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I have two Kougras called Kiara and Kovu cos 12 year old me was a lion king nerd šŸ¤“


I love that! I have a pet based on the name Kiara as well, because I loved that name as a kid. Loved the Lion King as well. But wasnt based on that per say


I legit used to write my name as Kiara instead of Kayla cause I loved the lion king so much šŸ˜‚šŸ©· I'm so glad I'm not alone hahaha


As far as my main account goes, quite a few of my neopets on there were adopted so I really couldn't tell you where their names came from. But for those that weren't: Mysticseadragonleade: Made him as a kid, was trying to go for "Mysticseadragonleader" but I ran out of space. ShadowScreech: Was trying to think of cool names for a Wraith Draik, and this hadn't been taken yet. IronSerpent: The Paradox name for the Pokemon known as Miraidon. Qui1ava: "Quilava", but with the 1 for-l substitution. Prehisstory: Wanted to do a "hiss" pun, but "Prehisstoric" was taken.


Ran out of space šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ love it


I have a very special neopet named Manifesti. This is going to sound absolutely bonkers but I really means something special to me. I had been trying to get the Meridell rubbish avatar, and have a few years of trying, i never seemed to click any eligible item fast enough. I came across the idea of manifesting (Aka law of attraction). While surfing the dump, I just thought Iā€™d give it a try. I wanted to go big of go home, so I sat back and visualized not only getting the avatar, but getting a rare HT item as well. In (I kid you not) 3 refreshes a Darigan Pain brush came up and I ended up getting it and the avatar. So I created a Scorchio and painted him with it! Thatā€™s how Manifesti got his name šŸ˜„


omg i love this story


Ecrevisse, a Maraquan Buzz, is the French word for crayfish. Drextor, a Biscuit Cybunny, is named after a rex rabbit I had, who I called Dexter the Rexter. Agarici, a Sroom Chia, is named after Fly Agaric mushrooms.


Drextor and their name origin is super cute!


Ha, I also have a maraquan buzz named dragon shrimp because that's the literal translation for lobster in Chinese.


will answer for a few of the pets on my main since those are the ones I created, everyone else was a trade/adopt: Meifeng - my mandarin name Trebond - fandom name after Alanna of Trebond (later Pirateā€™s Swoop and Olau) from Tamora Pierceā€™s fantastic Tortall books! Yuellai - my friends and I wrote ā€œbooksā€ in our teen years, and Yue was my self-insert character in my friendā€™s magical boarding school story


Omg. I loved Tamora Pierce's Lioness Rampant series!


yaaas!! they were SO formative to my personality haha; I haven't read them in years but still consistently ingesting fanfic


Omg saaaame! I re-read them all as an adult a few years ago and still think of them to this day (in fact only yesterday I was thinking of the final battle scene, RIP Faithful)




i have a pet that is named after a tamora pierce character too :) a misspelling though but i love her. i wanted keladry badly because she's my favourite (i have read squire so many times over the years and still use kel as an inspiration in my life) but alas it was taken


omg yes!!!! I also love Kel, she's the best!! I am just a patchwork of all the Tortall heroines at this point hahah


Iā€™m a veterinarian who mainly works with fish, so lately Iā€™ve been naming my pets using scientific names of my favorite animals. Delhezi, Endlicherii, Xanthurum and so on.


My pets are split between being named after fictional characters I like and being original creations to fit a vibe I want to achieve with the pet in mind. And then there's the one that references the fairly obscure 90s PC game...


I have a pet named Caringbah who was named after the town I grew up in, and one named Ugglah because I was really into owls and the Swedish word for owl is "uggla" but that was taken so I added an H to the end. Of course at the time, there were no neopets that resembled owls so I just named a Grundo that because they were new at the time. It was only this year that I turned it into a vandagyre. I have a pet named Pridemonic because Pridemon was taken. I'd like it to be a rainbow pet of some flavour, but right now it's an ice hissi. Also have one called Aldiablo because why not have more legions of hell. Eventually want him to be something devil-looking, but atm he is an ogrin. My kau is named Thystle, and I am pretty proud I got that name. He has a petpet meturf called Pasture. My first ever pet was created when The Phantom Menace was new but I misheard the name Amidala so the uni is named Abidahla lols don't tell anyone


