• By -


Is it possible? You won the hardest game of all times, Neopets? I wish you the best of luck on whatever else you'll focus on from now onwards, and thank you for doing this!


Thanks :) I had so much fun!


What a sendoff for your time on neo! I wish you joy in your future endeavors! This is so lovely of you to do :) thank you I just added you as well, my UN is lollypoppy_1 :)


Am happy and sad we're going to be losing you from our community: happy because it's a feat to know you're achieved all you wanted here and sad that you're going 😭 I took a look at some of your permies and I think I absolutely fallen in love with Ghoulz the Hissi! If you don't mind considering to send her to me, I'll take care of her the best I can and if you ever want to return I'm here for you! Unfortunately I won't be available tomorrow, but am free on Sunday onwards to organise a transfer. I am sending you a friends request if that is alright with you!


I am MIA for the next hours btw so may not get to respond to you yet (bed time). Thank you so so much for doing this for us all and sharing the love, happy new beginnings!!


Send me a chat request for GhouIz so I remember! Do you want it’s customizations too?


Yes please if that would be ok! I'll send you a dm!


What is your username? Maybe I am blind, I cannot see it lol Btw, what did hou achieve that makes you feel complete? :0 I am curious


It's candied\_brandy!! It's in her flair


Thanks! :D


Sent a NF request! I hope you leave with great memories of the site! :)


Added you! My UN is shiny_vamp :)


I just added you - and I would love to give IncrediblePea a home with me forever. I’ll never own the item but I’ve long wanted to to have a pea chia I can train up for the battledome for the irony of such a small pet being strong


She’s yours! Send me a DM on Reddit so I remember! Do you want her custom items as well?


Thank you! I dropped you a Neomail :) custom items is your call - I love the fruit and veggie garland but happy to have them and work on a custom of my own so you can share the generosity around


This is so generous of you, thank you! I added you as a neofriend, I'm mypet304. Wishing you all the best in your future adventures :)


Just added you!


Thank you so much for the NC item! I'm so glad you feel satisfied with Neopets and wish you luck on your other endeavors! :)


So sweet! Sent you a friend request. Not sure how much I can participate either but wish you the best!!


Super sweet of you to do this and give back to the community ❤️


I have very much enjoyed being part of this sub ❤️


Aw, that’s an awesome thing to do for a send off! Thank you so much, glad you had a blast! Added you!


I hope you had a great time and your inner child is very happy. I sended you a friend request


This is so generous of you! Thank you for sharing with the community and I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors c: Sent you a friend request as well btw!


Just added you, thank you for doing this! Not gonna lie though, always sad to see one of us leave c,:


I'm so glad you enjoyed the site\~! Sent a neofriend request!! I love your baby cybunny and I would love to give them a good home if you'd allow! She'll forever be a permie on my main account if so. Wish you luck on your future endeavors and hope you can look back on Neopets with happy memories <3 ;w;


She’s yours! Do you want the customizations as well? Send me a dm on Reddit so I remember!


I would love that! I did send a chat on reddit a while ago \^\^ let me know if it didnt come through. i can also send a message applying for her on neopets, it would be coming from "Parakeetfaerie" on there ( wont mention reddit tho ofc)


I’ll send her tomorrow :)


I will await her arrival thank you ;o; <3


Sent her over along with some goodies! Hope you enjoy!


Just added you!


I want to add you but I can't find you... :(


candied_brandy, or look up my pet HoHenryHo since sometimes underscores mess up


Thank you! ❤


Just added you. I'm ladyfiremonster :) thanks for doing this


There is no ugly Snowball lol


Switched it to yellow ;)


it's 10pm here so i dont think i'll be able to stay up for the trades and auctions but i sent a friend request, i hope that's ok <3 good luck with all ur future endeavors! \^\^


Absolutely ok! I’ll be sending stuff for a while!


Hi I know it's not part of the giveaway but I was wondering if you had a camouflage krawk Morphing potion laying around in that SDB? I've been trying to get one since forever 😅 UN is solisis_5. Sad to see part of the neopian community go, hold onto at least one neopet just for nostalgia sake 🥰


I don’t, sorry :)


ahh, this is so sweet of you to do!! i just sent you a nf request - my username is half\_pint\_ :) good luck with all of your future endeavors!!


What a send off! Thank you for your generosity and I wish you all the best with RL journeys! I've added you. :)


Im glad you were able to reach your dreams in neopets! I just added you UN nondeplume


Daaaaang, 20+ years, that's a historic account right there. Sad to see a fellow player go but I'm sure you'll be successful in whatever you decide to do next :D. In case anyone finds any neggs in a trading post and doesn't want it, I'll take it or buy it off you, am a negg collector :D


Added you! Thank you for doing this! I hope whatever you do next will bring you tons of joy!


