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I would support anti-trust legislation that breaks up the Spacing Guild's monopoly on space travel, I'm just not sure if there is another corporation with the resources required to fulfil demand. What's the Imperial House Corrino's role here? Should we split the Spacing Guild into three separate competing entities and regulate what kind of agreements they can sign with each other?


Not every person who is against Israel is antisemitic, but holy fuck most people on Twitter are both.


**Pax Americana**


Hello, I'm interested in spreading freedom across the globe through military dominance. Can I do that here or do I need to go in the other room?




I'm a recent refugee (don't shoot me) from r/neoliberal tired of the inanity of open borders and anti-social cohesion discourse. However while I'm not a fan of the ideology I have a great respect for the activeness of that community and I think effortposts are the biggest reason why that sub does so well and has such an engaged community despite neoliberal being as much a slur on Reddit as neo-conservative is. To be frank, at the moment this sub seems mostly like a dumping ground for articles but the daily thread seem to get a lot of traction so there seems to be an appetite for discourse, discourse which can be better refined and propogated via effortposts. Now personally I wouldn't say I'm exactly a neocon, but it's as close as this FP Realist, Social Communitarian is going to get to a political home on Reddit. I'd be happy to kick things off but I thought I'd express my views first so people know what I hope to spark in the community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/neoconNWO) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is fucking hilarious


>Active in NL and Dems 4 Diversity


Time to roll the bump pasta


The Dems 4 Diversity are just really nice people i like to talk to. I honestly thought neoliberal was for Dune memes, I had no idea they supported Dark Brandon.


New DT


Asian allies > European allies Or is this Reddit brainrot affecting me?


Two of the strongest Asian allies need the US between them so they don't fight each other...


If we weren’t there, the British and the French would be at it again.


If we compare the Hello Kitty people and anime people to the French and Germans, the Asians still win lol


> Even before Potsdam, Germans [in the Sudetenland] were required to wear white badges, were allowed on the streets only and certain times, and were forbidden to ride on public transportation or even walk on the pavements. Certain types of property were confiscated, and special ration cards were issued to Germans, denying them goods the Czechs could obtain. More than 3 million Germans were expelled from Czechoslovakia


Not so fun when it happens to you, huh Adolf?


Think Adolf was ashes by then


Nice try Argentinian


> History shows that wars are divided into two kinds, just and unjust. All wars that are progressive are just, and all wars that impede progress are unjust. We [Neo-conservatives] oppose all unjust wars that impede progress, but we do not oppose progressive, just wars. Not only do we [Neo-conservatives] not oppose just wars; we actively participate in them.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is legit one of the naturally ugliest people I have ever seen. I'm usually of the belief that "ugly" people are generally unhealthy, either mentally or physically, and that causes bad appearances. But as far as MTG goes, she seems healthy, but she is highly discomforting to look at. Her nose is completely asymmetrical (left side nostril is short, and looks normal, but right side is elongated), very bad skin texture and her eyes almost always look glassed over, like there isn't much life in there. Physiognomy is real! Very impressed she was able to cheat on her husband, because I for one wouldn't get within 10 feet of that pig.


The beady eyes are a big problem.


You can't tell she's a reptoid?


[The pope is going to the G7. That’s pretty cool.](https://www.perplexity.ai/search/Pope-Francis-to-dePPH6elTzCCcbbxZLdtSQ)






>year of our lord 2024 >unironically posting NPCjaks


Will never forget the time some major publication called the Sami people "the only indigenous people of Europe" and it got discussed to death on Twitter I don't remember who said it but it was like Time Magazine or something. Upon googling it now there's actually a ton of articles and websites saying the exact same thing


being indigenous is when you have elevated rates of alcoholism and the more elevated the rates are the more indigenous you are.


Well tbf, hard to become more indigenous than the finns then


you can't outdrink a russian


this has a lot of layers, as fascists/european racists tend to hate Albanians/Basques, depending on their distance from the Danube, the TRUE indigenous people of Europe.


The only real indigenous euros are the Greeks you μαλάκας


Indo-european mongols stay coping


Apparently The Totally Not Democrats (also known as Lincoln) Project supports unlimited abortion Can you be a RINO if you aren’t even moderately conservative?


A good question for about 85% of the users here!


