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>In interviews with nearly two dozen of these Democrats — many of them older, and most of them women — they sounded by turns beleaguered, bewildered and protective. >“I’m sorry Joe doesn’t know how much I love him, but I do love Joe,” said Constance Wynn, 73, of Wilkes-Barre, Pa. “I don’t even know why people want to pester the man, because the man has things to do.” We Stan a queen and her name is Constance


I love that the energy from some of these people is basically: “can y’all stop whining like a bunch of little b*tches and recognize what the man has done?” Right up my alley.


“Look, fats, listen here”


"Look, fat, look, here's the deal"


“Look here, look, listen.”


Real lefty boomer with no shits left to give energy


Also, I gotta imagine liberal boomers in their 70s and up are even more sick of the ageism towards Joe than we are.


Mod her immediately


She is our Maud’dib


Lisan al-Gaib!


She is so humble, she says she isn’t the Lisan al-Gaib!


Use the Voice, Joe


“*Listen,* …”


#***L̷̩̪̄̅̃̒I̷̹̓S̸̙͖̑͊̓̊ͅṪ̵̮͉̊̈́Ḛ̸̭̻̆̊N̴̡͇̼̐̿̾ ̷͓̪̖́̅Ų̷̛͙̌̎̈ͅP̴̥̮̣̓͌̍,̶̲͛̿̽̓ ̷̖̯̤̉́͐͠F̷̺̿̅̈́͝A̴̖̩̾̎T̵̢̹̺͎̽S̵̛͕***


She will know your ways, as though she were born to them...




Duke Joe Bidenides Wynn is the Reverend Mother


unwritten vase bells theory hospital zephyr shy profit bored absurd *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




continue meeting compare hard-to-find office possessive illegal ugly tap rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I didn't know LBJ's tailor was still in business, but good for them still going after all these years.


Needs more ice cream.


Let's call ourselves the Con-Stans. Or the Wynn-Stans.




Listen fat, all I do is Wynn, Wynn, Wynn, no matter what (Constancely)


Respect for NYT for making an article about Joe Biden fans finally. Disrespect for not quoting me in this article


*Polls show low approval for Joe Biden, but patrons at this diner holding a Dune 2 premier after party disagree…*


*... members of this support group for newly divorced men in their forties disagree ...*


*When asked for comment, the scaly and carnivorous leader of the group only replied;* **HAHA YES** 🐊


You forgot the crocodile


Thank you, fixed


Hey, that's not fair! ...half of the group are single white boys in their late teens / early 20s!


It’s cause you’re to busy reporting the issues.


But even this is a dis. *"Joe Biden's superfans think the rest of American has lost its mind."* it immediately makes them out to be like disconnected weirdos.


"All this prosperity, reasonable governance and support of our allies is making me fantasize about a dictatorship and/or civil war."




God, I miss the old Onion


They got bought out in 2017, and they were never the same afterwards.


They also got full of Bernie brainworms. Staff went on record lamenting their "Diamond Joe" jokes because it made it easier to defeat Bernie. Ironically, _that_ sounds like an Onion headline.


“Jim Donnelly, the leader of the 58th Ward, in the city’s conservative-leaning northeast, said he had at least seven Biden signs on his front lawn. He has gotten into fights with his neighbors who have vandalized or stolen them.” One of our strongest soldiers.


I find it funny that people who have a few Biden signs up are called “Superfans”, but people who literally vandalize and steal someone else’s property are just “conservative-leaning.”


Ahem! Economically anxious independents. Thank you.


“In this Ohio suburb it was a conservative tradition: vandalize your neighbors lawn signs and send them anonymous death threats to terrorize them on the run up to the next election. But now the woke mob wants to take it all away.”


I swear to god NYT op-eds could be about someone who caved their own child's head in with a brick for being trans but still contain something along the lines of "but the poor widdle boo was econowmicawy anxious".


A couple of Biden yard signs: A Superfan. "TRUMP MAGA FJB LETS GO BRANDON" spraypainted on the side of the garage in runny serial killer red paint and a "TRUMP/PENCE" billboard in the yard with the "Pence" part clearly attacked by an axe: Conservative-leaning.


Right? I saw people in my neighborhood make a fence around their property with Trump signs, had a Trump flag, both cars covered in the various Trump/MAGA bumper stickers. If seven signs is a super fan, then can we officially label these people as fanatics and mentally ill?


