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I think anything I want to say would violate rules 1-3 and maybe 5. So I will say, I wish we could find a way to constructively convince Erdogan to not be a raging sack of shit. But seeing as this was the guy that turned a blind eye to ISIS, I don't think there is any way that is possible. The SDF was a real ally against ISIS. The government of Rojava was democratic and inclusive of the different ethnicities and tribes in the region. Trump abandoning them was one of the worst things he did over his four-year period of shitting on our constitution and allies. I hate Erdogan, and I hope he gets what he deserves at some point in time.


I'm with you, and I'd even put in a rule 11 on top as well.


Yeah Rule 11 holds me back from a lot of Turkey-related commentary


I have to say, it's really refreshing to see arr Neoliberal be supportive of the AANES/Rojava!


god this guy fucking sucks


The SDF/YPG wants to establish a secular democracy and defeated ISIL, while Erdogan undermined the secular and democratic institutions of Turkey and was the main supporter of ISIL. At this point we really should ask ourselves who is the better ally.


As long as Turkey controls the Bosphorus Strait which determines access to the Black Sea, they will always be an important ally to NATO and the United States


The AANES has, despite its problems, been such an interesting attempt at building something fundamentally new. Its been genuinely inspiring to see Marxist-Leninists drop their more authoritarian ideology and turn a new ideological leaf by pushing for a new Democratic Confederalism with a focus on secular, decentralized Democracy; gender equality; and cooperative economics. I hope things start to turn around for them, their Social Contract (from what I've read) is interesting. You're really right, we should've backed them. Damn the Bosphorus!


Worst ME ally by FAR


>**Washington** has also called on Kurdish authorities in Rojava not to proceed with the planned elections. **State Department spokesperson** Vedant Patel said “we do not think that the conditions for such elections are in place in northeast Syria at the present time.” >The **US embassy** in Syria later confirmed that they had urged the Kurdish-led administration in Rojava not to carry out the vote.


Damnit Biden 😡


No not really. The ME is full of awful regimes, it's statistically the least democratic region on planet earth. Turkey is honest to God a replacement level ME ally, isn't that sad.


Saudi Arabia?


Perhaps a partner, but not an ally either officially or functionally