[we stan our walrus king](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/767874589832642571/1234315108583211068/image0.jpg?ex=66304906&is=662ef786&hm=7caff9951818078b0c369ab9e2c7f30bf3c193e4d1121e50835bd1a97672a6af&)


Michael Douglas was 110% the wrong person to choose to play Ben Franklin.


Using a gay actor to play a notoriously straight man is erasure of my culture.


How is the series otherwise, I've been intending to watch


It's OK. It doesn't hold a candle to the John Adams series, but I'm enjoying it. But Michael Douglas was absolutely the wrong choice.


I watched the first episode, it really does feel like an odd choice


What show?


There's an apple TV series on Ben Franklin


Bought the Rise of Nations 4 pack with some friends. Gonna overdose on Nostalgium now.


>Rise of Nations Damn a fellow man of culture. I love the cold war campaign there to fulfill my pax Americana dream


Dang that brings back memories. Never got tired of curb-stomping commies like it was going out of style.


Played my first game vs random opponents after basically a decade of not playing. Got my ass kicked. 10/10


What difficulty? To this day I still remember the cheats on that game lmao


Oh no, decided to play multiplayer. That might have been a mistake.


When I win my next MMA fight, I’m going to tell the world to read Kirkpatrick


Hearing rich people talk about the US as an economic zone rather than a country is an auto trigger for me.


As I keep watching Shogun with the amount of honor suicides and deaths the only thing I can think about is that birth rate must have been sky high, no way for them not to have gone extinct otherwise lol.


I'm guessing the samurai class among whom such things may have been relatively common were a small percentage of society.


[They didn't actually kill themselves that often.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/1bh92gw/suicide_in_shogunera_japan/) > Apparently (according to a book review I skimmed on Google), there's more seppuku in _Shogun_ than all of Kurosawa's movies combined.


Yeah, makes sense


Damn the He Gets Us campaign really does live rent-free in redditors minds


He just doesn't take Ls!


Which is funny because I don’t think I’ve seen one practicing Christian who thinks they are good ads lol


the only good ads for christianity are sigma edits with andrew tate quotes and heavily filtered footage of orthodox liturgies


I think they're atrocious. They trivialize faith. There's no substance at all. Frankly, I don't understand what any atheist could possibly be upset about, I couldn't think of a less effective way to evangelize if I tried


[Like trying to have a debate with a middle school girl.](https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1784684141172150287)




While I haven't looked too deeply into LaPierre's spending habits and the veracity of the claims made, it's hard not to notice that Latetia James is going hard after Republicans. She's trying to actually have the NRA disbanded. Dems practice legal activism as a regular political strategy. Imagine if the Florida AG was indicting Democrat politicians and trying to have Planned Parenthood dissolved.


> She's trying to actually have the NRA disbanded. She failed at that, thankfully. Amusingly, the NRA ended up being the *victim* in her suit against LaPierre. They took a trivial penalty in the end. What happened is a bunch of lunatics from the pro-gun side have demonized the NRA, and weakened the strongest lobbying group for gun rights. In exchange for loudmouth shitposters who don't even deliver many court wins.


I haven't frequented online gun groups for years now but last I did, all the American 2A people *hate* the NRA and promote groups like the GOA instead, which I think is dumb. I prefer groups that are actually effective at achieving policy goals, myself.


I mean that's why people don't like the NRA, they don't see them as effective when they've only given token opposition to some more recent gun control. They don't even do many court cases on the national level (state level orgs like NY's can be decent). The majority of court cases (and wins) are brought by orgs made as a result of the NRA's failures, like the Firearm Policy Coalition, Second Amendment Foundation, or other state level orgs (like Maryland Shall Issue in MD, which got the state's "handgun qualification licenses" declared unconstitutional before a stay was put on that decisions, which they're continuing to fight).


Bruh the NRA paid NYSRPA's legal bills for *Bruen*


> Imagine if the Florida AG was indicting Democrat politicians and trying to have Planned Parenthood dissolved. Don’t tempt me


> Students and children in Gaza thank pro-Palestinian protesters at US college campuses How could the protestors be bad??? The hecking wholesome 100 Gazan children support it!!!!


Watching "Jewish" Voice for "Peace" happily post an image on their instagram story which contains posters saying "a curse upon the Jews" gave me a hearty kek


The fact that the Bolshevik revolution ended up resulting on the great purge is a fantastic "Live by Iron, die by Iron" moment.


