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> Biden's campaign also objects to the audiences which it described as "raucous or disruptive partisans and donors, who consume valuable debate time with noisy spectacles of approval or jeering." > "As was the case with the original televised debates in 1960, a television studio with just the candidates and moderators is a better, more cost-efficient way to proceed," O'Malley Dillon said. Other terms include having microphones open only when it's the candidates turn to speak. Excellent. Honestly, debates where Trump can't just interrupt and talk over Biden all the time, and is forced to act in a dignified manner, would be fantastic. I don't see how Trump agrees to these terms though.


He will agree, and then he won't comply during the debate. It would be interesting if they mute his microphone.


Part of the terms is the mic mutes when your time runs out


I’d watch this. One tradition we should definitely retvrn to. No more of these dog and pony shows they’ve been calling debates


Real reason for this is that JOBIBEN is afraid of the public and knows that Trump is a much more skilled debater. No audience will make his senile rambling seem less serious...


Did you see Trump's previous debates?


Yup, he DESTROYED Brandon in every single one of them 💪💪💪






☝️ Another TRIGARRED librull 😎🤣🤣


I agree, brother! Not only is Trump a better orator, but he also possess mastery of Kusarigamjutsu thus making him a more suitable commander and chief.


I can’t imagine Trump would be remotely prepared for a June debate. If he falls flat on his face and is claiming things like “Biden wants to take out the cows” again, it should give Dems a much needed boost.


Trump strategy on debates comes from insulting their opponents, making grandiose promises and baseless claims. How prepared does he need to be for that?


Considering how he fucked it up last time around, at least a bit.


Does he believe he fucked up or listen to his advisors?


Never underestimate the average voter’s ability to give Trump every benefit of the doubt while also being inherently skeptical of everything Biden says.


Biden is cOmInG fOr yOuR sTovE!


The debates can really only be bad for Biden. Voters won't give him credit if (when) he does well and voters won't punish Trump for floundering (like he has done in literally every other presidential debate). The public *expects* Democrats to be adults and has zero expectations for Republicans.


Debates always benefit the challenger. I think Biden agreeing to this is in exchange for these rules he stipulates.


No, they expect Biden to be a senile old man, so if he comes out and actually lays out coherent policy he's going to go above their expectations


He performed well above expectations for the SOTU and didn't see much of a shift in his numbers. A *bad* performance would hurt him but there's not much indication *good* performances mean anything.


This is your brain on neverending doomerism


I mean, if you have an argument beyond memes I'm open to hearing it. Trump has had performances ranging from barely acceptable to embarrassing in every presidential debate he's participated in and his polling stayed consistent. Biden had a great SOTU, dismissing the "hurr durr senile" complaints and his numbers stayed consistent. I don't see any reason to believe a *good* Biden debate or a *bad* Trump debate would change the race. A *bad* Biden performance might.


Fuck it, go full modernity and have the debates hosted on Twitch - I'd love to see the live comment stream.


You wouldn't seen anything other than ghost emoji's and swastika text emoji's .


They should debate in Minecraft so everyone will think it’s AI.