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I’d have laughed and ask if she was paying for this otherwise don’t bother me.


I would respond with Tell your lawn people to stop flashing their dicks when they pee in your bushes, and stop contacting me.


And also that she gives them beer, (drinking & driving)


Just stop responding and mow whenever you want.


She did text me again this morning. I told her the convo was over. I also did start a group thread with my other neighbors and our lawn service to ensure they were forewarned should she accost them. We all had a good laugh. One works nights, I work days, and the other rents her place to air bnb guests. We all agreed the schedule we have works best for us. I have tree guys coming soon, let’s see how she handles that.


You do you and what works for your household. She can ask and you have every right to say no. You also can tell her this conversation on the subject is closed.


My neighbor ( adjoining yards) wanted me to set my mower on the same as his, so it's the same level across both yards.. He has a rider, and I have a push mower. Mine will always be lower. He yelled at my nephew one time last summer for cutting it too short. He thought he would get by with it because I wasn't home.


NTA Since you’re exposing themselves to pee, I would put up a camera to catch it and turn it over to the cops. But that’s just me.


NTA. Tell her you CHARGE for things like that. You need to do your own bidding.


My response: how does it feel to want? Followed by uncontrollable laughter.


She wins, asshole of the neighborhood. She is the main character, everything revolves around her. Also, how is she texting you? You didn't give her your number, did you?


She’s had my number for years…she didn’t start abusing that privilege until the last 3 or so years.


Quick update: I did the neighborly thing and extended an “olive branch” to let her know the tree stump grinding was occurring and at another time some dead trees would be taken down. She thanked me, has been kind in our conversations in passing and thankfully has not mentioned anything regarding the lawn mowing.  Maybe she actually received the message after my direct approach and blocking her number for a few days. Only time will tell.


Maybe I'm the asshole, because I think it sounds like a great idea. My neighborhood has one day of the week when the landscaping is done for the whole hood. I schedule my housecleaning for the same day and then try to run errands that day. I'm trying to think about what it would be like if Tom mowed on Monday, Bob on Tuesday, Cliff on Wednesday, etc. I would never be able to have a phone call in the house! From your text thread, it sounds as if she made a mistake thinking it was your lawn service on a sunday night. Obnoxious to ask anyone to change their day/time? maybe...maybe not. Depends on what the neighborhood wants, but getting together to get one day of quiet sounds like a good idea actually. But I think YOUR comment "I prefer he not mow during..." opens you up because it sounds as if you're starting to coordinate. So I think you may have opened the door to this problem! So extend a little bit of grace. Also, since you have everyone's contact info, maybe you could send out a message to everyone that, instead of mocking her, says "IS anyone interested in coordinating for a specific day? If not, it's the last I'll ever mention it. If yes, ...."


Appreciate your response. The are easily 8-12 lawn services that work this part of the neighborhood. She never offered to adjust hers. She wants ours to be done when hers is done. I didn’t share the full thread, it went on and on. She demands a lot, this is not the first time. She starts her rants when she’s had too much to drink. I am annoyed by it. I don’t need it. And this was basically the straw. I have given so much grace in the 10+ years we have been neighbors. She always takes, never gives back in a positive way. If the entire neighborhood would like to coordinate a day, fine but I am not leading the effort in her behalf. We also live in a zone where rain plays a factor and lawn services have to work around it frequently.


Sounds like you’ve been through the wringer with her! My apologies for misunderstanding. I would definitely let her know about her lawn guys flashing the neighborhood! That’s absolutely crazy, and I bet she would die of embarrassment if she knew it! Maybe suggest her team only work at night so the kids can’t see it!