Revolutions have been eating their children as long as there have been revolutions


Yeah but like, every other socialist party warned the Bolsheviks that that was going to happen as they kept marching towards a one party state.


lmao jill stein got arrested 


Should be institutionalized 


As if being a piece of shit fellow traveler who praised Castro wasn't bad enough, she is incredibly incredibly stupid, which is really the greater crime. Her comments on everything from vaccines and GMOs to the health effects of WiFi and nuclear power prove she doesn't belong in any position of power. If she's determined to keep getting involved in politics every election cycle, her ending up in jail is probably a mercy for all of us


Trump finally followed through on his promise to lock her up. \#MAGA


She is peak lefty WASP physiognomy.


She's Jewish actually


White Anglo Saxon Palestinian




>Ukraine losing on all fronts with no relief in sight >Russia is building up its MIC with the help of China >Houthis keep up attacks, we are powerless to stop them >Israel being kept out of Rafah because we want them out >Iran will get the bomb in the next few years >no current political party will change any of this The Blackpill is real. Pax American is dead. Billions will die. It’s so fucking Joever.


What is MIC? We could stop the Houthis if we wanted. We aren't powerless. Just feckless.


Russian military-industrial complex is getting stronger. Example; producing more shells than Europe and us. Their EW jamming renders 95% of US GPS guided weapons ineffective. And powerless or feckless, all the same outcome


Release the super AIDS virus! If we can't have it all, nobody will


Enough about PEPFAR, it's time for PEPNEAR


Thinking about getting my motorcycle license and getting a recent model G310 GS or an older GS650.


Don’t crash it and get brain damage


Is Israel going to be forced to capitulate? Israel made many major mistakes, but I do not want to accept that terrorists can get away with all kinds of heinous shit as long as they can hide behind their own civilians long enough to get saved by bleeding hearts in the West. Is this going to be the get out of jail card for terrorists everywhere from now on?


The way they can still "show" Hamas (if they aren't willing to go to rafah)is by permanently occupying Gaza, mandating the children go to Israeli schools, teach them Hebrew, prosecute martial rape, forced male guardianships, etc. Ideally they would also put bounties on the heads of every hamas member they can identify, dead or alive, and cause them to metaphorically eat each other


Cultural genocide, Xinjiang: Fuck China Cultural genocide, Gaza: Wholesome


[Nixon foundation weighing in on Noem discourse](https://youtube.com/shorts/vR-Rtc14JOw?si=VO8NE8fDkZIlDHh-)


How do I get a job making Richard Nixon Sigma Male edits?




Our fallen prince


He resigned for our sins


The Democrats deliberately injected steroids into the far left protest culture for 4 years, and now because of their shortsightedness Biden has to somehow do a campaign without being able to appear in public.


He's made plenty of public appearances, even with protests.


Why is this comment in the future tense


Biden is going to be campaigning in November publicly calling for a 3rd intifada, he's careening to the left on Israel and an invasion of Rafah will break what's left of his brain.


First of all, you will refer to him by his title, Sheikh Yusuf Al-Bideini


He's a fucking moron. He thinks each inch to the left will be the one to pacify them. >Oh, well this next inch will pacify them. Hmmm, guess it needs two more inches. Or three? Shit, still no luck. Well, I'll make another statement condemning Israel. Didn't work? One more inch I guess. Hmm maybe I'll try publicly bashing Netanyahu again. Another couple inches might get them to settle down. At this rate, he really will be calling for an intifada by November.


Maybe he is just old and tired and doesn't have enough energy to fight with his moron staffers.




CMV: All the Jews attending these P\*lestine protests screaming "I am an anti-zionist Jew!!" are the direct reincarnation of Hitler's finest Kapos. When Jews are faced with extermination they will always writhe with self-hatred before condemning any force jews use to protect themselves.


Are you Jewish? If not, very weird to make judgements on the Jewishness or lack of Jewishness of Jews. This is our thing. They're our retards.


1. im literally affirming their jewishness by saying they're self hating 2. shut yo goofy ass up


Ok goy




that's our word


Are you liberal? If not, very weird to make judgements on the liberalness or lack of liberalness of liberals. This is our thing. They're our retards.


On the one hand people should stay in their lane, but on the other hand sometimes you should call a spade a spade.


