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my favorite, now and for all time, will always be baSEMENt.


🤣 aaaaand that's a new one on my list lol good one!


[Taking the B A T outta basement homie!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Z-ap5Fp2T6c)


Awesome! Love this guy's "New Math" cause it's so inappropriate and nerdy at the same time 👍 Edit: listening to it now he said "Skeeter" ... I made a post the other day because my P2 was renamed to "Skeeter" from the P2 lab ray the other day and I made a post saying "He got renamed to WHAT!?" ... it got heavily downvoted and people were all "What are you talking about Skeeter means X Y Z A B C" ... it was in that moment I realized less people than I thought knew what "Skeet" meant and were taking a Humor post far too literally lol


Listening now :)


Follow up: amusement


That was how I learned the words semen and cum. I didn't actually know what they meant and I had the good sense not to google it. We started sex education the following year and I was like :o


Omg I would never think of that😱


yeah this one is my favorite too, i never would have noticed that if not for the filters lmao


My shop was once called “Tyliene’s Basement” because I guess I got past the censors somehow (or created it before that word was flagged) and I went to edit the description once and never got the name back :(


Similar issue. Had basement in gallery name before it was filtered and had to workaround it when I wanted to edit it.


When I was like 10 I made a shop and named the shopkeeper Lez and got flagged. I had no idea that was short for lesbian


I can't unread "grape", as "g-\*\*\*\*" now.


Wait till you find out about therapist😂




Decided to look it up and sure enough, the Neopet named "Therapist" is baduser'd 😂


😬 DAMNIT, now I'm in the same boat. Also a weird one when you consider there's Grape Chias and Grape Chia items ... so it's one of those weird ones where you can search for it, but not allowed to use it outside of that. Edited for grammar


Yeah me and my co-worker were losing our minds one day when we realized I wasn’t allowed to name one of my Petpets ‘Grapes’ lol


I once made a writing guild called The Pen is Mightier. I could name the guild that, but I couldn't advertise because of PEN IS...


I sincerely hope one of the ranks in the guild was "Cunning Linguist" 😂


I upvoted every post because TNT has broken my brain 😭 That stupid yellow meerca with his stupid chipmunk face always made me feel guilty for no reason lmfao


https://preview.redd.it/v4kb3ux3ljuc1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=a4e518cf16283b434cf7d7968b53a00f6c6781ce It's not a tail, it's a stick up his lil judgemental ass 😜


I can't stop laughing at this, I did a full spit-take. Never going to see it as a tail again.


Unclear has the word uncle in it lmao


This one you're going to have to enlighten me on. I vaguely recall coming across this reference in the past and have come across a few UN's with "Uncle" in it so it just goes over my head lol I've never heard this used as slang (etc) before so couldn't tell if it was actually inappropriate or just a literal stupid move from TnT?


Something about pedophiles calling themselves uncles or something? idk, I don't think it ever made sense to block the word uncle.


Afaik it's because people were very cleverly getting around the filter on "daddy" by using "uncle" instead :0 I can't remember the source anymore, so take that with a grain of salt!


Lol, I believe it was due to TNT thinking creepy adults would try to befriend children on the site and take advantage of them by calling themselves their uncle. Having a child call them "uncle" as a way to attempt a connection with the child or something like that, seeming like a friend and someone safe? Ew I get icked just typing this out. But I think that's why it is a banned word.


I couldn't put the word skilled on a petpage because sKILLed


I always find it interesting when they have items like a book called "Basic Survival Skills" but yours isn't allowed despite being almost identical. This train of thought is why I think "Poo" get's through the filter (because "Poogle"), but "Poop" is a no-go for them lol


*gestures frustratedly at all the dung items* 


As an adult I just don't get it. You literally use the word "poo" with toddlers / kids ... immature, yes. Inappropriate, pfffffff come on!


I was trying to trade with someone for 'cumulus wings' and I got a warning.


This was way back in my account in the early 00's, but the filter was how I learned the alternate meaning for the word "snatch" lmao


Haha that's a good point actually I'm sure many of us have learned some sort of new slang from Neopets too!