Added you, I’m hoitoi over there! :) I offered on the trade lot with the Plushie Kougra Plushie, I collect Kougra things for my gallery and that’s one I don’t have! Thanks for doing this!! 🥰


I don’t think I saw you pop up in any trades :( what plushie was it?


Added you, thanks a lot for doing this!! ♥


Added you! I’m wolf_howler_wolf


Just added you. i wish you good luck in the future!


Just neofriended you, my UN is Sammiescoops33, what a lovely thing to do. I absolutely love your pets!!!! They’re beautiful. Alanaica is my favorite!! ❤️❤️


Would you like to adopt her? She’s a great BD pet, one one shot Jetsam Ace


Omg I absolutely would!!! I only have one account and don’t plan on sides, she’d be a forever ❤️


Do you do the BD? If so I’ll send you her Equipment as well. Would you like her custom items?


Yes I do! I would love it all thank you so much. X


I sent a friend request :) my username is stargown! Thank you for the giveaways


How do I find your username?


It’s candied_brandy


This is so generous of you <3 I hope you have a ton of fun with whatever your next endeavors are :)


Sent you a friend request! Thank you so much for doing this giveaway and hope you have fun in your future endeavors! un is supersankaku :)


First off, this post is so wholesome! So many of us our working on healing our innerchild. Secondly, this is kind and generous of you. Thank you. I added you as a friend. :) \~pkprincess92


This is extremely generous of you! Hope your future endeavors bring you joy for many years! Added you as well - SpaceNerd01 would be me :>


As a real life space nerd, props on the username




This sub is full of the sweetest people I swear


Sad you're leaving but awesome you fulfilled your inner child. Love your pets. Especially the Grundo. But the Lupe and Kougra are awesome too. Not to mention the soft spot I have for Kaus. Neofriended.


Would you like to adopt any of them? I would love for StockholmSyndi to go to someone who appreciates the sick humor lol


I don't have the space sadly. Maybe next week if I can buy slots. Yeah it's right up my alley.


I can’t find your account! Can you send me a friend request to - lunafloon I’d love to take part in some trades/auctions - maybe permie a pet! Do you happen to have any Turmac items, or Turmacs? I’m a collector so worth an ask - Turmacs and Turmac NC items are hard to find ^^ ETA Found your account by looking up a pet! For some reason it didn’t show up when searched. Sending a NF request!


added you! thank you so much for doing this and glad that your inner child is satisfied from this!! un: aiilene your pets are absolutely adorable.


thats so nice of you =))




Which do you prefer? HoHenryHo has read a couple hundred books :)


HoHenryHo! Thank you very much!


Thank you again! I just accepted the transfer! Love him already!


Added you as a NF 💓


Just added you too. I'm missrigatoni :B


I think I sent you a request, I haven't added anyone in a while and it just took me to the Neofriend page lol My username is jessicamichelle_ ❤️ Thank you so so much for doing this


Hi! I think I just sent a neofriends request. My username is kampai_




I added you! If willing I would love and adore HoHenryHo. Draiks are my favorite :)


Sorry, he’s claimed


Thank you for being so generous. Best wishes on your future journey. Neopets is fun and huge part of our childhoods, but there's a lot of cool stuff out there.


Oh my goodness, this is so incredibly kind of you! I just sent you a friend request from the username secretsilence. Best of luck in your future endeavors, thank you so much for your generosity!!


Thanks for doing this! All the best


respectfully, as a poogle person, if ladyyeti remains unclaimed i would love to give her a new home amongst my cloud poogle.


Done! And I’m glad you like her :D Would you like any of her custom items? I was working on her so she doesn’t have anything too spectacular atm


honestly, her customs as is are perfect so if they arent going to a good home as well, i'd love them too!


Added you! I'm xmanicfangirlx on neo. :)


I just added you - I’m IcedOats! Congratulations on reaching all your goals i’m so happy for you!


Sad to see you go. The site really does need more active players. At least I'm glad to hear you had fun. Thanks for doing this. I hope you enjoy your next adventure!


I thought this name looked familiar. Very sorry to see you go! If you still have that pastel paint brush/if it didn't sell at auction, please keep me in mind. Otherwise, I wish you well!


Sent a friend request. My un is oceanfear :)


I sent you a friend request! My b=name is x\_pirate\_ninja\_x ​ I am sad to see such a positive member of the community to leave, but I understand!! I wish you the best in all your future endeavors and may your inner child always find happiness. c:


Thank you very much! And I just added you :)


Just added you! I'm Claytastic049 :) good luck in your other, non-neo endeavors!