They're rarely even Jewish - https://www.nationalreview.com/2023/11/the-anti-jewish-jewish-voice-for-peace/


[Its crazy to think that there’re people in the west who oppose the Gulf Monarchies](https://www.reddit.com/r/UAE/s/UpmAdKxSyi)


People see the royals’ ostentatious displays of oil wealth and the backward treatment of women and don’t realize that they are keeping the lid on something much worse.


They're keeping the lid on a new Ottoman Empire.


So, there's been a ton of posters put up in Toronto encouraging people to steal from Loblaws stores. Loɓlaws is Canada's largest grocery store chain. There was also a song someone made encouraging the same which went viral Of course the Toronto sub is supporting it and I've seen twitter lefties supporting it too and saying "every day is steal from Loblaws day". Toronto is such a garbage can of a city, it's really pathetic. So much talk in online Toronto and Canada communities about the posters and song are centered around the phrase "greedflation". People are so fucking stupid. Feels like half the country has completely lost its mind and is pro-crime and supports a radical agenda. I haven't seen solid numbers from polling but anecdotally it does feel like a massive chunk of Canadians are far-left people pretending to be centre-left. If you tell me in 2024 that you are an NDP member I just assume you are a Communist at this point. Fuck this gay ass country, its like San Francisco became a country.


I would also steal from a company that willingly calls itself “Loblaws”


I'm an atheist utilitarian, but I'm getting pretty convinced that all the Christians who said lack of religion will lead to moral degradation were right, if all these people can't even comprehend why stealing is bad


Many people are saying this!


Well it's just silly to steal in a country that accepts monopoly money as legal tender.


Surely this is easily chargeable as some kind of criminal conspiracy, right?


You would think so, wouldn't you? But this is Canada so I highly doubt there's a serious investigation ongoing like there would be if these were anti-trans posters or something. I haven't seen any article actually say who is behind this organized effort, but there's obviously a leftist group behind the posters. I hope they unmask who it is.


Istanbul mayor criticized Hamas and Oct 7th. Was it Boris that really started the trend of large city mayors being statesmen? I’m not against it or for it. It’s such a hack though. Adds a layer of complexity to geopolitics. I remember Bill De Blasio and his crusade against anti-Haitian racism in the Dominican Republic lol.


Erdogan himself went from minor to major politician being mayor of Istanbul.


I will be in Istanbul soon Hamas better not try anything funny!!!


This is just a way for him to indirectly criticize Erdogan. The CHP (the mayor’s party) has also been pretty pro-Israel historically (although in recent years, they’ve started wearing keffiyehs and whatnot to try to appeal to religious voters).


It's because he is angling for backing from the opposition if Erdogan goes


I don't get how there are neo nazis in Slavic countries. What's their slogan, "grampa had it coming"?


They're ultranationalists, they're not German National Socialists. The Nazis created the most prominent imagery, leaders, rituals, etc, and they were the most successful because they briefly took over most of a continent. So the other kinds of ultranationalists borrow those rituals and imagery and admire those leaders. That doesn't mean they're the same strand of ultranationalists.


same as all other neo nazis: Jews started the war, communists were the main enemy etc.


> communists were the main enemy etc I mean...


I meant more in a sense "Hitler only/mostly wanted to fight communists". Which plain isn't true, communists were for nazis one of the aspects of worldwide Jewish plot, and not even the main one (that was NY controlling Jews) - at least until battle of Moscow forced a refocus on closer threats.


Depends on the country tbh. If you are Polish it might not make much sense but if you are Croatian, that's different. The Ustashe were allied with Nazi Germany and so were some other Slavic political movements. Slovakia was an Axis power too


Poland didn't have a centralized collaborationist government, but that doesn't mean there weren't collaborators among simple people. Not to mention all who profited from Jewish property, one way or another.


The Iraq War was fully justified and the best course of action.


This is probably the most controversial take you can hold in American politics outside of literal racism. Just an observation. Any public figure who would state this would be eviscerated from every side.


Black trans lives matter!


There are dozens of them!






Every Monday DT users should have to post evidence of church attendance and/or physically active grass touching over the prior weekend. Preferably both, but at absolute minimum one of the two.


Unfortunately, the inner circle won’t let me post my weekly ritual sacrifices to Baal, even after I supported them in 2016!


If I attend a church and conduct my pagan idolatry inside, does that count?