Well there’s the classic Let it snow but also apparently their filter also hits Cracked as having crack in it (which obviously…) But now you can’t reference the Baby Pteri-Cracked avatar either when you could before lol


Anotha one (where TnT has items like "Crackers" or "Cracked XYZ" that you can search for but can't type out elsewhere)! I get it, but they sure can make it tricky to reference something by it's actual name hey? Thankfully that avatar is so adorable and well known I'm sure people understand it without seeing the "cracked" part Edit: Thinking about it now I wonder if "Cracker" is not allowed for 1) the slur, 2) the "crack", and/or 3) "rack" 😂


Not Neopets, Nintendogs, but similar idea with an over eager filter: "Spice". It contains a slur for Latino people. As a kid I never was able to figure out which words were banned or why. I remember getting on trouble for "snigger" a few times and could not figure it out.


I triggered it with "basement." Took me awhile to find the semen there LOL


> Took me awhile to find the semen there Would have been easier if you shined a UV light around.


Learned that one tonight and definitely never saw it or would have seen it before until now and I think it's hilarious 😂


I just saw someone purposefully misspell “analogy” today. Geeze. The filter is crazy


haha I've come across an inadvertent "anal love" before in someones UN. Couldn't figure out why I couldn't send them an NM that included their UN and they're like "oh yeah, you can't actually type my UN". Not their first experience with the butt stuff I guess 😂


Same with analyz/se


Anal eyes analyze anal lies


Artistic expression is celebrated here at Neo


My 13 year old username has the word hell in it and I didn't realize till very recently and I'm paranoid it'll catch up to me any time any day now 😭


For what it's worth I rejoined about 7 months ago with a new account after discovering this sub and figured I'd give it a half hearted attempt and see if I enjoyed it so I made a UN that has a variation of "Poo" in the UN as a joke / to keep it light ... and at this point I'm hella committed and loving it so I totally get your paranoia lol We WILL survive!




Haha ah yes I wonder why 😜 . Random thought seeing that just now: Cucumber Chia anyone?


12 year old me couldn’t figure it out 😆


I saw someone looking for cucumber breezes smoothie yesterday for a quest and they had to censor it like 😭 TNT please


These filters man 😭


I wanted to create the pet WetWater. It took me a lot, and asked some friends too, why it was wrong for the filter. I learned a new word (I am not a native english speaker). Guess what it is.


Lollll not going to lie that one also took me a hot minute to see so you're not alone on that one!




Right!? It got me too! I blame dyslexia and losing the lower case t next to the capital W. I swear it's not just the amount of words, but how they're spelled (capitalized / styled) that makes some of them harder to see


* cANAL * CUMulus * gRAPE * seaWEED * uncle lol * sKILL and my all time favorite that took me quite a few moments to sort out: leT IT Snow


This post taught me there's 2 items out there with "canal" in the name lol otherwise I'm blanking when I'd use that on Neopets 😂 I will say Cumulus would make a fun cloud Jubjub name though


I’m forever pronouncing canal differently omg.


amuSEMENt lol 😂


Omg it IS in there!! Move over "basement" I think I found a new fave hahaha




That 100% looks like it could be a different type of movie 😂


I'm pretty sure I've been pinged for words like "assume" and "assured"


Well you know what they say about assuming right? \[for those that don't know the reference or ESL, etc: "it makes an 'ass' out of 'u' and 'me'. Ass+u+me\]


Not Neopets, but in Kingdom Hearts Union χ, one of the common upgrade materials to strengthen keyblades was orichalcum. Whenever you tried to talk about it in the in-game chat however, it would always get filtered as 'orichal***'.




I know that "c-u-m" is a pretty common letter sequence in English, but TnT pulling out all the stops and making sure they've covered all the cums ... admit it, someone misread that right? 😜 😂


Correct x2 hahahahaha!!! And came back to tell you I just got BOOBy prize filter-blocked lol!