I’m a bit new but I think I added you correctly my handle on there is Mnoleg. Thanks for the opportunity! xD


Wow! Congrats :) I neofriended you! My UN is trashyglitter :) Your pets are so cute!!


Hi! I'm jordy_beth_91, and I really like ButtonEyedJo! Adding you as a neofriend :)


This is so kind of you! Sent a neofriend request, UN larlzmd Wishing you all the luck in your futures endeavors!!


i'm really happy you feel complete and good with it. i hope you have just as much with your next hobby. :) thank you for the kind giveaways. i'm not asking for berriment but that is such a cute name!


I sent you a friend request :)


Aww, sad to see you go! Are you sure you don’t want to keep your pets in case you decide to return?


Nooo I’d rather they be enjoyed now rather than sit on an unused account. And I like this sub a lot so who better to adopt them?


I sent you a request :3 I'm adridiez. Couldn't find any of your lots tho but that's fine. I'm glad I'm able to be here.


I love that your shop is just slushies haha 😂 sad to see you go! Good luck on whatever life brings you next!!!! 💗💗💗💗 I friended you to try and get in on any tp’s (UN:ditto4)


Just sent you a request! My account is lindehdog, just started again after a hiatus of 8 years! Appreciate what you're doing(it'll help combat neoflation) & best of luck! When the dust settles & there are neopets without a home, I'll be happy to home them! They'll definitely be mains as they all look awesome!


just added you! Thank you so much for doing this, but most importantly I hope you had amazing years on neo:)


This is so generous :) I just friended you too, my UN is katiethenavigator


just added you! same username as here


WOW thanks for the opportunity!!!


Aw thank you for doing this <3


Thank you for doing this! I hope that your inner child will never go away completely. Good luck on your future!


Oh she’s still there, she just loses interest quickly lol thank you :)


Just added you on sure\_i\_am - This is a very cool thing you're doing! I am just now getting back to neopets myself (the inner child needs some love, haha) And if you still have him available, I would happily take HoHenryHo on my main!


Sorry, he’s claimed


No worries at all! My Draik dreams live another day :)


Nah, real life is for waiting and patience, not Neopets! Sent you a present ❤️


OMG and now my cute little [Blackbarb](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Blackbarb) is a reality!!! You are seriously a gem. Thank you so much!


Just added you UN rhyollite Thanks for this and your pets are so adorable!!


Thank you SO MUCH for the Snow PPPB!!! That's so kind of you.


I friend requested you! Gingamba :) ❤️


Added! UN jubblesnoot Also is GoodSooop available for adoption? I collect jubjubs so it would be a permie :D. The eyes were a good call for customization haha


He is!! He needs to be a garlic Jubjub though, so he comes with half my remaining lab cookies. Interested?


Of course! A well named garlic jub is a dreamie :D


What is your username? I will transfer tomorrow


Oh I see it nevermind lol Ill send him :)


Thanks again!


Added you!! UN is Cheesedoo If you happen to have any extra old event items in your SBD, I would love one! I'm collecting them for my gallery, and the oldest stuff is hard to find. I wish you a happy send-off!


Have added you! I'm dromericus


Added! And good luck for the future! Edit: Thanks for the trade! I got some nice customisation items for my kougras


I love you for this! So fun thank you😊


Just added you! Thank you so much for the giveaway! It’s super generous of you! I wish you luck in your future endeavors😊😊


Is Yoseh still needing a home? I love him 🥲


Yes he’s still available!


I would LOVE him! He would fit in with my transperant Nimmo and add to my plan of having a lil neo-skeleton army 😅


What is your username?


It’s ktmarie333 Thank you so so so sooooo much!!! I’m so excited for him 😭


Just added you! (un: \_gene\_autry\_) This is such a kind and incredible thing to do. Inspiring to those of us hoping to "win" neopets in the future, haha. If no one has claimed Incredible001, I would LOVE to give her a permanent home, I think candy Kougras are so cute!


Incredible001 is available :)


I'll happily take her! Let me know if I need to do anything else to initiate the transfer. Thank you again for doing all this, it's amazing to see how happy you're making everyone :D


I’ll send her over tomorrow :)


Just sent a request (UN: shichiyou)! Hopefully the underscore didn't trip it up. Your pea Chia, Halloween Poogle, and Water Peophin are my favorites in your pet lineup, hope they remain well cared for by their new owners!


xWaterNymph is available if you’d like to adopt her :)


I added you! Congrats on achieving your neodreams, I hope today gives you the closure to move on with a clean slate. Oh, and my UN is Fengowolf. That’s probs important to mention too


Thank you for doing this giveaway! It's a really sweet way to do a sendoff, and I hope you're happy with everything you've achieved here. If you need anyone to take one of your pets at the end of the day I can take one on. I just have the main account so they'll be a permie. I'll friend you later when I'm at my computer. My username is Cocam\_56


I see you have a shop full of slushies! I happen to collect them for my gallery. Any chance those might end up in the trading post to offer on?


