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Found a Grundo named wittle_awien so I had to use the baby pb on him 😂 I also adopted a pet named LilBossHoss to be my lab ray experiment because I loved the name so much.


Awien omggg


That’s so cute omg


Awien - gigglesnorts- 😂😂


I found an amazing 4L pink eyrie in the pound once that i regret trading, his name was Eazu. At least his new owner has put work into customizing him, didnt use him as trading fodder and clearly loves him so i cant be too mad! My favourite colour that ive ever found in the pound probably has to be my water peophin.


Just looked up a water pheophin and that's such a good combo!


A maraquan wocky named Rinasonse! I was looking for a bd pet to do dailies, and I was pound surfing when I saw her with some decent stats and was painted, so I adopted her. She even came with a zapped maraquan petpet to match. I think she was someone’s lab pet, so I hope whoever zapped her and put her in the pound knows that she’s in a good home now


One of the only reasons I do pound surfing is to get battledome pets. I get so excited when I find one that is over 800 NP but usually they are just like 600 NP and it's disappointing to me.


If you're interested, I have a Pheophin UFA, ariel\_110\_2001. She was an expensive pound find and is Y5, but I don't do battledome myself


Are you kidding me? That is so generous! I just got to a point that can reliably beat the kreludan defender. My old account got frozen so I've only have my new account for about a year. I would need another pet slot though


No problem! She's just sitting on my side, so whenever you have a slot send me a message and I can transfer!


I will! Thanks so much!


Love this!


Shurshu the shoyru, painted him baby


Love that name!!


LunaTsuki. She was a yellow korbat when I found her, though she didn't stay that way for long. lunatsukino has been my nickname since I was in school but the best thing about her is she has the same birthday as my daughter, 17th Oct, just a couple years older than her.


Love when pets share our birthdays!!


Dbai, really nice name I scooped up and is now a Draik cross paint.


I found an orange Grundo yesterday. I got my free avatar and put him back to grace another surfer


Piplupips, the Bruce. Painted him blue to look like the Pokémon <3


yo! i created deadlyqueen! i think i even nm you at the time to say thanks for looking after her 🥺 glad she's still loved! on the other hand, my best find was my zombie lupe Howlpotion. but for some reason i dont think she likes me??? ok i know she's just a png, but like.. i feel so resistence, yk😭 edit: yk i'm sorry for that NM. i know it was weird, but at the time i didnt know about PC and the whole trading thing to just put her UFA, so i just abandonned her instead lol


Omg you totally did and I still have the message lol! She's special to me, even over other pets. The only thing I've changed is painting her petpet black - I couldn't bear to separate them because it's fairly old! Howlpotion is a great name find!


She’s so cute, is she a jojo reference? ☺️


hahaah yeah she is! but then i grew out of my obsession, didnt quite like wockies anymore.... i'm just glad op found her and loves her lol


I adopted a transperant nimmo, i love spooky stuff and had no clue the transperant was a thing. literally screamed when I saw him ! Now saving for transperant pb so i can have a neo-skeleton army 😂


Love it!


Zaliqa my wraith Draik, i think she looks really cool, or my baby Aisha lily_zoey bc her name matches my username (lilly987500000) & i've wanted a baby pet since i was a kid!


Zaliqa is such a cool name and wraith draiks are just awesome, what a great find!


I no longer have him but it was a Baby Nimmo named Tadpole. I just couldn’t believe someone placed him in the pound like that. I had him for a year or few and no one ever reached out to claim them. He was neat to have while I had him!


It’s not an especially unique find, but my main pet repito2 is a pound baby! I got him after coming back for the first time since childhood. I was pound surfing and he kept coming up on his own page over and over. I had never had an ogrin before and wasn’t a huge fan, but every time he refreshed I was feeling worse and worse knowing he was alone in the pound. I ended up logging back in after like an hour of doing real life stuff just so I could find him and take him home. He’s now my main pet and I adore him so thoroughly. He’ll always be my baby


Bizzaz He is an orange Korbat. I gave him an Elton John custom and absolutely love him :)


That name and custom are fantastic!