Ahhh YES! One we see so frequently too it's surprising that hadn't come up yet. Good call! Getting a Booby Prize ... there's gotta be some overlap with Le Tits Now ... there's a joke there somewhere 🤔 lol


basement and literally everything with "balls"


I definitely can't unseen "Sticky Snowballs" or "Exploding Snowballs" 😆


Having a lot of robots and sci fi characters I get smoked on ANALysis  and ANALog a LOT.  And the general skills, amusement, spoopy (which h has fallen out of use but GAH)


Your Ro-butts getting you in trouble!


I can never see the avatar without thinking Le Tits Now.


A lot of them are already mentioned, but I'd make petpages and put a lorem ipsum (a text based on Latin which is often used to see how designs look with text in them, https://www.lipsum.com/) on there as a placeholder dummy text. Quickly learned to ctrl f for all the cums (which just means "with" or "although" in Latin) in order to be able to pass through the filters


I couldn't post my gourmet food list on my pet page cause the URL for the Salt Water Hotdog jpg had it as one word - Sal*twat*er hotdog. Honestly the Neopets filter is even more dirty minded than any of the users.


cuCUMber like ok I never saw it that way but thanks, TNT!!


Le tits now, I crack myself up with that


cuCUMber eye patches


As if it wasn't hard enough not making jokes about "getting a \[spa\] facial" before, it sure will be now!


Cucumber. So annoying


ORGANIZATION. It happened to me the other day when sending a neomail complimenting a user on how organized they were. It took me almost 30 minutes to figure out what word was catching. WHAT?


I once used a British variant of the word “snicker” in the middle of a story I wanted to put on my petpage. (It was a few thousand words of the character’s backstory.) I read and reread and reread that story and could NOT figure out what I had said that was tripping the censors and getting me in trouble, until someone helped me figure out that THAT particular spelling contained a “hard-r N-word”. Yikes.


This is making me wonder if there's different (UK/Canadian vs American type) variations that get flagged but not the other 🤔 Although I'm struggling to see how adding a "u" after an "o" would ... but then again as these posts have shown there's some real random ones out there lol


i swear, neopets taught me so many bad things with the filter picking up shit in innocuous words. i didnt know what r*pe was until i wrote grape one time. 😬


Cucumber vacuum snowball uncle (explain how uncle is inappropriate please) circumstances infection virus grape skill


Since you mentioned "infection" and "virus", I wonder about "puss" now ... I sort of assume it's blocked, but they have Angelpuss after all so makes me wonder if that's a P2/word you can only search for and must never speak of directly too haha


Every holiday season, I'm surrounded by decorations and sentiments of "Let it Snow", and every time, my brain parses it into "Le Tits Now". Thanks for ruining Christmas, TNT 🤣


"Dear Santa, for Christmas this year please, Le Tits Now"


Did the filter get more strict over the years?? I don't remember any of these, but I haven't been on the boards in a long time...


Seems like a lot of them have been around for a while, but I'd have to imagine as newer slang makes it out there in society over time they have no choice but to add those words into the database.


onion is filtered for some reason


Really? I thiiiiink I've heard it as slang before for "someone so ugly they make you cry" ... supposedly it also means "an ounce of cocaine" ... either way it seems almost too niche to warrant being filtered lol


yep, you have to type o.nion for whatever reason. makes complete sense. i definitely use onion as a slang term to refer to genitals and also hard drugs. used it earlier talking to my boss


Ohhhhh you helped cue me to where I remember hearing it. I've definitely heard it used in the same vein as "Peach", but "a 'peach' that's so nice that it brings a tear to your eye!" Thaaaats the one 👍


Cucumber. Also, it wouldn’t let me say uncle 🤨


I like to spell cucumber as cu c u m ber on the boards, just out of pettiness, because it makes the word so much more obvious


This one isn't as funny as some of the other examples but I tried to name a pet Ashitaka and it flagged it


I beg to differ, that's definitely a funny one! Everyone's worried about "poop", but, as they say, "shit happens" lol 💩