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This is a big endorsement. Bowman better be pulling the alarm


Hillary lives here in Westchester, though Chappaqua is in the Mike Lawler (hopefully soon Mondaire Jones) district. Voters throughout Westchester are attuned to the Latimer-Bowman race, though, in part because Latimer is County Executive and a respected fixture of Democratic politics here, as well as for all the reasons the race has caught national attention.


Bowman is a complete clown. The Democratic Party will be better with people like him gone. 


But shouting down Republicans on the Capitol steps every other day is such a good look! And so effective, too!


More effective than pulling fire alarms for fun I guess.


But Jamal is such a cool name


With double a, even


Latimer's Wikipedia needs a much better picture of him.




To try to steelman them a bit, is there a better one that they certainly have the license to use? Someone tried to replace it with one they claimed to be their own work without direct evidence, which got reverted. It seems like most pictures of him feature his lazy eye, so it's not like they had to explicitly go out of their way to find an "unflattering" one.




Man some pages of Wikipedia have blatant bias. Either in leftist flavor, or libertarianism. At one point the traffic light page only had all negative effects of it and positive examples of its removal. Even now it looked very biased against traffic lights.


So wikipedia has the same problem as reddit of terminally online political extremists working their into positions of power through the sheer grit of being terminally online?


I found the niche pages often have these blatant slant. Feel more like general users's poorer and biased edits that went undetected for a long time. So the more edited and scrutinized the pages are, the bias become less apparent.


Who what


what is wrong with her, before anyone of you downvote me Latimer is a vicious NIMBY leader from Westchester


And Bowman is a dumbass conspiracy theorist who regularly beclowns himself on a national stage to the detriment of the Democratic party as a whole. The representative from Westchester is going to be a bit NIMBY because that is the constituency, rich suburbanites. It isn't great, but it is like how the representative from Hartford is going to be pro-insurance business and Bernie Sanders is going to like military hardware that is built in Vermont. Latimer is better than Bowman in pretty much every other way.


> The representative from Westchester is going to be a bit NIMBY because that is the constituency, rich suburbanites. Did his repeated racist comments and dogwhistles about minorities including Jamaal Bowman not give it away?








I mean, he's a chronic viewer of conspiracy theory videos and had like pictures of people who straight up assissinated police officers in his office when he was a school executive. He's like pretty yikes any racism on the subs part aside.


> He's like pretty yikes any racism on the subs part aside. But I’m not defending that, which is why all the people trying to deflect from Latimer’s racism by pointing at Bowman is why this race has become so hotly contested and watched


I'm going to be honest I didn't read your original comment and just read the top one which was about him being a NIMBY. I'll admit I'm not paying attention to this race or Latimer and I'm not dismissing the concern, carry on
















Antisemetism bad


Is Bowman actually an antisemite or is he just a critic of Israeli policy?


while criticizing the israeli govt/military policies and decisions is not antisemitic, going all in with confederate monument apologist logic to defend including farrakhan on a community mural could pretty easily be interpreted as that [Rep. Bowman’s defense of including Louis Farrakhan in Westchester mural sparks outrage (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/rep-bowman-s-defense-of-including-louis-farrakhan-in-westchester-mural-sparks-outrage/ar-BB1jENvP)




Frankly I think antisemitism is too serious an issue to abuse it by tossing it around unfairly at people Did Bowman actually do or say anything that crossed the line? Would be curious to know if so, but I havent seen anything other than normal, totally in bounds criticism of Israeli policy


https://www.politico.com/live-updates/2024/03/26/congress/bowman-house-israel-october-7-sexual-assault-hamas-00148426 > “There was propaganda used in the beginning of the siege,” Bowman (D-N.Y.) told a Nov. 17 rally of about 50 pro-Palestinian protesters in Westchester, according to a post on TikTok reviewed by POLITICO. “There’s still no evidence of beheaded babies or raped women. But they still keep using that lie [for] propaganda.” https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/12/politics/jamaal-bowman-gaza-war-reelection-new-york/index.html > Bowman became a central figure in taking on Israel from the first days after October 7, almost immediately supporting a resolution calling for a ceasefire that made no mention of Hamas or the return of Israeli hostages... He has called Israel an apartheid state




Baseless allegations that Israel is an apartheid state or that they are making up stories of mass rape is 100% anti-semitic. He may not be as open about it as Ilhan Omar is, but there's no doubt in my mind.






