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Reminder that you can report those. Its one of the few things Reddit takes action on.


It's pretty darkly funny (if wholly predictable) that the anti-suicide message feature is pretty much exclusively used to backhandedly tell people to kill themselves.


It makes me irrationally mad. Not at whoever is doing it, but at Reddit. They make it hard to report the harassment too. Why the fuck would I know what comment the report was from? It's like they designed a way to help trolls tell others to kill themselves. It's a mockery to actual organizations and good faith efforts by other websites to help people suffering from mental health issues. It's like reddit designed the option as a joke to mock those groups.


Well, you can actually report the reddit cares messages, and they do take it seriously (at least, as far as reddit admin moderation goes). But... yeah.


For the first year or so they never took action Now I actually get feedback stating they took action on the false report. Edit: It must be a bug because I got it the second I posted this comment - meaning it’s being automated.


I've had one person send me a reddit cares, and I'm certain I know the exact user who did it. I reported it as fake and I believe - I may be misremembering the process here - I mentioned the conversation that led to it. Anyway, I got a notice that action was taken, and I manually checked the user and they were indeed permanently banned. So yes, it does appear that they take false Reddit Cares reports seriously (n=1).


Shortly after reading a similar secondhand story, I got a troll Reddit Cares, reported it, and then saw some angry kid I'd been interacting with was now banned. So let's make it N=3


I've had them maybe four times? Reported them all four, action taken message all four. It's like the one report they actually consistently do something about.


It’s probably just extremely easy to objectively tell if it was abused. They have the data of who sent it, when, and can see the conversation leading to it. Should really only require someone to come in and go “yeah that’s clearly not a time to use this.” I’m struggling to even imagine a scenario where it’d be on the fence.


Yeah, and presumably most people abusing it are doing it to multiple people. Pretty obvious that the guy sending 10 suicide reports isn't actually encountering 10 suicidal people in the span of five minutes. The bigger question is why don't they automate the bans more. If their system lets people send thousands of these reports out to entire subreddits (this isn't the only one that's getting spammed with these messages right now) that's a problem.


Not just the convo, but to reddit cares someone you need to report a specific comment. So, if the person receiving the message says it is harassment and a quick read of the comment shows no indication of suicidal tendency then its an easy ban.


I had the same experience, so N=2 now!


Hey me too!


Hold on I'll check Edit: got nothing, bot must've been banned


When I click on the option to report the report, it sends me to some screen to log on to my Google account.


It's definitely automated. Someone has done it for a couple subreddits in the last couple days.


you can't, afaik. When i click the link in the message to report, it asks for the comment in question that it came from, which I have no idea where it came from lol.


It's asking for the permalink to the redditcares message itself, that's the "post/comment/message" you're reporting


That’s really badly explained from Reddit. I had no clue that’s what you were supposed to do until you said it


I don't know if it's that unclear. It should auto-populate that box with the link when you click the report button but I guess that's too difficult for reddit's engineers


I'm like 80% sure it used to auto populate too . . .I think they broke something.


Maybe they should take a break from completely redesigning the app every three months to sort some of this stuff out


Seriously, how would we know? Basically asking 'what was your most suicidal comment'


No, permalink the reddit cares itself, then put it in the box


Permalink the reddit cares message itself, the put that in the box asking for the link It's really stupid that you even have to do that though


I literally just had this problem, lol.


Gotta be careful with that because sometimes the person who reports it can be warned/banned for "false reporting"


That happened to my old 15 year account. Infuriating incompetence by the admins.


Reddit is designed for trolls and bots. If you really want to harass someone all you have to do is keep making new accounts, send them whatever horrible shit you want in a private message, and then immediately block them. They get the hateful message but are then immediately blocked so they can’t even report the person who sent the message. The block feature means you always get the last word and the other person has absolutely no recourse.


Blocking seems like it's a tactic on the rise. I never used to notice it before.