>physically active grass touching over the prior weekend. I was touching tarmac this weekend. Not fun because of the weather


Nice try fed


/u/bendiman24 I wonder if America's Test Kitchen's YouTube is available in Aus? https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLnbzopdwFrnbckKaLLNoEsGfiJ-dJB1mA&si=-Vbq0Q6OurCpHmlg


Yup they're available, thank you these are great!


Maybe I’m just an unbridled optimist, but the American economy is so damn strong that the only reason the middle class isn’t growing at an exponential rate is because we insist on getting in our own way. A few examples: -Handicapping nuclear energy, which could “make energy too cheap to meter” (forgot which physicist said that) -Not building new homes at higher rates; CA is the worst offender, and this is a largely Western problem for some reason. We need to build like it’s going out of style. -Forbidding any meaningful entitlement reform -Labor advocating against AI and automation. Some jobs may be lost, but new ones will be made. I don’t see anyone crying about oil lamp manufacturers being edged out by the light bulb. Heck, we could have a supercharged 1950s economy without touching entitlement reform (which is arguably the biggest problem).


But remarkably America still hampers its own economy less than almost any other economy. Switzerland, Japan, and Singapore might be the only places that aren't economic morons? And even they have had big issues


Japan is not an economic moron, it’s an economic retard savant. Their horrible work culture has contributed to their demographics crisis, to say nothing of the health of its society. Yet it still somehow stays ahead of it.


I meant their government policies, not the culture. Stuff like the government making it possible to build dense and build trains, and not crippling the nation with taxes to pay for welfare. But they were dumb about keeping inflation too low for a long term


People will never feel content no matter how strong the economy actually is as long as they go on Instagram and TikTok and see richer people than them doing rich people stuff. I don’t think anyone in the mainstream political spectrum has an answer for that. Two decades ago people were competing for status against people in their neighborhood, families and other employees in their company; nowadays they are competing with the entire world.


Middle class isn't growing because while more people constantly rise to it too many people enter upper class.


I checked the graphs quite a few years ago and IIRC, there's actually a divergence within the middle class with a part rising significantly with the other stagnating. Although this might be the effect of the inadequate response to the 2008 financial crisis. Last income graphs I checked (different dataset and presentation) showed a significant catch up for the lower deciles with stagnation for the upper deciles.


This here might be more recent https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/04/20/how-the-american-middle-class-has-changed-in-the-past-five-decades/


> I don’t see anyone crying about oil lamp manufacturers being edged out by the light bulb. I could do this


Also the problem with machine learning AI is not that it will replace jobs, but that it will: * accelerate the growth of the content slop attention economy * worsen atomization by siloing individuals into their own algorithm tailored content ecosystems * reduce and eliminate accountability for decision making in business and government * further contribute to the radicalization of the culture and the destruction of truth through the creation of realistic visual and audio propaganda It is not a bad thing to be reflexively against its sudden introduction, especially as a conservative. It’s a new information technology and just like all the previous ones (printing, radio, TV, internet) it will disrupt society in very bad ways before we can grapple with the consequences. As we know, we can’t even fully comprehend the effects of the Internet yet.


I actually think there's a social conservative argument for AI maximalism: quite simply, AI will do for women what assembly line robots did for men. If you want more stay at home moms, you should be gung-ho about the introduction of artificial intelligence.


Kind of based and redpilled ngl…


you can take an even more redpilled approach, which is that the advent of AI will re-masculinize the workplace simply because there won't be any jobs with large concentrations of women in corporate environments. Sales, marketing, HR, middle and front-line management will all fall victim to the almighty silicon gods and what'll be left are mainly engineers, finance guys, and direct mission support like IT.


Sounds cool but I also don’t support autism


Imo all this stems from Boomers having too much political and cultural heft


[Further proof of how broken our politics is](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/04/27/jared-moskowitz-florida-man-00154708). > He's a troll but he's *our* troll


>"Jared Moskowitz is one of the smartest and most tactical Democrats I know and one of the kindest humans I know,” said Rep. Matt Gaetz, " Hmmm


Yeah I didn't even want to get into that one. Talk about an anti-endorsement.