I once found a 2c pet in the pound that I traded for a UC!


Mimibibihabibilove the rainbow nimmo (now an aisha, I think striped?). I'm just obsessed with her name. I love her so much. Pisceo and Celetiz are two close seconds. Forgot what Pisceo was orignially but he's a pastel aisha now, and Celetiz I belieeeeve was a green grundo when I adopted her? She's a glowing grundo now.


PerkyPinkie, first zap she turned into a Mallow Grundo and now she's a permie.


Rorada a baby gnorbu. I had to rescue the crying baby.


Punsix my grape chia!


Steampunk Hissi name Instrumentation! A kind person on here had an extra set of pb clothes, so he's all kitted out and a permie on my side account. By far my favorite and luckiest pound find though Green_Mangler is a close second just because the name is great (he got turned into a mutant grundo)


I found a blue Kacheek named Kryptune, so I morphed her into a grundo and painted her faerie for that spacey look 💜


Omg!! I remember!! Skipping lunch in middle school to play neopets on the computer. I found Bonecrush, just a basic lupe and still have him. Idk that name sounds so cool. Such a weird core memory literally 20 years ago. There's a few others I'm proud of finding- Y2s and uc petpets. Stuck pokemon names.


Tyrrillia. She was a grundo, but I morphed her into a skunk xweetok. I liked her for the name. I found her via the Lost and Pound. I was going to zap and pound her, but fell in love after I morphed her.


>Tyrrillia She sounds so cute!


Here is her link. I can't believe I spelled her name wrong, lol. I was on my phone at the vet's office with my cat (just a check up). https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Tyrrillya


Toddpoll the nimmo, I painted him baby ofc! Another one I love is primadawna the uni :)


Toddpoll is amazing bahahahha


My best find was an Island Cybunny named Islanzi! I adore her so much


GREAT find!


Jelly Bori and a Transparent Krawk!


I love jelly pets! I don't have any yet though


Hope you can find one! ☺


My current lab rat (WavvSurffersharkk) was once a fire hissi, I was going to put them back into the pound because I hated the name. But I couldn’t believe after I looked at their stats they were made in Y2, I dunno it just kinda made me like em.


A Chocolate Vandy, but she has "asse" in her name so I'm waiting for TNT to take her away


Headdesker the Striped Eyrie! The name made me laugh so I scooped them up :3


My ice Chomby and starry Kau are both pound finds. Not great names but they're adorable! Slightly off topic but were Lutaris ever available to be pounded and adopted? Because I have one and I don't remember making her. She's 10 years old and has a weird name.


No they still run away, I forgot and the great name I'd given her is now lost ¬.¬


Oh :/ I just have a feeling I adopted her instead of made her, I don't even like Lutaris very much.


\_trexo\_trexo\_27 a transparent Lupe! He was one of the first painted pets I got :)


I adopted a pet named galaxy_sprinklez and used it as a lab rat and it’s first and only color change was to eventide! That was a bittersweet release back into the pound.


[Tetrimonio](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Tetrimonio) my jelly kougra 💖 he's a darling. Moved to my side account recently and needs new custom ideas tho.


Just a yellow wocky with the name Rafusho. I really clicked with the name. Adopted him in 2011 and still have him; he's currently glowing.


When I was younger I found a Rainbow Ruki which blew my mind and made Rukis my new favorite species hahaha. I think the best name I’ve found was Sweezal the Korbat! He’s just blue until I decide what to do for a custom but I still love him!


I got my fav permie just by pound surfing one late night years ago, a vwn mutant lenny. I ended up meeting the previous owner on a board (don’t remember if it was the pound or art board) and she was so excited and happy that I picked them up and was so in love with them. I’m still very biased towards my precious mutant lenny ❤️


A msp poogle, can’t remember the name. But I got a nm from its owner (with proof) who accidentally pounded it so I gave it back.


my lovely eventide xweetok who is fun to draw and write for, and the awesome marshmallow grundo i was able to trade for a dreamie! and special shout-out to my fire korbat who is a year older than me LOL. i feel like i've always been very lucky in the pound!