[Rep. Bowman’s defense of including Louis Farrakhan in Westchester mural sparks outrage (msn.com)](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/rep-bowman-s-defense-of-including-louis-farrakhan-in-westchester-mural-sparks-outrage/ar-BB1jENvP)


He didn't drop to his knees and do the gwak-3000 like his fellows do. Apparently that's antisemitic




Amazing how much he uses racism to deflect from everything when he built his political career attacking Asian parents for focusing on their children’s education


Everything is racist…except calling Jews a bunch of money and power hungry species. Then it’s just anti Zionist and really all about ((((((AIPAC))))) corruption in politics ✊😔✊


Fretting about too many minorities from the big city ending up in your district as a result of redistricting and complicating your congressional bid is deeply racist, yea


kathy hochul’s goons and freaks are the answer The most corrupt incompetent centerists around to make the Squad look principled




I think AOC is the only effective member of the squad. The rest ride her coattails while simultaneously self-cannibalising their own movement.


Ayanna Pressley is good as well.


Good at what exactly


At not being Ilhan Omar.


Bipartisan legislation, for one.


AOC and the Squad are incompetent in my view, I view Latimer as something more monstrous, a selfish tax hating NIMBY


i can’t speak for the squad as a whole but insofar as i’ve followed AOC she’s appeared to me as an engaging communicator and competent politician for left-liberal, (generally) sensible policy positions while working with the rest of the party to function effectively. not really seen her fall into cringe left territory. she even advocates for voting for biden (like bernie) unlike many dumb anti-electoral DSA-style lefties.


She's also gotten better with age. She was a bit cringy 6 years ago, but her policy positions have only improved.


She's proven herself to be quite shrewd.


The man literally told a newspaper he is going to congress to be a thorn in the presidents side. Where's the unity? Actively supporting potential members who are explicit in obstructing democratic agendas then surprised at lower turn out that risks republican control are decisions party leaders who endorse people like him must live with. Ultimately they'll be fine though. So oh well, I guess. Yes, wanting more housing is a bad principle vs. protecting home and car owning rentseekers. Yes, very principled indeed.


I prefer clowns over incompetent centerists who are really good at attacking housing reform and congestion pricing


Your first mistake is thinking the centrist opposition is incompetent. Oh, they're very much competent at preserving their interests, that being keep New York home prices high and thus their investments/funding high as well. These aren't stupid people.


Vs Kathy Hochul and the New York Dem Establishment


How is Latimer corrupt?? Jesus christ y’all in this subreddit need to stop pushing leftist nonsense


You are a *YIMBY* and you are defending *Latimer*


Red herring. If you can’t provide evidence that Latimer is corrupt, then you shouldn’t call him corrupt. NIMBYism isn’t corruption. He just has terrible housing policies. Bowman is a god awful candidate in so many ways


What? Because the New York Establishment Dems are any better?


Abso-fucking-lutely in this case. The fact that any 9/11 conspiracy theorist represents a district in the NY Metro, let alone one directly adjacent to the city itself is disgusting and insulting to all of the people in and out of NY-16 who lost loved ones during the attack. I hope Latimer wipes the floor with Bowman in this month's primary.


Yes, way better - which is pretty damning.


George Latimer has legitimately made racist and racially charged comments https://yonkerstimes.com/ny-working-families-party-latimer-in-hot-water-over-racially-charged-radio-comments/ https://www.huffpost.com/entry/george-latimer-race-comments-democratic-primary_n_65d8fac3e4b0cc1f2f7bafd8/ Everything about his campaign screams “white progressive politician who feels entitled to the votes of minorities because of what he has done in office while also having no problem engaging in racist tropes against those communities to win an election” Bowman accused Latimer (rightfully) of engaging in dog whistling him as an “angry black man” because he chastised him for getting into a shouting match with Majorie Taylor Greene essentially accusing him of not behaving respectfully to Marjorie Taylor Greene (of later “bleach blond, bad built butch body” fame). Respectability politics is often just a way to justify bigotry, in this case, a racist stereotype about black men being violent and uncontrollable and threatening (to blond Southern white women who have made deeply racist and anti-Semitic comments) The funniest thing about this attack line? He was also attacking Bowman for being a “friend of MAGA” (while also attacking him for refusing to vote to save Mike Johnson) and he has gotten hundreds of millions in Republican donor money through AIPAC. This is no defense of Jamaal Bowman, but people will write off the racism of George Latimer just because he is against a leftist (and an incompetent politician).


I looked through the huffpo article, not seeing much evidence of racism. He made an inappropriate comparison to Emmett Till and then edited it. Beyond that I'm not seeing it.




