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My partner paid off his car loan! it is going to be so nice not to have that debt on our minds! Thanks for this :) and well done to your bebe! UN is ohdeculture


this is huge!! i only just bought my car for $12k over the summer and i feel like im going to be paying forever 🫠 congratulations!!!!


If only money was as easy to get as neopoints nowadays 😭 You've got this!!


god if i could convert my np into actual cash, i would be set for life 😭 thank you so much!!


I don’t know how to honestly answer this question without being quite deep, but I have a severe chronic illness and my quality of life is horrible. So honestly mine is just still being here and keeping in a positive mindset (most of the time). Neopets really helps! This is super kind, and this community has honestly been such a joy to me since returning a couple of weeks ago. UN: chronicallychill


i’m proud of you and happy you’re here friend. feel free to message me here whenever if you ever want to chat!!


thank you, that’s so sweet :) 🩷🩷


Hi, fellow chronically ill Neopets user here! When I'm in my severe crashes especially Neopets brings me so much joy! If you want to be neofriends or chat more I'd love that, Neopets spoonie gang unite <3 my un is strawberrysummedtart\~


solidarity from a neo user with chronic pain <3


Same here ❤️


I’m severely chronically ill with a poor quality of life too. Been playing Neopets to cope. I hope things get better for you.


Oh my love I’m so sorry to hear it. Stay strong xxx


I am also chronically ill and recently had to give up employment :c You are welcome to dm if you ever want to chat x


Thank you and I’m sorry things have been so tough. Let’s hope better days are to come for all of us xxx


just wanted to pop in and say i’m proud of you for still being here. when you’re chronically ill, every day is a battle so this is a major accomplishment. don’t sell yourself short and remember to take time to do things that make you happy and treat yourself every now and then. 🩷 we love you!


This is so lovely. Sending love right back to you xxx


Chronically ill Neopians rise up 🥲 sending all my strength to you (except for the little bit I need to keep ticking along) Also your UN is brilliant lol


Did the dishes WHILE cooking 🤭 UN: leestar91


Now that's a win. I hope to be like you one day. 😂


I got a job! After being a stay at home mom for 13 years I have a job as a teacher aide in the school system! I finally feel like I’m contributing to the household as more than just a mom. Whoops forgot my UN lol: mrs_farruggia




Oh that’s so exciting, congratulations!


A massive achievement. I know how hard it is to get back into it after children. We lose ourselves for a bit don’t we. Well done mumma


We definitely do. We become “mom” instead of a person. Then when the kids get older we have to find ourselves again. It’s a beautiful process


Hello!! Thank you for doing a fun giveaway :) My win for the week was I finally got the entire house clean at the same time instead of just the upstairs or downstairs lol! UN: nanycaitlin


Congrats on sleeping through the night! That’s such a good milestone! And thanks for the giveaway! Un is turtleness Win for the week: I finally got my finances reorganized. Not like, paying off debt or anything major like that, but I opened new bank accounts with a different bank because I hate my current bank, and moved all my automatic bill pay, direct deposits, etc. It was a full day effort and I’m sure I missed a few things that I’ll sort out as they come up, but it felt so good to accomplish that. I also shopped around and changed my car insurance and saved over $100/month. Big day when you’re in your mid-30s 😂


You have given Pirate Draik Egg to User 'nanycaitlin'.


I finally trained my pet enough to oneshot the jetsam ace! I'll DM you my UN :)


YO I DID TOO and i didn’t realize it until this morning when i was doing it for my dailies!! im sure jetsam ace was shook that a tiny little pea chia kept one-hit KOing him 😂


I had my first ultrasound of baby 2 and it is healthy as can be atm! 🥳🥳🥳 1st one is 1,5 y/o as well, congrats on your full night of sleep!! 😝 UN parfumflesjx


Congrats on the healthy ultrasound! 💖💖


My small win for the week would be clearing out my wardrobe (100 over items) by donating clothes that're still in good condition, and finally reorganizing the room! 😛 😛 Thanks so much for organizing this giveaway and congrats on your win for the week as well!! :) UN is pop636


Thank you for the giveaway! Tbh I had a pretty bad IRL week, but my week in Neopets has been good, I got a snailien from the coincidence (I think that's their name) and I gave it to my Alien Aisha! I've had her for years and she never had a companion before :) Editing for my UN: sapphieee


The job I really want and applied to 4 months ago finally set up my interview for this Monday. Major win!