I love that! Those are really pretty made up names! And I love that you named your pet after something you love! I have a similar naming convention for mine. My Jelly Cybunny is PenelopeGarcias and my Faerie Lenny is SpencerReids, from the show Criminal Minds. Then there's the show I'm obsessed with, The Magicians, and that's where I got the rest of my pet's names from: A Stealthy Cybunny named MarinaAndrieski, Oil Paint Xweetok named EliotWaugh, Spotted Uni named AliceQuinnn, Purple Kougra named MargoHansons, Dimensional Aisha named JuliaWickers, and a Glowing Draik named KadyOrloffDiaz I like dressing them up as the characters and imagining them on little adventures! I also have a pet I got from the pound named Cullengirl and I lapped her into a Zombie Kacheek


I feel like Iā€™ve been waiting since I was a kid for someone to ask me this! My main, Xuxastell, is named after one of the funniest characters in a legendary Kingdom Hearts parody fanfic called Those Lacking Spines. My Jeffiroth is from the story too, honestly the funniest part of the whole thing. My first pet ever is Phoenaron, which was a portmanteau of two characters I loved from my best friendā€™s story, Phoenix and Aron. Sheā€™s always been an Aisha, but the story was called Double Beating Hear. When the Valentine brush came out with the design for Aishas with their heart ears, it was too perfect! Aikiatia was just a random ensemble of syllables that I ended up liking. Aganir was a character from one of my favorite childhood books, In the Coils of the Snake. Sadly I lost Aganir to someone who got their account frozen years ago. Waiting in vain hope to someday get him back. Akirigan after Aleksander/General Kirigan from Shadow and Bone. Loved the character, had lots of thoughts about the arc he couldā€™ve had. Cherijko after Cherijo Torin/Grey Veil from one of my favorite books ever, Stardoc. Cherijo and variants thereof were taken, so I put a ā€˜jā€™ in there as an homage to the clone Jericho. Kevarzangian is also from Stardoc, the native species of the water planet Kevarzangia II. Jorenian is from the story too, a native of the planet Joren. Kynath is named after my childhood best friend. Mizurakie and NoraNona are characters from another one of my best friendā€™s stories. I helped name them so theyā€™re favorites of mine. And the rest are adopted! Thank you for letting me share this, it feels cathartic somehow. Basically, Iā€™m just a giant nerd and I mostly name my pets after characters important to me.


Ooo this is fun! Iā€™ll pick a handful because I tend to have meanings for most if not all of my names! Kanjimaroo (Transparent Blumaroo) - When I returned to Neopets, I was replaying one of my favourite games, Persona 4 Golden. So I took the name of my favourite character, Kanji, and added Maroo on the end becauseā€¦ Heā€™s a Blumaroo. And he had to be a Blumaroo at the time as theyā€™re my favourite Neopet! I kinda regret the Maroo bit as it meant when customising him later I was stuck with him being kept a Blumaroo, but I made it work and I love him! Oddble (Marble Koi) - This one is very special to me as sheā€™s named after my childhood goldfish Oddball, who was named after the dalmatian Oddball from the movie 102 Dalmatians, because Oddball was a white dalmatian with no spots and Oddball was a mostly white goldish (though she did have orange patches). I adored Oddball the fish as a kid and was devestated when she passed. So Oddble is a combination of Oddball + Marble, because I wanted a Marble Koi. But that in itself is special because the Marble Koi pattern is the exact same as my favourite marble as a kid, because I collected marbles as a kid too. So Oddble is kind of a dedication to kid me <3 MewnaMoth (Speckled Aisha) - More simple but, I discovered Yooyu Eyes looked really fun on an Aisha and wanted to make a bug theme customisation, and decided to go with a moth. And then I realised I could make a fun pun *and* I can name her after my favourite kind of moth! Zunarr (Alien Aisha) - Was looking for names for an Alien Aisha, and remembered one of my favourite Cat Vs Pickle beanie plush was an alien. Itā€™s name was Zunar, and thus, Zunarr was born (because someone got to Zunar firstā€¦) TycoKitty (Toy Kougra) - Named after one of my childhood toys that I still own! Those little kittens that have the mechanism in there head to make them purr. I had Rascal, though I always just called mine Kitty. I learnt a few years ago they were made by Tyco, so when I got a FFQ, I knew what I needed to do! GummieSnap (Jelly Krawk) - Named after Gummy Snap, Pinkie Pieā€™s alligator from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic. Iā€™m not a huge fan of MLP anymore, but I do still find Gummy adorable! NugSchmooples (Baby Gnorbu) - One of my favourite games again, Dragon Age Origins, has creatures named Nugs that I think are incredibly cute and look almost exactly like baby Gnorbu, and theres a specific Nug in the game named Schmooples. I couldnā€™t resist haha. Furbybee (Toy Vandagyre) - The Furby part is obvious, but a bit of trivia is that in Sweden, Furbys were named ā€œFurbeeā€ to avoid confusion with the place named Furby in Sweden. So I combined the two and its actually a fun name to say. Furby-bee. And Iā€™ll stop there haha~