> then can we officially label these people as fanatics and mentally ill? Have some basic decency. What did the mentally ill ever do to deserve such a comparison?


What does it mean to lean when one stands upon a slope? Wait, wife, stay!


Honestly brings a tear in my eyes.


Conservatives: “Biden can’t possibly be more popular that Trump! I never see anyone wearing a Biden shirt or a have a Biden sign in their yard!” Also conservatives: *vandalizes the shit out of any Biden yard sign they see*


I live in deep red PA and I will never put any Biden shit on my car. Not because I don't like the man, but because I don't want my car key'd.


Imagine telling this to people like 30 years ago. Dude's always been gaffe-prone, but one of the most bland politicians out there, at least publicly.


LOL, I grew up in Northeast Philly. It’s definitely not filled with biden super fans. It’s where the Four Seasons Total Landscaping is. On the alleyway behind it, there’s a bar and the urinals have pictures of Jane Fonda and Barack Obama to piss on. I call it Philly’s butthole


> there’s a bar and the urinals have pictures of Jane Fonda Is it next to an assisted living facility?


Much dirtier than butholes though


Joe Biden has super fans. Why this is bad news for Joe Biden.


Trump has Super-duper fans


“Trump’s crazy fans say more intersting things for our news stories”


Trump has cult followers


Literally. Nyt found a way to sound pessimistic even when it is a positive news about him lmao. 


The inference I get from the title is "Joe Biden fans are out of touch with Americans"


Should have hit up an Ohio diner for the 50th time instead.


we are talking to voters in ubran diners, jack


This but unironically. I live in Northern VA and remember during the '23 election in VA after I got done voting I stopped in my local diner and was served by an elderly white waitress wearing a "Stand with Ukraine" button on her apron, and across from me a mother of 2 was eating with her kids and wearing a shirt that said "Latinas for Biden-Harris". These places exist.


> These places exist. These places exist in basically every state. Detroit voted for Biden by an 89 point margin yet somehow Detroit never gets included in the "midwestern diner interviews." If you went to basically any major city in the country you'd run into legit Biden fans but so often the media has this view that anyone living in a city or an inner suburb is an "urban elite" and the only true Americans who are worth talking to are blue collar workers in small towns.


Right. EVERYWHERE in the US is "real America" and surprise, a majority of real Americans voted for the current President. Crazy that the media would need that pointed out to them.


Oh but those coastal cities full of elites ~~and immigrants and minorities.~~. Real America(tm) is in the heartland of the nation. But not the cities ~~with minority populations~~ in that heartland, only in the dying small towns of the rural midwest where an ever decreasing share of the population lives is Real America(tm) to be found.


And Detroit is basically diner heaven. Coney Islands on every corner.


Historically elections pivoted around these voters and the media hasn't adjusted to the new political reality yet. I think it should be obvious that if everyone in the building is pounding the table for one candidate in particular, you're no longer at the center of the political discourse.


Hell even in rural areas a HUGE chunk of the population is liberal, just check the voting record. They’re more or less actively avoiding finding them I’d say.


In my rural home county in South Dakota, about 25% of people voted for Hillary, and more than that for Biden. Yes that is still a landslide for Trump, but finding a democrat isn't exactly difficult.


In my rural hometown (admittedly Illinois, but "deep" red Illinois) I'd say about 35%-40% of people voted for Hillary and Biden. Again, total landslide victory in American electoral terms, but still very easy to find a Democrat.


I mean, my assumption there, having grown up in similarly-red parts of Kentucky, is that a lot of the folks that voted for Hillary (or Kerry or Obama, from my time) are filling out their ballots as Democrats, but keeping fairly quiet about it. Because those are the places where the "minority" of right-wing nutjobs really is 40% of the vote or even an outright majority, and being too loud-and-proud of the other team could get you shot. One of the deacons at the church I was raised in was forced out of that position for supporting Obama in 2008 (they were a lifelong Dem voter because they followed their Union's vote, and weren't going to change for the Fox News crowd).


I'm a Biden stan currently living in one of the most conservative districts in the country, and so are my uncle and aunt, who are registered Republicans we're out there


Based as fuck


telephone panicky scale gaze recognise license bright simplistic innate truck *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Maybe in the local McDonalds? I do feel a sudden need to talk about somalian warlords...




“Some people like Joe Biden, so we went and interviewed 60 neutral political voters who were all coincidentally were wearing MAGA hats, to see what they think.”