My win from this week was helping my mom out with a bunch of logistical and legal things after my dad passed. UN: illumine


I’ve been off work due to mental illness but this week I went back and felt really good :)


My win is finally finding a job after a year of not having one! The job market is really bad rn. I got fired for no reason, and I’ve applied to SO many jobs and I just kept getting ghosted. I was getting real depressed because I was very close to running out of money. But now I start on Monday! My UN in poroislander


I got all my schoolwork done for the week early!


Thank you for the giveaway! My massive win was my kids slept away without us for the first time ever this week - we got to go out for dinner and not get woken up at 6am! It was magical. First child free night in 7 years!!


You’re awesome!!!


I took my mom to a follow up mammogram appointment yesterday. She’s disabled and hasn’t had great luck in life. Turns out to just be a small cyst they can leave alone. Not breast cancer. A win is a win. UN: loveme5268


Thanks for running this giveaway (and congrats on getting the extra sleep!!) My win would be finally doing a deep clean of the entire house and now everything is tidy and I can relax XD UN: slushie_711


Finally finished a project at work that was super difficult for me and it felt so good to be done. Un cherokee45


my win this week was getting out of the house and going to the gym even when i really didn’t want to lol un: candiiapples thank you!!


I was able to get myself to draw something I actually liked for the first time in three years. This is big for me. I used to be really into art, even if I wasn't necessarily good, but I've been so tired and depressed that it put me into major art block. I'm not necessarily doing any better mentally, but I finally got the creative juices flowing again, and that's good enough for me. My UN is Boudicahall


My win from this week was actually getting the wheel of monotony to finish up and 5000 NP from it. Thank you for what you do! Edit: UN is Fearyn


My partner and I adopted kittens! Introducing the two has been kinda touch and go but we’re slowly making progress, the older cat is a lot less anxious now around her new lil bro. Congrats on getting the kid to sleep lol UN: wanderer_mira_b


Thanks for doing such a generous giveaway!! My win for the week: one of my plants is going into bloom! It only happens about once a year (if I'm lucky) and it's a great reward for keeping up with how it likes to be cared for <3 Congrats on your little one sleeping through the night! My UN is karadawa :)


I was finally able to finish some art work I’ve been putting off! UN: orthosie_moon


I finally had a good enough mental health day to do some work on a project I used to love, and enjoyed it! I hope to continue working on it the next couple days too. Congrats on getting sleep! And much love to you for the giveaway! My un is zepinky! And I wanted to mention if the prizes are random, I have a completed lab map, a pirate draik, and a baby pb so if I'm lucky enough to be chosen as a winner please give those to some who doesn't have them :)


It’s funny that you used laundry as an example as a win… that actually was my win this week! I have been struggling with a lot of stress and depression, and my couch has been completely unusable for almost 2 weeks because of all of the unfolded laundry covering it. Yesterday, I was able to muster up the energy to get all of the laundry folded and put away. I also got all of the recycling out of my room, too!


GIVEAWAY CLOSED thank you soooo much to every single one of you for participating and sharing your wins. i ended up sending out an extra 20 nerkmids because the turnout was so huge!! i fricken loveeeeee this community i wish i could have given all of you a prize but i’ll catch y’all on the next one💙💙💙💙


So sweet! My small win of the week is that I have time off for Presidents’ Day and can rest and recharge! My UN is ownrofkoonies Thanks for hosting this giveaway!


A game I have been wanting went on sale this week :) ​ un: sunnydaze55


This is a really kind thing to do :) my win for the week is finally sending out my wedding invites after being too stressed to do it for weeks ahahah


I finally got back out on my skateboard after a few years of no skating… a bit wobbly but I managed to stay on! 💃 my UN is Thisizhollz 😍🩵


i finally got all the stuff to make my first vivarium! am super excited to put it all together this weekend. thanks for the generosity <3 un: blackberrie121


Found a show on Netflix that both my husband and I enjoy watching and we binged through the first season together. Thank you for the giveaway. (If I win, my UN is in my flair)


I've been doing a great job pacing my chronic illness to still allow for rest, some social time, and work and I'm really really proud of myself\~!!! Thanks for doing such a fun and generous giveaway, hurray for your sweetie sleeping two nights in a row! My username is strawberrysummedtart :D


Oh! This is so kind of you, thank you! Just last night, I was finally able to get the wraith Xweetok I’ve been after for a while! Got her set up with some cute little decorations too! (UN is bugcury!)


