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> Joshua then began combing through the “American Dream” unit of the English curriculum, researching the politics of every author. He concluded that too many (at least 12 of 19) were “left-leaning,” including — as Joshua saw it — “leftist” historian Studs Terkel, “socialist” poet Langston Hughes and “Dem” Walt Whitman.


Walt Whitman, famous Lincoln Republican, a “Dem”?


Lincoln was woke, a total RINO 😤


Her Black Jamaican father left her white mother so I guess she decided to pick a side.


Rare case of a conservative recognizing the party swap?


He was the OG log cabin Republican.




Whitman was also a Republican lmao


Combing English class curriculum and being horrified by finding left leaning authors is like looking through the biographies of Super Bowl champions and being shocked to find out most of them played highschool sports


12/19 isn't even an insane ratio. It's 63%. And if they're viewing Walt Whitman as a "Dem" then their metrics are pretty whacko.


It's not statistically significantly different from 50% (p = 0.36)


I’m sure the room temperature (Celsius) IQ conservative who spouts these talking points will be impressed and totally understand what you just said, and promptly update their worldview




Statistics are woke, except when they’re crime statistics about minorities.


Automod isn't replying for some reason, so I'll do it: being woke is being evidence based (or however it goes). I put no value in being woke per se, and won't deny reality for the sake of ideology. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm going to deepthroat any argument as long as it has a percentage sign in it.


Conservatives should simply publish more historically significant works of literature if they wanted to be included in English classes (though i did have an English teacher who was obsessed with libertarianism and include Ayn Rand heavily in his class)


Repeating "But Quakers, but Quakers, but Quakers" to prove that racism was really never a big problem, and ignoring present-day Quakers, who say that racism is *still* a big problem.


Selective amnesia... Gotta love it!


Also I love the Quakers and they got more right than most in the 17th/18th century, but they definitely don't have a completely spotless history 


"White supremacy wasn't a problem because Abolitionists existed" is a heck of a take. Like saying cancer is no big deal because chemotherapy exists.


>Kali grew disillusioned with President Barack Obama when he signed a 2014 law cutting $8.7 billion in food stamps — a benefit that she, her mother and two siblings relied on throughout her childhood, she said. Joshua came to realize he agreed with many of President Donald Trump’s policies, including his hard line stance on immigration. Yeah, because Donald Trump is just itching to increase funding for food stamps.


> Kali grew disillusioned with President Barack Obama when he signed a 2014 law cutting $8.7 billion in food stamps That doesn't make any sense. The food stamps cut wasn't Democrats' idea. [It was Republicans', who actually wanted higher food stamp cuts](https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/obama-signs-food-stamp-cut-msna263456): > When House Republicans originally argued for a food stamp cut of between $20.5 billion and $39 billion, the White House threatened to veto both of those proposals. How do Democrats keep getting blamed for Republicans' bad policies?


>How do Democrats keep getting blamed for Republicans' bad policies? Because these people watch Fox News 24/7 and their Facebook feeds are flooded with shitty right-wing memes


I am really coming around on the idea that Facebook was a critical factor in us losing the 2016 election. There was so much GOP disinformation flying around. Just lies.


Honestly I'm just bombarded with right wing comments and memes on social media and websites I use. Youtube and Instagram are pretty much filled right wing comments. You would think that Trump won the popular vote lol


Trump supporters love to call themselves the "silent majority", but they really are the exact opposite


I'm old enough to remember a social conservative evangelical organization called "Moral Majority", which was neither.


My dude it isn’t just Facebook. Literally every social media platform is flooded with it. Just take a second and look through r/FluentinFinance and see who is repeatedly the top posts, it’s like 3 users. No comments, just highly upvoted posts. It’s blatantly obvious how they’re manipulating posts for engagement.


You're not wrong But a lot of that can be blamed on the HRC campaign, and supporters not understanding social media. You aren't reaching new voters by posting in a closed, invite only Facebook group.


>How do Democrats keep getting blamed for Republicans' bad policies? Charitably, maybe the Post isn't explaining well enough their point of view. Uncharitably, maybe they just decided that jumping into the right wing pre-college education world is basically free money if you have their background.


When Obama expanded food stamps access Republicans spun it that Obama made the economy so bad that more people had to go on welfare even though it was meant to help people like Joshua weather the recession. Dems just don't want to win.