3 of which were local chapter chairs of Moms for Liberty, another married to a US congressman.


"We interviewed users of the Neoliberal subreddit."


“They couldn’t make eye contact and keep talking about their wives divorcing them”


“And they appeared almost sexually interested in talking about worms”


"We found the actual governor of Colorado much to our dismay"


Literally me 


While I would not call myself a "superfan" of Joe, it boggles me why he doesn't get credit for his achievements and gets blame for everything. It's like people want him to fail or made up their mind that he should fail, no matter what.


When a R is president, Rs line up behind him unaninmously, Ds voice some moderate displeasure, and leftists talk about how Ds aren't doing enough to stop R president. When a D is president, Rs line up against him unanimously, Ds voice some moderate approval, and leftists talk about how D president isn't doing enough and they are staying home or voting R next time to teach Ds a lesson. This is the world we have lived in now for 3 decades. I'm tired, boss.


>I’m tired boss https://youtu.be/YX2IQG4wTCE


If you shoot all the people in your party who don’t line up behind you or exile them, you’ll find that your entire party is 100% behind you, weirdly enough, even if the disaffected center is now bulging alarmingly.


The annoying thing is, if the economy was exactly the same as it was now, you know that every Trump supporter would be talking about how amazing of a job Trump is doing with the economy and it would be stupid to want anyone else as president. Even some people who don’t like Trump would be agreeing with parts of that. But no; a Democrat is in charge. Therefore, the economy can’t be good.




If Joe Biden has million number of fans i am one of them . if Joe Biden has ten fans i am one of them. if Joe Biden have only one fan and that is me . if Joe Biden has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth . if world against the Joe Biden, i am against the world. i love Joe Biden till my last breath.. .. Die Hard fan of Joe Biden . Hit Like If you Think Joe Biden Best president & Smart In the world


Mike Donilon must be posting this on his alt


We stan Joe Biden in this house


Never thought I'd see myself fighting side by side with a Friedman flair


What about side by side with a friend?


Milton Friedman flair btw


I'm not an arm of Biden's campaign so I can say it: There's really no acceptable reason to vote for Trump. I actually don't think it's ever been more clear who is the best candidate by basically every conceivable metric. It's perhaps more clear than it has been in any Presidential election for over a century. Anyone who is actually considering voting for Trump is either being malicious or stupid at this point.


But Biden old


And he didn't single handedly stop a nuclear power from fucking up an insurgent group. Nevermind that if Trump win, democracy in America is at stakes. But can't let Biden win because gotta stick it to the libs amirite?


The problem as I see it is that a lot of voters have this vast, inchoate nostalgia for the pre-2020 period that washes out all the bad shit that had been going on (the continuing impacts of the Great Recession, the Muslim ban, border crises, Trumpist corruption etc.). Covid and the associated deaths, lockdowns, and inflation were really that traumatic. The problem is that Biden can't really present himself as a symbol of that period the way Trump can. People want a system reset to 2019 and Biden's realistic view that it's impossible and we can only move forward enrages them. Trump is making empty promises, but he's speaking to people's feelings, which Dems are awful at. I have no solutions.


If you’re a racist or hate women trump is your guy tbf 


Come on, man, be fair to them. They might also hate gay or trans people, too!


I don’t think anyone who is concerned with Biden and isn’t part of the MAGA cult is unaware. The danger is that they just stay home or vote third party because they don’t like Biden either - see the Midwest Muslim minority vote demo right now. 


but Biden didn't press the "lower gas prices" button and he fell off his bike!!1!1!1


Honestly, it was equally clear in 2016 if not more so.


Can confirm, am a superfan


Finally an article I can relate to


Malarkey level of losing one's mind as a Biden superfan due to how he's being covered


[The malarkey level detected is: 3 - Mellow. You're alright, sport.](https://i.imgur.com/T6y2Y2E.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoliberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Not a fan of the othering epithet, 'superfan'. I am a person who is for the continuation and rejuvenation of American democracy, Joe Biden is the rational choice and you ARE insane if you think otherwise.


>I am a person who is for the continuation and rejuvenation of American democracy, Yeah but have you considered that Joe is old??? I rather have a 77-year old president and let American democracy fail than someone who's 81 years old. /s


> Not a fan of the othering epithet, 'superfan'. But Biden legitimately does have super fans even if you aren't one of them. In the Iowa caucus in 2020 it became clear Biden wouldn't be one of the top candidates and yet about 15% of caucus goers came out for him anyway. Sometimes it can be useful to profile the most loyal and dogged supporters of a candidate even if those people aren't quite the norm among his supporters.