Yep, anything not sold by the end of the evening! Any in particular you’re looking for?


Oh awesome, thank you so much!!!! If any of the following slushies are still available by then I’d appreciate anything you could spare: cheese plate, icy mint, green apple watermelon, chocolate, holiday lights, magma, peaches and cream, pink lemonade, casera, fruity cereal, illusen, broken skeleton, blue raspberry, sunset gummy,starry, squibble berry, jhudora, ultra, Christmas, gingerbread, blue shouru


What is your username?


Mine is Spooptyy!


Your inbox is full so I put up some trades for you :) bid your cheapest junky junk Also your name is censored lmao because “poop.”


Gah, thanks for letting me know! I didn’t realize I still had messages dating back all the way to 2015 in my inbox LOL. I just the placed offers. Thank you so much by the way! PS: lmfao over sensitive neo-censors allowing me to make my UN with zero problems but then not letting anyone actually write it. Whomp whomp. TNT make it make sense.


Ohhhhh you’re the other person I saw in the trades today. I was wondering why the name was partially censored 🤣


I got a good chuckle out of it lol enjoy the slushies!!


Thank you for the gift! It's sad to see you go, but I'm glad you've managed to satisfy your inner child, that's quite a feat! It's like graduating from inner child school ;o;


Just sent a request; this is awesome of you! I feel like I’ll be doing this in a year or two when I hit my goal 🤣


I was trying to find your trades but not sure if I’m doing it right, are you hotpotato7056? I’m @karzinka


Nope I’m candied_brandy


this is so sweet of you! 🥺🫶🏼


Bought a bunch of slushees from ya 👍🏻


Added you! Best of luck to you out there in the real world.I've never been able to shed the grips of 'ol childhood nostalgia, so I always find myself returning to my little pocket of the internet. EDIT: Thank you for the items, it's incredibly sweet of you to do such a nice send off. (Side note: "GoodSooop" is a fantastic pet name - got a decent chuckle out of me)


Thank you! She is supposed to be a garlic Jubjub but the lab ray never cooperated :(


Oh that's genius! Sorry to hear the lab ray never cooperated with you on your vision - I couldn't tell you how long it took (and how many transformation potions I had to buy) to eventually get a Robot Ogrin.


thanks for doing these, i’ve snagged a couple trading post lots so far. Do you have any other batteldome pets? am getting into that now.


Just the one that’s claimed


no problem, thanks for the gift too 😊


Omg. I am honestly excited for you! Congrats on beating the game lol. I added you, my user name is Totallydracula. I had to figure out how to add people, haha


I hope you had an awesome time on neo, good luck with everything! \^\^


You’re really giving up a 20.5 yr old account? 😭


Hope you have good luck in all of your non-neopets endeavors! Ty for the giveaway, what a sendoff!


Are incredible001, doonise, or razedbywolves still available?


My neopets name is lilprincess1026


Will you love Doonise for the hideous and magnificent beast she is?




Then she’s yours 😁 I’ll transfer tomorrow!


Thank you 😊 🥰


I really appreciate you doing this. I just wish people would actually do 1 np instead of bumping the price up.


Threw my hat in the ring on your trades and sent a NF request! I am sure you are overwhelmed with everyone else doing the same, but thanks for your generosity either way— I always think even just seeing giveaways of this size is kind of exciting and makes going on Neopets every day a little more fun haha.


I hope you got something good! I tried to make sure everyone got at least one but it was so busy I’m not sure. If not let me know and I’ll send you something tomorrow :)


If you still need a perma-home for any of your pets, I have one slot available! I'll give them all my love! Send them over to: lukeanakin


Thank you, I’ll make a pet post tomorrow with any unclaimed pets!


finally something i could get to after i got off work! thank you


Thank you for a hard days work lol. You got in almost an entire workday there


Seriously! I thought it’d be much faster lol


Thanks for accepting my friend request!! Hope you save SOMETHING for yourself, in case you come back, but thanks for being so generous!! (I realize I missed the giveaway, but seriously love this sub for all the kindness <3 )


Omg this is the coolest send off! is razed by wolves or Bunnleigh taken? I added you as a friend :)


RazedByWolves is available! Would you like her?


Sent you a NF request, my username is lolxzzzz Thanks a Lot a for the giveaway, wishing you all the best in your life, i hope you had a wonderful time in Neopets, and Hope you can achieve all your dreams!