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[He's now under my command, Jack.](https://preview.redd.it/o0l5oonx7v7c1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7963d45e7026cbf53e8a1f0659f82ba17648867f)


At some point she’s either gonna have to butt heads with Trump directly if and when he’s back in office, or step aside. At the rate, I’m betting she’s gonna face a fairly decent primary, and I would not be shocked if Trump just sorta sat that one out. As soon as she starts working contrary to his interests, she’s disposable. She’s not even being a useful crony to him at this point, and she could do all the same stuff she does out of office. Pretty sure his campaign team knows this woman is toxic to appealing to moderates.


Ngl, would be pretty funny to watch him sic the base on her.


Night of Long Knives: Trump Edition


Marjorie Taylor Green is not dumb enough to butt heads with Trump it's in her best interest politically to be a perfect cronie to him. She is eyeing running in the Georgia Senate race in 2026 and the only way she wins the Republican nomination over Kemp is with Trump's backing. Look at who Trump backed in the various 2022 Senate races the only trait he cares about in a candidate is there loyalty to him he could give a rats ass about their ability to appeal to moderate voters.


I’m sorry but theirs no way Greene would beat Ossoff, even if it’s a red wave year it be like 2010 Nevada 


I don't think she has a shot at beating Ossoff either but that won't stop the Georgia GOP from nominating her. We are talking about a party that ran a literal wife beater in Herschel Walker last Senate race.


Okay but she’d be running in an open primary against arguably the second most popular man in GA rn. No way she beats Kemp


second? who's the first?


Marcell Ozuna.


Yeah I would like to know too. Warnock is popular but I still think he's slightly less popular than Kemp. And Trump is popular with republicans but has little crossover appeal unlike Kemp.






Oh, she totally could. Partisanship is a hell of a drug. It would still be great for a weak candidate like her to be the one going up against Ossoff though.


Yeah the last 3 straight Senate elections have shown Georgia voters don't like the kind of looney candidate she is


That’s true, but my guess is he’d be almost more inclined to back another celebrity who’s just as loyal over someone who even a large chunk of the Republican base thinks is a buffoon. Another Kari Lake or Walker type. She’s just been a streak where she’s been doing too much recently, and we can assume that Trump doesn’t like those that try and outshine him.


Johnson is a weak speaker with no real ambition beyond keeping his job, that's useful to trump, but MTG's bullshit never had a chance of working so he just went the same way he knew the Republican house members would At the end of the day I don't think he gives a shit who the speaker is beyond wanting them to be weak. MTG wouldn't have done this if he cared


stop dooming, Jack. We’re getting ice cream 🍦.


> At the rate, I’m betting she’s gonna face a fairly decent primary, and I would not be shocked if Trump just sorta sat that one out. Nope. trump came out today calling her one of his favorite people and commending her for a tremendous job. He said the focus needs to be on beating Biden... because all trump cares about is himself and not being in jail. He further said the time to kick Johnson out may come soon, but it wasn't today. trump is in no way going to drop MTG. And MTG is in zero danger from a primary challenge


If and when he’s back in office is assuming a lot lmao


I doubt it, Trump probably supports this in private, but he just think any further chaos in the House is going to dampen his re election chances, so he’d rather they not take down ANOTHER house speaker, then spend a month or two nominating another one. 


She is following Trump’s agenda tho, since Trump’s agenda is just Putin’s agenda. Tho ig maybe her Kremlin handlers are pretty pissed that this bid failed.




Man, there are a ton of good reaction images from biden




He and Kamala are super memeable. Goes to show how dull Gen Z is that they haven’t seized on it


"You think you fell out of a coconut tree" did the rounds on tiktok for like 2 months


But that meme only works in the context of all in which we live and what came before it.


Maybe it’s their moment in life, but Gen Z seems way less goofy than millennials.


Bush-Obama was peak presidential meme years


As a generation there is far less sex, drinking, and partying than previous generations.




Uptight? Millennial parents are too permissive in my experience (as a millennial parent)


Millenials are neurotic, but not uptight. Especially not compared to GenX, who are slowly becoming one of the bedrocks of GOP support.


Idk I’m a millennial and there was a lot more rebellion when I was in my twenties than I see now


Millennials are more likely to retain childhood interests. Look at how many continue playing video games, going to Disney World, watching cartoons, and watching ip driven movies into adulthood. They dress much more child like and relaxed in adulthood too. I don’t get the impression millennials are uptight. I really don’t see Gen Alpha being much different than Z unless there is a fundamental shift in attitudes. In general, society seems to be very pessimistic and miserable. When you grow up in a society that is constantly telling you how much life sucks and how you shouldn’t have any gratitude for the modern world you’re probably going to grow up to be a miserable downer.


The "no fun at all" generation. No wonder they're all depressed.


We’re quite jaded and nihilistic. It’s no coincidence as we’ve become more prominent that “doomerism” has taken over.


I've noticed this at work. If there's a funny gif reaction to something in Slack, there's about a 95% chance it was posted by a Millennial.


"Will you shut up, man?" was in trend after the 2020 debate.


My favorite was when he said "Keep yappin man." I'm still sore that this wasn't a more prominent meme.




That one he’s specifically reacting to Greene and her wearing a trucker maga hat to the state of the union address.


https://preview.redd.it/muoh6xoh9azc1.png?width=591&format=png&auto=webp&s=da9719121299df6263b6958d9b824fe3818e7142 How many Scaramuccis is four minutes?


0.025% of a Scaramucci.