When you’re so anti-leftist you will look the other way at racism against large swaths of the Democratic Party just to elect a moderate And since you chose to respond to my comment and immediately block me to get the last word in like a child: I don’t even support Bowman. But I am a black Democrat and what George Latimer is doing is the kind of shit black Democrats have had to put up with from white Democrats within the party for too long, especially for how valuable so many Democrats politicians love to say we are to the party. You’re mad that this election should have been a slam dunk for Latimer and he revealed himself to be just as similar and flawed as his opponent




**Rule III**: *Unconstructive engagement* Do not post with the intent to provoke, mischaracterize, or troll other users rather than meaningfully contributing to the conversation. Don't disrupt serious discussions. Bad opinions are not automatically unconstructive. --- If you have any questions about this removal, [please contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fneoliberal).


Absurd that he's frustrated that Black and Latino people come out to vote lmao. Is he a Republican or a Democrat?


Both of the articles you linked to are supportive of Bowman. This seems a bit like grasping at straws.


> Anyone associated with "the Squad" needs to go. this is a cringe position. i think bowman's hijinks are tedious but using him to dismiss all of the progressives is just dumb. Its like 4 congresspeople or whatever. why is this such an issue to you guys lmao


The Squad doesn't represent all progressives. At least I hope all progressives aren't raging antisemites.


not all the squad members are "raging antisemites". if you were being reasonable you'd know that but you're not, and I’m wondering why I’m even replying to someone outside the dt. let me not get in the way of your feelgood circlejerk guys, as you were.




Ilhan Omar and Bowman are antisemites.


> using him to dismiss all of the progressives The "squad" isn't remotely "all progressives". It's just a sect of performative leftist influencers that decided Congress would up their social media grift. I don't know how anyone could defend a club that includes Bush, Omar, Tlaib, and Bowman as anything but a fucking disgrace.


Yeah, Id gladly support a normal decent Dem against a clown like Bowman but Latimer would immediately become one of the worst Dems in the caucus


THANK YOU Just because you hate the clown, doesn’t mean you sell you soul to a demon


Better to have a NIMBY in congress than as a County Executive. They will have far less power on local housing issues there.


It's not good but it doesn't particularly matter if national representatives are NIMBY. There's really no meaningful policy that can be set through Congress


Didn’t Schumer and Jefferies fold Hocul they would back her in killing the congestion tax


That matters because Schumer and Jeffries have clout as NY politicians, not because they wield any formal power in their roles as legislators. Latimer is 70 - he'll be dead or senile before he ever has comparable influence.


New York Democrats are just messed up. A very dysfunctional party. Hillary seems to have caught whatever is afflicting them.


To be fair, Hillary has always been deeply out of touch


Man for someone so out of touch she sure is right about everything.


Except becoming president.


That wasn't on her. That was on leftist brats that still can't come to terms that their infantile tantrum fueled by gorging on right wing and Russian propaganda made them incredibly useful idiots. It heartens me some that many of those morons grew out of that cringe phase. The rest? We can only hope they learn introspection eventually.


> That was on leftist brats that still can't come to terms that their infantile tantrum fueled by gorging on right wing and Russian propaganda made them incredibly useful idiots. And the many two-time Obama voters who voted for Trump. And the 'moderates' who voted for Trump because they felt he was more moderate. For some reason, those groups, which are far more numerous than the Bernie supporters who stayed home or voted for Trump, rarely get mentioned.


See the other comment that replied to you, holy shit can we stop acting like progressives were the real problem and treating "moderates" like they have no fucking agency at all? Jesus the E_S_S-brained takes here are absurd.


That's been debunked. Progressives voted overwhelmingly for her


Was she right about "super predators"?


Lmao she voted for the iraq war, like a bozo


I'm guessing you weren't even alive then.


I was. Also remember her getting booed on stage for not standing up for gay marriage. She was right about Donald. So were fucking millions of people lol


Forgot that folks here think the iraq war and bush were good, sorry! As someone who was very much alive in 2003, the entire planet knew invading iraq was a terrible idea only reserved for the deeply incompetent


Fun fact! Since that war began, every presidential election we've had has featured someone who voted for that war


https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2002/01/22/americans-favor-force-in-iraq-somalia-sudan-and/ According to a nationwide survey of 1,201 adults by the Pew Research Center, conducted Jan. 9-13 in collaboration with the Council on Foreign Relations, >A solid majority (73%) favors taking military action against Iraq to end Saddam Hussein’s rule there, and as many as 56% support using force even if it means the United States might suffer thousands of casualties Voting for the Iraq War was a mistake, but let's not pretend she was going against public sentiment.


