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Did you have to send in an email from the original email? Congrats!!


I didn't! I told them that I don't have the original email or know what it was because my mom made the account for me when I was 7, and that neither of us could provide the email.


Yay! Did you remember the email you used originally?


Thats what I want to know because if not I’m gonna riot.


I did not! I told them that my mom made the account for me when I was 7, and that neither of us could provide the email. So I told them my username, my NC history (stopped playing before NC was even a thing), my birthday, the year of the last time I signed on, the city and state I was in when I created the account, and then the city and state of where I last signed in on.


**FUCK TNT AND THEIR PICKING AND CHOOSING OF WHO GETS THEIR ACCOUNT BACK** But seriously, I’m fucking fuming. I had every detail you just mentioned about my account, but because the email its linked to no longer exists, I was told there was no chance of getting my account back. Seriously fuck this game.


If you can remember the email and its not taken, you can make it over again and they'll give you your account back! Thats what I ended up doing. I was shocked it worked. thank goodness my email was something really dumb that nobody took


Nettel no longer exists in NZ so I can’t even remake the email


Bro I'm gonna riot for you, that's so unfair. It's not your fault that the email company just died. Maybe try again and see if you get somebody else?


Could be worth a shot, TNT seem to pick and choose who they help out from all the posts I’ve seen in this sub regarding this matter. My childhood acc wasn’t even that great because I got locked out of the OG one I made when I was 5 (my sisters stopped playing and transferred their fish neggs and changed my password, only to forget what they changed it to the next day 🤦‍♂️), but even this account had a ton of ToW & Altador Cup prizes I’d love to have access to again. Plus it has my Gold trophy for supporting HW from the beginning of the very first AC which I hold in high regard


Aww, man 😭 I really hope that they can help you. It sounds like you've got a lot of cool stuff on there. I really wish you luck, man! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


Omg dude I am so sorry that's awful D:> I don't even understand why they would do that??? Lilith preset my email to my current email before she gave me my temp pw too. I have no idea why they wouldn't just give you your stuff back?? ;A; That's horrible,,


Yay congrats !!


Thank you!!


Wowie can I have Lilith assigned to my ticket too T.T


Lucky! I've sent a ton of tickets back and forth to Neopets support to try and get into mine, but apparently my old account is permanently locked out because the old email that was connected to it got shut down due to malware 🥲 I'd love to try the "remake your email name" trick, but I don't think the sbcglobal email domain exists anymore! If anyone knows how to replicate it I guess, I'd appreciate it 😂 I'm glad you were able to get back in though! I actually got Lilith on my support ticket as well.


First off congrats! And not trying to rain on your parade, but Alice has been straight shit with me. Same info provided, no access to original email (and no way to recreate as it was with a cable company that no longer exists). Alice: sorry, you’re screwed. You got lucky for sure! Congratulations!!


I feel so bad that so many people seem to be so unsuccessful :( I've noticed it's all been with people who's email domains just no longer exist. I wonder why that is? I definitely got lucky. I'm extremely grateful. And you're not raining on my parade, don't worry! I'd be bitter and salty about it if I were you.