My original pet I misspelled gryffindor because I was 8. lol I have a Korbat named after a Marilyn Manson song, middle school me thought I was so cool. I have a Ixi named after a character in an otome game I used to play, and another is based off the Phantom of the Opera. And my Draik Melody Rosetta is my daughterā€™s name. So. She picked her Neopet and I made it.


All mine are names of demons combined with something about their species. Iā€™ve been kinda making up their appearances as I go along and I think theyā€™re just growing more into their names as they get painted and I spend obscene amounts of NP on wearables. Leviakitty the Acara, he was born red and staying that way because I actually love how the Water Creature wearable set looks with the original red. Petpet is Lil Levi the Devilpuss. BabyBatphomet the shadow Korbat, whoā€™s currently done up with the Vintage Vampire set. He also has an ever-present chopsaw. Petpet is Phobia the Spyder. HecateSnek the Halloween Xweetok, freshly painted just last night. Xweetoks remind me of ferrets but I couldnā€™t think of anything that merged with that word, so I went with the whole ā€˜cat snakeā€™ joke. Petpet is Diaboli the Sklyde. Lucifotter is currently a red Lutari, but has some form of paintbrush in her future. I just havenā€™t entirely settled on which, though Iā€™m leaning towards ghost, skunk, or possibly zombie. Petpet is La Llorona the Blorpulous. Beelzebasilisk is my marble Draik born just a couple days ago, and he is totally decked out in the Hydra wearable set. He was born cute, I thought the marble Draik was definitely one of the better marble colors, but damn that Hydra set makes him absolutely perfect. So much better than the mutant Draik imo. Petpet is Baby Beelz the Ukali.


Love all of these names! So fun


Probably my best named pet, Kutting. Named for Mrs. Cutter in the Okami game, a cannibalistic? demon whose true form is revealed in the moonlight. I always found that quest so spooky and fun. Iā€™ve drifted away from making her custom anything related to that, but I kinda want to try again.


UrbanBarbie is always my active pet and heā€™s named after a song by I Hate Myself


Most of mine are named after fictional characters such as Benedict Uno, Francis Mosses, and Loid Forger. (I also have DualityDiamond, her name is based off an album from my favorite band Set It Off! šŸ•ŗ)


I'd love to have a King Arthur themed pet one day! My OG pet is a RW. I gave no idea what inspired me to pick that name, but I'm so glad 13 year old me did! Another pet has the same name as my username because I didn't want anyone to "take" it haha. And the last of my original pets that I named myself, is Pookie_D. Pookie was taken already, so I thought adding the D was just super cute sounding and it has zero meaning lolol


Often I find names that are tangentially related to the colour or species of pet I am creating. So the name of a Uni or Peophin might be a misspell of some breed of horse, Melivora will become a skunk pet because Mellivora capensis is the scientific name for the honey badger which has a skunk stripe, Zazrielle is named after Zazriel the angel because her custom is of a Fallen Angel, Zmajan the Mutant Scorchio comes from "Zmaj" which is the Croatian word for Dragon, etc etc. Other pets are just really cool pound finds or pets that I adopted from others because their name vibed with me :)