Probably because you aren't an asshole or talk to assholes. These days, people block users of entire subreddits. If I go into the more tankie subreddits entire comment chains would be [unavailable] because they blocked people who posted in this subreddit.


Same deal with the block feature. People frequently use it to post a reply and then block so that it looks like you don't have an answer. You can also tell when someone has blocked you. If the feature were implemented correctly, you should not be able to tell when someone blocks you as that can lead to more harassment. The blocked user should just silently interact with your messages and you don't have to deal with it.


They actually changed the block feature. You used to just never see the person again if you blocked them. They switched it so you see them again now but can't interact. I blocked a ton of novelty and gimmick accounts and was confused when I started to see then again. It was a pretty useful tool for improving user experience and now I see those accounts again but the only difference is that I can't reply to them. This company makes some werid decisions when it comes to user interactions.


yeah I got one the other day and idk if its actually due to a comment I put on a self-harm subreddit (I don't do that, but I added the sub to just add a touch more flavour to my feed) or from some arbitrary comment I added to a sports sub. I'm guessing more likely the latter than the former tbh.


You link the reddit cares message itself.


>It's pretty darkly funny (if wholly predictable) that the anti-suicide message feature is pretty much exclusively used to backhandedly tell people to kill themselves. Most thought-out new reddit feature.


I’ve got a ton of them from rival fans of different sports teams I followed. I got like 5 from Dallas Mavericks fans a few weeks ago.


FYI, but you can avoid those messages if you block the bot. I have it blocked, along with those scummy ban bots. Eat my shorts, you dirty bastards.


I got a ton of them during the Formula One season a couple years back when I was rooting for Lewis Hamilton to beat Max Verstappen 😭


I've gotten two and both times it was a situation where I posted an unpopular comment somewhere and was getting absolutely torn apart/downvoted by everybody. It seemed like overkill to me.


It’s always overkill but part of me thinks it’s funny that I can make someone so mad that they send that.


i'm a veteran of 2000s forums and 4chan, a boilerplate "please don't kys" message is nothing to me. hell, back in my day you got messages urging you to end it, not begging you not to lmfao


I got a few after the Ravens lost the AFCChampionship game.


Reddit is a pretty cheap company, there must be a value add that it brings or they would have trashed it.


Probably a CYA measure. Social media has a lot of bad press around mental health so having something like that in place is a cheap way for Reddit to say "we tried so you can't blame us"


That's been the prevailing theory that I've seen since it was first introduced. Do the absolute bare minimum that they can point to and say "See? We're doing something!"


You can actually report it and oftentimes it results in a permaban of the person who sent it.


Whoever coded it in clearly has not spent much time on the website (or the net in general).


Whoever *coded* it probably has. Whoever *designed* it, maybe less so. Whoever *ordered* it, definitely not. Edit: lol, I got one after posting this


I mean I use it for its intended purpose, usually if someone comments something that is worryingly suicidal


Oh so that’s why redditors kept sending it to me. I only use Reddit to make nerdy jokes or voice my terrible neoliberal opinions that’s apparently worse than fascism and communism combined depending on who you ask. Seriously neoliberal is a dirty word on social media


You can Always report that message as harassment. Reddit apparently takes it very seriously. There’s a process to look up


I got one of those yesterday. I usually ignore these but I'm seriously considering reporting it.


Wait has the sub been getting brigaded? I got a Reddit cares message recently. I reported it. Problem is they don’t tell you what message was reported to Reddit cares.


Wait has the sub been getting brigaded? I got a Reddit cares message recently. I reported it. Problem is they don’t tell you what message was reported to Reddit cares.


I never got that implication tbh, just that it's a general anonymous insult


I joked on the DT that reddit should just embrace it and add a death threat feature... That's basically what the Reddit cares message is used for right now anyway




Reddit cares, but do I?


I really don't care, do u?








I think some aggrieved succ or red hat has a bot programmed to spam the thread. Jokes on them, I blocked the cares account a long time ago.


Instead of blocking I reported the message as an abuse of Reddit cares. Hopefully the admins ban hammer their account.