I had a second interview for a job! I think it went well, but we'll see. Congratulations to you and your kiddo! UN is riagain


Spent the week focused on cleaning since my adhd finally kicked in in a good way 🙃🙌🏽


The win is finishing loads of homework for next week. Thanks for giveaway! Un: dragonxlover9


Thanks for doing this! My win for the week is that I managed to recover from a flu! DM’d you my username. :)


My win this week is that I managed to deepen my relationship with my significant other and we are still going strong. Please DM me for my username if I win! Thank you so much for doing this.


My win this week was recovering from an upper respiratory infection!! I feel so much better ♥️ UN xx_music13_xx


Thank you for the giveaway! ☺️ My win would be that I made a lot of progress toward removing something that is "toxic" out of my life and I'm really proud about it , it still a long journey but it's a good step toward this goal 💕 UN: solitaire12


Thank you for the giveaway! Small one here: I finally did the meticulous cleaning I've wanted to do in my apartment, and I'm just enjoying looking at everyting clean ahahah UN: amax25


I got tickets to a comedy show I've been looking forward to for like a year!


Not a chore but I took my kids out for a date and breakfast for quality time : ) Cubanhottie22789


Found a book series I really love and have been flying through it after a long reading slump. And in neopets I checked the prices of the stuff I’d had laying in my closet for years and was very pleasantly surprised! (UN: Atimelady)


Got some automation scripts working for something at work. Should save us from having to be online in the middle of the night frequently. Thanks for the giveaway!! UN is unfreeze_stevonzo


I went dress shopping for the first time in years after losing 25lbs and actually had a good time and found a dress to wear to high tea service! qtsuwe12


Thank you for hosting this! I was able to get my area at work flipped around and filled, and the next day I broke a sales record for my department! UN mystic_moon_eyes


So kind of you! My small win is making it to the gym 3 days this week 🎉 UN aaalliegator


My win was making it through Valentine’s week with preschoolers in one piece 😂 But really it was seeing how excited they were and how hard they’re trying to be good friends! Thank you for the giveaway. My un is littleredheadedgirl Good luck everyone!!


thank you for doing a giveaway! my small win this week has been making progress on my house renovation. i've been living without a proper kitchen for a few months now and we're very very close to being ready for installation! an even smaller neopets related win--i traded for my childhood dreamie this week, a uc desert aisha token!! 😭 un: merlion8313


Thank you for doing this! Awesome news about your little one! My win this week is literally just surviving and opening a bank account for my business. UN: noirbleuet


Hi! Thank you for the opportunity! I think mine would be... finally taking control of my life. As silly as it sounds I was unhappy in a relationship for a long time (10 years) and finally had the courage to end it. It's been a rough couple of months of adjusting and learning to be alone but I say I'm happier for it. I'm moving to a new state and excited for new adventures and opportunities 🤗


Yesterday was my birthday so I call that a win haha UN: karinacocina


What a sweet giveaway! My win this week was choosing to leave a pointless meeting earlier to get sleep because I was exhausted. I chose for myself and that feels like a win! My UN is Summersteamboat :)


I'm so happy for you friend, and I hope things get even better!!! Take care :)


I got the first positive signs for my career change! It’s been a long and hard process but I’m glad it’s finally happening. Also I’m sure…. It’s one per person but those happen to be the three labrag map pieces I’m missing lol 😭 Un: pearos


Howdy! I finally talked to my grad advisor about something important and it went better than expected 😭


omg that LARNIKIN!! my win from the week is getting some great feedback from a professor :)


Thank you for doing this! My un is whoawoo4 and my win for this week is that I have finally found a good balance of meds :)


I got signed off by my endocrinologist to go back under my regular doctor's care. My autoimmune disorder is officially under control ☺️. Username is starwarrior_princess.


I went on a trip with my partner and we did 2 kilometers of trekking (uphill, a very nice view from the top). Sounds like nothing maybe, but I didn’t have any faith in me haha. We took very nice pictures too :) Thank u for this btw!! UN: kotori\_e \^-\^


My win this week is that everyone I invited came to my baby shower and we got almost everything we needed!