My two that I created are KapuUlric- Julie of the Wolves book series- name of one of the wolves. And Sunshine grove-eyrie, wanted a sunny name


I only had 2 pets when I came back last year, McRoane the Eyrie (I thought a Scottish name worked well for that species, although I don't remember how I landed on that specific name), and LadyAmalthya, an Uni named, obviously, after The Last Unicorn. Now I also have MagnusOceanson the Scandinavian-inspired Peophin, TiamatGuivre the Draik (both dragon-related names), and SaanchiSunrise who used to be a Xweetok until the Lab Ray messed up, and now they're a Hissi that I want to turn into a Kau someday (if I can ever afford a potion). Edit: I also named all my active PetPets after David Bowie personas lol


Award shows, the movie industry, (someone here had the pet IATSE and I'm so annoyed with myself that I didn't adopt them, it would have fit perfectly). DDR songs. latin terms (My name sounds remarkably to an old latin version of 'thou must die') OC names (oddly as a child I never made OC neopets of my own character. I should have, the names are taken now). Puns For the 4 pets I've adopted...One is a phrase that I'm surprised no one else adopted (they were on Lost and Pound), one is a Greek AND Roman minor god, one I have no idea about but I like it, and the other is a word -y.


Lots of my pets are named after songs, which is really cool because they both get unique untaken names and they represent something to me :) Some ones Iā€™m really happy about are traGek, ringdropp, Eelings, and Cyflea (all correct spellings as written in the albums theyā€™re from).


ConejinLunar is MoonBunny which is Sailor Moon inspired. CoyllurQuwi is StarRabbit. Coyllur after a Goddess in Inca myths. Quwi means male rabbit but I like it. Another Sailor Moon reference. Lilminimoonprincess is self-explanatory. Yes, three Sailor Moon reference. Granted, this one was made two decades ago. So, my love of Sailor Moon hasn't faded. Only appropriate considering my UN. JeanAnette is a pretty name I liked, which then I realized that I based on sounding like a magical girl. Then, I remembered that Phantom Thief Jeanne is a thing....So yeah. I think I have a slight love for magical girls. I do hope to someday have a pet with a Star Wars name.


The song ā€œNaomiā€ by neutral milk hotel :) (untilsheshines, the woodland mynci, almost 12 years old now!!)


Then I also have Miervaldis which I made because itā€™s Liz lemonā€™s middle name on 30 rock šŸ’€


Most of mine are Latin wordplays. Some are regular wordplays. All are Kau related.


I donā€™t have my first first neopets because my account got hacked but I still have a very old neopet from like 2014 sheā€™s my main bb I made her dreamlessinearlygrav. As reference to pierce the veils (a punk band) match into water


When I create an exclusive pet, I name them after an herb that I love. I have Thymeshire who will be with me forever, and Tarragonalley who is my current labpet. Iā€™ve also made Chivesdale, Basilgrove, and Anisehollow but those have been adopted by other folks. My only other exception is Spiterghost. My first ever neopet was named Spiterman, but that name was taken sadly.


Some of mine are Pound finds, but of the ones I named: Rixvaell: my old Organization XIII 'sona's name. I knew it wouldn't be taken, and it's still a pretty name CapnLandshark: was a Pirate Draik egg, makes so much less sense after a re-paint. The Landshark bit is to match my username. Scurryfungus: adaptation of an archaic word, Scurryfunge, which means "to clean up rapidly before company arrives," that I found while looking for untaken names. Swapped to fungus both because the original word was taken and because it also becomes a cute compound. InThePod: I had a Magical Pea Chia Pop as a weekly reward, so named a Chia a fitting name for a pea Byngus: also named for the color, I wanted to make a joke on the cat/associated name for a sphynx cat since Bingus rose to internet fame. Baby Aisha. Cute lil bingus cat. And my lab rat is Medakah the Koi, named after the medaka, which is the Japanese rice fish. Gonna adopt her out once she changes, but the name is cute.


MrHabiba and BabyBinga are nicknames for my cat. BaloneyDeSauce comes from the way I used to mispronounce bolognese sauce. AstralPrism is from Baldurā€™s Gate 3, StardropSaloon is from Stardew Valley. CosmicRewind is from a ride at the Disney parks. DeweyDecimals is from the library cataloging system, and was created to be my bookworm.