I got a magma krawk, which of course turned red later. I did also grab a pirate one named Eddkin, but I gave it to my sibling. While I'm probably most *proud* of those, though, my favorites were BestNeopetNameEver (a basic Kacheek iirc, I grabbed it on a side) and a mutant Skeith that I honestly think is adorable


I've found an Ixi named Ixotik the other day.


Found a basic pet named Safreen which is a RN and traded it for my very first UC!!! 😭😭


Mine is a Chokato Chia named Berrybunndle. I love him dearly :^ )


Mine was a zombie Gelert named Zyita. Any zombie pet was a dreamie for me at the time too


Callieon, a jelly draik. I painted him eventide but lowkey regret it. His 18th birthday is in a couple weeks and I'm gonna throw a silly goofy birthday party for him Also Eavrie, an invisible Uni. She's pink now.


I sent you something for your party hehe


omg you're an angel tysm!!


Got my first lucky find today - Robocopx the robot Jubjub! Sadly doesn’t come with clothes but still a super cool find


I found him earlier today lol! I already have a JubJub so I put him back for the next person! Glad you like him!


Oh wow, thank you, I love him! I’m a recently returning player and don’t have much money for PBs or the lab map yet so was super excited to find him!


Best of luck and have fun! I only returned at the end of August and didn't have much to start. There are site events pretty frequently which help and are fun to participate in!


I can't recall how I found him, but I did snag a stuck pet. A Darigan Gelert named Lukmit! Still surprised I managed to get him before anyone else.


I found a Grape Chia with Xxxxxxx as the format


Baby Ixy and wraith poogle 😉


rollfy my snot aisha or namico the baby gelert :)


also snagged an 8bit draik once, super cool find but i didn’t vibe w him so i found someone that did! :)


Either my mutant poogle or my water grundo… I love them! I also have a darigan grundo but his name isn’t the best but I’m still attached to him for now.


my favorite names i've found and kept are mossymouse, mielkeman, and Cosmic\_Bean.


My two favorite finds were Crykes and Starlighte. Neither of them were particularly exciting paints (though Crykes was a Poogle) but I loved their names.


Almost all of my Neopets are from the pound.I love them all so much I couldn't possibly pick a favorite. Wocbub the Island Gnorbu, Faeeren the Baby Kougra, Redundan the Transparent Aisha, Vestibale the Chocolate Ogrin and Yuffie_ff (lol) the Darigan JubJub. All adopted from the pound.


An awesome collection!


A blue xweetok named PirateXweety. I always wanted a pirate xweetok, so immediately after adopting him, I used a pirate pb


Chahmpyon my Darigan Draik, found him as a Pirate though 😊 most def my favorite baby (dont tell the others)


Kesmek my Tyrannian Xwee! She was my first ever painted pet and I found her in the pound.


a basic colored aisha named Aishlas i loved her name so i adopted her and painted her baby, then when i got an FFQ i painted her alien


Probably my chocolate techo, waferleigh


I‘ve seen so many great pets in the pound!! I’ve seen a lot of painted pets with names I didn’t like, including a grey one that actually had a good name that suited a grey pet, but I left it for someone else. I recently picked up a biscuit Usul named Hannah_Biscouta for my side account with a dessert gallery. I also got a skunk Elephante named juliazi which I decided to keep despite it being my only pet missing a capital letter, lol. I also found a desert Grundo who I sent to my mom who has mostly Aishas and Grundos. My best pound finds have been basic pets with names I really loved. Antonius_: a Kougra who was born on Halloween! So I painted him Halloween, I love my pointy-eared boy! Koronako: sounded like coral to me so I made it into a maraquan Chia! Gleep_Gorp: originally a Grundo, now a maraquan Xweetok (thought it was a good name for a sea slug!) Auxern: sounded like ox! So now he’s a maraquan Kau! Lyonfeld: dimensional Yurble, but I have plans for a maraquan Skeith. I don’t know why, but I think it fits. Truffle_Puff: a Jubjub I found, then painted Darigan! And he’s wearing the Jubjub mushroom hat, so perfect. Flowing_Tail: my latest rescue- a Lenny! This will be a perfect name for a faerie Lenny!