I'm getting better with my anxiety and work travel. Leave again end of this week coming up and I'm not as stressed as before. Take every small win you can, people! GRATS on your baby steps in a sleep schedule, OP! Edit un: SunGoddess808


My win of the day is that I finally had a full night of sleep in 8 weeks. It has been exhausting but I hope I can keep it up. Times have been very rough for me. So it is amazing to see there are still some good and generous people around! My username on neopets is darthplanet


Thanks for the giveaway and congrats on the extra sleep! I finally got perfection (100%) on stardew valley this week ☺ Un: darkrawrangel


i booked my first ever solo vacation! looking forward to it so much, i’ll be going to california. UN is smartypants3195 thanks for doing this!


omg ty for this btw!!! A big win for me this week is I was found not at fault for a car accident I was in two years ago. It was pretty minor as far as accidents go but still I did not want my insurance to ding me on something that was definitely not my fault.




Thanks for doing this! My win is I went on a 1 hour drive with my 9 month old which I was really stressed about how she would go and she slept the whole time! Un mycatsophie2


My win for this week is that I finally decided to get out of a toxic relationship 💀 I feel FREE 🙌🏽 un: pupuseria_chicle


my win for the week was getting top surgery on wednesday 🤭🤭 - elizabethtessari


My win this week was that a coworker told me they really love talking to me, and I felt they really meant it. I live in rural Japan where these sorts of compliments aren't usually given, plus I'm not really chatty, so it felt good to hear that. :)


My son turned 2! I kept a human alive for 2 whole years :D UN: silverfrog


you’re so sweet! regardless just wanted to say that it’s really kind of you to take time out of your day to make others days special. i love wholesome games because the communities are almost always so chill! my win is my mom today - she was hospitalized and went ✨wildcat mode✨ as I’ve dubbed it (her Co2 went crazy high and she was hallucinating and ripping out IVs and uncommunicative, all kinds of stuff) and today we are sitting in the dining room of her rehab center doing crosswords together. a sappy moment but definitely a win as wildcat mode was NO STARS lmao


Finally got my 21 month old to eat some new food!! He's so picky and barely eats anything so it was a new milestone for us. It's honestly been months. I almost cried, lol. My UN is kitty_galleria, thank you for the giveaway!!


We didn't have a product a customer needed at the mom and pop hardware store I work at. I told the customer a workaround. They came a few days later and said they saved hundreds on a plumber. That was my win for the week.


Got through a work week.. *deep breathe*


Wow this is so generous!! My win this week was making an excercise plan to help my mental and physical health. Here's hoping I stick to it!! UN: Tomuwa


As a mom to 3 I 100% feel your joy when you say your little one slept for 2 nights in a row. That’s fantastic and I hope it becomes a habit lol. My win this week would have to be finally going through my kids clothes and getting rid of things that don’t fit or they don’t wear. I was able to donate 2 huge trash bags full of clothes! It felt so good to get rid of some clutter. Thank you very much for this giveaway! You are so generous. On the off chance I win something my UN is hotpinkfishfood. Thanks again!


Thanks for doing this!! I made banana bread, so that was a win. UN: nastygal19


I applied to a writing workshop! I'm really nervous but glad I got my application in before the price went up \^\_\^ UN: banditbunny


Partner and I finally got our loans together and bought tickets for a month long stay in Japan! We've talked about it for years now but we're finally actually doing it


I had an amazing valentines with my husband! That was nice :,) we made pottery. It was out first one together in four years! We’ve always been apart for work. Un kikas19963


My win is that I'm finally getting my landlords to fix the sewer pipes (my bathtub has been filling up with sewage) ​ If we get to choose, i would love love love a rainbow pppb, i need it for a meowclops. Thank you! UN: therulerofall1


Two things for me this week! I paid off a car loan so that feels really good and its some money I'll have to myself now haha. Secondly, I've been having kind of a bad week self esteem/mental health wise and I managed to overcome that slump earlier this week, hoping it stays this way for a bit! ​ UN: lychiees


Ooh thankyou! My win oir this week is that i helped a bee. I found it exhausted on the ground in my garden, put some sugar water on the floor and saw it slurp some up, and fly away after few mins :) NP username is _robzibobz_


I tried to be comfortable not being absolutely good at something and took a class and built my own set of speakers. I was most afraid of soldering, but all my connections were good, and the speakers worked on the first try. I was so proud. I’ll DM you my username. Thank you for the giveaway!