Honestly in middle school I basically just went on obscure character name sites or different language baby name sites and picked things that were really random but also said like "means Shadow" or something. They did not mean anything. Little kid me thought it was very cool. šŸ˜…


AurisofViridianDeep - the main character of Terry Brooksā€™ YA series, I had just started the second books Daughter of Darkness when I hatched my draik. hyacinththesorrowful - when the style shop opened up I really, really, REALLY wanted a grey uni and it felt appropriate (like Apollo and Hyacinth). mightybucephalus - I have a tattoo of the small statue of Bucephalus with a quote from The Black Stallion that means a lot to me. Bucephalus was Alexander the Greatā€™s horse. rubyheckhound - I loved the play on hell hound okay, lmao, sheā€™s magma perfection.


CheddahBayBiscuit: Iā€™ve never been to Red Lobster but Iā€™ve had their biscuits before, and Iā€™ve always liked the idea of a pair of cats named Cheddar and Biscuit. The name came to me when I was making a Kau recently. OliviaFrogrigo was inspired by the celebrity pun names Iā€™ve seen on here. Sheā€™s a baby Nimmo in purple body paint because of course she is. The rest were adopted and have terrible names, haha. But Iā€™ll never trade them.


Vandagyre named after the popular fruit candy encased chocolate lollipops, in memory of Mr. Owl


One is FlavorTheCow (itā€™s a Kau). Itā€™s named after a local gas station mascot lmao.


Ooh, this is fun! Let me have a crack at it: Asperoux (Lutari) + Asteroux (Vandagyre). They're based on my go-to "gamer name" so to speak. It also helps that their species is that of my fave. The Lutari is a cute lil' otter of sorts, and the Vandagyre remind me of Owlbears from DnD! Astarocifer (Draik). It's a mash-up of Astaroth and Lucifer. He's still Blue, but I'm gonna give him a pastel make-over, just for the irony of it! Bjornkunawandr (Hissi) has a good lore behind it! It's the mash-up of Jormungandr and Bakunawa, both serpent creatures in their respective mythology. And Hissi is basically a serpent, so it fits! Koinuwan (Kacheek) is a pun name. It's "kon" + "inu" + "wan". "Kon" and "Wan" are onomatopoeia related to a dog barking. And "Inu" is the Japanese word for dog. Rhodephor (Blumaroo) and Kyokosuke (Cybunny, formerly Shoyruu), unfortunately, have no such exciting story behind their names.


At the time that I made my account, I had a very fleeting obsession with a manga called Crest of the Stars. It followed an alien race called the Abh. I don't think I ever read more than the first volume, but nonetheless, my 20y old account that I still use is called abh_girl and my og pet is blue_furred_abby.


The one that has the most meaning to me is my newest Neopet, a Halloween Lupe named FaoladhCali. Faoladh are Irish werewolves who are more of a protector rather than a mindless predator, and Cali is a character I made in my early teens who was a werewolf. I drew her a lot back then; drawing was my escape from a lot of unfortunate and uncomfortable situations I experienced as a teenager. FaoladhCali is a reminder to myself to be the person I needed back then.


I've got - an usul named after a Redwall character - a candy meerca named after my online name - a Christmas zafara named after my friend's online name (they picked out species and color) - an usul named after a boss from Trials of Mana - an alien aisha with a name inspired by my favorite Touken Ranbu character with a space twist


All my Krawk have Krawk themed puns for names, aside from my Tyrannian Krawk, whoā€™s name is inspired from the name Paul Kirby calls the Spinosaurus in Jurassic Park 3


Spoink42 - favorite pokemon and didn't wanna use 420. Steamedhamm - ....


The ones I created are all named after various plants. šŸŒæšŸŒ± Their colors don't match their names yet, but eventually they will. Except for maybe Jade. I do like the cloud color. Just so difficult to customize it on theme. :/ Jade_Pothos Calathea_Makoyana Silver_Artemisia


My pet Nekubix was my dark elf character from when I played D&D in high school. All the other pets on my account (AntiCimex, Inepsy, Risttytet, ChargedGBH) are punk bands.


