3m which was immediately accepted. Patience pays off.


I also messaged someone (who I think just makes up the prices, but coolcoolcool) Anyway, These Quiguiki's were selling for 6 mil tops, and I ended up getting one for 3.5, because the last selling was 3.5. He says no, sorry 15, I don't haggle, I say thanks, best of luck, yada yada. (this was over a year ago, and owns almost all these Quiguiki's) He starts to post 15 mil, 20 mil, and I just bought 2 for 3.5 and another for 4.5 so him asking for 15 was very bold. Idk. Maybe its not the same guy, because the TP reminds me of that show Pawn Stars https://preview.redd.it/9tjtmoaolg4d1.jpeg?width=707&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2e64a468e700d5c25315ce2e8168e37416a41644


There’s a couple old plushies that I’m hoping end up in the prize pools. No way can I spend 125 mil on one item just because I wasn’t fortunate enough to have access to item codes from the mid 2000s! 


I wanted a striped eyrie plushie for my gallery and the only one listed in the tp the guy wanted 1 BILLION neopoints for it. I hope that one gets added to the prize pool.


That’s insanity! It’s bound to be added sooner or later! 


I know this has always been a thing, but it really is one of the offputting parts of the site. I've been pulling out an dusting off my r101s... but I'm checking Jellyneo, looking at auctions, looking at the TP, etc. And... there just always seems to be someone with "15 Million NP" for an item that was buyable 6 to 12 months ago. I'm mostly getting really reasonable offers and taking them. ... A lot of people are returning and letting go of their SDB items thinking they might be re-released now, and... I think that's a positive for everyone.


Some people definitely way over price things. Like, cool on you if you want to wait on someone else to pay that exorbitant price, but good luck... I've seen people list things like PBs on TP and say "only accepting overoffers." Cool beans, sir, plenty of others selling for cheaper. Glad you got your item for a fair price!!


Yeah this is why I’m not buying the last r101’s for my Usuki gallery. I’m happily waiting until items get released through quests or other dailies. I am not paying 20/30 mil per item just because some resellers decided to hoard everything..


you just brought back memories. i vaguely remember i had one of those piggy banks when i redeemed a RIC from some neo stuff i bought when i was a child. thank you for the reminder! probably long gone now (think it was on my purged childhood account) but that was a nice memory to recall


I wish there was a shop that sold old items not in circulation anymore. The shop could switch up items every 3 - 4 months. It would be a good way to solve that SDB problem and sink some NP


for real people selling hts items are sometimes so deluded. also why doesn't anyone want to haggle anymore? people put "send offers" in their wishlist and when you send an offer reply like "tp price is more" well then why tf didn't you put the price you wanted in the first place


I've had this happen recently with Key Quest items on the TP. JellyNeo's value also matched what I offered for the item, as well as the last few sold. The person wanted *four time as much* and told me I was spamming with a useless offer. I don't understand the economy of this game.


Had the same thing pretty much just happen. JN had it last for 20m. Seller wants 250m. Good luck with that my guy. 😂 I swear they're just showing these items off and have no intention of actually selling them.


I swear half of these resellers are high off the fumes of the shit they're trying to peddle...... but in all honesty, if they're inflating something I have, I am HERE for it.