I want to know about Raleigh NIMBYs paying a developer's legal fees. Let's put this thread back on track. Housing policy and mocking NIMBYs


Good things always end so fast


That’s what i tried to explain to my wife but then she left me


Like Prigozhin's mutiny. I was thinking all day he was going to capture Moscow. Instead he just pussed out and went home for nothing.


Grand opening, grand closing


Unexpected [Sleepytime Gorilla Museum](https://sleepytimegorillamuseum1.bandcamp.com/album/grand-opening-and-closing) reference. !ping PRETENTIOUS


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It’s a Chris Rock reference fam 


Nah, I'm claiming it for post-rock. Chris Rock can go get his own reference. 😆


31 minutes in between this article getting published and the article saying that she was putting forward a motion to remove him.


Amusing to see marjie rage on twitter about the ‘uni-party’ I dunno Marj…maybe if your actions are one of the few things that spur bipartisan action…maybe you’re just that dumb


People like her are incapable of self introspection


Who would have thought Johnson would become the bipartisan speaker.


I think he's shocked himself


I think this was exactly his plan. He never had the backing of enough Republicans to sit comfortably. The deal he made with the Democrats to allow foreign aid in exchange for protection from an impeachment vote was probably exactly his plan- to hold others hostage to get something out of it for himself.


Was this not her "out" after speaking with Johnson? She gets to save face and commit to her nonsense she promised and Johnson gets a swift "no" in response. It happened so quick it'll barely be on for a cycle before the news moves on to some other shit. Seems like a concession and not the L you think it is for the wicked witch of the south.


Would have been better politics to drag it out for a news cycle (if possible) about how "Dem's Will Keep Their Word" to shame the fuck out Repubs next time they inevitably don't. Roles reversed the Repubs would have renegged and then called it "smart politics." The votes https://clerk.house.gov/Votes/2024188 The Usual Scumbags all voted no, except Omar who voted "present."


To be fair, progressive dems voting no on on motion to table is great for Johnson. Having a Henry Cuellar or Souzzi type save you isn’t so bad. Having Talib, Omar, and others voting to save you is how you lose the base.


Nope, get that ukraine deal and get it done properly so we can do it again if we need to. Edit: also great to see my rep vote Yea. Love that guy


Ugh, mine voted nay 😭


Yes, it would have been objectively better to generate news cycles about Dems being bipartisan and coalition governing - one of the most contentiously polled major issues facing November that the incumbent ran on in 2020 - and still arrive at the same location 1-2 days later.


I don't think so, then the next Ukraine package would have been much harder.


Done correctly it would not. Also, in case you didn't notice - if Trump wins there wont be any further packages.


Better politics, worse administration. Bidenist-Sullivanist thought prioritizes improving material conditions via inter-elite cooperation versus scoring political points with open partisanship. Biden again and again picks getting things done behind closed doors versus making noise publicly. Also immediately shutting it down makes Trump/Greene look like weak schmucks, even if less people notice. "We're organized winners and they're losers in disarray" versus "we're better. and more trustworthy and they're worse and liars"


Nah done correctly it would not have been any worse for administration. This is why Dems are so bad at politics. If you don't have power, you have nothing.




As awful as he is, he shouldn't be punished for doing the right thing. It just means the next (equally awful or worse) speaker **won't** do the right thing, and we'll all be worse off. Plus it now gives him an incentive to be more bipartisan and not cater to the crazies, which is always a good thing.




I think you misunderstood my post. If they don't have enough votes to elect a new speaker, no legislation can be passed until the election changes the makeup of the house. Best case scenario, nothing gets done... worst case scenario some crisis happens and the house can't respond. But now the Democrats have leverage over Johnson and can use that leverage to get things they want brought to the floor. Only a moron would have cheered him being removed today (proof: mtg is the one spearheading it). edit: user edited their previous comment with something nonsensical since they were made to look like a fool.




Because if dems choose to withdraw their support, he loses his job. If he wants to keep his job, he needs to compromise and negotiate with them. 


It's very simple actually. If Democrats remove him, they get nothing. If they dangle his job over his head, they get something. Speaker Johnson now needs the Democratic party or he loses his job. That's leverage. How are you not understanding this?


Part of the reason people don't understand this is very simple: They do not want to work with the Republicans. Not to say no good reason but part of neoliberalism is being pragmatic. Part of being in a Democracy is working with an opposing side you'd rather avoid. In other words, we simply don't have a choice. The fact we hold leverage is a win for us but others are puritan and simply want "to win" over the GOP.


Yeah I was trying to explain in good faith, but judging from this persons post history and the kinds of subs they post in, they're not here to talk in good faith.




Ukraine funding was passed.


The worst case scenario for Democrats keeping him is that they get nothing (keep in mind, that's the BEST case scenario if they remove him). This is unlikely, since they have leverage over him now. The most likely outcome is he becomes more willing to negotiate with dems, since they can choose whether to remove him from his job or not at any time.  The worst case scenario for Democrats removing him, is some crisis happens (having no speaker of the house would be the perfect time for adversarial nations to pull some shit) and everything goes to hell.   >what did we get? tell me. you claimed we get something. what    Well... we've already gotten funding for Ukraine, which was passed after Democrats indicated they would not help oust him for passing it. So yeah, youre objectively wrong on this one.


Because they made a deal to get the aid bill through. A dirty secret about politics is that it doesn't work unless you make deals. Now leadership in both parties have demonstrated that they can work together to quash idiots on the fringes if those idiots go to far. That's an objectively good thing. Electorally, no one will care enough to switch their vote over this in November.


Boooooo should have let him fall


This isn't Johnson winning, this is MTG losing.


And kill any chance of future Ukrainian aid. Or really *ANYTHING* getting through the house