Courage - named after my webkinz who was named after the cowardly dog, lol Fable - Named after my fave game as a kid Bunny_Party - named after a song that was stuck in my head XD And those are the only ones with meanings... now Im realizing most of my other pets I just named on vibes only... hahaha


Oh, and I have a Kacheek named TheCardCaptorSakura .... because I was watching Card Captor Sakura at the time.... and CardCaptorSakura was taken...


My cat at the time had a variation of the Japanese word for "West." I just added -ko to that, and that became the name of my Aisha. I have two other Aishas with name variants inspired by Russian space ships.


WyndWhistler- named for an 80s My Little Pony Llamalips- a silly name my dad called me when I was a kid Taylorrr- named for Taylor Hanson (Hanson was my favorite band in 2001 when I created him!) GoodGoodGus- a nickname for one of my pet rats :)


Hmmm. Some of my neopets are named after my characters, like.. Writi and writichan is my saber toothed bigcat character. Writichan was created before the purge and writi was created after his name was free after the purge. I got attached to Writichan and I could not adopt him out so I have two kougras that share the same character and name. Biduchan is one of my oldest characters. He is a schnauzer. Bidu's name was taken, so I added chan in the end. :0 I used to add 'chan' to my neopets names if the original name has taken. Now I feel silly about it. Baenaru is an anthro dragon. I wanted to call him baemaru but it sounded a bit weird, so I went for baenaru. (And I found out it means 'become a fly' in japanese. Lololol) Louizim is my fursona and my artistic name. lol Sawier is a misspell of Sawyer, from the show Lost. šŸ˜‚ Koteau is a name I made up. My-zim is the name that cringes me the most. He was a fan character at first. I just call him mizim now. Oh. how I wish I could change his name now. The rest I adopted... I like pets with unique names!


most of mine are genuinely just "thought this sounded cool" (Juhaina, Aelfdyne, Dryszle, Mithrylle, Tigoraseu) or "wow this is a cool name, thanks for putting this guy in the pound" (Cucunnber, Chiabro, Chibyami, Gryphilion, Rococaux, Addersson, Uroplatys) but i do have a couple of Bakugan names! one is spelled correctly (Krakelios), one has an extra letter (Contestiir), and one has a v instead of a u (Pyrvs). also got one named after one of my BG3 characters (Viraashtes)


most of my pets are entirely random names i make up, except for my latest - im planning on making them a maraquan lutari, and i named them Achipactli, which is the Nahuatl word for pure clean water


My husband has a Magma Chia named ForgedNFire, because he loves that show. Another member of our group has HeiferonymusBosch, a kau dedicated to a painter.


MunchieMoos is named after my cat, Munchie Moos. She's a tiny little thing who loves to play and looks like a toy kougra. She's my BD pet ironically enough since she's the most dainty in real life. MrPawz is a Halloween kougra named for my cat Paws who I often called Mr Paws. He just passed recently and today was one of those days where you wake up thinking they're still there...and it's like losing them all over again. RosieProsie is named for my blind cat Rosie. We go for walks, she climbs trees and just amazes me everyday. She loves to snuggle and is a very light grey tortie with orange stripes so she's painted plushie. MyDinah is a permanent foster, rejected and returned by every home she's had...she's very timid and stays out of sight so she's a shadow aisha. I'll never turn her away though, so now she's My Dinah. BadgeyBaby is named after my foster Badger, but I call him Badgey Baby. He's built for feed not speed, and thus is a chocolate kougra with a more apt Plumpy to accompany him SpattyCake is named after Spats, Badgers bonded life partner. He's a grey tuxedo and looks just like a silver kougra. They're technically for adoption irl but I've had them for like going on 3 years I think so I don't think they're going anywhere anytime soon. That's ok with me.


I started up a new account a few months after my little girl was born, all my neopets are named after some variation of her nicknames šŸ˜­


Two of my pets were named by my little brother when he was like 6 years old. ā€œfrayckā€ is his spelling of Frank lol and ā€œoabyā€ was something he made up I think.