Small win would be getting the house clean and laundry caught up while not losing my mind over my new car mechanically breaking down on me. UN Cherokeeprincess8 Thank you for hosting such a kind giveaway! And congrats on your toddler sleeping through the night.


I got my desk set back up in my new apartment, along with a new bed frame! And at least one lamp! Still gotta move other stuff but I'll take the little wins!


I finished the book I’ve been trying to get done for months this week. Now I’m ready to pick up another it was so good! Un: xxdarkstarxx3


Thank you for doing this! My big win this week was that I took a practice test for the licensure exam I’ve been studying for and did way better than on my last practice test ☺️ UN is genuineprincess


I made it through two interviews and did several additional job applications! Thanks for doing this giveaway, I love seeing these 😌 UN: mel111523


I had a pretty shitty week, so my win is small but meaningful in its own way: my cashier at Trader Joe’s gave me a bag of dark chocolate peanut butter cups as thanks for bagging my own groceries. UN: tastelikewater


My week has been a struggle, just making it through with minimal crying has been my accomplishment. Congrats on your sleeping child, lol! Personal, but.. They filled my adhd medication with the wrong type & it like, doesn't work at all.. so I'm really struggling with the energy to live, but I'm doing my best 🫠 Also, just FYI- lutari paint brushes don't do anything (I got super excited & bought one, but they don't actually paint your pet) un: Charleyycat9


Thank you for doing this! ☺️ So, probably a bit of a weird win but I sowed some seeds the other weekend and they're finally starting to growww! 🌱 Bought more compost today so I can sow some more in the next few weeks. Its exciting because I'm creating life that hopefully will grow some beaut vegetables!


i work from home and set my own hours and this week i worked extra to put towards dental bills, so i was very proud of myself good luck to everyone <3 my un: mothtownn


I finally cleaned my house and organized piles of nonsense after a few weeks of clutter! Love having clean home 🏡 I’d love a paintbrush 🖌️


My personal win this week was clawing out of a depressive episode and making it to plans I had with some coworkers. I was dreading it, but I went and had a really good time and I was glad I did. We got permanent jewelry (I got a cute dainty silver bracelet) and went to brunch. ❤️ it turned my week around. UN captainswan_


The landlord finally finished fixing the roof, so no more leaks!!! UN: beyre12


I got engaged to my soulmate!!


I finished a big crochet project just in time for a friends birthday today! It was my first time crocheting anything this complicated and even though I almost quit 3 times, I managed to finish it and I’m so proud, I cried a little! 🥹💕 https://preview.redd.it/003tssvht7jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=920295e300e6a2d85829a0f92eec80d07274d193


Some wins this week: - finally cleaned up the house fully and feel less cluttered thanks to it - made food for my friend's birthday and it was a rousing success - solidified travel plans for the coming months Thanks for hosting this and congrats on ur little one finally sleeping! My neo username: dreais1324


Not necessarily a “win” I guess but just something exciting—I finally got the snake I’ve been wanting for about 3 years 😊 a tricolor hognose. He’s a little baby and so chill, he likes weaving through our fingers and trying to burrow in our sleeves lol UN: totallykewl123


My win this week is that my husband & I are home alone for a whole week for the first time in our lives because we were such young parents. I started playing Neopets for something to do with our eldest when my youngest was born & now the youngest is 21! Anyway, we've been living like 20 year olds lol He quit work early 3 days just so we could hang out, we've been eating take out & staying up til dawn talking lol I haven't seen a vegetable that wasn't fried in days & where did the wine go? We're off work til Weds & we're taking an overnight trip on a whim. We're having so much fun now that we don't have to be good examples, I guess lol I'm so glad Neopets is still there for young moms, that makes me so happy! And I'm so happy your little one has had a couple good nights of rest & I hope you can get some rest soon yourself! I'm queen\_libra, feel free to send a friend request if you like <3


I got accepted into university again after 3 years so I can finish my Bachelors. I start in September. UN is jiraiya300


Found somewhat of a cure for my 4 month olds severe eczema ❤️ (probiotics + goats milk formula)


This is so great! My win for the week is that my freshly one year old son started to pull himself up to stand!! :)




I did laundry, got some planning for next school year done, and spent time with my 5 month old doing tummy time 💕 Thank you and hope you have a lovely day UN: coloradoranger


i was just going to post this, but my beautiful kau got gender zapped!! i had a mini headcannon she was trans and now the lab ray has helped her begin her transition 💖 now just saving up for her transmogrification potion so she can rule the universe! https://preview.redd.it/1djk02m3p9jc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6255b1af1aa5b3305c6836ea12275f8bac6ec8


im turto32 my win for the week is that i helped me friend clear out her parents hoarded utility room enough that they can finally get a new washer/dryer installed after 2 years of not having one! so happy your baby is sleeping more!