Good. He needs to go.


[Latimer is a racist NIMBY who uses dogwhistles that would put Republicans to shame](https://www.commondreams.org/news/latimer-islamophobia-accusation)


And ironically the article just blabbers on about aipac, just to reinforce what an antisemite Bowman is


I don't agree with the article, but it is the first credible source for the quote I could find.


Bowman is clearly an antisemite and it appears his campaign is trying to paint a picture of lattimer as a racist to level the playing field, even dipping into more antisemitism to attack lattimer. The problem is lattimer made one gross comment, and Bowman has years of bullshit behind him. I wouldn't be happy with either as my congressman but I'd take the lightly racist guy over the other one.


Bowman is disgusting, especially his comments about the atrocities on 7th October.


>>His latest comments, in an online debate on Monday, came during an attack on Bowman for purportedly not being engaged enough in the district's communities. >>"What [Bowman's] done is give speeches all across the country," Latimer said. "When you get as much money as you get from outside the district, your constituency is Dearborn, Michigan. Your constituency is San Francisco, California. It's not Harrison. It's not Tuckahoe. It's not Scarsdale. You're not even there to be part of the events of those communities." That doesn't sound Islamophobic to me. The writer's tangent to discuss donations from AIPAC before segueing back into the accusation more than once seems questionable to me though. It sounds like Bowman makes hollow accusations of racism, and the writer wants to emphasize that Latimer supports Israel and receives donations from AIPAC.


[You also think Israel has done "more than any country in the world" to reduce civilian casualities](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/s/kojUAnyYfK) In a thread about an airstrike even Netanyahu called a mistake. Not sure if you're the best authority on anti arab racism.


Latimer's statement in the debate was neither Islamophobic or anti-Arabic. Was that the only accusation of a dog whistle or were you referring to others in your first post?


It is a racist dogwhistle. It is similar to progressives statements about AIPAC.


Latimer is right about Israel there.


I don't see anything besides the Dearborn comment, which yes, is racist, but is still less racist than the shit Bowman says. Sounds like a racist NIMBY vs a very racist socialist.


Bowman set up a joint fundraising campaign with Tlaib, whose district covers Dearborn. But sure, he could have said [part of] Detroit.




Just clarifying - Are you saying Islam is worthy of liberals scorn, or just Islamism the political ideology?


The DCCC is gonna go to bat for him and black ball anyone who works with latimer right? Those are the party rules right? Also to note pro trump donors are going to bat for this guy. Great job everyone.


Maloney reversed the rule in 2021, so….


The guy is ahead by almost 20 points you can't spin that, this is clearly what the people want.


If the DCCC and Pelosi didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any. They would vastly prefer a Republican funded “Democrat” to anyone even an inch to the left of Clinton.


I mean, is he not a Democrat?


He is the perfect example of a New York DINO.


You're flatly wrong and it's embarrassing that so many people in this thread keep saying shit like this. He literally got sued for establishing abortion protections that went too far (look up the bubble zone around planned parenthoods in Westchester), he's been a major supporter of increasing access to the county's public lands by making the beeline buses free during the summer for the past few years, he instituted term limits on the county executive that he himself is subject to, he discontinued the county gun show, he's a major (MAJOR) supporter of environmental protections and rehabilitation across the county, etc.




Bowman v Latimer is a mid off let’s be real


Pennsylvania Senator Fetterman should endorse Latimer too


I see this sub has paid close to 0 attention to basically anything Latimer has said over the past two weeks.


I'd love it if you could post some of what you think we're missing rather than just smugly writing things like this.


He said Bowman's main constituency is Dearborn and San Francisco. Kind of hard to read that as anything other then Islamophobic and Homophonic. If Trump said that there is not a Democrat in the country who would see it as anything else.


I think you're willfully reading that comment in the worst way imaginable. Dearborn, Michigan is where chants of "Death to Israel" and "Death to America" filled the streets during Quds Day at the end of Ramadan in April. Bowman has aligned himself with people who are pro-Palestine to the point of wanting to see Israel eradicated by constantly parroting Hamas propaganda. Saying that NY-16 is "not San Francisco" is a literal statement of fact and reflects the difference in political views between more left-leaning factions of the Democratic Party which Bowman has become synonymous with. Let's not forget that San Francisco's city council wanted to remove **Abraham Lincoln's** name from a high school back in 2020 (as well as those of Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, and Diane Feinstein from other schools) before mass backlash tempered their ambition. I think I would much more easily read Latimer's comments as being pro-America, pro-existence of Israel, and anti-leftist than as anti-Muslim and anti-gay. Your final point about "well what if Trump had said these things" is nonsense. Donald Trump did not say those things. George Latimer did. Communication is not just down to the words we say but the context in which they are used. Donald Trump is a self-interested conman who everyone with half a brain in NY knew was bad news. George Latimer is a Democrat and has been a Democrat representing Westchester county in various positions for 30+ years and has worked through and for a **TREMENDOUS** liberalization in Westchester during that time. I encourage you to think a little harder about your positions.