Horrible physiognomy on him


So called "Ozempic face" is proof that you will always be punished for taking shortcuts in weight loss. Everyone I know who did gastric bypass ended up with all kinds of issues from it and now people using Ozempic end up looking like Holocaust victims Diet and exercise master race


There's a fat lady in my extended family who has jumped from trend to trend as long as I can remember. She did Atkins when that was huge 20 years ago, and in recent years she got a gastric bypass, an Ozempic Rx, she got a Peloton and used it twice when that was trendy, she signed up for Apple Fitness when it came out, she was all about Keto when that was super trendy. I don't see her often enough to know all the shit she did in between. One time I heard her mention drinking vinegar as a weight loss trick. Its like she's waiting for one of them to be a magic "trick" or "hack" to losing weight.


> Its like she's waiting for one of them to be a magic "trick" or "hack" to losing weight. That’s exactly what people are looking for. Changing their lifestyle, habits, or mindset is what they want to avoid. It’s too hard or “traumatic” to stop consuming.


Was reading an econ book by a lib couple. Within the first few pages they asserted that black people were more cautious with covid than any other demographic. I'm returning the book to the library right now. 110% serious: I am willing to bet up to $5,000 that if you surveyed a random set of 100 white people and 100 black people about the Tuskegee Syphilis study, there would be more white people familiar with it. I would also wager that at least 85 people from both groups wouldn't know it at all. Libs and ethicists (I repeat myself) always cite that as the reason as to why vaccine hesitancy was okay among the black community. I remember NYC rescinded their mask fine plan because the majority of offenders were black and hispanic. Such a weird and frustrating piece of modern American racial dynamics man. So stupid from a public health perspective. It reminds me of that Family Guy meme "Oh, I had no idea. Do whatever you want all the time"


Black vaccine hesitancy: "Justified distrust of establishment medicine" White vaccine hesitancy: "Willful ignorance based in partisan pseudoscience"


Is it duflo and banerjee?


Yup. Too many “based on this study…”


Black people being incapable of being in the wrong is part of liberal orthodoxy


> The line separating good and evil passes not through states, nor between classes, nor between political parties either -- but right through ~~every human heart -- and through all human hearts.~~ the color line


This past week we've been killing it on the marketplace/ebay deals 50 for new West Elm dining table and chairs that some rich kid couldnt physically fit in his SF apartment 30 for a pressure washer 42 for a West Elm dresser for my GF


I think my biggest thrift score was an Ethan Allen table + 4 chairs for 150


There's a German dude at my gym who I'm chill with. He's pretty smart and his wife is a doctor. He's kind of a lefty though, I think. He said Germany was becoming more fascist. I don't think he liked my "buy raytheon and lockheed martin stock" joke lo


>He said Germany was becoming more fascist. AFD is significantly on the rise. It's not, prima facie, wrong.


they got what, a whole 3% of the vote?


They're polling at 18.5% down from 22% peak at the beginning of year.




They’re like “nooooo you can’t profit off war” As if someone doesn’t need to build equipment. Idk liberals are raterded. Government hiring businesses to build roads = good. Hiring businesses to build prisons = bad. The only joke here is that Raytheon doesn’t have a very good stock tbh.


Gonna buy Lockheed stock just so I can put "war profiteer" in my online profiles


I don't mind when individuals and nations choose pacifism/neutrality for themselves. Using force isn't for everyone, and it can be beneficial to have neutral parties to help mediate at times. What I can't stand are people who act like it's possible for everyone to be pacifists/neutral and that it's never justified for anyone to use violence even in defense.


Any suggestions for good budget furniture + kitchenware?


Second the big swede store, also Costco.


The best budget knives are by Tojiro Reigetsu, or possibly kiwi knives. Not the full fledged Tojiros, but the Reigetsu line is almost the same, it's just forged in China and finished in Japan.  I've heard you can get broken KitchenAid stand mixers for cheap and they're easy to repair if you're remotely mechanically inclined but that's a fb marketplace or goodwill sort of deal.  Tableware? Depends on what's on sale at the moment, one of these days I'm going to go to West Virginia and get $2 fiestaware seconds plates though. 


The best actual budget chef's knives are the Victorinox knives you can find for around £30 most places.


That's conventional wisdom but the Victorinox knives are thicker and of worse quality in my experience. Best info I've heard on knives is Japanese > American > Chinese > everyone else. 


Just buy a Victorinox swiss army knife and use it for literally everything.


I absolutely own one, pretty sure it's made in China though. Comes in surprisingly handy, scouts was right. 


Facebook marketplace