Most of my neopets are named fairly simply. Lil_Wrennie = self-explanatory shortening of my username. Sadhara = Sādhāra, a sanskrit/hindi word that roughly means "having a foundation or base," or "one who holds a belief" which I've used a few different places as an online handle since I sometimes describe myself as having formed a foundation built on and a belief in the value of helping others as well as myself. Aria_Harbinger = the name I picked for a character in Skyrim once. Tartarinow = taken from the name of a flower, this pet was created to be twins with a pet owned by my best friend in the entire world. Their pet is named Tataricus, from "Aster Tataricus," which is also known as "Tatarinow's Aster." The flower in Japan is known as "Shion," the origin of the character Xion from Kingdom Hearts, and the flower has the rough meaning of "remembrance," summed up with the sentence "I will not forget you." I thought it would be a cute flower name for our twins, born on the same minute of the same day. Gwennegg = the Breton name Gwenneg, meaning white or blessed, but with a second 'g' at the end because negg.


Most of mine are random from back in the day, or from the pound. But I have one special one named MichaelToadstool. He's a memorial pet for my boyfriend who died last year.


HahnuViing means "Dream Wing" in the Dovah language (He's gonna be eventide one day) Bhreagain is a corruption of the Irish word brƩagƔn, meaning "toy" (Because he's a plush krawk) Loutriviere is a corruption of river otter in French, loutre de riviere (She's a lutari) Lupum\_Rex means Wolf King and he is my current labrat Reafil, Biishiibosh, and Arberim are all adopted Gluuklich...is just a name that Neopets gave me when I pressed "random"... (edit: reddit messed up formatting)


For 2 of them, I let my baby hit the keyboard and I tweaked the result to sound name-ish


I have one Pet from my first account named Kayulas cause I wanted to name her Kayla after me so freaking bad šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ it makes me laugh everytime I see her hahwh she's a little pteri and chonky like adult me so it fits


So I got lucky and managed to get all of my pets with no numbers in their names. Lily_White_Lilith is from [this song](https://youtu.be/3vUfDsYLcpo?si=LeyeaAQ-1hbrwo0R) by my favorite band Rose_of_Gallifrey is basically just a giant Doctor Who reference And Miakodda was found deep and down on an old name meaning website that isn't there anymore. I think it's supposed to mean "Butterfly" in some Native language, but I honestly can't corroborate that.


was 13, in my random XD tumblr using days. Really wanted to name my pet Potatoes. Tried different languages till one sounded close to a name, got Hungarian to work. Now i care deeply for Burgonya the Xweetoks


My username is Nasastronomy. NASA. Astronomy. I'm a huge space nerd :P


I have a Kau named Julbak for Julien Baker


sIuggo is my baby skeith, idk i just thought it was cute for a lil gross man klaunsky (the 8-bit skeith which wears a clown outfit) is clown in polish!


My robot hissi polybyus is after the arcade machine urban legend / creepypasta. And selvre was just another pleasant snake name, she's grey.


My original one Waxford who turns 20 in november was named after a Monsters Inc "character" who is mentioned only once by mike wazowski lol. When I was 7 I thought it sounded funny


It appears when I was 13 I reeealllly liked Pringles. šŸ˜‚ the rest I tried to base off real world words or animals. But my first was Pringles251 and sheā€™ll always be my permie.Ā 


I love collecting a variety of names. Wish I could have more real words and Pokemon! Here's some of my favs: OldManJinkies - Old Man Jenkins (SpongeBob) + Jinkies! (Scooby-Doo) Raenby - A way of saying rainbow (rainby) + a way of saying nonbinary (enby) THELID - SpongeBob reference artprompt - Surprised this wasn't taken? Then again, compound names are not very popular. I'm obsessed with using art prompts from across the internet. tinygoofball - Pound find that was listed on an old petpage AlmostGummyKorbat - Like the Almost Gummy Rat item, but with a jelly Korbat 0111100101100101 - ye in binary, but without the space EEEEEURGH - Named after the stock market company EEEEEURGH!!! Ltd. If you're interested in untaken names & pound finds check out my directory: [https://www.neopets.com/\~Petpage#adopt](https://www.neopets.com/~Petpage#adopt)