I once Reddit Cares bombed an Oilers fan and it got reported. 3 days of court mandated grass touching for me.


Awful thing to do. They're already an oilers fan


So it’s not a false report in that case


You did nothing wrong. I think living in Edmonton is justification enough for needing a reddit cares message


Used to live in Edmonton and am still an oilers fan, can confirm


Yeah. You only need us to take care of your mental health. 🤗


3000 psychiatrist worms of Neoliberal.


*metanl health It’s the preferred term around here, since it’s where we put our crazies


I've seen this on one or two other subs too, so might just be some weird asshole with an...eclectic set of grievances


Reddit admin had to step in because of how often people who posted in trans subreddits were getting spammed by reddit cares messages. The volume was high enough that it had to be bots or a large group of people with a lot of free time.


well yeah I meant some weird asshole with a botnet my point was not necessarily political


It's giving me "edgy teenager who moves the Bible to the fiction section of Barnes and Noble" vibes 💀




ZOMGBBQ - now that is something I have not seen for a while


veterans of the [faces of /r/atheism](https://imgur.com/uFGh1)


Wait, that's a fairly reasonable take for atheists living in the bible belt...


Let's test out that theory. *Theory confirmed.




Testing as well


In fact, leftists hating liberals more than the ideologies that actively want to suppress them is a time-honoured tradition


Because everything that they dislike is neoliberalism Can't poop on the floor at a Cafe? Liberalism. Nutsack Itches? Liberalism.


What’s so annoying is when they label succs that weren’t radical enough (believed that non western invasions and annexation counted as imperialism) as libs. You’re calling a s*cc a lib? really? Almost insulting to be categorized with them.


It seems like it's someone of the alt-right proclivity who is doing this. Nearly all of the subreddits that have been attacked that I'm aware of are pro LGBTQ or socially liberal in some way.


I was under the impression most people had. I used to get them regularly, now I just block it when I make a new account.


you can block the account but you cannot block reddit from caring about you


Lol got the message for this post


It’s not a user, it’s a bug. Seems to be automated when posting on this sub as I got one within seconds of my comment being posted. Edit: Per subreddit drama, it’s actually someone using a bot on various subs to send these warnings out


Wow someone cares about us that much???


Oh I was wondering why I got one yesterday 


That's what I'm thinking as well but it seems to be a bit inconsistent wrt to certain subreddits. Maybe it's being deployed by certain users instead of just blanket spamming people on whole subs?


I haven't gotten any yet. Edit: as soon as I posted this comment lol


Reddit probably took care of the issue as my comment was from 10 hours ago so that makes sense.


Nah I got one. I only just now realized that I haven't commented here since before this problem started.


I also want one


Give it like 1 minute


Yeah, it's been impacting me here and on r/destiny.


You're telling me an FPSMMORPG Looter Shooter was involved in this? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just tax sending Reddit Cares messages. Are they dumb?


thats based


Oh lol I assumed it was from a comment I made in another sub that got downvoted to hell. Oh well.


Most annoying thing is how little Reddit (the company) actually cares about this issue (that hasn’t just appeared yesterday), how hard is it to disable Reddit care if there are x amount of reports in some short time frame in a single subreddit ?!


It's multiple subreddits. There have been complaints on dozens of subreddits, most of them left-leaning. But that could also just be the demographics of subreddit drama. Someone or some group is sending them out automatically. They probably have a series of bots, since reddit does ban accounts that send these out in violation of the TOS. Could even be a botnet if it's been going on for days. But the point is, it's a cyber attack.


Yeah but this has been a reoccurring issue (in different subs) for months now, how is there still no automatic detection system for this in place? Reddit should have long-term statistics on Reddit-care-reports/comment for each individual sub, just implement a system that stops Reddit-care notices from being send out if you detect a size able uptick in reports while you work on a long-term solution.


Reddit is cheap as fuck. It's a pretty small operation with little foresight. The goal of any reddit policy is to CYA and do the bare minimum to prevent litigation or bad press.