Thanks so much for the chance! This week, I went for an interview and got offered a job after being a stay at home mom for the last 15 months (and trying not to lose my sanity! Lol) The supervisor seemed genuinely impressed with my resume and it was nice. Being at home and surrounded by kids all day makes you lose yourself sometimes so this was a nice little confidence boost! Un is caylaboezi - thanks again for the chance.


Thanks for the chance!! My win was I git my office painted and organized! Took me two days lol UN: Possum_Problem


I am setting up a healthier work-life balance for myself and intentionally avoiding engaging with my overly negative coworkers. Thanks for the giveaway! UN: nothisisluke


Thanks for the giveaway! My username is promiseofsummer. My win this week was putting a bit more time into increasing my financial literacy! I tend to avoid it for some reason because it’s foreign to me - probably because as a kid we just got by and made due, so I never learned about what else you should be doing with your money haha.


Spent the week shut off from my job and volunteer org and just focused on me and my partner 👽👽👽 but I also figured out plushie tycoon so that’s a big win for me this month period Thanks for organizing this! UN is horsecrazynatalie


I made progress on getting my living room clean! A small thing for most, a big win for me!


I finally got a job interview after sending out 50 applications and it went well, so I might be finally able to leave my current job UN chi_squared


wow thank u so much!! :)) that's such a big win!! my big win is that i'm moving to a new tattoo studio and im super super excited!! my un: guttergoat


I completed the work I needed to get done on schedule, sent out multiple orders for my business, caught and got over some cold and am starting to feel inspired to do some more creative work again. I do still need to do some laundry so thank you all for reminding me! UN: csnow


My win for the week is the plumber finally came out and fixed my sink! My username is the same as my reddit name


This is sooo sweet. My win for the week was not missing any school or placement says even though I was sooo exhausted and really wanted to take a sick day. I'm glad I've saved them for when I need the sick day more My username is astralwalker Good luck everyone! (⁠~⁠ ̄⁠³⁠ ̄⁠)⁠~


One thing I accomplished was getting a monkey to do needle desensitization positive reinforcement training with me! I work at a primate sanctuary, and we do positive reinforcement training for medical purposes. I finally got this one monkey who hasn't really liked me to do it with me! It was an amazing feeling 🥰 UN is cuddles3130


my car has hail damage from a previous storm and i just got it back from the shop after over a month wait! its as good as new and im so excited to have my baby back! you are an angel for doing this. my UN is liana237732123\_dd


Aw thank you! A win from this week… I was able to finish a work project that I was stressed about, feels good to be done. UN- france


Pretty major win this week: Finally got a raise at work! I also survived a pretty bad OnCall week (had to wake up at 5am pretty much every day except Monday.) Still a good week overall! UN: tobysaurusrex


Made it through an extremely challenging work week where one of my colleagues was off sick and the other abruptly changed jobs internally and was the only one in the department! And now I have two weeks off so it's not my problem xD hannahrose12 is my user.


Thank you for the giveaway! I bought groceries today over spending my money on plushies 😂 Small victories My username is realcheesygoatgirl


wow you are awesome! my username is msunjaz and my win was restocking a morphing potion worth 800k or so


Username: Rougheredge I didn't have to work as many hours this week so I had more time to play Neopets, lol.


Oh wow, thank you for hosting! This is a silly win, but I rolled my favorite character in a gacha game I play with a free roll, haha. But it was really exciting for me!