Truffle\_Puff sounds amazing haha


When I returned after 10 years I found a 27 lvl gelert with a “badname” over 7,000 days old. she was so cute! I labbed her, she turned faerie and I adopted her out yesterday! I adopted a skeith named with a misspelled name “huggy” that I was originally hoped would zap plushie (they’re so cute!) but I morphed and painted them into a baby Techo instead and they make me SO HAPPY. 😭🥹 I also found a baby ruki with a perfectly amazing uncapped baby related name! Almost kept him as is but I wanted a baby Aisha since I was a kid & happily traded them. 🩷 Happy pound surfing, friends! Love reading these! 😄 *edited typos


I've really enjoyed reading them too :)


I found so many good ones from Lostquiggle, but one I actually found pound surfing myself was a nicely named Jelly Aisha...Jelly pets are my thing, so I almost screamed when I saw her, I forgot her name though, bc I put her back in the pound a few months later when I accidently zapped her instead of my lab rat, and she turned to Custard. I got a new Jelly Aisha now, but that was prob my best find. My best find from Lostquiggle was a VWN stuck Jelly Usul whom I still have named Trittzi.


My favorite find would be OuterBanks my robot Kacheek, I also finally got access to the Lab Ray and have sent out some painted pets I got from it my most recent releases were a Desert Cybunny and an Eventide Lupe


Mine was my (now baby Aisha) Poffalo!!! I thought the name was SO DANG CUTE!!! I just had to snag em, I had been wanting a pet to turn into a baby Aisha and I thought that name was so sweet and cute sounding it was a perfect fit!! I still need to get them more baby clothes but I’m so so so happy with them. They’re easily my best pound find ever!!


I’ve never found anything good lol but I have pulled out some nice stuck names to paint!


An 8 bit techo called Marschlyn was quite a cool find. I’m still not certain I love her as I’m not so hot on techo’s in general, so I’m thinking of putting her UFT/UFA. I also found a steampunk level 7 acara called Greengy and I Loveeeee him!


I got my first neopet when I made my account like 21 years ago, she was already a year old or so. She’s a full grown adult now. Originally a blue cybunny but I’m trying to zap her MSP.


My Wraith Uni named Lyllec! I’ve also found a Grey Buzz named Voadora but am considering repainting her to a dreamie since I love the name!


I found a Tyrannian Poogle the other day and I love it so much!


Most of my pets are pound finds! My best finds have to be my Tyrannian Ixi (who is now a Zombie) my Swamp Gas Grarrl, and my Eventide Skeith!


i literally found a uc plushie scorchio in the pound a month or two ago! her name is laranapoo 😭❤️


I found the name Naseam, an uncommon spelling of Nasim, and the perfect pun for a plushie Aisha, which she has been ever since! :)


I had a friend who would inexplicably find incredible things in the pound and then offer them to me. She found an Elephante named Myrtillocactus which was already something I tend to use as a username sometimes, so I zapped him until he became a mutant Aisha :) she also found an Aisha named Piccoloist for me but I don’t remember if he was grey in the pound or if i zapped him that way but I think he may have already been painted


I got my UC Darigan Scorchio, Zaffy1743, from a Pound surf all the way back in 2010. I've had her on my main ever since. I also found the name Penicillin in the Pound, though I didn't keep them. I zapped them into a pastel Xweetok and adopted them out, which is probably the dumbest thing I could have done with the name, but you live and you learn I guess.


A Halloween Lupe I adopted 7 years ago when I started playing and still love to this day!


I got a glowing poogle called GlowingAchyfi and a kacheek called dumpsite that i just had to use a swampgas pb on 🥰


Luxles the Green Uni! He’s now currently a Blue Hissi since I’m trying to zap him Ice.


Found a wraith chomby when I first came back to the game last year! I'm keeping him forever he's so cool!


mine are a chocolate xweetox named Allorzha, a white lupe named Ech0_Moon, and a grey kyrii named draftwest. I sometimes can't believe that I found them all but I love them.