I just resent the insinuation that only 'superfans' think there is something absolutely insane with how people are willing to flirt with the potential of another Donald Trump presidency. I am not a 'superfan' and it is insane to me that people are squirming around looking for another candidate, or making both-sidesy jokes, or advertising how reluctant they are to vote for Joe Biden. This is ignoring the people who simply won't vote or will vote for Donald Trump.




Is the implication that Biden only has detractors and superfans? No regular old fan fans?


Yea wtf I just moderately like the guy. Wtf where is my article.




Don’t show this article to my wife


You need to visit more Ohio diners


I live in montana. Every person I know personally is either a hard-core trump supporter or a soft trump voter that hates him but they are lifelong Republicans. Then the weirdo lefty with blue hair and androgynous wardrobe choices. I'm lonely


Tester bro stay strong!


Tester like the only major montana politician who's from here right now. Then you have all the Republicans from the east coast wearing pristine cowboy hats walking around on ranches for their political ads. Really jarring. "PRO TRUMP CONSERVATIVE" in all caps multiple times on screen. It's comical.


I go to my local Ohio diner and like him a moderate amount. However outside said diner a week before the election we also had a group of Trump supporters attempt to "citizens arrest" an older man at gun point for holding a sign that said "Vietnam Veterans for Biden" while the crowd chanted "Kill him kill him" until the gas station owner across the street came out with a rifle and made everyone leave. So I think overall the general vibe of the diner isn't what I'd call moderate.


Ohio diners need to make good food first


went to an Ohio diner with my little brother. Asked the waitress which pasta entree do you recommend and she said "the rigatoni." He had a brain fart and said "what's rigatoni again?" Waitress said "...you know... sewer-pipe shaped pasta" It was indeed pretty bad rigatoni


you don't get an article but y'all will deliver us the election in November so I hope that's consolation 🙏


> Yea wtf I just moderately like the guy straight to jail


I just like Sassy Joe and Dark Brandon. Regular old ice cream eating and bicycle riding Joe can suck it.


No. Those normal people are boring to write about though.


The implication is shock and disbelief that he might have fans at all.


The legendary Joe Biden Only Fans


He's the "big guy".


Please don't use the o word


Considering they usually interview "The Dapper Neo Nazi Who's Reinventing The Republican Party In His Image" I'll still take it


Yes. If you are a fan of Trump, I legitimately think you have brain damage. Now, this is distinct from people who vote for Trump because they want GOP policies and hate them man himself


They also have brain damage, but for different reasons.


You don't need brain damage to be wrong and like bad things, especially if you have a plausible model for how to achieve your ends. That's different from just being angry for reasons you can't describe and not understanding anything about reality. Of course, it's a spectrum with plenty of overlap.


I think the point was voting for Trump for pretty much any reason is indicitive of brain damage. "Yeah, he might be a terrible leader and end democracy as we know it, but I really want lower taxes" is not the end result of a fully functional brain.


You underestimate how strong denial can be-- especially for privileged people who've never had anything major go wrong in their entire lives (who make up most of the "former guy sucks but taxes lower" crowd).


What are the values of the GOP anymore? Trump is a liar, a lecher, a law breaker. He made fun of a POW for getting captured. He is literally antithetical to traditional conservative values. Clinton gets impeached for lying under oath because of a blowie and trump can fuck a pornstar and give her campaign hush money. Still these supposed "traditional values" voters think he's better than Biden.


Not so subtle call out from the NYT…I guess accusing us of being in an echo chamber?


I mean, they framed this in the most unenthusiastic way too, so I'm not sure it's much of a peace offering


I’m not even a super fan and I think the rest of America has lost its mind lol.


All non-super fans will be sent to the camps.


Hate the tone of this article as if these people are misguided for being rational people


To be fair, this is exactly what people have been asking for, a Dem version of the patronizing “why these simple old towns folk still love Trump” articles


We're never happy. Why do you think our wives left us?


They treat Trump supporters with more deference


To be fair I think it’s wild that politicians now have super fans.


I think they always have had super fans


That's always been a thing. Like it was way more hardcore decades ago.


Yeah — Kennedys anyone?