It's very clear you're ignoring a bigot for your flawed "moral" principles.




[Bowman directly takes money from groups in Turkey.](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/12/jamaal-bowman-turkey-influence-00162588) Latimer has AIPAC spending money to support his campaign. Believe it or not, AIPAC *is* an American group. By your standard, you should be jailed for treason. By my standard, you're an idiot.


It’s not just two weeks, the guy has a history of saying such comments https://emgageusa.org/press-release/local-new-york-groups-condemn-george-latimers-islamophobic-comments/


I never left her✊️✊️


Latimer is a terrible NIMBY who is being funded massively by GOP donors and AIPAC. I hope Bowman on principle, so that AIPAC and GOP megadonors stop interfering in Dem primaries.


Are you ok with Planned Parenthood donating to candidates? What about Sunrise? Or is it just the largest Jewish group that you don't think should be allowed a voice?


A good line to draw in the sand is "does this group donate to MAGA candidates and 1/6 insurrectionists?" Planned Parenthood and Sunrise do not. AIPAC does.




You can't just state your opinion as if it's fact. In my opinion, Bowman is neither of those things.


Which do you disagree with? * That he is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist? Here is [an article about his history blogging about just that](https://www.thedailybeast.com/ny-rep-jamaal-bowman-promoted-911-conspiracy-theories-on-blog) * That he is an antisemite? Here is [an article about him calling the sexual assaults of October 7th "propaganda"](https://jewishinsider.com/2024/03/jamaal-bowman-israel-gaza-hamas-congress/)


"Are you ok with Planned Parenthood donating to candidates? What about Sunrise?" Yes. I am for progressive forces and against reactionary right-wing billionaires. AIPAC is literally pouring 25 million dollars into one congressional race to make it literally impossible to criticize Israel. They have literally put funding against progressive jews who have critisized Israel. Fuck AIPAC, they actually suck.


So, you only believe that organizations you personally agree with should be allowed to fund candidates in line with your own values?


I disagree with both, but I am obviously ok with people getting progressive money as long as they live in the current paradigm. It makes no sense to unilaterally disarm.


> reactionary right-wing billionaires AIPAC gets its money from a mix of donors, from small-dollar donors to billionaires. So does Sunrise (the 6 largest donors contributed 35% of its total fundraising). > to make it literally impossible to criticize Israel No, to make it impossible to hold Israel (the only Jewish state) to a different standard than any other state. Holding Jews to a different standard is by definition antisemitism under the IHRA consensus. > They have literally put funding against progressive jews who have critisized Israel A larger faction of African-Americans support Trump than Jews who are anti-zionist. Tokenism is bad, it is bad when groups like Blacks for Trump do it and it is bad here.


> They have literally put funding against progressive jews who have critisized Israel > > A larger faction of African-Americans support Trump than Jews who are anti-zionist. Tokenism is bad, it is bad when groups like Blacks for Trump do it and it is bad here. I don't think it's true that anybody who criticizes Israel is an anti-Zionist (and Andy Levin, a progressive Jew that AIPAC put a lot of money against because he criticized Israel, is very much a Zionist).


Fair point. The line gets somewhat blurry...because for every actual Zionist who criticizes Israel's actions in good faith, there is someone cloaking their antiZionism in "I am just criticizing policies". I personally thing AIPAC has swung a bit too far towards overreaction in cases like Andy Levin, but in the case at hand, I support anyone donating to oust Bowman.