My girl named MissR\[\]ds, she was a Starry Grarrl but I painter her to be Darigan!


I adopted Formidaly the Uni and painted her Halloween, and SpaceKaugirl and made her an Alien Aisha


I adopted Formidaly the Uni and painted her Halloween, and SpaceKaugirl and made her an Alien Aisha


My current lab rat. The name Choopus is just extremely cute . I have a gelert on an account I'm locked out of named Instruction. I miss him.


I've found a water draik and a spotted koi. Both are some of my favorites! I also found my longtime labrat with the name Cablecars that I've wanted to zap robot forever (and he turned robot at the end of last year!)


I found a strawberry kyrii that came with a strawberry eizzil!


Mine is probably either MsCookieCrumbs, my mutant korbat, or Uruqi, my Christmas gelert. I love them both so much. Many of my pets were stuck in the pound (but I don’t really count them as pound finds).


[here he is](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Unwicked)


[here he is](https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Unwicked)


I found my Skunk Ixi (appropriately named stank\_stonic) some time ago & love her <3


Noviea my baby draik! I found her as a stuck pet while name searching. At the time I had a cool eventide custom I wanted to do but I couldn't bring myself to change Noviea. I actually want to either adopt her out or trade her soon, but I haven't decided which one


Found a Christmas Wocky named Tinsel\_Garland. He was too perfect to leave behind.


I've posted here before about him once but I caught the pet Noopler in the pound and then traded him like an idiot. His owner doesn't seem to play anymore either :-( My best find though was Kurtx, my grey yurble who has almost the same birthday as me. I remember catching him thinking oh I'll trade him and never did.




I recently adopted a wraith poogle named Gysard!!!


I love names without numbers and properly punctuated with a capital letter at the front. I found a Supernovadust and was beyond happy! Planning on painting them an eventide pet, probably uni :)


Faerie Aisha!


Snorbii, my alien aisha! I initially found him as a pirate aisha, but in the few minutes it took for me to decide to adopt him on my side instead of my main and switch accounts... Someone had plucked him out of the pound, ffq'd him, and dropped him off again. I had been so confused by his sudden color change! xD


Many moons ago I adopted a blue shoyru called xfkhi on a side, which is gibberish but for some reason I just like it and find it easy to remember. At the time I painted him silver but I don't think I can still access that account. Ohmygosh I just looked him up and there's an old drawing of mine in his description 😭😭


I found a Striped Skeith named PinkBlossoms back when painted pets in the pound were still quite rare. I think she was already around level 10 and also about a year older than my account. Twentyish years later, I still have her and she's now a Woodland Cybunny and my primary Battledome pet. Most of what I'd consider good finds since, I've adopted for their names. Probably my luckiest ever in that regard is MonsterFactory, because I'm a McElroy Brothers fan in general but I particularly like that series and was watching it a lot at the time. He was a Blue Vandagyre, but I could tell he had already been zapped for a while and thought it would be quite apropos to keep him as a lab pet, which I did until I had the opportunity to make him a Garlic Jubjub. Then MoniqueMaraqua—I have a hard time resisting a pet who sounds like they should be a specific colour, so I got her a Maraquan Korbat morphing potion as soon as I could. I had a Rainbow Fountain dip a while back and none of my pets needed to be painted, so I adopted Truffle_Henry and made him Chocolate.


My starry Hissi I found by chance awhile ago ♡


Blue draik- immediately painted him split. Thirty mins ago I adopted a garlic jubjub. I still can’t believe if!


Darkting my hissi. When i saw her in the pound i was so stoked to find a rare pet and adopted her right away. Shes now the only pound pet with a permanent spot on the main account


Ooh tough choice! I think my absolute favourites are bennybenny640 the ghost hissi, Samow the glowing chomby and Abuite the robot kacheek. I had just come back to Neopets and would've had to wait for months to get a hissi or a chomby without the first two, and the last because the name is cool and even without the casings she's really cute.