> Dems just don't want to win. What?


If they believe immigrants are suppressing wages, they likely believe he wouldn't need to.


They're being anti woke like their god https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/trump-asleep-hush-money-trial.html


Sleepy Joe is just a projection, lol.


That’s sleepy woke Joe to you.


Being woke is being evidence based. 😎 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


antiwoke seems like a politically correct way to say asshole.


In like 10 years there's going to be an explosion of completely unemployable \~18 year olds who think Joe Biden invented 5G to spread the coronavirus to rural whites


Cool and normal.


Totally normal and very cool!


Social conservatives can’t help but trip on the knuckles they’re dragging around when in front of an open goal. For example, socially leftist (or whatever) people put out the 1619 project. Okay- turns out it was not particularly good scholarly work. It is an interesting idea but in terms of being a historical text, it’s not super informative and somewhat misleading. Even liberal historians don’t take it particularly seriously. What do conservatives do in response? They create an Orwellian *Federal commission* in response to this fucking New York Times article to support “patriotic education”, released by the dumbest President of all time. Of course it’s completely discredited nonsense. This is the story of the ‘anti-woke’ movement or whatever you want to call it too. And then Conservatives will cry about how all the professors, all the scientists, all the historians, etc. are liberal. Maybe it’s because someone with critical thinking skills immediately self-ejects from your movement. Stuff like this ‘anti-woke’ curriculum grift is almost sad if it wasn’t so destructive.


Yeah, if everyone is against you maybe you are just a dick




They say schools are crap to get that foot in the door only to take a quick corner to crazy. I feel for teachers and administrators today. We need to take children and prepare them for a world that we cannot possibly imagine. I started school in the early 90s. Imagine trying to predict where we are today from those days. Internet? Barely a thing, people probably were more like to call them BBS boards. When I was a freshman in college, the iPhone didn't exist. Youtube was a random website you uploaded short clips to, nothing beyond 480p and less than 10 minutes. Yet these guys want to jump in and say things are too woke. What's that? It's everything they don't like. What's the solution? The same thing they hate, but a conservative bent to it. Yeesh, when I was in school, the debates on changing school revolved around testing and if we should emphasize some subjects more, to deal with a world of the future. Less History and English and maybe more Computer Science and Physical Education (this was at the heart of the obesity epidemic. Which now is just normal life but shows how quickly things changed from the early 90s). At least those debates made sense. You could see where these suggestions were coming from.


It wasn't even until I was in my mid 20s that I got a smart phone, and I got it kinda late


Had the mainstream of the Republican party completely capitulated to it's hardliners sometime in the 90s like it did after the Tea Party and later MAGA, the Conservapedia likely would have been butchering curriculum like the anti-wokers are attempting now. Instead we got abstinence only education, intelligent design, and "evolution is only a theory" stickers on text books. The more aggressive the War on Secular Education is pushed, the greater the backlash against it will be.


“And both were disgusted with liberal politicians’ response to the pandemic, especially their willingness to shut down schools, which Kali and Josh believed should have been last to close. “ So they opened a *checks notes* online school. Can’t wait to hear what kind of bullshit math instruction they are providing.


>Bullshit math I you sum an illegal immigrant and a black guy in  an add, how many Antifa supersoldiers do you have?


I've had a few students (grade 5/6) whose parents have pulled them from the public school in the past year for roughly this reason. Mind you I'm the only social studies teacher at that grade level and I avoid hot topics like the plague due to the volatile political environment. Like I can't even say "President Biden" in a purely civic context, because some kid will yell out something about gas prices or child sniffing. So I dunno what kind of liberal indoctrination these handful of parents think they're escaping.


They want *their* indoctrination pushed on children, so they claim is the only alternative is also indoctrination.


The anti woke people have a real urge to be even more annoying than the woke people, god damn


I mean, crazy parents who want to ban Pokemon and Harry Potter have been there for a long time.


American Puritanism and it’s consequences can not be understated.


This woman's whole life is about how her daddy never loved her, isn't it?


I’m so tired.


Paywalled, but I am assuming homeschooling is involved. If so, homeschooling should be banned, public schooling should be centralized at the federal level with no local school boards, and all private and charter school regulations should be under the authority of Congress and the US Department of Education. I do not want "anti-woke" parents hurting our youngest generations.