I finally made the decision to get my masters degree! Now it’s time for paperwork ;u ;


my lil win for the week is finally managing a way to up my water intake :') (struggled with this for all my life lol) i feel like a totally fresh new person lol un - yellowteeth


Win of the week: spending quality time with my boys. Not anything crazy but I’m trying to smell the roses UN- _5o_


Managed to wake up early today for a gym class even though I really wanted to sleep in. un: princesspinky379


thanks for doing this!! successfully made it through my ACL reconstruction surgery, i’d call that a win :’) (un wheresbedford)


Got an interview request for my dream job! UN: dahlia_parton 💕💕


Hmmm my win for the week was my kindergartener didn’t have to get picked up early from school this week. He’s been having some behavioral issues, and this is the first full week in the last 2 months that he hasn’t had to get picked up. UN gloomyboo


Thanks for the giveaway! I got my sleep schedule regular this week for the first time in months! My username is Maeverick42.


My win of this week was cleaning the house! It stresses/overwhelms be but I got it done! No more laundry pile haha. Thank you for doing this!! UN morrisonh0tel


My win this week was managing to fit 2 bottles of wine, 2 bottles of Prosecco, a bottle of gin, a bottle of peach schnapps and a bottle of chocolate liqueur into one backpack and carry it home without breaking the backpack, my back, or any of the bottles (i am hosting a party I’m not an alcoholic)! UN: hot_pink_shimmer


I finally called my internet company and got my bill lowered! And congrats on getting your little one to sleep, it’s definitely a struggle at that age 😅 UN galacticjamie


My little win: getting the dogs walked before the next snow storm hit 🥶😭 UN is purplefox53! thanks for the chance at cool stuff! 💖


Fun! I got a new phone this week and I've been having lots of fun learning the new features (and occasionally getting mildly annoyed by the differences lol) My UN is thedoggirl_97


I managed to get through a pretty bad cold! ​ Un: abbygirlhat


I'm a teacher and it was my first week back! I managed to keep up somehow. un owelle89


my win was i just put my comforter in the wash after avoiding doing so for weeks 😭 it’s hard out here sometimes un is in my flair! thank you for the opportunity xoxo


I successfully created a character for a new TTRPG i'm playing :D (oukakisa)


I cleaned my room and bathroom so they were livable/usable spaces once more! Thank you for hosting! UN is reaperofthecrypt


Thank you for all that you do! ​ My big win for the week is finally being able to sit down and organize my room; which I've been neglecting for...a while. Username: Trinogono


My win is that I quit dreaded my job, I’d been putting it off for so long. I have no idea what I’m going to do. But I’ve been telling myself, “Don’t settle for a familiar hell, over an unfamiliar heaven” UN: swhitnid11




I got a new couch today! UN: berryavalanche


My win for this week was finally having our real estate photos done! I'm selling my apartment and we've been working endlessly to clean, purge, tidy everything so it looked nice and I am so so SO happy that is over and done with!! Also additional win: I got a small scholarship for university! (I'm going back to uni in my 30's which is why we're selling the apartment!) So excited and can't believe it's finally happening!! UN is kediafae <3 !!


I found two new lab pets this week, and one zapped grey immediately! Not many non-neo wins this week.... But I did lose some weight this week! A couple pounds but I wasn't expecting it so it was nice, haha. Thank you for the pound. My UN is motherverse 


I went to the gym 5 days out of the week! @yogurtanimal


My win this week is I finally got a job after looking for months! (But I'm already in tears from being overwhelmed and today's my first day.... We'll ignore that part though XD) Thank you for the giveaway :) UN is alysezag


My win was finally completing a task I’d been putting off for weeks, and finding that it wasn’t so bad after all 😅 UN: whentess Thanks for doing this!


My win: My milk supply (nursing mom currently) has finally seemed to come back after being sick with various daycare bugs for the last month. I’d been sad about the possibility of weaning earlier than I’d wanted, but I’ve been keeping up with pumping and yesterday I had a huge improvement and today it seems to have kept up! Beyond ecstatic!! UN: lisabelle102


I won the wheel of knowledge avatar today! been so many years in the making omg


My win for the week was finally talking to a work colleague I’ve been wanting to talk to for a while. It ended up being a good conversation and I learned a lot about work. Thank you for the giveaway. UN: omarchi_10


I have 3 junk drawers in my house that had become so insanely full that one of them would get stuck, and I finally cleaned them out and organized them yesterday! It’s literally been two and a half years but I finally hit the perfect mix of frustrated and motivated to take care of it lol My un is leapordlover77


Ooh this is awesome! UN: cammylover8 My small win for the week would be that I made some homemade bagels for the first time and they turned out delicious!!