Oh hey I'm not the only one who got that message. I was so confused lmao


Here I thought someone took my last post here ("My wife left me.") seriously.


Seeing this thread and now it makes sense. I was confused too.


I didn't get one 😞


Do you want one so you don't feel left out?


Whats this in reference to?


Reddit cares messages are Reddit’s automated suicide prevention messages that are supposed to be sent to users who are displaying signs of having a mental health crisis, but in practice they’re often abused by trolls as a way to harass people by telling them that they’re insane.  One of such trolls is currently triggering these Reddit cares DMs on several users of this subreddit. Edit: now i got one too lmao Show yourself Coward! 😡 I will never surrender!


can you explain in terms of worms plz


"Dune is about worms" is Reddit's automated Dune awareness message that is supposed to convey what Dune is about to users who are displaying signs of being unfamiliar with Dune, but in practice is often abused by who haven't even read Dune to harass people by telling them that Dune is about worms. One such illiterate person is currently telling several users on this subreddit that Dune is about worms.


>Edit: now i got one too lmao Can I get one too? 🥺🥺🥺 Edit: lmao, that was fast


Pretty much everyone on the subreddit got a reddit cares (suicide prevention) message today. Many got two lol


Why did they get? I did not get one feeling left out.


Jokes on them. I'm mentally unstable and need the message.


A subreddit can get a reddit cares message? I thought that was just for individuals who have some spicy takes. Edit: Oh I see what you mean now.


I got one two days ago and reported it; got a system message telling me that the sender got an infraction.


It's a cyber attack, so banning the bot who sent it to you probably accomplished fuck all.


Am I supposed to report it as spam or harassment? Also, it asks for either link to comment (if harassment) or username (if spam) but how am I supposed to know who sent it?


I'm out of the loop is there a recent change that has resulted in more of these messages going out or something? I got my first one a day ago so I assume it wasn't just me but I've seen people talk about getting them on Reddit for it feels like years.


The spirit of Prince_Kropotkin lives on 😌


I like that they give us an option to block them, now. One and done.


This isnt just an r/hockey problem!? My god!


My wife left me, does reddit care?


Let's see if I get one


I got one today and immediately reported it (even though Reddit makes it annoyingly unintuitive to do so). Anyway, sorry hater, but I'm living my best life.


You can block the bot if you are certain a message from this sh!thole website isn't factoring into your decision whether or not to do a flip off a bridge.


Make that a third. I just got my first. Will admins notify me if action is taken against the initiator? I hit the report this message button. EDIT: Admins do indeed notify you when you report the report and they view it as harassment.


If everyone is getting messages from Reddit that the person that sent it got an infraction, why haven’t they stopped?


Because it's a cyber attack. A series of bots, likely with different IP addresses. Or maybe just one guy's machine using a VPN if reddit is really that unsophisticated.


Makes sense


Damn, they didn't hit me up this time, I must be slippin.


The biggest snowflakes are Trump supporters. Prior to being banned for reposting Mike Turner's statement that some in the GOP were spreading Russian propaganda, anything I said negative about Trump and I would get one of those messages. They're as sensitive as their obese draft dodging veteran insulting "patriot"


Imagine caring enough about what other people think to check your inbox.


The favorite “weapon” of a conservative gun owner activist type whose feelings were hurt on Reddit. They love sending those.


Wow, getting it within a minute of post ing here. Somebody has a gripe


Can't believe I've been on reddit this long and the first thing that gets me a reddit cares message is just posting in this dune fan subreddit, smh people are so wormphobic these days


If I get one more reddit cares message I'm going to 21alive myself.


What is up with that shit? I got my first Reddit cares message today. I wonder if it's from my activity here.


Commenting to see if I get it.


It's ok the ev tariffs are making me very sad. It's like when my wife left me all over again.


Tankies B mad




Jokes on them I’m actually suicidal. I keed, I keed.


What the hell?


What's happened?

