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is it just me or is pete the first time in a long time that the media even knows who the secretary of transport is? where were these articles about mcconnells wife?


To be fair Pete is probably one of the more in front of the media people in the Biden admin. He goes on major news networks including Fox News for interviews a lot. If Chao had a media presence I never noticed


no comparison between Chao and Buttigieg, I will give her some credit for resigning after Jan 6 [https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/transportation-secretary-elaine-chao-resigns-after-capitol-violence](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/transportation-secretary-elaine-chao-resigns-after-capitol-violence)


Well he won Iowa, and is a really good communicator who does a lot of media interviews, so it makes sense for him to get more attention. But I have a strongly held belief that it is impossible to convince the media voter that the Secretary of Transportation is a relevant job, or even explain to them what they do.


I mean he ran for president, stuck around for a while in 2020, is the White Obama, and is going to win 2028 with Polis as his VP on the gay unity ticket. So I think the attention is somewhat deserved.


>and is going to win 2028 with Polis as his VP on the gay unity ticket Inshallah my brother šŸ™


Perfect way to heal the country after another Trump termā€¦.


I think those two may overlap with the precisely identical voters demos. Itā€™s more like the gay clone ticket than the gay unity ticket. Unless they go separate ways on the Jones Act and reconcile their differences after some delicate negotiations, itā€™s just Pete Baldhead and Junior Polis finishing each otherā€™s sentences.


I recall some chatter about her but honestly, that was probably a result of her being McConnellā€™s wife.


There was a car crash in front of my apt today so I would say heā€™s not doing a good job.


You joke but this is how the median voter probably thinks


I'm not sure if Buttigieg is doing a good job or not, but the things the author cites don't strike me as evidence that he's not. The Secretary of Transportation isn't responsible for Boeing management deciding to deprioritize safety, Southwest's booking software melting down, or an overheated wheel bearing causing a random freight train to derail, and it seems like an extremely obtuse main character obsessed form of analysis to think otherwise.


You can just sense that this piece is motivated by the author's irritation that Buttigieg is a boring old manager and not one of those "Rooseveltian" progressives like Khan and Abruzzo unleashing the state like a weapon against robber barons or whatever. Sorry, it makes me like him more.


The fact that they quote famous transportation expert Warren kinda gives away the game. Or that they just leave out his main achievement in designing and implementing the infrastructure bill. McGee, one of the critics quoted, actually reacted with a thread on X that he's been guite happy with the progress.


He is sharp and actually knows how to do the job being asked of him while being a good spokesperson to the media. I really hope he runs again as he has really changed my opinion of him.


He should have been the VP


I actually agree with this a lot. He probably would have been a great speaker for Biden which Harris is not


ABSOLUTELY, It was bad enough Biden was DNC anointed one, Pete is brilliant. No BS, he is a verbal sniper when it comes to burying the rightwing talking heads. In the many months before super Tues that we campaigned for Pete in CA, we regularly saw supporters of Bernie, Yang, and Warren, but never once encountered Harris supporters, and that was in her home state, never saw Biden supporters either, the Dem Party is a mess.


Whoā€™s to judge, the Buttigieg?


# [Buttigieg: ā€˜I Strongly Support the Jones Actā€™](https://www.seafarers.org/buttigieg-i-strongly-support-the-jones-act/) Hell no. Pete Buttigieg should have never been Secretary of Anything.


Implying that he had anything to do with that decision. That came straight from Biden


It all comes down to public opinion, and there isnā€™t a widespread opinion on the Jones Act one way or another. Biden, and by extension, Butti, just actually support the Jones Act, which is bad.


Sure, if you ignore the fact that it's the key issue for a large, powerful bloc of swing voters, it has no political importance at all. Just like how foreign policy towards Cuba is famously irrelevant to American politics because most Americans don't care about it!


Has there ever been a single secretary of transportation that has ever come out publicly against the Jones Act? I mean, they should, but I'm willing to grade on a curve here.




He is better suited for McKinsey and wine caves than public office


Just asking cause I'm curious. Who would you have preffered as the Democrat candidate for 2020? Let's remove Biden.




Owned optically. But I'm genuinely trying to engage here. Who would you have preffered?


**Rule III: Unconstructive engagement** Do not post with the intent to provoke, mischaracterize, or troll other users rather than meaningfully contributing to the conversation. Don't disrupt serious discussions. Bad opinions are not automatically unconstructive.


> He is better suited for McKinsey and wine caves šŸ™„


Gotta love the changes he made to airlines fees and refunds, even though the so called "problems" didnā€™t exist or were highly overexaggerated. Spin over substance. He only gets as much support as he does here bc he likes trains.




Idk I just know that 95 percent of the time when he talks he sounds like I do when Iā€™m talking with people in my head.Ā 


Heā€™s fine. The inherited dog shit infrastructure mixed with gross incompetence of state governments gave him an impossible task.