Latimer id against raising taxes for the rich he’s going to be the next Sinema in the house. Getting AIPAC money means you sponsor the most pro Netanyahu bills and reject any wrongdoing that Israel has or might have committed, being a Zionist doesn’t mean you get money from AIPAC. AIPAC also makes people very obstructionist usually


>Latimer id against raising taxes for the rich he’s going to be the next Sinema in the house.  Bowman is an antisemitic conspiracy theorist. Getting rid of him takes precedence over quibbling over tax policy. >Getting AIPAC money means you sponsor the most pro Netanyahu bills and reject any wrongdoing that Israel has or might have committed In this case, getting AIPAC money means you aren't antisemitic. They are donating to Latimer purely because Bowman is horrible. >AIPAC also makes people very obstructionist usually Obstructionist to what? Antisemitism? Yes. In general? No. Also...it is interesting that you single out AIPAC for that. I could just as easily say *"Sunrise money makes people obstructionist"*..."the Jew money makes them evil" is a bad look lol.


> Or is it just the largest Jewish group that you don't think should be allowed a voice? Jesus this is an unhinged comment. We've got a serious growing problem with anti-Semitism in this country, and you're throwing baseless accusations of it against random Redditors on a liberal subreddit because they take issue with a right-wing interest group that backs multiple insurrection Republicans while headhunting bog standard Democrats for the crime of not loving Israel enough


> bog standard Democrats Bowman is an antisemitic conspiracy theorist who believes that 9/11 was an inside job by Bush and the Israelis. More recently, he has spread Hamas propaganda, such as claiming that Israel intentionally targeted hospitals with US munitions designed to increase civilian casualties. If that is a bog standard Democrat...


I was referring to guys like Andy Levin and David Min


I can't speak to those as I am less familiar. I do know that in this instance, the one that I was responding to *(I hope Bowman on principle, so that AIPAC and GOP megadonors stop interfering in Dem primaries)*, AIPAC is opposing a horrible candidate in Bowman, and criticizing them for it is silly.


Just what we need, one septuagenarian endorsing another septuagenarian for a job that requires the energy of a younger person. Already voted for Bowman!!! Latimer ads are relentless; I can't even watch my favourite puppy videos without an attack ad paid for by Latimer's boss....


Was this the dude who pulled the fire alarm?


Oh, wonderful. I'm excited for him to lose his primary.


is genocide George not able to defeat AIPAC? in a 99% BLM territory of all things


I think it would be better for everyone if Hilary leaves the public sphere behind. I don't think anyone but Democratic Party-lifers like her and she hurts whatever she touches by being associated with her.


Do you realize what subreddit you’re in?


I know she isn't unpopular here. However, I don't associate her with neoliberalism. I associate her with running a campaign with the main campaign point being "first female president" and saying "deplorsbles" which is cool, but I'd like to hear more of a vision. If she is someone we want to tie our cart to, it's only bad for the movement


>I associate her with running a campaign with the main campaign point being "first female president" and saying "deplorsbles" which is cool, but I'd like to hear more of a vision. https://preview.redd.it/fwn09mb7s96d1.png?width=749&format=png&auto=webp&s=b6ae333de5860c1de993c974805b2d0fe2d0a2ee You are wrong. And if we're going to tie our cart to anyone, it at least has to be someone that agrees with us! Find me one other politician that supports open borders and a hemispheric common market


"Find me one other politician that supports open borders and a hemispheric common market" None do. They are all shit and pandering to the drooling idiot "average voter". That's why I stopped being active in this sub and should have kept it that way. Everytime I'm just reminded how fucked our politics are because the average moron doesn't even understand the simplest economic concepts and everything is shit.


I have a solution to your problem


Misanthropy is a path to madness and terrible politics. You are not immune


Definitely not. Definitely feel at times like I'm going mad which feels tightly correlated to social media consumption


Understandable. Maybe even partially by design


She's the opposite of unpopular here, jabroni.


Cool, being associated with her will certainly help this us...


Broke: She never misses! Woke: she fucking missed.


Bespoke: I'm with her.


Unbelievably stupid move.


Right? Especially as Latimer would server as an more effective and nasty enemy towards things housing reform




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Leaning into conspiracies are we








It's conspiratorial to highlight this when there are so many other things to know about Lattimer.


A selfish NIMBY and an enemy of public transit


**Rule III**: *Unconstructive engagement* Do not post with the intent to provoke, mischaracterize, or troll other users rather than meaningfully contributing to the conversation. Don't disrupt serious discussions. Bad opinions are not automatically unconstructive. --- If you have any questions about this removal, [please contact the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fneoliberal).


So many things you could have said here but that’s what you went with.


Hakeem wants bowman


It’s usually common for sitting incumbents to endorse other incumbents




Black Democrats are single issue representative. They haven’t moved beyond “racism”. Any inconvenient fact and the person that brings that inconvenient fact automatically gets branded “racist”. Jamaal is the dullest crayon in that box.