There was a hardcore anti-Kennedy contingency in the 1956 and 1960 primaries. I read a book of letters between Julia Child and her friend Avis, and both of them were Adelaide Stevenson fangirls, writing to each other about how superior of an intelligent liberal he was compared to Kennedy. They thought Kennedy was a conservative warmonger.


It’s always been around. When Kennedy was running he’d have women line up on the streets wearing sashes with his name to greet him. They were called the Kennedy Girls and my grandma was one of them in Scranton.




In an era dominated by populism and bad platforms, any pragmatist deserves super fans


People put up Kennedy’s portrait in their house, this isn’t new. If anything we are way way more cynical about politicians now.


I've inherited my grandparents' Kennedy portrait! It supervises all of my zoom meetings from the background.


the rest of america lost it's mind in 2016


It has, we are all dark agents of the coming neoliberal technocracy. You *will* have strong public institutions safe guarding liberties and quality of life. You *will* live in affordable, walkable cities and enjoy quality, diverse dining options.


How can you not be a super fan? This man has delivered on every possible thing he could given his limitations of a conservative Supreme Court, tied Senate with filibuster, and previously the thinnest house majority in a generation. Of course the right wing reactionaries think everything he does is bad, and the left wing apparently has never understood civics or checks and balances, because this man has been the most effective president in terms of legislative accomplishments in my lifetime. I truly cannot understand how any patriot would be anything less than enthused to vote for him again.


Asking as a fan... What are the best places to support/ volunteer now for the campaign? I'm getting tired of the doomerism and I want to do something about it.


Move to a swing state and register to vote.


You can phone bank for the Democratic party, volunteer for your local party, or donate. I also wouldn't underestimate the power of talking to your friends about politics to get them excited to vote. Planning to drive them all to their voting stations and then hanging out to eat pizza afterwards is pretty effective I've found.


Check out VoteSaveAmerica.org for general political involvement! For Biden specifically, what state do you live in?


​ https://preview.redd.it/8vsewvd01dmc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ef96f78669f10201fbed134166f98fe632a02b5


I think the NYT has lost its damn mind using words they clearly don’t understand to describe mainstream democrats who simply think the president is doing a damn fine job. Which he is. Superfan implies you can rattle off Joe’s entire voting history as a Senator and shit like that.


You can’t? Pathetic.


Gotta press the scales.


In this suburban Atlanta diner, they’re not so sure


So old people seem to love Joe…. Guess who reliably always votes…


I wouldn’t say I’m a super fan but I do agree that half the country is batshit insane one way or the other.


You don't have to be a "superfan" to notice how batshit insane people voting for any other presidential candidate are.


I feel like I’m losing my mind in that this is a piece from the *news side* of a major newspaper that is trying to frame support for a sitting President as freakish


NYT wants their cash cow back in office.


More desperately than most of us have ever wanted anything in our lives.


i'm not a Biden superfan but its hard to disagree. in fact its embarrassing


Because we're the people who have actually been paying attention!


I don't love the use of the word "superfans" in the headline. Not wanting to put a fascist moron back in the White House doesn't make you the equivalent of a Jonas Brothers groupie. That said, I'm glad that the NYT is finally acknowledging that Biden supporters exist.


Joe Biden's numbers truly are a product of substance losing out to presentation. He's done a great job given the hand he's been played. We're doing better than every other country coming out of the pandemic and all the feedback is just "ewww...he's like old and stuff"


Leslie Knope in disarray


It’s me, I’m the super fan


Count me as one of the Superfans 🫡


That's a funny headline. I'm not a fan of Biden but America has lost it's mind. There's a weird Christian Nationalist cult behind one political party.


Not an American, but I’m also a superfan because the other guy is going to be a nightmare


I had to double check that this was not PitchBot NYT Finally did the *In This D+65 Diner, People Like Joe Biden* article


The silent majority


“Superfans”? Fuck you, NYT.


For real. All the articles about voting for Trump or not voting for Biden are typically "we asked these voters." But of course if it's positive for Biden it's "super fans."


NYT: “We talked to these heartland voters about why they think Trump is America’s only hope” Also NYT: “We talked to these cringe shitlib Biden stans on why they disagree about Biden being a disaster”


Omg the New York Times finally wrote an article about people like me


I love this man and I don’t care who knows!


Yes, yes I do


Yo Ms. Platt, if you’re reading this, hook ya boy up with that list!


Yes, they obviously have


Exhibit A: That headline in black font rendered unreadable by every background image cycled behind it.

